SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

Thanks for the advice Achelois and Clara. I think your both right.

When I was pregnant with DS I tested twice on the day the witch was due and that was it. I still had an extra test which eventually went out of date and had to be thrown in the bin!

I think this time its because I have seen so many BFN's and I can't really believe it.

GreyGirl, I don't know anything about clomid but I am keeping everything crossed that this will be your month. The 'doggy dance' seems to work really well so give it a try :winkwink:

Achelois, how are you feeling today?

Just want to say that I am so happy that I found this thread, your all amazing!

:hugs: and :dust:

hi hunni

As Clara says - its entirely up to you and I know how hard it is not to - but I definitely learned my lesson.

Im ok - started a really healthy plan this morning and trying to stay positive.

Know what you mean about all the girls here - all SO lovely - like a second family!

Glad you and Clara are finding common ground - even if its with bananas!

Hope Grey, Cookie and Prepping are all good too?

Love and doggie dancing all around

A xxxx

Glad your doing well hunni. Really hoping you get your sticky bean this month hun. Massive :hugs: hope the health plan goes well, but don't forget your still allowed the odd treat here and there hunni AND vodka is no calories so enjoy a good few glasses lol.

Missh & Clara - both sounding good. Annoying about the bananas though. I love them lol. As you said, will all be worth it xxxx Clara the doggy dance thing made me laugh lol.

AFM - things are ok. Still a bit rocky with DF but I no that once harvest is over the moody self git I currently have will be replaced with my amazing caring man lol. Atleast fx :p
Got a promotion at work which is good do got a meeting tonight and that to focus on.

I agree. I would be so lost without you all girls. Your all so amazing.
Much love and doggy dancing butt plugs to you all xxxxxxxxx
Greygirl, that's what I did. No temping, no OPKs, just good old fashioned guesswork and looking out for EWCM. plus the doggy dance of course! ;)


Then you're officially my inspiration this month! I hope we can get some doggy dancing in :D

Aw thanks GreyGirl! Good luck and :dust:!!

Oooh! Hope you don't mind me posting this but the midwife just called and I have my first 2 appointments booked. 1 for an hour's chat about it all, 1 for first scan!!! Rather exciting!

Of to sainsbury now, hoping to avoid any riots and looting. Not the best time to live in N London :(

Love to all x
Thanks Cookie re:bananas! It's weird, they taste sooo different! X
Cookie, congratulations on your promotion!

Achelois, healthy plan is good but remember to treat your self sometimes.

GreyGirl, enjoy the doggy dance :winkwink:

Clara, that is so exciting! Do you know how many weeks/days you are?
I haven't phoned the doctors yet. What did you do? I think last time I went to the doctors but they told me to contact the midwife. I have moved since then so I have a different doctors. When is your first appointment? Exciting!!!

I have a stinking cold :growlmad:

I’m going to have to start making a point of checking in with you ladies on the weekend! So much has happened!

Misshopefull, OMG!!! YAY!!!!! I’m so happy and excited for you!!! Okay, now it’s your turn to dish the details! I’m with the others in thinking that now that you have it confirmed, I wouldn’t test again either. You’ll have enough opportunities to see everything is going as it should as time goes on.

Achelois, It’s hard enough dealing with family sometimes... Step-families just add a little more spice to the pot. Everything will work out in the end – it’s all about how you can flip it around so that it doesn’t affect you negatively as the only person it hurts is you. :hug:

GreyGirl, Good to hear that the relaxed approach has started off well! We’ve started earlier and more often as well just for the heck of it. I don’t know anything about Clomid, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!

Cookie, Having a farming hubby sounds like it has its fair share of complications. My mum grew up on a farm and she’s one of eight kids, so maybe all the fresh air and exercise during harvest time will pay off with extra strength spermies! Congrats on the promotion! :D It’ll all come around for you hun, I’m sure of it.

