SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

GreyGirl I am so sorry that the witch arrived. If the clomid works to make your cycles shorter why will they not give your anymore? How long is your cycle without the clomid? I can't remember if you temp, but maybe it might be worth giving the digitial ov sticks a try. I got a box of 20 off amazon for £20. After a 38 day cycle I was worried about missing ov on the next month so they really helped me. I really hope you get your appointment soon. Big :hugs:

I'm going to phone on Monday and hopefully be able to secure some more. I have been ovulating between CD17-19 on Clomid and without Clomid it's anywhere between CD21-44 that I ovulate :( I'll be using opk sticks this month, possibly not temping though, trying to keep stress levels lower! I think my appointment is supposed to be in November sometime.
How are you doing?
I really hope you can get some more. Long cycles are horrible when your ttc [great when you not ttc!] Maybe give the pre-seed ago as well? The clearblue digitial ov sticks are really good, when you see that smiley face its so exciting. I didn't find temping very easy and I found it quite stressful trying to do it at the right time everyday.

At the moment I am trying to build up the energy to tidy up as every room is a mess. . . but I might just go and sit in the sun :winkwink:

Hope your feeling ok x
Sorry the witch got you grey. I really hope you get a quicker appt. that's ridiculous having to wait till November. Hope your ok and enjoy a few vinos :hugs:

Thanks missh. Feeling rotten still but I know we will get there. It just broke my heart to see him look so disappointed. :crys:

Aww I think you should just rest hunni lol. Ignore the messy rooms. they will still be there after a little rest :)

Hi girls

Well, stayed conscious today except for a little sleep! Yay! Actuall felt less sick this morn too, I had a great night's sleep and I think a poached egg on toast for brekkie must have helped as I went to Covent garden to meet friend's with OH, ate Mexican food and even had a lick of OH's ice cream! That explains the nap :)

Cookie so sorry ugly witchy face arrived. Glad DF is being sweet about it, try to think of it as him being on your side rather than him being disappointed, you are in it together, I'm sure he knows that. Take some pressure off yourself Hun.

Greygirl that witch is busy this weekend, nasty ugly witchy. So sorry she got you too. I really hope you can get more Clomid so you know when you 'o'. Fingers crossed for you sweetie.

Prepping thanks for the advice. My bloods showed v good iron levels so at least that cancels that out. I just keep eating when I can, what I can and drinking as much as I can although it all makes me feel sick! Come on bean, grow that blimmin placenta! 'Stamina man' made me giggle, glad he took the night off to become 'the sperminator'! Enjoy those runny eggs hun because yours are under siege so fingers crossed it won't be long!

MissH poor you, this first bit's knackering and not always fun hey? I don't think I expected to feel quite so crap! I'm with you on the no energy for cleaning thing, it's all I can do just getting to work and back and stay conscious. I can see the carpets need hoovering, the kitchen floor needs cleaning, my plants have dropped bits on the windowsills, the bathroom needs a clean...but I'm knackered and just can't do it. Here's to week 12 when apparently you get loads of energy! This place will be shining! Hang in there hun, we can do it!

Achelois hope you're ok and having fun wherever you are girly

Ciao for now Stick Pee-ers, thanks for all being so amazing, glad we're sharing our journeys xx
Glad your feeling a bit better Clara. I am so looking forward to the magic 12 week point! It takes me until about 8pm to feel human everyday. By the middle of the night I am back to feeling sick again:dohh:
Omg I did a huge reply this morning and mustn't of pressed send.. gutting lol.
Clara pleased your feeling a bit better. Hope you managed to enjoy your weekend :)
Missh hope you feel better soon too hunni.

A - where are you :( I miss you :( hope your well wherever you are my dear :hugs:

Hope everyone's ok. Much love and butt plugs to you all xxxxxxxxx
Thanks guys, I have phoned the consultants secretary this morning and asked for more, she said she'll ask him and he'll write to me with his decision! Looks like I'm too late this month so will have to see how long my cycle is. I'll be doing opks this month, but not temping, see how 1/2 relaxed works :)
Fingers crossed they'll say yes, GreyGirl. Glad you are seeing it as a chance to have a more relaxed month this month. You never know, it may have regulated things so your body will O earlier. I am not sure how Clomid works actually. What does it do?

Cookie, its so annoying when that happens! I've done it a few times, grrr!

