SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

GRRRRRR. Can this day get any worse!!! :cry:
My Dr pepper just exploded all over me and my suit is now soaked and I stink of the bloody stuff

........... and breath ........
Love the Sig hun. Yes I want but can't do it by my fone lol.

Haha, they never complain when you jump on them men Haha.

Yea I might sort out docs. Unfortunately I not currently registered with a doctors from when I moved here. I don't get sick much so never thought about it but need to try and sort one out. Just dunno how long i shpuld wait fpr af before going there? I've been really moody today and actually quite b!tchy. Not Like me at all. So maybe af will show tomorrow. How knows....

Fx you have a lucky cycle next month hun

GRRRRRR. Can this day get any worse!!! :cry:
My Dr pepper just exploded all over me and my suit is now soaked and I stink of the bloody stuff

........... and breath ........

Oh hun! Try to chill out, what have you got planned tonight? Get DF to do something nice with you, or get in a warm bath with a good book or some pampering treats and have a glamour session! That's what I do. Or go for a wander (if weather isn't too bad). I can't imagine you being bitchy, but I know what you mean, my hormones make me a bit 'touchy' sometimes and i know I have exploded at OH more than he deserved at times!

Sending you a massive hug :hugs:

At least it was Dr Pepper and not cat sick eh?!! :winkwink:

Hope your evening gets better xx
Love the Sig hun. Yes I want but can't do it by my fone lol.

Haha, they never complain when you jump on them men Haha.

Yea I might sort out docs. Unfortunately I not currently registered with a doctors from when I moved here. I don't get sick much so never thought about it but need to try and sort one out. Just dunno how long i shpuld wait fpr af before going there? I've been really moody today and actually quite b!tchy. Not Like me at all. So maybe af will show tomorrow. How knows....

Fx you have a lucky cycle next month hun

GRRRRRR. Can this day get any worse!!! :cry:
My Dr pepper just exploded all over me and my suit is now soaked and I stink of the bloody stuff

........... and breath ........

Oh hun! Try to chill out, what have you got planned tonight? Get DF to do something nice with you, or get in a warm bath with a good book or some pampering treats and have a glamour session! That's what I do. Or go for a wander (if weather isn't too bad). I can't imagine you being bitchy, but I know what you mean, my hormones make me a bit 'touchy' sometimes and i know I have exploded at OH more than he deserved at times!

Sending you a massive hug :hugs:

At least it was Dr Pepper and not cat sick eh?!! :winkwink:

Hope your evening gets better xx

Haha. Yea thank god not cat sick but in having cuddles with the dragons now so one will prob sh!t on me now Haha.

Yes i can get extremely touchy around af so could be a sign she's coming now. OHs always get the brunt of it lol.

Yea gonna chill tonight. Tomorrow gonna be a manic day, we have practically no staff in :( oh joy Haha. DFs not home yet :( god know when he's gonna turn up. Unfortunately if af shows think this month is gonna be tough as when harvest starts he's on 24/7 call so gonna be hard tp dtd at the correct times. But who knows.

What you up to tonight hun xxxx
Clara, I'm really sorry to hear about your grandma. I know how you feel as my mum is an only child and she lives 5 hours drive away from me so when my gran was really poorly last year I felt like i was so far away. Hope she gets better soon.

Achelois, I quit smoking by reading alan carr 'easy way to stop smoking'. It really worked for me. I also did weight watchers online a few years ago and it was brilliant. Good luck!

Ananya, last month we :sex: everyday from around day 5 until day about day 27. We only missed one day in between. Not sure we can keep that up this month which is why I have ordered some digital ovulation tests!

Cookie, I know how your feeling and I hope you get an answer soon. I had a 38 day cycle instead of the expected 31 day cycle so like you I am wondering how to count it this month. That is another reason why I am going to use the ovulation tests. It's going to be a long month! I hope the witch stays away from you.

