I have long irregular periods with pcos, I took soy isoflavones & conception support vitamins for 3 months (3 cycles before I got my BFP) due to my pcos I wasn't ovulating and read up that soy isoflavones were a natural form of clomid so though why not give it a go...
1st month I took cycle day 4-8 100mg to 120mg - ovulation happened but was quiet late so I ended up having a 6 week cycle - bfn
2nd month I took cycle day 3-7 120mg to 160mg - very strong ovulation on cycle day 25 (couple days earlier for me) - bfn
3rd cycle (I decided sod it I'm going for it) taken cycle day 2-6 150mg - 200mg - ovulated with a shorter surge on cd 17

only DTD once yes once

as hubby was working lates, I had a positive opk Monday 8th December with a spot of blood & cm this was only time we DTD lol

ovulation pains Tuesday 9th (I think I ovulated then) so decided to test on hubbies birthday 18th December & I got a faint BFP on frer

then later in evening pregnant 1-2 on CBD, I was 9dpo didn't have any signs just feeling run down with a cold I'm not even late as yet if it wasn't for trying to get a BFP for DH bday I wouldn't of tested. So soy worked for me on my 3rd cycle made me ovulate earlier and made my cycle less and more regular, I really wish you all the best & lots of baby dust to you all & merry Xmas xXx