MissH, poor you, at least we know it's all normal! Yep, roll on 12 weeks! I am approx 9wks 4 days.... Ugh. It feels like the longest hangover ever!

Well, the feeling better seems to be every other day. I still feel sick all day every day, just in varying degrees. Yesterday felt very poorly in te morning which was annoying as we were meant to be leaving for a mini music festival in Cambridge. I made myself go, slept a bit in the car and we got there at 3, managing to see the two bands we wanted to so that was good :) Work and dentist to look forward to tomorrow, let's see how that goes!

I'm off to Devon Wed eve to Friday as Gma is rather poorly now and I want to see her before we go on holiday from 10th to 18th Sept. My Auntie and Cousin arrive this week from Australia too. Not sure when I am going to catch up on all this rest I'm meant to be getting! Ho hum.

Hope everyone's ok, love and butt plugs to all
Fingers crossed they'll say yes, GreyGirl. Glad you are seeing it as a chance to have a more relaxed month this month. You never know, it may have regulated things so your body will O earlier. I am not sure how Clomid works actually. What does it do?

Cookie, its so annoying when that happens! I've done it a few times, grrr!

MissH, poor you, at least we know it's all normal! Yep, roll on 12 weeks! I am approx 9wks 4 days.... Ugh. It feels like the longest hangover ever!

Well, the feeling better seems to be every other day. I still feel sick all day every day, just in varying degrees. Yesterday felt very poorly in te morning which was annoying as we were meant to be leaving for a mini music festival in Cambridge. I made myself go, slept a bit in the car and we got there at 3, managing to see the two bands we wanted to so that was good :) Work and dentist to look forward to tomorrow, let's see how that goes!

I'm off to Devon Wed eve to Friday as Gma is rather poorly now and I want to see her before we go on holiday from 10th to 18th Sept. My Auntie and Cousin arrive this week from Australia too. Not sure when I am going to catch up on all this rest I'm meant to be getting! Ho hum.

Hope everyone's ok, love and butt plugs to all

Thanks :) I hope so too!

Are youon prenatal vits? Another friend on here who's pregnant felt really sick on normal prenatal vits but changed to just folic acid and felt almost normal...something to do with iron making you feel sick...
Thanks Grey, I have changed to Floradix and folic acid and I think it's a little better. I think I just have to wait it out and hope I'm not one of the unlucky ones who are sick all the way through!! Agh! Managed to stay conscious today, very proud of myself! Ha ha!

I'm still wildly excited and hopeful for all you ladies. I can't wait for your BFPs, you all deserve them sooooo much. Sperms, get on the case, eggies, let them in (and get out of that ovary on time!) if my wishing hard enough could make it happen, you'd all be PG by now!!!

Love and baby dust to all! Xxxx
cookie, aw hun :hugs:. Like Clara said, see this as a wonderful sign that your hubby is right on board and just as excited as you are about making your little bean. That's a beautiful thing. As much as it sucks that it's not instantaneous, you'll be an amazing mum when the time comes. Until then, I think you could use some good distraction time to ease off on the pressure. Do something that makes yourself feel good. We'll all be making 2012 babies together and there's nowhere to look but up. :D

Grey, I'm so sorry to hear that AF turned her witchy head your way. I really hope your doctor can speed the process up a bit for you. Either way, using opks without the charting isn't a bad plan to ease off on the detail a bit. I would go for the digital versions too to take the guess work out of it. I really really hope that this cycle doesn't prove to be a long one for you! Maybe the clomid from before might still have some influence? Not sure how it works, but I hope so. And hey, let's hope you don't even need to go to the doc in Nov afterall!

missh, OH isn't growing a bean, so he can do the cleaning for now. :p That's just my opinion. ;) I find it a bit funny that with you and Clara talking about how awful certain things are, the only thing I can think is "can't wait!" :D LoL

Clara, just because of your wishes, I think I feel a little something brewing to happen! Or is that just needing to pee? hmm. I'll take the wishes anyway! LoL Going to a music festival sounds like fun! Who did you see?