Clara, two wombs and two vagina’s? Uh... wow! I don’t even know what to say. LoL
Yay to banana ickiness! (I’m just going to say YAY to everything just cuz it’s your little bean mixing things up for you!) That’s exciting about the midwife appointments too! I’ve already scouted out who I’ll be contacting when I get my BFP. Midwives are not common here so I have my FX that I’ll be able to get one.

DH and I had a good few practice rounds over the weekend. Will be doggy dancing this week for sure! (btw, I *love* that – “Doggy Dancing” LoL) It’s pretty awesome that I’m starting to see him get excited about baby making rather than just excited about getting some :sex:!
We were even talking about how to tell people and when. He’s convinced that his mum will know maybe even before we know ourselves. She has an uncanny ability of knowing who is preggers by dreaming it first. *insert twilight zone music*

Happy doggy dancing to you all! Clara and Misshopefull, we’re all right behind you for our 2012 babies!!!
Cookie, yes congrats on the promotion! What does it involve? Well done!!

Well, after my little joke about avoiding the riots and looting, we get to sainsbury and it is closed due to the troubles. As are all other businesses in the retail park. Do we decide to walk into our little villagey bit when we get home and there's a car accident at the end of our road! Police and ambulances. I'm feeling quite sad and a bit scared tonight. I hope the trouble doesn't escalate:(

Hope you're all well x

MissH I'm just over 5 weeks :) and I called the doc and just told her I'd got two positive tests when I went in. She got the midwife to call me xx
Thanks Prepping.

Well, I haven't kept a proper record of everything we did so this is from memory. . .

After a long 38 day cycle last month I got the clearblue digitial ov sticks, a thermometer and Pre-seed. The ov stick tell you what day to start testing on based on the length of your cycle. Anyway i ignored that and started using them on day 8!

As soon as the witch had gone we :sex: everyday. I don't seem to produce any EWCM so i was just waiting for my smiley face. Got that on Saturday 23 July :happydance:

I stopped temping after about a week, it was driving me mad!

I also noticed a very mild cramp on my left side and some boob tenderness on that day. Dtd twice on Sat and twice on Sun. At some point we did the doggy dance! I only got a smiley face on my ov stick once so I guess I ov'd on the Sunday. I started counting DPO from monday 25 July. From 1/2dpo I had a sore throat which lasted for about 5 days.

Kept :sex: until the thursday. Only did it once more over the weekend because we were away.

I will be honest and it was my birthday that weekend so I was naughty and had a few drinks over the weekend and some foods that I won't be allowed now. I'm normally quite good in the 2ww but this time I spoke to my friend who is pregnant and she said that she didn't change anything until she got her BFP.

From Thur Aug 4th I started to feel sick, my boobs were a bit sore and I was so tired. I really thought it was the witch. On Saturday I got some cramps and thought yes this is the witch arriving. On Saturday evening me and the OH were going out and he asked me if I wanted a bottle of beer. I didn't want it, i really didn't fancy it which must be a first for me!

Had a small glass of wine Sat evening and woke up on Sunday feeling really sick. OH was out so I thought I would do a test. I think I was around 13dpo. I was so nervous I had to pee in a cup and dip the test in. I noticed a small ball of cm in the cup. This was my 2nd morning urine. Used a superdrug pink dye test and a soon as i saw the line come up i got my frer and dipped it in the same cup.

A few hours later I used my 3rd pee of the day to do my clearblue digitial test. I got Pregnant 2 -3 weeks :happydance:

Today i have a horrible cold :growlmad:

I hope that all makes sense! I would recomend the ov sticks to anyone who is worried about when they ov. I wasn't even sure if I had the month before which is why I decided to use them. Also, we only used the pre-seed sometimes, mainly around my smiley face days :winkwink:

Good luck to everybody this month. I am keeping everything crossed for you all [yes everything, much to the OH dissappointment!!]

Cookie, yes congrats on the promotion! What does it involve? Well done!!