I hope everybody has a lovely weekend xxx
Hi girls! Just popping in on my way out for a few beers! Hope you're all ok. Thanks to all of you in relation to support re ww and smoking. Hard but others have done it so I should go for it right?!?!

Clara you made me literally laugh about cat sick. For those that don't know my cat puked in my shoes the other morning just before I went to work. What do you do? Get angry? Or realise that babies bring much worse then puke one morning?!? Poor thing! Couldve killed her though!!! Cookie hunni. You even type like you have the hump!!! Pmsl!!! I take out my mood swings on everyone think we all do without meaning to or realising! Either way could be af or pg mood swings so who knows? Just made
me laugh!!

Have a good one girls and we shall -"speak" tomorrow no doubt

love to you all and baby dust to triers and fxd for those that are waiting to know! Xxxxx
Hi girls! Just popping in on my way out for a few beers! Hope you're all ok. Thanks to all of you in relation to support re ww and smoking. Hard but others have done it so I should go for it right?!?!

Clara you made me literally laugh about cat sick. For those that don't know my cat puked in my shoes the other morning just before I went to work. What do you do? Get angry? Or realise that babies bring much worse then puke one morning?!? Poor thing! Couldve killed her though!!! Cookie hunni. You even type like you have the hump!!! Pmsl!!! I take out my mood swings on everyone think we all do without meaning to or realising! Either way could be af or pg mood swings so who knows? Just made
me laugh!!

Have a good one girls and we shall -"speak" tomorrow no doubt

love to you all and baby dust to triers and fxd for those that are waiting to know! Xxxxx

Haha!love that you could pick up my mood from my post :haha:
i got home and felt so low! DF turned up home with wine and now ive had 2 glasses! while im getting bfns surely it wont hurt. DF also picked up on my mood and now ive just broken down and sobbed my heart out to him. He now knows that im 5 days late and that im also on here lol. he knows all about you, especially Achelois and Clara hehe. He actually took it really well, dont no why im surprised lol. But he has said that maybe i might get my bfp this month ( im doubtful) but that we have many more months ahead of us (thats why i love him) i feel so much better for talking to him! Anyways, enough abot me feeling sorry for myelf!

Achelois - have a lovely evening out! please have a good few drinks for me! im stopping at 2 glasses lol. heehee, made me giggle thinking of your cat being sick in your shoes! annoying but thats why we love our fur babies!!!

Hope all is well with everyone!
Much love and BUTT PLUGS!!!
Good morning all!

Thanks MissH, my grandma seems to be responding to the antibios so that's good. Apparently she's much more comfortable. My mum sounds chirpier too. I understand why you're having a go with the ovulation sticks, why does AF have to ruin our careful calculations hey? Nasty witchy!

C and A glad you two are enjoying the weekend with your wine and beer! Cookie, your DF sounds lovely, good to hear he's supporting you. I've told my OH about being on here too. He thinks I'm a bit crazy but hey, he knew that when we got together! Achelois, I've heard that Allen Carr book is good too. Go for it!

Sorry I wasn't around last night, went to see Transformers 3 at the cinema!! Me and OH laughed about it all the way home as we thought it was a bit rubbish! Had a couple glasses of wine yesterday, I just don't seem to be able to drink much now, feel a bit yukky even after just 2! and one was at lunch!! Buzz lightweight.

Anyway, hope you all have a lovely day. I'm off shopping for a birthday present then out for drinks later (lots of water for me!) so will check in when I can

Love and butt plugs!

Oh Clara the buzz lightweight made me chuckle. Shame transformers was a bit rubbish. was gonna go see it but think I will just wait for harry potter to come out.

Have fun shopping, think of poor me stuck at work, AND I'm working tomorrow. epic fail :(

Anyways. Back to work I go. Have a good day hun.

Love and butt plugs to you all. Hope everyone else is hanging in there.
I'm on day 6 of no af, couldn't resist poas this morning. God knows why I bothered Haha bfn.