As for me, I'm on CD13. It's prime time now! And know what? yesterday didn't happen. Grr. DH was asleep before we got a chance but then had trouble staying asleep until around 4am because of allergies.... so that meant no morning boinks either. He promised a ravaging tonight though, so let's count on a good double dose! CM is a mystery so I'm just going to rely on lots and lots of dancing to cover our window. I'm pretty sure I haven't O'd yet, so there's still time! September, you're my month!
Aww Thankyou prepping. You've really cheered me up. Had a tough few days and worked a 14hour shift today but feel better thanks to you my pickle :hugs:

Clara thanks for the wishes too. hope your feeling better :hugs:

Hugs and butt plugs galore my lovely ladies. Will check in properly tomorrow girlies :hugs:
Hey ladies! How are you all? Sorry, I had gone awol. I just haven't had the chance to post. Hope missH and Clara you are both well. How is your pregnancies? I have been reading though and trying to keep up with your good and bad days!

I am currently waiting for my af. I am due today or tomorrow but then I had sooo much CM from 26th to 29th august. It could have been a late ovulation! I did a test and it was a bfn so I really doubt I am expecting! I am getting lots of AF pain so hoping it will just come and get it over with!

Other than that, I am very busy with my little one and her hospital appts!

Lots of good luck to all you ladies xxx
cookie, aw you're too cute. I'm a pickle! haha

Ananya! Hi! Sucky about AF coming. Hope she just gets on with it soon! I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you've mentioned hospital visits before... how is your little one doing?

Operation Sperm Catcher still underway.
Grey, I'm so sorry to hear that AF turned her witchy head your way. I really hope your doctor can speed the process up a bit for you. Either way, using opks without the charting isn't a bad plan to ease off on the detail a bit. I would go for the digital versions too to take the guess work out of it. I really really hope that this cycle doesn't prove to be a long one for you! Maybe the clomid from before might still have some influence? Not sure how it works, but I hope so. And hey, let's hope you don't even need to go to the doc in Nov afterall!

As for me, I'm on CD13. It's prime time now! And know what? yesterday didn't happen. Grr. DH was asleep before we got a chance but then had trouble staying asleep until around 4am because of allergies.... so that meant no morning boinks either. He promised a ravaging tonight though, so let's count on a good double dose! CM is a mystery so I'm just going to rely on lots and lots of dancing to cover our window. I'm pretty sure I haven't O'd yet, so there's still time! September, you're my month!

Sorry to hear it didn't happen - I have the same problems with my OH sometimes! He also has allergies and it stops him sleeping and probably affect his sex drive. He has a nasal spray but isn't the most organised at keeping up his prescription! Hope the ravaging went well, love your way with words! :haha:
I hope the Clomid still works this month, but doubt it. It's supposed to supress the Estrogen so the brain thinks it's low and does the lh surge early - or something like that!

Hey ladies! How are you all? Sorry, I had gone awol. I just haven't had the chance to post. Hope missH and Clara you are both well. How is your pregnancies? I have been reading though and trying to keep up with your good and bad days!

I am currently waiting for my af. I am due today or tomorrow but then I had sooo much CM from 26th to 29th august. It could have been a late ovulation! I did a test and it was a bfn so I really doubt I am expecting! I am getting lots of AF pain so hoping it will just come and get it over with!

Other than that, I am very busy with my little one and her hospital appts!

Lots of good luck to all you ladies xxx

Hi! :wave:
Hope af gets out the way so you can concentrate on this month :)

AFM: I'm past the af blues and ready to kick butt! I've gone onto the 'green' plan on slimming world as I was struggling to get enough fruit and veg in, so this one's a bit different, so far so good. So I'm hoping even if it takes a few more months to get pregnant, I should have a healthier pregnancy and a lower starting weight - so better for be and baby!
Also, I was worried for a while that we'd have to stop trying as hubbie was having trouble at work and thinking he might fail his probation period and be out of a job - BUT yesterday he had a FANTASTIC review meeting and although the final judging is 2 months away, they told him to not look for another job as they're fairly sure he'll be staying!
The other news is 3 months after we had our appointment, hubbie FINALLY did his sperm sample! It was our last chance before I start work next week and wouldn't be able to drop it off for him. It was a nightmare finding the histopathology department as no one seemed to know what it I won't be able to find out the results by phone or mail, apparently I'll need to wait til my appointment - grrr!!!
Phew! That's me done, how are you all? :hugs:
Grey, Don't you worry a bit, DH is coming through with flying colours. As sexy as it may be when he sometimes has a Breathe Right strip on to help with allergy congestion. LoL The things that don't seem to matter too much when you've been together long enough. :haha:
I'm so happy to see you're in good spirits!! Yay!!! :D You're right about how it may take a little longer, but it's all worth it if it means you are healthier and can have a healthier bean. That's ultimately why we have taken as long as we have too! We were planning on getting started this time last year, but my accupuncturist told me my "uterus is not ready" as I had just come off BC pills. So we waited, and waited some more due to other life stuff, and will wait as long as it takes (not like we have a choice anyway!). :)
Great to hear that your hubby is feeling more positive about the security of his place at work too and that he got around to his deposit. All sounds like life is going pretty darn well where you are.

missh & Clara, How's preggo life?

