SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

Morning online 'family'! ( Cookie that was so sweet! I love it!)

How are you all, SPA Sisters!?

Greygirl how are you feeling? Your post with all the little smilies BDing had me in fits of giggles! :sex: :sex: He he!

Achelois I think I'd like the gender to be a surprise too. Quite a while to decide yet though. Not sure what OH thinks...

Prepping, your cheeky cousin, saying maybe you should start trying! I think people are a little insensitive when they talk about babies. Its such a personal thing. I guess she was trying to be nice saying the babies could be friends but even so, she doesn't have any clue what your situation may be. Sending you :hug:

MissH, Loved the happy dance/ wine and strops post! Thanks for the thought of having a wine for me :) very sweet of you! By the way, I know what you mean about the achy boobs. I only started to get them in the 2ww since I had the Mirena coil removed. It's a good sign though, mine are still achy now and extra sensitive! (oops TMI?!) Fingers crossed it's more than just AF for you! :flower:

Dear universe, keep the :witch: away from this thread, let all the :spermy:s find their way and grant my lovely friends a :bfp: very soon as they are fabulous ladies. Thanks very much!



Love 'Dear universe', it really made me smile xxx
Achelois, I can't believe what I have just been reading. I really hope everything is ok for you. Sending you a massive :hugs:
Well, the universe listens, I asked it for my OH and for my hitchhiker! So you never know!I think it gives you what you need xx
Hi girls

Its been a very eventful day. I went to bed last night and was so happy, pregnant and dreaming about my bean becoming my first baby. This morning I woke up, had one test left and wanted to see my lines again so I did it. Negative. Went to work thinking maybe its a dud and did another at the station in London only this time did a digital and Negative again. Started to get upset and cry a lot. Rang the doctors and they told me to come in. Went home. Went to doctors after mummy came over for support. She came with me.

So - this is what he said and I have to say I have learned so much

Put yourself back 10 years. Did you have tests then? No, ladies used to suspect they were pregnant, wait until they missed their periods, get a little excited but keep their little secret from everyone. Then after they missed their second periods they would go to their doctors and ask for a test. The test would be taken and it would take a week for the result. So by the time they got a positive they would be almost 10 weeks. These days, with the tests available, girls go out and get all excited and take their tests early.

I interjected and said - well why not if the technology is there? His point was well why do you NEED to know so badly? What difference would it make - you cant do anything more or get any more excited then you will when you go for your first scan. I mentioned that as soon as I had my BFP I stopped drinking, smoking etc and he said - but dont you see, this is the problem. People should be looking after themselves regardless. Having a glass of wine or the "odd" cigarette is not a bad thing. Too much of anything is bad for you and therefore, years ago, if you had been healthy all the time not just because you are pregnant - it made no difference.

I see what he is saying. He explained that the increase in miscarriages, problems and fertility issues he thinks is mainly caused by people continually playing doctor by doing their own tests and making their own minds up rather than just naturally looking after themselves all of the time and allowing mother nature to show them they are pregnant.

I asked him if I was pregnant now or not. He told me that I definitely was/am but now he is not sure. He cant do anything because its too early. He asked me if I had been listening to what he said? I said I had, and he said in which case why do we need to know the answer. If you are not pregnant any more, mother nature will show you and you can move on (you shouldnt know now anyway) and if you are you will know.

So, because I had done the test and I had a positive he said - if you still have had no bleeding this time next week then do a test to put your mind at rest. Spotting, cramping is all natural in pregnancy, but bleeding like a period is not. If that happens and its early, put it down to just your period (even though this time I would know because I had a positive that it is a miscarriage).

So I left feeling ok. Worried a little. But ok. Thought hes right. We spend too much time studying, worrying, measuring, doing and not allowing nature to take its course.

I got home and had a cup of tea with my mum and honestly a naughty cigarette.

I went to the loo, and I am bleeding. Its over for this month. I am sad and I SO wanted my little bean but it is no more and I have to move on. At least I know I can be pregnant but I have learned so much.

The reason I have told you all of this girls is because I dont want you to feel the hurt I am now. I wish I had relaxed more and not worried about testing too much and doing things. I would have left this morning and gone to work and who knows in my mind and body I may still have been pregnant. But I am not anymore and I have to move forward with it. Your prayers and thoughts are so appreciated and I dont know what I would do without any of you.

Please enjoy your baby making, respect mother nature and have faith in your own abilities to be mothers to your children - forget science, measures and charts. Just be yourselves and be happy.

Clara - I am wishing you every happiness with your bump and will enjoy continuing to read your updates. Please dont feel funny (I know what you will be thinking) its natures way.

Cookie, Miss H, Prepping, GreyGirl - looks like I am back!

