SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

All, Thanks for all the lovely messages - still finding it hard to believe really!

Just wondered - and tell me please if TMI - do you want my diary for the last month - when / how often / position / O dates etc - wondered if you might find it interesting - does contain a bit TMI though?????

LOL - cant believe I am offering that - but I know through ttc that I would do anything for as much information as possible.

A xxx

Not a bad idea A!! If you want mine too, I'll put something together :)

:dust: cxxx
So for those that asked me how I told OH...

The morning we found out, we had friends over all day so couldn't talk about it!

I still had another blue dye test so secretly did it and there was the cross as you've seen on my photo. But I wasn't convinced as it seemed faint. I went back to our room and showed him saying 'I know you're going to laugh at me but I did this and now I'm confused! So my friends weren't due to arrive for another couple of hours do we wandered into town in search of an open chemist, bought a FRER and on our way back they called and were 5 mins away!

I did the FRER test and then texted him from the bathroom while my friends were there! I left the test in the cupboard so he could see it! Then went back into the kitchen where he was cooking us all brekkie and I tried to 'help' but dropped lots of things, got in the way and burnt the mushrooms!! OH said he knew then even though he couldn't get to his phone to see the text!!

But anyway, he was surprised it happened quickly (quickly? Felt like ages to me!) but is very pleased and insisted we went for champagne to celebrate! (I had two sips!)

Hope everyone is ok, sending love and best wishes to all xxx
greygirl, :hug: Everything happens for a reason, even when it hurts. Maybe this will be a blessing in disguise and you will be pleasantly surprised to have good news without all the stress. :hugs: Just keep your focus on things that make you happy and keep on going with your healthy plans because it's all interconnected. We're here for you any time!

Achelois, I love detail!! I don't think anything is TMI when talking about pregnancy.

Clara, your story had me smiling ear to ear! :D isn't it funny how life works out sometimes. I'm STILL so happy for you! I hope you and Achelois don't run off completely now that you're not peeing on any more sticks!

One day down.... a few more to go before O. My body is throwing curveballs at me and I'm not too sure what that means for timing.

So I have a question for you ladies! For those that use methods of timing like ov sticks and temping, how long did you go au natural with lots of BDing before going that direction?
I'm thinking that if there's still no news by our 6th cycle (Nov), that I'll look into more accurate timing. Just figure that if "they" say there's a 1/5 of a chance each cycle for a healthy couple to become pregnant, then I'll give us at least 5 months to do it. Mostly so that DH doesn't start feeling the pressure. It's fine for me to be slightly obsessive, but I don't want it to effect his little swimmers! LoL
Honey I want to reach through Cyberspace and give you a massive :hugs:

I am so sorry you are feeling down. I wish I could give you some advice to make you feel happier but I am not that familiar with Clomid. I have a friend who has been having fertility probs and has been on Tamoxifen to control Oestrogen. Is that similar? She is about to start IVF. My OH's friends have literally just given birth to an IVF baby and my twin cousins (now 22 years old) were IVF so it can work when all else fails. I guess what I am trying to say is that you are not alone and that you'll be amazed, it may happen as a big surprise! You hear lots of stories about people trying for ages, than giving it a break and wham! Up the duff! Try to relax honey, do something nice for yourself that is unrelated to TTC. Maybe focus on Slimming World and 'getting healthier' as you put it, congratulate yourself on how well you are doing. Give yourself a break, treat yourself like you would treat your best friend. Also, keep in your mind that all us SPA-ers are rooting for you and sending you all our love and best wishes.:friends:

And don't ever apologise for ranting! That's what we're here for! (I am sure I'll be using that facility at some point!)