Well, after my little joke about avoiding the riots and looting, we get to sainsbury and it is closed due to the troubles. As are all other businesses in the retail park. Do we decide to walk into our little villagey bit when we get home and there's a car accident at the end of our road! Police and ambulances. I'm feeling quite sad and a bit scared tonight. I hope the trouble doesn't escalate:(

Hope you're all well x

MissH I'm just over 5 weeks :) x

Hope everything settles down soon, sounds scary.

Did you go to the doctors when you got your BFP? xx
Prepping thank you! Your post is so bright and breezy! Yes the 2 wombs and vaginas thing is very weird, apparently she has given the wombs to science as she had a hysterectomy, she has been pregnant in one only and it's a unique opportunity for them to compare the differences!!

Glad you got some practice in! I have my fingers crossed for you all this month that the Doggy will pay off! ;) xx
Cookie, yes congrats on the promotion! What does it involve? Well done!!

Well, after my little joke about avoiding the riots and looting, we get to sainsbury and it is closed due to the troubles. As are all other businesses in the retail park. Do we decide to walk into our little villagey bit when we get home and there's a car accident at the end of our road! Police and ambulances. I'm feeling quite sad and a bit scared tonight. I hope the trouble doesn't escalate:(

Hope you're all well x

MissH I'm just over 5 weeks :) x

Hope everything settles down soon, sounds scary.

Did you go to the doctors when you got your BFP? xx

Thanks, hope so too.

Yes I did, the next day!! Told her why we were there and she got a midwife to call me, gave me a copy of 'Emma's Diary' and a list of foods to avoid, tested my urine then said go home and look after yourself! :) So I am!

Thanks for the Congrates ladies. It's nothing spectacular I'm afraid lol. Just been asked to become the in-store trainer which is good though as I have something to get my teeth stuck in to and hopefully make some changes. unfortunatly we have some staff who are just so difficult so its gonna be fun lol.

Clara - very exciting about your appointments. Seems your enjoying your journey. Sicky bananas will all be worth it.

Missh loved the diary. It's the doggy dance I'm telling you. That's the way forward lol.

Prepping its all fun and games here. It's just very frustrating never knowing if he's coming home on time. I'm home alone now and don't know when he's coming home. Just feeling very lonely right now. But I've got you girls to keep me going.

Hope everyones ok. A hugs and kisses.
Doggy dancing round the room xxxxxxxx
Congrats Clara and MissH I have been away for ages down my parents. Yesterday i decided to log in and i was sooo amazed! So happy for you girls. I wish i was in that same position but my AF started on time this month.

You guys will even have similar due dates!! I hope it all goes well. I am going home soon so will be back in touch with you all.

Thanks for the Congrates ladies. It's nothing spectacular I'm afraid lol. Just been asked to become the in-store trainer which is good though as I have something to get my teeth stuck in to and hopefully make some changes. unfortunatly we have some staff who are just so difficult so its gonna be fun lol.

Clara - very exciting about your appointments. Seems your enjoying your journey. Sicky bananas will all be worth it.

Missh loved the diary. It's the doggy dance I'm telling you. That's the way forward lol.

Prepping its all fun and games here. It's just very frustrating never knowing if he's coming home on time. I'm home alone now and don't know when he's coming home. Just feeling very lonely right now. But I've got you girls to keep me going.

Hope everyones ok. A hugs and kisses.
Doggy dancing round the room xxxxxxxx

Yay! Cookie - congratulations with the promotion hunni - very pleased for you xxxx

Clara - Loving the appointments! I cancelled mine yesterday but looking forward to the excitement of booking them all again at some stage soon. When are your appointments?

Missh - hope you are ok and continuing to enjoy being preggers! Glad you are going to leave the testing alone - you will be fine - go with the flow!

Prepping & Ananya - nice to see you ladies - been wondering where you have been

A xxxxxxxxx
Clara, You're just over 5 weeks now? :cloud9: too awesome. Guess the real fun hasn't really got itself going yet beyond just the high of first finding out. When are you telling your family/friends?