Muchos love xxxx
Quick update ladies. The wicked witch has arrived!!! Thank god for that!
Yes I'm disappointed as i didn't get my bfp and my body has been incredibly mean to me. BUT.... I'm relieved I now know where I am. Just confused for my next cycle. Do I use my normal 28day cycle or this 34day cycle.

But anyways. I'm now chilling with my friends and a nice bottle of wine..... or 2 lol.

Hope your all well. Thanks for all your support. Couldn't of survived without you all.

Butt plugs, loo roll and love to u all
Quick update ladies. The wicked witch has arrived!!! Thank god for that!
Yes I'm disappointed as i didn't get my bfp and my body has been incredibly mean to me. BUT.... I'm relieved I now know where I am. Just confused for my next cycle. Do I use my normal 28day cycle or this 34day cycle.

But anyways. I'm now chilling with my friends and a nice bottle of wine..... or 2 lol.

Hope your all well. Thanks for all your support. Couldn't of survived without you all.

Butt plugs, loo roll and love to u all

Really sorry the witch got you but at least you can move on now. I am in the same boat with my cycle now being between 31 and 38 days which is why I am going to try and track my ovulation as I really want to try and catch that egg this month!

Enjoy your wine. I'm enjoying mine :winkwink:
Quick update ladies. The wicked witch has arrived!!! Thank god for that!
Yes I'm disappointed as i didn't get my bfp and my body has been incredibly mean to me. BUT.... I'm relieved I now know where I am. Just confused for my next cycle. Do I use my normal 28day cycle or this 34day cycle.

But anyways. I'm now chilling with my friends and a nice bottle of wine..... or 2 lol.

Hope your all well. Thanks for all your support. Couldn't of survived without you all.

Butt plugs, loo roll and love to u all

Really sorry the witch got you but at least you can move on now. I am in the same boat with my cycle now being between 31 and 38 days which is why I am going to try and track my ovulation as I really want to try and catch that egg this month!

Enjoy your wine. I'm enjoying mine :winkwink:

Have a lovely evening hun. Wine is going down nicely thanks lol. Enjoy yours hun.

Yea its confusing where to go now, do we use our normal cycle or the new one? Im so confused. Just hoping af is fone quickly so I can crack on.

I hope your ok sweetie and fx for a lucky cycle for u hun xxxx
Hi ladies
sorry I wasn't around yesterday. Had a big row with OH ;( so not really having a fabulous weekend to be honest.
Cookie - so sorry the witch got you in the end but glad you now know and can move on! Don't know what I'd do about cycle dates? I've gone with my late cycle days as that's what it was and therefore I've just assumed it's pushed ov back a bit.

Missh - it will be interesting to see if you have any success with the tracking methods - keep us updated!

Clara - glad nan is feeling better & hope you're having a good weekend

love and butt plugs to you all xxxx
Oh A thats awful! Sorry to hear that, hope it's all sorted now. Just remember that every couple has rows, it's how you work through them together that cements your relationship. I always get really worried it's all gone horribly wrong and we'll never make up etc etc but we work things out, make friends and things get back to normal before I know it. Lots of hugs xx

Miss H, I'm looking forward to hearing how your tracking methods go too! I am seriously considering taking action! Just need to break OH in gently...:winkwink: Hope it works out well for you Hun x

Cookie, sorry the witch got you but at least you know now and can have a vino or two ;) hope you're having a good weekend sweetie. Have you found out any more on the long cycle thing? x

My Gma is on a morphine drip, mum's v upset, I'm poised to go to Devon any minute, I hate hearing mum so sad.

Feel a bit pants today, only had two small red wines last night too. Seems to really affect me recently.

Anyway, I'm off to lounge with a cuppa to cheer myself up! Love and hugs and butt plugs my lovelies

Hi all, hope you are all ok.

Clara sorry about your gran. It is hard when they are far away and you can't do much. I am sure she knows she is in your thoughts.