Sending you my love and prayers, hope you can feel them coming through! xxx:flower:

Thank you very much :) I am focusing on health right now (a few wobbles this week from being depressed, oops) and enjoying my life with lots of :sex: when I can get it! I'm feeling more myself today, darn hormones :S Twins would be lovely, I'm a twin so would enjoy carrying that on :D

I'm really sorry your having a rough time atm. I've been trying for 13months now so understand your frustration. Sometimes we just need a little help. Try and stay strong hunni. You have to do what feels right for you. Ntnping is good for less stress but then its hard not feeling slightly in control. A more relaxed approach may be good for you though hunni. Please hang in there hunni. we are here to help and support in any way we can hun, we are here to listen to you rant and vent and we understand hunni. Sending you a massive massive :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you :) How do you keep going after 13months?! I think we're trying some ntnping this month while I've got clomid to keep things within a timeframe...hopefully we'll hit that frame without the stress and worry :)

All, Thanks for all the lovely messages - still finding it hard to believe really!

Just wondered - and tell me please if TMI - do you want my diary for the last month - when / how often / position / O dates etc - wondered if you might find it interesting - does contain a bit TMI though?????

LOL - cant believe I am offering that - but I know through ttc that I would do anything for as much information as possible.

A xxx

What would be brilliant, I don't mind TMI because I don't have to look you in the eye while reading! Might be helpful though if you don't mind :)

So for those that asked me how I told OH...

The morning we found out, we had friends over all day so couldn't talk about it!

I still had another blue dye test so secretly did it and there was the cross as you've seen on my photo. But I wasn't convinced as it seemed faint. I went back to our room and showed him saying 'I know you're going to laugh at me but I did this and now I'm confused! So my friends weren't due to arrive for another couple of hours do we wandered into town in search of an open chemist, bought a FRER and on our way back they called and were 5 mins away!

I did the FRER test and then texted him from the bathroom while my friends were there! I left the test in the cupboard so he could see it! Then went back into the kitchen where he was cooking us all brekkie and I tried to 'help' but dropped lots of things, got in the way and burnt the mushrooms!! OH said he knew then even though he couldn't get to his phone to see the text!!

But anyway, he was surprised it happened quickly (quickly? Felt like ages to me!) but is very pleased and insisted we went for champagne to celebrate! (I had two sips!)

Hope everyone is ok, sending love and best wishes to all xxx

Brilliant way of telling him!!!

greygirl, :hug: Everything happens for a reason, even when it hurts. Maybe this will be a blessing in disguise and you will be pleasantly surprised to have good news without all the stress. :hugs: Just keep your focus on things that make you happy and keep on going with your healthy plans because it's all interconnected. We're here for you any time!

Achelois, I love detail!! I don't think anything is TMI when talking about pregnancy.

Clara, your story had me smiling ear to ear! :D isn't it funny how life works out sometimes. I'm STILL so happy for you! I hope you and Achelois don't run off completely now that you're not peeing on any more sticks!

One day down.... a few more to go before O. My body is throwing curveballs at me and I'm not too sure what that means for timing.

So I have a question for you ladies! For those that use methods of timing like ov sticks and temping, how long did you go au natural with lots of BDing before going that direction?
I'm thinking that if there's still no news by our 6th cycle (Nov), that I'll look into more accurate timing. Just figure that if "they" say there's a 1/5 of a chance each cycle for a healthy couple to become pregnant, then I'll give us at least 5 months to do it. Mostly so that DH doesn't start feeling the pressure. It's fine for me to be slightly obsessive, but I don't want it to effect his little swimmers! LoL

Thank you :) I'm hoping relaxed will bear fruit!
I did ov sticks and temping straight away. I guess I'm backwards because it's only now we're doing it the other way. So straight away, sorry if that doesn't help much.

We've made a decision. We talked about it this evening and decided to keep TTC this month (I took first lot of clomid today) but NO opk's and NO temping!!!! I'm nervous about it, but we figured best month to just relax because we have a rough idea of when I'll ovulate (unlike normal months) and so can try and enjoy ourselves and have stress-free :sex: again. We had some lovely unplanned :sex: last week and both said we enjoyed it more because we weren't worried which hopefully we can stay chilled and enjoy lots of :sex: and get lucky the relaxed way!!!
I have to admit that I was a little mesmerized by all the little :sex::sex::sex: smilies. LoL Look at em all go!

