Clara, glad Seren's been such a good little girl! I haven't been waddling... But he is partially engaged so I assume that was the start of a drop. Although I keep hoping that the shifting I've been feeling is him dropping further, it doesn't feel like it did before when I was feeling ouches across my belly.
Cookie, RAR! You two kids have fun!
How's everyone else?

It's the last day of the long weekend and I've been doing more sleeping. Woo hoo! Wild woman, i know. LoL Got up for our walk this morning, came home and slept for 2 hrs. Got up, had breakfast, slept for another 1.5.
Btw, I forgot to mention before that after a total of about 9 hrs of monitoring over 2 days, midwives acknowledged that baby is perfectly good and healthy (just like I've been saying all along). Movement is great, size is perfect. And I've settled down myself by accepting that the OBs and midwives are just trying to cover their butts. It's the sad reality of a medical world that is scared of litigation if something were to go wrong. But at least now I don't have any more shadows threatening to get in the way of my homebirth. I mentioned we were doing a homebirth right?
So ya, back to waiting. The midwife that I like is on vacation now and will be back August 14th, so I'm happy to have baby patiently wait until she returns before making any major moves. But as of week 39 (next week), game's on!
I can't believe it actually.