Hi girls
Min- So glad that they're still rising, thats a good thing! FX'd for you babe.
Cat- I'm not gonna lie girl.. i'm probably gonna have a good laugh if you ended up pregnant this cycle! Oh the irony huh!?

That would be so exciting!

First month you stop trying and it works.. that would just be bizarre, but they say it happens! FX'd for you..If you are.. great! If you're not.. okay! Either way it won't be too bad.. just have to alter your plans a bit if you are

G00d luck
Allie & Julie- So sorry

got you girls

she's evil. If she were a real person I would have put that betch in intensive care by now. It's funny how the women who are PRAYING they start their period.. don't. And then those that DON'T want her to show get a visit. Grr. But you know the drill.. Pick yourself up.. brush yourself off.. Enjoy some wine/beer/fattening food. (whatever you love!) And then off to next cycle. It's not about "if" it will happen.. it's about when. And you'll never know until you keep trying. (look at me sounding all hypocritical! i swear i'm only taking a short break, lol)

Sending lots of best wishes and good vibes your way girls.
:wave: Welcome to the new girls! Best of luck

Hope your stay is short and sweet, and you get your BFP's soon!