I think that your updated plan of action sounds great. Have fun!!!
Hi everybody, i feel like I have missed loads since yeterday so I will do my best to catch up. . .

Prepping, I love the positive attitude. I am sending you loads of :dust: Good luck for this month. This month was my first month using ov sticks and it is cycle 5 [i think - memory is starting to go a bit!]. I used the Clearblue digitial ones and they were worth every penny. I decided to use them after a messed up cycle last month. Also it feeds the peeing addiction! You don't really need to make it obvious to the OH that your doing them as its only once a day.

GreyGirl, I wish I could give you a massive hug but this is the best I can do :hugs: I hope you get a BFP soon. Everybody is here to listen to your frustrations so let it all out on here!

Achelois and Clara, I want all the details please!

Cookie, 13 months must be frustrating but maybe if you just :sex: for fun until the OH finishes his crazy work hours you might just get a surprise!

Me, I'm really busy this week so not spending loads of time thinking about when the witch is due. I don't really feel that positive at the moment but I think that is because of being late last month and loads of BFN. I'm scared of testings :nope:

:hugs: and :dust: for everybody xxx
So for those that asked me how I told OH...

The morning we found out, we had friends over all day so couldn't talk about it!

I still had another blue dye test so secretly did it and there was the cross as you've seen on my photo. But I wasn't convinced as it seemed faint. I went back to our room and showed him saying 'I know you're going to laugh at me but I did this and now I'm confused! So my friends weren't due to arrive for another couple of hours do we wandered into town in search of an open chemist, bought a FRER and on our way back they called and were 5 mins away!

I did the FRER test and then texted him from the bathroom while my friends were there! I left the test in the cupboard so he could see it! Then went back into the kitchen where he was cooking us all brekkie and I tried to 'help' but dropped lots of things, got in the way and burnt the mushrooms!! OH said he knew then even though he couldn't get to his phone to see the text!!

But anyway, he was surprised it happened quickly (quickly? Felt like ages to me!) but is very pleased and insisted we went for champagne to celebrate! (I had two sips!)

Hope everyone is ok, sending love and best wishes to all xxx

Lovely story xxx
Clara that's lovely. Love that you and OH celebrated with champagne. I'm sooooooo happy for you both xxxx

A - thats a brilliant idea. We love a bit of TMI lol. But its good to hear everyone's experience. Also helps us feel a bit more motivated lol.

Greygirl - pleased to hear your feeling better. You may get a nice surprise with NTNP. Crossing everything for you.

MissH - it is frustrating but trust me we are pretty relaxed about the whole ttc. Obviously I would love to temp and u opks but DF not so much so we just have a rough idea of o and fertile times and just hope we get it right lol. DF just says it will happen when it happens. But I do get down sometimes as I'm 22 got and healthy and still can't get a bfp. Last month was only the 2nd time I used hpts as things were so different and was really hoping it would be my bfp. Anyways I'm rambling now lol.

Really hoping your all ok.
Ok so you all want the detail so I'm going to be completely honest and give you every encounter, every position, dates, ewcm, periods the lot. So if you're faint hearted, probably don't read! *& you all HAVE to promise to continue talking to me!!!

Period length for last 6 months

Jan 25 days
Feb 26 days
Mar 29 days
April 29 days
May 29 days
June 30 days

So according to iPhone app FMC (always used this and now think it's spot on!) my average period is 26.75 days.

Detail day by day for last month before BFP!

2nd July
Started period. Men being men he's now interested in BDing so I gave him oral.*
3rd July
Gave OH hand job and period still present
4th July
Period still present but appears to be finishing
5th July
Period finished - weird normally a bit longer but I'm cool with that because just want to get to O week!
6th July*
BD - I lie on my back. Him on his side and I put my legs over him. *
8th July
BD - him on top
10th July
BD - him on top, later I give him oral, I go on top
12th July
According to app fertile days start now.*
13th July
Notice creamy CM
15th July
According to app, this is the day before ovulation.*
BD - me on top facing the other way (iykwim) some ewcm.*
16th July
Ovulation day according to app. Him on top. Then changes half way through to doggie style (pmsl can't believe I'm telling you this!!) I orgasm and then he does.*
I truly believe this was the day I conceived.*
24th July
BD - doggie style again
25th July
BD - him on top
26th July
Pg test - BFN
30th July
BD - Doggie style again!!
31st July
BD - Doggie again (I think he likes it like this!!!) I give him oral. That afternoon pg test = BFP!!!

