Im new here. I have atypical pcos(no period no ovulation but everything else is normal) and hubs has motility issues(he quit smoking and we havent had an SA done since 2010 to see if its improved at all). i heard about soy from this board so i gave it a try this month. took it CD 5-9 (80,80,80, 120, 120). Got a pos OPK on CD 14 (i had also had some brown spotting for 2 days prior), but no ferning and scant ewcm. next day, OPK was lighter and temp dropped significantly. Today, brown spotting again with gobs and gobs of EWCM, big degree temp jump and full ferning. hubs and I dtd on cd 9, 11, 12, 13 (he left on cd14). is there any hope for us? i mean, i KNOW how this works and i KNOW in optimal conditions that sperm can live for up to 5 days. i just hope that they are hanging out and waiting for the egg.
my OPK have been all over the place. I got pos OPK on CD 14(and spotting) and again today, CD 16(again with spotting). I have no earthly idea wth is going on :/ this is my first soy experience, and its been a doozy. im having my dr draw progesterone levels in a week to see if i ovulated and potentially scanning me to see if there are any cysts.
our first child was a BCP failure, then it took 8.5 years of active trying(meds, iui, etc) before we did the only IVF cycle we will ever be able to do because of insurance. we had just 2 healthy embryos and were blessed with twins, but feel our family isnt complete just yet. with ivf no longer an option, this is where we are at
i would love any imput you ladies have regarding soy. this was my first cycle since the twins were born in nov 2010(extended BFing...just weaned in dec). im debating whether or not to try it again if we didnt catch the egg this month.