Love to you all and massive hugs

(going for a little cry now!)

Hugs and sticky baby dust

A xxxxx
Achelois, All I want to do right now is give you the most biggest giant enormous hug in the world. I feel for you hun... I can't imagine the rollercoaster of emotions but I think that the frame of mind that you are in right now is the best for you.

I feel your doctor is right in a very logical way. It still hurts so so so much to go through it, but I think that technology has allowed women to lose grip of what we naturally are able to do on our own. When I talk to my mum about all I've learned about becoming pregnant and the road to labor and delivery, her reflections on what she went through are exactly as your doctor described. You see if you miss your period, and by the time the second period is supposed to roll around and it hasn't come, you go to the doctor for confirmation. Whether it takes 1 month or 12 -- it didn't have the pressure attached to it. But that's what we get when there's so much information out there and technology at our finger tips to track everything. I could write a novel on what I think about medical intervention with labor and delivery.

All I can say is that I'm happy that you are coming out of this healthy and physically pain-free as that would have been far worse. Do not blame yourself for anything as nature has it's own purpose. You will have a sticky strong little healthy bean that will develop into a beautiful little one and you will be a wonderful mother when the time comes. We're all here for you and appreciate the insights you have provided. You are a very strong woman and we luvs you :hugs:
Clara, No worries about my cousin overstepping boundries. She's like a sister and tbh I haven't started getting touchy about TTC. I may be impatient and have a little jealous bug sometimes, but I'm only in my 3rd cycle and strongly believe it'll happen when the time is right (and hopefully sooner rather than later!). You have strength on not finding out gender! I know for a fact that we would find out asap. Need to know whether to paint the nursery the colours of DH's favourite hockey team or whether I get a yellow room with butterflies. :haha:
Btw, I LOVE the "dear universe". :D

GreyGirl, lingerie? RAR Sexy sexy!

I'm "entering my fertile period" according to siggy. We need a little smiley that does a fertility dance!
A. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Your a wonderful and strong person and I admire you so much. Your positive attitude is inspirational and I have so much admiration for you. And a hell of a lot of love. I wish I could take all the pain away. I'm sorry I might be making it worse but your so amazing and I feel so blessed to be able to share this experience with you. I really hope you get your sticky bean as you will be an amazing mum when the time is right. As you said, the positive is that you know you can get pregnant and there's your hope and positivity. I'm sending you the worlds biggest cyber hugs and kisses. Love you special lady and we are all here for you xxxxxxx.

Witch showed up for me today.... onwards and upwards.

Achelois, I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I was touched by what your wrote and I think your right about us needing to relax over ttc.

You sound like a really strong person and one day you will be a fantastic mummy.

My thoughts are with you and I hope you feel better soon. Sending you massive :hugs: xxx
A. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Your a wonderful and strong person and I admire you so much. Your positive attitude is inspirational and I have so much admiration for you. And a hell of a lot of love. I wish I could take all the pain away. I'm sorry I might be making it worse but your so amazing and I feel so blessed to be able to share this experience with you. I really hope you get your sticky bean as you will be an amazing mum when the time is right. As you said, the positive is that you know you can get pregnant and there's your hope and positivity. I'm sending you the worlds biggest cyber hugs and kisses. Love you special lady and we are all here for you xxxxxxx.

Witch showed up for me today.... onwards and upwards.


Sorry she got you Cookie, I feel like she is on the way for me so I will be holding off on testing any time soon.

Enjoy some :wine: xxx
A - I think what you said is very wise. I think he is right to a point and ideally we would let nature take it's course (like I'm trying to this month) but I guess I still have the hang ups of "I have PCOS" and "I only have one tube" so I get obsessed with 'doing everything possible'...but I think you're right, we need to relax and take it as it comes for a while before seeking medical help. I'm glad that it came to an end as 'painlessly' as possible and you didn't need a d&c or anything. Perhaps it was a chemical? I don't know, and I hope that you can heal from this and move on positively as you are so far by the looks of it. HUGE :hugs:
Onwards and upwards for you :D
A I'm so sorry, the way you have expressed your pain yet acceptance is amazing. Cookie is right, one day you'll be a wonderful mum, and when nature deems the time is right. I am sending you a huge huge hug and much love.

What you say about the way things are today is true too. We are all so keen for it to happen quickly when our brains decide. Our bodies aren't designed to be machines and just fit in automatically with our wants.

I just want to hug you Hun. I wish there was more I could say or do to help. You know where I am if you think of anything I can do.

Love, hugs and prayers sweetie. Have a bloody good cry, you are a strong lady but you're also human and don't need to be strong every second.

Love, C xx
Beautifully put Clara. We love you lots and lots (like jelly tots) A.