Missh, You had lots of sexy time last cycle! I am not sure exactly when I'm ovulating, but will take a lesson from you and just keep doing it for at least 4 days after when I think it happened. Hope your cold is getting better!

Cookie, well, you've got us while you wait so that we can all talk about doggy dancing, butt plugs, and lots of TMI. On that note - I was playing with my cm the last couple days and am pretty sure it's the ewcm kind. LoL BDBDBD

Ananya, Nice to see you again! You'll have to give us the update of what's going on in your world when you get home.

A, Between all of us I'm sure we're emmiting enough positive baby dust to get us all on board soon enough.

Okay, here's a quickie: We've :sex: lots, I *think* I have had ewcm the last 2 days, going to keep on :sex: lots for the next few days.
We've had to do renovations in the guest room (*ahem* nursery-to-be) and I'm left smiling like a fool because i keep thinking awwwwww, baby room!

Haven't doggy danced specifically in last couple days. Gotta do that! It might be the dealmaker!
btw, I felt a wave of nausea when eating breakfast this morning (had to dump 1/3 of it). Does anyone have an idea as to whether that could be an indicator of ovulation? Because I know for sure it can't be a pregnancy symptoms. :p (I also said I would :dohh: if I find myself looking for symptoms anyway)
Thanks A. Already got my way on one thing already so really pleased.

Missh. I agree with what the girls said. Enjoy your journey and relax. I've learnt so much from A and she's very true in what she said.

Ananya welcome back sweetie. Must get a proper update from you soon :)

Prepping that made me laugh. Can't help but smile with the doggy dancing, butt plugs and far TMI on this thread lol. Ooooooo ewcm. Bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd.... and a bit of the doggy dance too lol.

Clara - Ooooooo how exciting about your appointments. :p hope your ok down their. Bloody scary watching the news knowing this is happening in our country. Just doesn't seem real. Hope you and all your friends and family stay safe and that it doesn't get too close to you.

A - how you doing my girlie. Hope oh is still taking good care of you and your feeling better. Massive hugs and lots of doggy dancing baby dust for you xxxxxxxxxxxx
Welcome back Ananya :hugs:

Prepping, I'm not sure if feeling sick is a sign of ov. You need to get doggy dancing! Seriously, i have heard that it is one of the best positions to conceive because the :spermy: are 'released' higher up so they have a shorter distance to travel :winkwink:

*Forgot to mention that I always lay with a pillow under me for at least 20 minutes after dtd.

Clara, how are you today? I hope the riots aren't causing you to many problems.

Well, my cold seems to have died off today but I am back to feeling sick and am starting to go off my food :growlmad: That happened to me when I was pregnant with ds.

Forgot to phone the doctors so will have to do that tomorrow.

Sending you all some. . .:dust:
Hi girls! Sorry I've not checked in for a bit, been crazy busy at work and no chance yesterday eve either. Thanks for all your concern re the riots, I'm away from the majority of the trouble and all is quiet in our neighbourhood :)

Appointments are 22nd august (for 1 hour chat with midwife) and 20th September for first scan. All very exciting!!

Feel weird today. Lots of my symptoms (AF pains and nausea ) have faded and my tummy looks less bloated. I still have sore boobs though. It's silly, I worried when the pains were there and again now they aren't! I do still have a cold and a fuzzy brain though, I answered our intercom at work in the name of one of our suppliers today!

MissH how are you feeling? Any appointments yet?

Cookie, how's the new role?

A I'm sad you had to cancel your appointments but keep up the doggy dancing and you never know...! ;) Hope you're ok and being looked after.

Prepping, not sure about nausea being a sign of 'O' however I get pains in my side around that time. Not sure if that helps!

Ananya, how you doing?

Greygirl any updates?

Hope everyone is staying safe in the light of all this violent madness recently. There really are some freaks in this country. Glad we aren't all like that!

Love, butty dog plugs and :dust: in bucketloads!!! Xx

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