Sneaking back in...

MK I'm really sorry for the always hurts, but it's still early so don't give up hope yet. I really hope that you were able to have fun last night anyway!

Belle that's good your clinic will do cycle monitoring if you do IUI...I think I would be really stressed out if they just said "call us when your OPK turns positive to book the IUI!" As nervous as I am to inject myself, I'm excited to find out how I respond to the drugs, how many follies I get, etc.

I'm into the last couple days of my wait but I won't test till 14 dpo (Wed). I've been feeling pretty nauseous the last couple days, but that's a pretty common PMS symptom for me.
Good for you for hanging on Wishn! I will keep my FX for you that you will somehow sneak a BFP in under the wire :)

I'm also curious to see how my body responds to the FE. I think I'd only like to do one cycle of monitored IUI just to make sure everything is working how it should. If all is well with lining and follicles then the next two IUIs we would just call with POS OPK. My cycles are so friggen regular anyway that I don't think it would stress me out. They could probably just decide to inseminate me on CD 12 or 13 without doing anything to check and it'd be fine lol

MK how did it go? I hope you had fun and didn't worry too much about things!

AFM I'm definitely in my fertile week. I'm having tons of ewcm, so its great to know the FE didn't effect that negatively at all! I think I'm on track for anther CD 13-14 O!
Thanks for the support ladies! We had a fun time, I enjoyed time with friends, tasted a few beers and don't feel like crap today like all of my friends👍

Fingers crossed for you this month Wishn though I know we've all become pretty pessimistic!

Belle have you started OPKs yet? Glad things seem to be right in track!
MK, I'm glad that you had a good time!

I decided to forgo OPKs this cycle on account of I hate them LOL. I'll just temp to confirm. DH and I decided we would BD (or use soft cups) every day from CD 10-13. So we should have our bases covered with that!

I've been chatting with others on here who have used femara who stated that their AF got heavier as a result! I really hope thats the case for me as it would indicate thicker lining! I'm seriously so excited to see what happens this cycle. I'm not hoping for a BFP. But I want to see what happens around O time and how heavy AF is. I'm hoping it'll do good things for me and at the very least that it will be helpful during the IUI cycles when/if it comes to that!
Mine periods have gotten a bit heavier and a day longer, not sure if it's the femara or acupunture. Hopefully you have positive effects with femara!
That's good to know MK! My AF got a bit heavier/longer with acupuncture too, so maybe it's a combo?

Well I got a significant temp rise this AM, but I'm not convinced that I have O'd already. My post O temps are usually above 36.8 and it's not unusual for me to get a rise followed by a little drop and then another rise again. If temp stays about the same or drops a little tomorrow I'll think that tomorrow is O day (as long as it's followed by a rise). Guess we will see what the next few days bring! We'll keep BDing!
Belle, how exciting, your first femara O is imminent! Maybe keep BDing an extra day or two just in case it's later than usual?

MK, I'm glad you had fun Saturday! There's something to be said for no hangover...they are definitely harder to deal with as you get older.

You know it really does feel like I'm trying to sneak a BFP in under the wire! Like I'm waiting for the governor to call and pardon me for my 'crime' of infertility. By the end of this week I will either have my BFP or be calling in my CD1. Both exciting, in different ways, but I'm feeling oddly calm about it. I called my insurance company to make sure the drugs are covered, and they are, 80%, no maximum!
Infertility really does feel like a "crime" sometimes ugh! lol None of us deserve this! Any positive signs Wishn? I hope you know I'm keeping my FX extra tight for you!

Thanks for the advice btw, we probably will keep BDing a little bit past just in case :) Well I think either today or tomorrow will be O day! Guess we'll see what tomorrow's temp brings!

MK how are things on your end?? I'm keeping my FX for you too!
Thanks for the fingers crossed, you'll have to keep them crossed for another month for me! BFN again yesterday, AF should be here tomorrow.

Good luck with O Belle! And Wishn, I hope AF stays away and you get a BFP so you don't have to use your insurance on the drugs!
I'm so sorry MK :hugs: When is your appt with the new doctor?

I'm on witch cramps or spotting but BFN yesterday and today. I am CD28, just guessing that I'm 14 dpo. :shrug: My last 3 cycles were 27, 29 and 32 days. I just want to know one way or the other if I will be calling the clinic to start my IUI cycle or confirm a pregnancy!
OH MK, I'm so sorry :( Those BFNs friggen hurt! I am happy that you will get to change clinics and perhaps try a different route this cycle! I did some reading on extended dose femara and IUI and it shows a pregnancy rate similar to IUI with gonadotropins. I know technically you have endo and aren't unexplained which is the population the article focuses on, BUT I don't see why the results would be markedly different for people with endo!

Heres the link to the article

You got a late BFP before Wishn so no signs of AF is a good sign, even if you are getting BFNs!

Well I'm CD 14 today and my cp is in full SHOW so I really don't think I've O'd yet. Today might be the day!
Woohoo for O day Belle! I hope femara is your magic bullet.

Well there will be no late BFP for me this spotting has started, so I'm sure it will be full flow by the morning. Which means I will be calling in my day 1 tomorrow!