Cookie - the witch got me on thurs night!! Really glad as i had a relaxing weekend not having to worry about it. I have ny blood test tomorrow finally so i hope they come up with answers.

Achelois - i hope you and OH have sorted things out.

Well i am still after a clearblue fertility monitor. I am just going to wait for my blood test result.

I have had a busy weekend with family. I am just about to put my DD in bed. She is watching one of her cartoons and then she will be off. I am glad to have this little monkey in my life lol.

I hope you all have a lovely start to the week tomorrow and really hope we have lots of BFPs soon.

Hi girls!
Ananya and Cookie - welcome back to the horizontal salsa club! Hope youre both ok. Hard to accept when she shows up but at least you know and can move forward.
Clara - sorry to hear about nan... hope you, your mum and family are ok - are you going to Devon? Its very hard when they live far away - my nan lived in Durham and when she was unwell we could never get there (5 hours by car)... difficult not to just pop around whenever you have a minute. Thinking of you hunni xxx Thanks for the porcupine fable - really made me smile!

Thanks for your concern girls over the weekend argument! We did have one hell of a bust up - over him being selfish... Saturday morning he just woke up and said he was going out - no invite or anything - and just went - didnt come hope till 1am Sunday and it really annoyed me. Dont mind him going out without me, dont get me wrong, but hadnt told me so I had nothing planned and by the time he had made his announcement that he was going, all my friends and family were otherwise engaged so boring Saturday for me.

He apologised profusely yesterday and we are friends again now. Had lots of BD action yesterday as a result - so as long as he keeps feeling sorry this week (O week) then I will be a happy bunny LOL!

Anyway, hope you all have a good day and this week brings some sticky beans for some of us and for those waiting for O week - enjoy your care free BDing time.

A xxx
Sorry I didn't pop in yesterday ladies, work and a bit of a drink after work lol.

A - sorry u had a row with oh. Glad u made up now. I would of gone mental if my oh did that to me too though. Just make sure he does his bit this week then lol.

Clara - sorry your nans not well. Hope she's getting better. Thinking of you and your family.

Ananya - sorry the witch got you. But least we know what's going on now hey. And being able to have a drink helps lol. Hope you get some answers soon hunni.

Me - I'm ok. Looking forward to the witch leaving thou. Wanna join the horizontal salsa club now lol.
Enjoying being able to have a drink atm though. Off out for dinners with the girls tonight. Few sneaky vodkas I think.
Hope your all well.
Butt plugs and loo rolls to you all
Sorry I didn't pop in yesterday ladies, work and a bit of a drink after work lol.

A - sorry u had a row with oh. Glad u made up now. I would of gone mental if my oh did that to me too though. Just make sure he does his bit this week then lol.

Clara - sorry your nans not well. Hope she's getting better. Thinking of you and your family.

Ananya - sorry the witch got you. But least we know what's going on now hey. And being able to have a drink helps lol. Hope you get some answers soon hunni.

Me - I'm ok. Looking forward to the witch leaving thou. Wanna join the horizontal salsa club now lol.
Enjoying being able to have a drink atm though. Off out for dinners with the girls tonight. Few sneaky vodkas I think.
Hope your all well.
Butt plugs and loo rolls to you all
Hi ladies
I am guessing as we are all (more or less) in 1ww or O week this is why we've all gone quiet or we are all hungover from the weekend? Hope you are all having a good day...

Missing you all!

A xx
Yea I was thinkin that too. Dunno why my poxy phone is sending msgs twice. Bloody thing.

Yea come back everyone.

A - how's your day going sweetie? Hope u have a lucky cycle.
What u got planned for the week?

Yea I was thinkin that too. Dunno why my poxy phone is sending msgs twice. Bloody thing.

Yea come back everyone.

A - how's your day going sweetie? Hope u have a lucky cycle.
What u got planned for the week?


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