So I guess this is my first Nine Month Wait...

it has been quiet in here latelyhow areyou all doing

i have had a manic few weeks Lucie certainly keeps me busy but im loving it well firstly my computer broke and is still in the mendersbut going to phone them tomorrow and tell them not to worry as my car broke down and tuesday and has just cost me £282. ouch
I am still around just been tired, there's a big update in my journal had a bit of a worry over u/s from the other day. Otherwise just busy with clinical and school assingments, it's not going to get better from here on out.

Baby is putting my body through heck I am so sore and belly feels so big and full, can't wait to meet my special man!
not long now and hopefullyhe will come early for you i posted in your journal too try and get some rest the last few weeks can be really uncomfortable
I'm here too. Just been busy and trying to make it thru work each day. 12 hours is so long. I'm about done for after lunch. I wish I knew how long I'll be off after the baby comes cuz I'd take off work now.
Baby is good but I'm in a lot of pain and uncomfortable. Doc says my pubic bone is seperating and its causing me excruciating pain. Also baby has gotten bigger and is on my sciatic nerve all the time. Some days I can't even stand up straight.
Sorry to be a crybaby, just needed to vent.
Good news is today is my baby shower. Gotta get everyone around. See ya later.
I have been trying to rest but it has been hard. My bump has finally dropped so last night was my first night of having to get up to pee once or twice! I can't complain I made it past 38 weeks without a crazy bladder. Getting uncomfortable in the pelvic area for me now to and my hips. I can't wait for baby to come, I just need him to hang on till july 30th.

I have a hair apt tomorrow then prenatal on tuesday. I am interested to see if doc will say I have dropped even though I know I Have and to see if I am any further dilated.
west when i had Lucie they said not to expect to return to any kind or work for at least 12weeks how long did it take you before. Cant you cut your hrs a little

kelly have you a birthing ball they help and a warm bath the last few weeksare hard going

meldmac how you doing
I do have a ball I bought one a week ago and have been sitting on it lots. It also helps my hemorrhoid. I take warm baths to for my bum as well.

My friend had a c section and was back to normal a week later, like able to clean house and do her old things. Out here they recommend you take off 4-6 weeks before heading back to work. If i have a c section though I won't be able to do that cause of clinical but I will be informing my instructor so that they don't expect me to lift anything heavy and that way I can sit as much as needed.
hey girlies how are we all doing?

meldmac glad colin is ok after his ride with daddy and the chair!

kelly my haemorrhoid disappeared after i gave birth and was quite large befoe so hopefully it will go x

im doing well oliver is growing sooo fast though cant believe he will be 5 weeks old tomorrow :( its flying by! he now weighs 9.11lb!!

cant wait to hear about these new babies being born..hurry up!! xxx
Wannabe was your hemorrhoid an external one and did it bleed at all? (if you don't mind me asking)
Dmn - I felt pretty good after about a week with DD and DS's c-sections. Things like stairs and getting in and out of bed were still pretty sore, but other than that I was good. They say each c-section gets tougher though so we'll see. Around here its standard to get 6 weeks leave for vaginal delivery and 8 for c-sections. I'll take my 8 and then we'll see where things stand at that point as far as if I'll stay off the full 12. I could cut my hrs but that means I would use up my vacation/personal hrs I have saved up. Only 6 days left to work.
Kelly - My DS blessed me with a hemorrhoid and after I delivered it never quite went away. Some do and some don't I guess. Either way it sucks and now that baby has dropped it will probably get more painful. Sorry :(
Wannabe - There's days I want her to come right now but then I really want her to wait. We've setup daycare for the other 2 kids and DF has his work schedule arranged. Both grandmas also have arranged their work schedules too.
So my baby shower was great. The only thing that worries me is we don't have a car seat yet. I waited cuz DF's brother and sis bought the whole travel system we wanted, but due to car issues they couldn't make the trip from Chicago today. So now they will be shipping the stroller. I think I will go out tmw and buy just a carseat for DF's car so just in case baby arrives early. We were gonna buy one anyways but weren't in a big hurry until now.
Wow, long post huh?
kelly it was external but didnt bleed was very painful though i got some anusol which helped abit! then afer labour it just disappeared??

west could you buy a car seat and just save the reciept and return it when yours arrives?

ollie has been up since 4.30am yawn!! i fed him and he has been suffering with colic ever since not sure what to do when he gets like that ive tried infacol massage and the usual winding!

think most of it is up now he is just grunting rather than screaming xx
kelly i got a heamorroid and it bled which is really painful doctor gave me some stuff and said it can bepushed bk in but that did not appeal i still have it but not as big

wannabe have you tried gripe water if the infacol is not working

So glad to see you're all still here!

Wanna so sorry Ollie has colic!:hugs: Hope it gets better soon!

dmn hope your doing well!

Kelly sorry no advice on the roid issue.

West I get the whole taking time off as my back hurts and I just sit at my desk. ARGH

AFM just cruising along. I have another u/s tomorrow to see were I'm at 2 weeks ago baby measured 5lbs 13oz so looking at 9lbs at least EEEKKKKK!!
Csunshine whenever you call it a roid it makes me laugh cause i think of this wight lifting guy and steroids!

I have pushed mine back in, it seems smaller, it only bleeds a little bit when I have a BM but is painful. I am thinking it will go away, am asking doc about external cream like anusol tomorrow as the suppositories weren't really doing anything, it's outside anyway not inside, so we'll see. I'll give it time after birth to go away and if it doesn't I'll have it ligated and removed.

Well I've put off my 70 pages of reading long enough!
Csunshine - I sit at the desk for as long as I can then I waddle down the hall in misery. The girls have been great tho. They take charts and filing up and down for me. I just have to endure the "What are you gonna sit here all day?" jokes. The hallway gets longer and longer each day.
Wannabe - My DS had colic, but it was 24-7 until he finally calmed down at 10 MONTHS!!! I feel for you honey. Hugs
Well my appt went well today. Pressure and urine looked good. Up 15 lbs total. My last appt is next Monday if we make it.
SOunds great west! It's crunch time for us!!!!!!
I am feeling distinctly weird.... I feel nauseous but at the same time my chest and abdomen ache a little I have a head ache and my eyes keep unfocusing on me. Could be the heat or the fact that I am uber tired but I am not liking it. Baby is also hitting a nerve in my crotch pretty hard to so maybe thats part of it.

How is everyone else?
kelly sounds like your little man is getting ready to come they are all signs hope you feel more comfortable today tho

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