Missh - I don't mind tbh hun, well apart from the cramps I'm getting now lol.

Hi girls

Thanks for all your lovely replies. You did make me smile and cry at the same time but I really appreciated the sentiments you sent me. I think things in life happen for a reason and I am a big believer in fate. Even though, it seems, most of the time fate doesnt want to be nice to me or work in my favour!

I am feeling better today - bleeding is still very light but definitely there. OH has reacted better than I thought. He has been very caring towards me since I told him, gentle in fact. Which honestly, isnt like him at all.

Grey - I read your post about your PCOS and one tube etc and just wanted to tell you something. My mother had me and then had an ectopic (sp) afterwards. They didnt know despite her having been for examinations etc and allowed the pregnancy to continue. By the time she was 8 weeks the foetus had grown in her fallopian tube and it burst. I nearly lost my mummy. She lost a lot of blood and as a result one of her tubes too. With technology the way it was then and medical science far less advanced, they told her it would be difficult for her to fall pregnant again.

She was lucky enough to be able to see a private GP in Ireland who told her that this is why the body has two of everything. If something isnt working properly there is another one that can manage on the failed ones behalf. Told her to be positive and relax (sounds familiar?!?!??!?) and see what would happen. 6 weeks after her recovery period she fell pregnant with my sister and then after her - 3 years later had my little brother! Dont be disheartened and be positive - it will happen for you hun. I know the PCOS on top makes it difficult - but not impossible and thats what you need to hold on to!

All the rest of you - I read all of your posts too and I just want to say THANKS so much for being so so lovely. Your words are ones I will reread when I need some love and I know where to come. Its crazy but you are true friends and you are my SPA family!

Love you all very much (just like Jelly Tots Cookie!)

Butt Pluggs, Sticky Baby Dust and Hugs to all of you

A xxxxxxxxxx
I'm pleased your feeling a little better hun. And that your OH is looking after you. Hope he's giving you plenty of cuddles from us all :)
Just a quickie to see how your feeling. Back to work I go.... oh the joy.... blah lol.
Don't know where the jelly tots came from. I just wrote lots and lots and it rhymes with jelly tots. Ok I'm a bit weird. Anyways.
Butt plugs, doggy dance, baby dust and JELLY TOTS to you all
Absoloutely loving the doggy dance! PMSL Xxx

Clara - just a quick note that I didnt know - the DR told me yesterday when newly pg - no BDing for first 6 weeks.

Just thought I should let you know

A xxxxxxx
Hugs A. Your fab, caring for Greygirl even though you're sad too :) So glad OH is looking after you as he should be. You're a special and precious lady x

Greygirl, I have endometriosis and quite an interesting history of gynaecological probs and thought it wouldn't happen but hey presto! (Although still early so fingers Xed)I guess it just does when it does. My auntie had 1 tube too and had the twins after IVF. hang in there sweetie. I like that 'that's why we have two of everything' by the way Achelois! So true! Reminded me of my mum's friend who has two wombs and vaginas! Now that's just greedy! ;)

Cookie, love jelly tots!! Reminded me of a silly thing my sis and I used to say to eachother: "loving ya lots, loving ya lots, forget your spots cos I'm loving ya lots!" Silly but it made us laugh! Sending a hug too x

Anyway, off for lunch in a bit

Hugs, butt plugs, jelly tots, doggy dancing, baby dust and craziness to you all xx
Absoloutely loving the doggy dance! PMSL Xxx

Clara - just a quick note that I didnt know - the DR told me yesterday when newly pg - no BDing for first 6 weeks.

Just thought I should let you know

A xxxxxxx

Thanks Sweetie Oops, done it once already! Everything seems ok so far but will bear it in mind. Youre so sweet! xxxx
Haha. Clara me and my sis would (and still do if I'm honest) do that. Lol. We used to sing, "you don't love me anymore, you don't love me anymore, you show no emotion... no... no emotion" lol. Sounds so stupid now but we still do it now. And also, if we are feeling ill, we are, poorly sick not well lol. Oh god I'm giggling to myself now. Gotta love having a sister, although mines a pain in the arse most of the time xxxxxxx
Doggy dance doggy dance doggy dance! A that was for you sweetie xxxx
Ladies this is just a quick update. . .

No witch yet but not tested either. Have really felt like she was going to arrive today so not sure what to think.

This is cd 32, last month I had a 38 day cycle but the two before were 31 days. This month I had a smiley face on sat 23 Jul on my ov stick so probably had ov on sun 24. Mon 25 was 1dpo so now I think I am 13dpo.

I might test tomorrow but I don't know. I will keep you updated and catch up with you all properly tomorrow xxx

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