Now 4 weeks 4 days! Mental.*

I really really hope the above helps you to get your sticky beans. Sending you all lots of baby dust and huge cyber hugs and butt plugs. Hope you enjoyed my diary!!! XXXXXXX *
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou A.
Maybe that's where I'm going wrong, not enough of the doggy lol.

God 4weeks 4days. Sooooooo exciting. God at this rate you will have your baby in your arms in no time :)
So, dunno if you had a chance to think about it but do you think you will find out what your having?
I know it's crazy! If you think 2ww is bad wait until you can't tell anyone for 6 x 2ww!!

Not going to find out. Want a surprise. Come and join me and clara - we want you all to be with us! It's hard because we don't want to upset you talking about it but dot want to leave or abandon you all either.

Hope you're all ok xxxxx
Ps cookie - you're right about the doggie! What's he like eh? I have a slightly tilted cervix so I think this position (and me having an orgasm two seconds before him) really helped the little swimmers get there!!!

Thanks Achelois, no such thing as tmi when trying to conceive!

If i don't get my BFP this month then I think i will be trying more doggy style :winkwink:
Thanks Achelois, no such thing as tmi when trying to conceive!

If i don't get my BFP this month then I think i will be trying more doggy style :winkwink:


think that's hilarious. Was cringing writing all that thinking what will they think of me ?!?! Lol x hope it helps!! Xxx
I know it's crazy! If you think 2ww is bad wait until you can't tell anyone for 6 x 2ww!!

Not going to find out. Want a surprise. Come and join me and clara - we want you all to be with us! It's hard because we don't want to upset you talking about it but dot want to leave or abandon you all either.

Hope you're all ok xxxxx

yea I can imagine its hard not being able to tell anyone for 6 whole 2wws lol.
Trust us we want to join you lol. But I think everyone would agree with me when I say, we are like family now and I miss you not being on here so please please PLEASE don't leave us. Your not going to upset us at all. we want to be on your journey with you both and trust me I will be (whether you like it or not lol) only joking Haha. But seriously hun. when I found about you and Clara I ran up to my DF and was so happy for you.

Please dont feel uncomfortable hunni. we are all so happy for you both and we will all get our time so enjoy your time hunni xxxxxxxxx hugs and kisses xxxxxxxx
Quick check in...

You girls are hilarious!!! And do you know what, I think we did it doggy last cycle too although I didn't record which days we did which position!! Lol!

Phew, cooler today, our office has been a sweatbox and I cant handle it. Nearly passed out in a pub watching my friends band last night and OH got us a taxi home! Oh dear!

Not had much chance to get on the case with my, ahem, sex diary yet! Will do soon!!

Love and baby dust xxx
Have you guys been in a different thread group before? You all seem to know each other really well!
Great diary! That's a lot of doggie! :D (Can't believe I typed that) I may have to give that a go this month ;)
Have you guys been in a different thread group before? You all seem to know each other really well!
Great diary! That's a lot of doggie! :D (Can't believe I typed that) I may have to give that a go this month ;)

Some of us started off in a thread on the ttc forum that A started as we were all gonna be testing around the same time, then she started this one but we have only been together since mid July lol. But feels like forever.

Clara hope your nice and cool sweetie. Ita really humid here :(

Thanks hunni. Feeling much better today, thank god for the rain!

I'm working from home tomorrow so planning a proper catch up on bnb!!

Look out!

Greygirl, yep same as Cookie, feel like we've all known eachother longer!!


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