Sneaking back in...

So many things happening that any other month that I would think were pregnancy symptoms. Sore boobs, pelvic cramps, shortness of breath. All of this without the supplemental progesterone. Good to clear all that up, since I obviously never paid much attention before TTC.

How are you guys doing? Hope you've had a good weekend!
I've been MIA for awhile. Work has been super busy and I've also developed a truly awful cold... right during my most fertile time ugh. Thank goodness for softcups because I really and truly have no energy to BD (plus I'm rather disgusting right now lol). Had a positive OPK today so will probably O in 2 days time on CD 14.

MK did your DH end up passing his stone? Those TWW progesterone symptoms are awful. What are your plans for next cycle?

Wishn your tww must be coming up to an end soon? How have you been doing??
MK, I know what you mean. I am definitely hyper aware of my body ever since we started TTC. Although, I was on birth control right up until we started trying so I hadn't ovulated in decades and never had to contend with my own natural hormone levels fluctuating and the symptoms it causes. When does you DH go for surgery for the stone? This week?

Belle I'm sorry you're sick! That sucks, especially in the fertile week. When I'm sick and don't want to infect DH, I'm like, ok we can do it, but no kissing on the mouth. Haha like Pretty Woman. Hope you have a strong O and were able to get some sperm in whatever means necessary!

I'm around 12 dpo, so my wait will soon be over. Feeling a little crampy, a little bit of a breakout, so maybe it's a sign of AF. I'm ok either way...better start psyching myself up to do those injections. And hopefully the IUI will actually be a go for April!

I got some sad news this weekend. My brother's girlfriend had a miscarriage. They went for their 10 week ultrasound and there was no heartbeat. She had a d&c. I feel heartbroken for them...and also feel guilty about not being happy about their news in the first place. I'm trying to let go of that guilt and just be supportive now. Why does this all have to be so hard?
Wishn I am sorry about your brothers loss. That must hit really close to home for you. I felt guilty too when my friend thought she was losing her pregnancy. Like why couldn't I just be happy for her in the moment! Instead k basically told her not to talk to me about it because I'm infertile! Lol. That said I don't think we can help how we feel. You deserve a little slack.

Well I'm still hoping you'll end up with a bfp this cycle!! If not then you'll rock those injectibles!! You got this!

I'm having some pretty intense O pain tonight on the right side, so I think tomorrow will be O day!
Thanks Belle! Hope those pains are a sign you've grown one or two big beautiful eggs and will have a nice strong O! You didn't really get much O pain before femara did you?
I got O pains when I was taking Chinese herbs as well, but otherwise it's not something that I get on my own!
Wishn, sorry about your brother/gf miscarriage. So many emotions we go through, it just plain sucks.

Belle I hope you catch an egg this cycle! As always, rooting for you!

DH still hadn't passed his stone... Poor guy can't wait for this to be over. His 2nd surgery isn't scheduled until April 20, which means if he stays on all his meds until then that the SA won't be done until end of April (one of his meds causes retrograde ejaculation or something, so nothing is coming out).

We f/up with RE after that's done. So it's looking like probably June before we start IVF.

Wishn, are your cramps and breakout similar to other cycles? Could be BFP signs too! Though AF and BFP is all the same symptoms before AF so I've given up trying to differentiate! Hope you don't have to move on to the shots though.
MK, that's awful that your DH has to suffer with that stone for another 3 weeks! Sorry your IVF is delayed...waiting is never easy, especially when the thing you're waiting for is a big step.

The witch has arrived. I did not get pregnant before what would have been my due date (April 3). I will not be having a baby in 2017. And soooo I'm drinking and will be calling in my day 1 tomorrow to start my IUI cycle. Eek...this is happening!
Ugh, Wishn. Sorry you've hit those dates. When do you start meds?
MK sorry to hear IVF is delayed, but maybe it will be good to have some more time to wrap your head around the whole thing? I think we will likely start IUI the same month.

Wishn I'm also sorry about hitting those dates. If I get AF this cycle I will be the same as you, no baby for 2017. That said i am SUPER Excited that you are starting your IUI this cycle!! I really do think that IUI will work for you!! Do you know when you start your injections? you'll have to share all the gory details so that I can prepare myself mentally if I end up going down that route lol
CD1, cycle #28. Ready to take it easy and try naturally this cycle. Not counting us out quite yet for a 2017 baby, they come early sometimes. Based on my current LMP it'd be early January if I get a surprise BFP this month (definitely not counting on it though).

Found out my insurance doesn't cover the genetic screening the doc wants to do with ICSI which is the part I'm struggling with the most. Since it'll be about $2000 out of pocket, I think I'll get my way and do IVF the old fashioned way.