So rather than comfort eating or drowning my sorrows like I usually do, this time I chose retail therapy to cheer myself up. No, I didn't buy designer clothes or jewellery or electronics. I bought a vacuum cleaner. Not just ANY vacuum cleaner, but an awesome and rather expensive dyson vacuum. I'm going to vacuum everything this weekend. The cats are going to be terrified. Oh I also discovered they sell ubiquinol and bee propolis at costco for a pretty good price. I think my credit card is going to get a serious workout this month!
Oh man wishn the second you said vacuum cleaner I immediately started fantasizing about owning a dyson haha I'd also LOVE one of their fans/space heaters. Good for you! Thats a very practical piece of retail therapy!! So sorry that it had to come with AF though. But looking forward, I'm really excited for you to start your IUI cycle! I have high hopes for you!
Got my temp rise! Looks like AF will be due March 15!
Hey look at you with your textbook perfect day 14 O! I hope your wait passes quickly and ends with a BFP! Big Femara Positive!

Well you girls aren't even going to believe this...after psyching myself up and finally feeling ready to do the IUI, we're not doing it in March! I called in my day 1 and left a message, but when they called me back, it was to tell me that the clinic had reached its maximum for funded IUI for this fiscal year, so if we wanted to proceed, we would have to pay out of pocket for this cycle, which would amount to $1700 on top of the the $850 sperm wash. The funding resets on April 1. So we're just going to wait till April. I can't bring myself to spend that kind of money on a 20% chance when we can wait one month and have it covered. We're so disappointed. More waiting...
Yea for O Belle! Hoping Femara made a super egg that was just calling those spermies!

What Wishn!?! Did you know this was a possibility? I totally don't understand Canadian healthcare (really I don't even understand the US either). I'm typically I'm supportive of our move to universal healthcare (which isn't on the table for the next 4 years) but do wonder when I see some stuff on here though I'm sure infertility is a whole different thing than other medical cares.

Yea for new vacuums! I always felt that this was a sign I'd gotten old when appliances became a topic of conversation, lol. I bought a Kirby about a month before our wedding 2 1/2 years ago. DH said I should have waited until after and used gift money. I told him then I would have had to ask him and he would never have agreed to a $2000 vacuum so I had to buy it with my money before we merged finances, lol! A great vacuum is so worth it, especially with pets.

12 hours until our RE appointment! I'm excited that it is working out that I'll be at the start of a cycle so hopefully we can jump right into any tests they want to do. (AF still hasnt started which is frustrating...head is killing me like it's here though!)
When we did the consent forms in Jan the doctor did warn us that they are only allocated a certain amount of funding for IUIs through the Ontario Fertility Program, so sometimes they run out near the end of fiscal. Every province is different, most don't cover any fertility treatments, although routine fertility testing and medically necessary surgery would be covered. I would say that fertility treatment is even less accessible (and more expensive) in Canada than it is in the US.

Good luck at your appt tomorrow MK! Is AF late?? Have you tested again? Ooooh maybe it's just a shy BFP!
Yes, fertility treatments are fairly well funded in Ontario and Quebec where there is a larger population. Where I live in Alberta there is no coverage aside from basic testing. So we're on our own.

Thanks Wishn, I had actually told my husband that I had a textbook perfect O day LOL. 2 cycles in a row I O'd on CD 14!! Maybe this will be my new normal!!

Yay MK so excited for your appointment! I'm still keeping my FX for you that AF won't show at all!!

Wishn so sorry to hear your IUI got delayed another month. Maybe its a sign!
Well AF started about 20 minutes after I posted last night. I didn't have any hopes that the witch wouldn't show, just frustrated it was late.

Heard what I expected today but it was hard. IVF is the only thing worth doing. I asked about injectable IUI and they said the increase in chances is so small it would likely just be a waste of time and money. I haven't had AMH tested yet, so we do that and repeat other tests including a baseline US, a hysteroscope and a repeat SA for DH. If everything looks good we go to IVF class and then get started as early as next month if we decide to move forward. I'd be on injectable meds through 6 weeks pregnant since you're basically forcing the pregnancy. If AMH comes back low we probably won't do it. She said if all is good our chances are 60-70%. We'll cap out at $4500 with insurance coverage which isn't too bad...but man without insurance this stuff would be expensive and wouldn't be an option for us! I don't want to do it, but I want a baby!
MK, I'm sorry your appt was tough. I know you have mixed feelings about IVF. I so want you to get your baby! Did she mean 60-70% chance per cycle? Wow, that seems like a really great success rate for IVF, much higher than I've seen. I would be pretty tempted to go to IVF sooner if I had a 2/3 chance. My clinic's success rate for women my age is only 40%.

AMH kind of confuses me. I have low AMH, but my FSH is 'excellent' and my AFC was average (14). So I wonder if that means I may respond well to ovarian stimulation even though my AMH suggested my ovarian reserve is low? I guess time will tell. The IUI with injectables will at least give them an idea of what kind of responder I am, and might help them to choose the right protocol for me if we end up doing IVF.

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