Pleasance - I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your pet

I am so attached to my dog, I couldn't imagine my life without her. I know now everyone is as attached to their animals, but I know most are and their loss leaves a little whole in our hearts. Sorry also about AF, on to another cycle and another opportunity for a BFP!
Belle - I admire that you've been able to take some time to really think about the childfree life. There are definitely benefits to it! Our circle of friends is pretty much 50/50 now kids or no kids. I don't envy my friends with toddlers who are always sick, getting up in the middle of the night, cost of daycare and all that fun stuff. And I know they are jealous of my concerts a few times a month, and when they call me at 10am on Sat after they've been up since 6am and I'm just rolling out of bed. Sometimes I wonder if playing with my friends kids will be enough, but then I realize they won't take care of me when I'm old, lol! That was actually one of my moment in my late 20s when I was still single and had started to come to terms with not getting married and having a family. I was working a disability claim for a women who had had a stroke and her co-worker was calling in on her case. I asked if she had family to help her through the process and she said she just had a niece and nephew but there were several hours away. I suddenly was terrified that my only emergency contact would be a coworker! I suppose I'd have to rely on my sister's kids since DH and I are both the youngest in our families in theory we'll be in better health longer than our siblings. Kind of a silly reason to have kids, but realistic. I just also don't know if I will every loose that longing when i see a new little baby
As for the femara, I haven't had any issues with my lining being any thinner while on femara. My lining CD10 before trigger was I think 7.9mm. I asked if that was good and she said it was in range and I mentioned out my periods are still so light and she was kind of perplexed and didn't think it had anything to do with my lining. My own diagnostic mind wonders if that is where my endo is coming from, that my lining is fine, it is just shedding out the wrong end and going through the tubes instead of down with gravity...though my doctor shut that down when I mentioned it. It still seems possible to me since retrograde menstruation is thought to be a/the cause of endometriosis, and they can't give me any other explanation for a light period.
Wishn - have fun with BDing and I hope you have/had a good strong O with a healthy egg! I can't believe your sperm washing will cost so much! We pay $208 total for the IUI and sperm washing. I know the US$ and CA$ aren't equal, but not off by that much. If everything else is covered for you, you'll still pay less than me. Do you know what Ovidrel will cost you? If I paid cash I could get it at a couple specialty pharmacies for $99, but insurance is charged $167, up until Jan I had already met my deductible with my surgery so I only paid half of that, but with a new plan year in Jan I'm paying in full until I hit my deductible again and none of my IUI and scans go to my deductible since it is out of network. Ugh, healthcare. And, now we've got this new president coming in tomorrow...who knows what will happen with healthcare!
MN has one of those adoption sites, "Minnesota's Waiting Children." I've looked at it many times, I'm always so sad for these kids. Mostly teens or sibling groups of 3 or more, or disabled kids. There are so many challenges that can come with adoption, along with many blessings.
My weekly acupuncture was cancelled tomorrow. I knew it was a possibility this could happen as the acupuncturist's mother was on hospice care, she passed away today so I'm guessing it will be at least a week before I can get back to see her if not longer. I just hope that it doesn't make my body start over if it had made any progress with acupuncture. But, I know going in that this was a risk, so I'll have to run with it.
My TWW is going by quickly so far, school has been a great distraction. Between school and work I've been busy from about 8am to 9pm every day so I go go go then crash and get up and do it all over again. Thankfully my mom has stepped in and came over and cleaned my house yesterday

Have my progesterone lab test tomorrow, hoping it comes back better than it has, but have been doing my suppositories.