So my cousin whose baby shower I was debating about due to the unfairness of her getting pregnant...due date was June 1, her water broke this week and emergency c/s at 31 weeks. Baby is doing very well though, 3 lb 7 oz. Just another reminder for me that everyone has their struggles.
Oh my, sooo tiny. I hope all will go well for her and the baby. I think thats a fair way to look at it MK, everyone has their struggles. My husband tells me that all the time, "everyone has their bag of problems, I wouldn't trade ours for someone else's." I think there are worse things to happen to a person than living a childfree life (which we would if infertility treatment doesn't work for us).
Oh my yeah that would be pretty scary at 31 weeks. It does put things in perspective. Hope you have a relaxing natural cycle MK.

Good old fashioned IVF lol...sorry that made me giggle. I'm sure they will recommend ICSI with PGS for us if we do IVF, but I wouldn't really want to do it either. And it would cost us an extra $2000 for the ICSI and $2600 for PGS!

Belle are you feeling better? I hope your tww flies by!

I went and picked up my meds today! I start Sunday, continue until my ultrasound and blood work appt Friday morning. The pharmacist is great there, really no nonsense but somehow you get the feeling she really cares. She showed me how to use the pen and do the injections. Haha I had to practice injecting a hockey puck (how very Canadian!)
Thanks Wishn, cold seems to have resolved, thankfully! The TWW ways seems to fly by because I generally try to ignore it lol

That is soo terribly Canadian haha what meds are you taking? Super exciting that you start them tomorrow!! You got this!!
Belle, that's awesome that you can ignore your tww...I suck at it. Although this last cycle I did well, didn't go crazy those last couple days like I usually do.

I'm taking Gonal-F 62.5/day. Of course I'm googling like crazy, wondering if this is a low dose and if they're going to have to increase it on Friday or what. I also wonder if they chose that dose based on my age (old!), FSH (good) or AMH (low). Two out of three make it seem like I might need a higher dose to get a good response (age & AMH) but my FSH is pretty good for my age, like between 5 and 6. I guess time will tell!

What is everyone up to this weekend? We went skiing today, it was pretty slushy, so I think our ski season is pretty much over. Going to see Beauty & the Beast tonight!
Let me know how Beauty and the Beast is! I'm excited to see it, was one if my favorite Disney movies as a kid, pretty close tie between that and Little Mermaid.

Glad you Tww is going fast Belle. I agree definitely worse things than living childfree and I'm sure if any if us end up there, we'll have friends with kids who are envious of us. I know when my friend calls me at 9am and I'm still in bed, she's jealous having been up at 7am with her toddler and infant on a Saturday! Having pets helps 😊 DH and I had a blast playing hide the treat with the dog the other night, lol!

We're not doing much this weekend. I should be studying and getting ahead on school work, but it's absolutely gorgeous out 60F and sunny...I spent an hour or so outside cleaning up sticks (we've got like 5 40 year old trees in our backyard that lost a lot of branches over the winter) and a winter's worth of dog poop... neither of which are typically enjoyable activities, but the excuse to be out enjoying the spring weather was worth it! Tomorrow helping a friend with some wedding planning.
MK I've been wanting to do some yard work too! We aren't nearly that warm, only about 5C, but its sunny and nice weather this time of year for where we live lol Because we moved in November when there was lots of snow we couldn't really get a good look at the yard. Looks like the previous tenants didn't do any of the typical end of the year clean up so the yard is pretty gross. I want to get out there today and tidy it up!
Beauty and the Beast was good! Well, if you loved the Disney cartoon version you'd like this. My DH, on the other hand, did not love it lol. We sat down in the theatre and there were tons of kids and ALL the previews were for kids movies, and he was like, is this a kids movie? Anyway he can pick the next one!

It's beautiful and sunny here today too, well above zero anyway! We still have lots of snow in our backyard, so we can't do any spring cleanup until it's gone. It's small so not much to do. We went to an open house this afternoon in a really nice neighbourhood. Great 'family home' but way too big for just the two of us (4+3 bedrooms...geez). The backyard was beautiful, ravine lot overlooking woods and a creek, but not fenced so not very good for kids. Ugh I am so tired of living in limbo...I whole heartedly agree that you can make a great life with or without kids, but I just would love to have some clue of which way it's going to go.

I'm doing my first Gonal-f injection within the next hour...wish me luck!
Wishn I know what you mean about wanting to know what direction it was going to go in. We aren't looking to buy a house, but I have been considering switching jobs. The problem is that I would like to do a maternity leave where I am at in my current job. The work culture is supportive of mat leaves (female management, largely female staff) and I've already been there for some time so it wouldn't be a problem to take a mat leave either. I like my job, but I am underpaid by about 10,000 a year. I work in healthcare so I know what my position is worth. But it would be tough to switch jobs now and then have to explain time off for fertility treatments and then if I did get pregnant it would suck to take a mat leave so quickly into a new job. So I just feel stuck. I can't switch jobs yet and I can't seem to get pregnant either :/

I hope that you will get your answer soon Wishn... like this cycle!
MK, I'm dealing with the retrograde ejaculation that has become permanent. I know how stressful it is even ttc

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