Everyone else, Been a tad quiet, how's everyone doing? :D

We're still at it like bunnies. I asked hubs if he feels used or 'empty' with it happening every day and his response was as positive as it could be. He apparently is perfectly happy being used and is looking forward to being used tonight too. I think he enjoys this whole baby making process. LoL
According to siggy, I ovulate today. Woo hoo!
GreyGirl, glad to hear that things are looking up. Hope that by the time your appointment arrives you won't even need it :winkwink:

Prepping, fx for some strong little swimmers! :spermy::spermy::spermy::spermy::spermy::spermy:

Ananya, welcome back! Fx the witch doesn't arrive!

Cookie, hope your feeling better? Just remember that now your OH isn't as busy at work you have more time to doggy dance and more chance of a BFP!

Clara, hope the visit to Devon goes ok :hugs:

Achelois, hope everything is ok :hugs:

I'm ok, still feeling sick for most of the day, tired and struggling to find things to eat but it will all be worth it :baby:
Grey, Don't you worry a bit, DH is coming through with flying colours. As sexy as it may be when he sometimes has a Breathe Right strip on to help with allergy congestion. LoL The things that don't seem to matter too much when you've been together long enough. :haha:
I'm so happy to see you're in good spirits!! Yay!!! :D You're right about how it may take a little longer, but it's all worth it if it means you are healthier and can have a healthier bean. That's ultimately why we have taken as long as we have too! We were planning on getting started this time last year, but my accupuncturist told me my "uterus is not ready" as I had just come off BC pills. So we waited, and waited some more due to other life stuff, and will wait as long as it takes (not like we have a choice anyway!). :)
Great to hear that your hubby is feeling more positive about the security of his place at work too and that he got around to his deposit. All sounds like life is going pretty darn well where you are.

missh & Clara, How's preggo life?

Everyone else, Been a tad quiet, how's everyone doing? :D

We're still at it like bunnies. I asked hubs if he feels used or 'empty' with it happening every day and his response was as positive as it could be. He apparently is perfectly happy being used and is looking forward to being used tonight too. I think he enjoys this whole baby making process. LoL
According to siggy, I ovulate today. Woo hoo!

Glad to hear you're still at it! I love your way with words! I wish my hubbie was as easy to get happy being 'used and abused', ha ha! Maybe now work is going better it'll help lift his mood and boost his sex drive - a girl can dream right?
It has been quiet, hopefully because everyone is locked in the bedroom making babies! ;)
Life is going pretty good thanks, back to being more positive and feel like myself. Almost every day though I'm hearing about more pregnancies, never seems to let up! Doesn't help being in a religion where big families are the norm! I'm happy for them, but, yeah, you all know what it feels like.
I'm so pleased work seems to be on the up and relieved he finally did his specimin!
Keep :sex: and using your OH - make that baby! Butt plugs xx

GreyGirl, glad to hear that things are looking up. Hope that by the time your appointment arrives you won't even need it :winkwink:

Prepping, fx for some strong little swimmers! :spermy::spermy::spermy::spermy::spermy::spermy:

Ananya, welcome back! Fx the witch doesn't arrive!

Cookie, hope your feeling better? Just remember that now your OH isn't as busy at work you have more time to doggy dance and more chance of a BFP!

Clara, hope the visit to Devon goes ok :hugs:

Achelois, hope everything is ok :hugs:

I'm ok, still feeling sick for most of the day, tired and struggling to find things to eat but it will all be worth it :baby:

Hope you start to feel more normal soon :hugs:
grey, my way with words last night was "So, can we keep the streak going?". Romance all the way. :D I think things are definately on the up for you! I find that I don't mind the wait as much as long as I get to enjoy the things that I otherwise wouldn't be able to do when pregnant. Little bits of distraction all over. Of course, that's my opinion at the beginning of the 2WW... I may be a bit more anxious as the next 2 weeks progress.

missh, Glad that you're doing pretty okay... or at least status quo with nothing worse. :p It is so all worth it :D I'm still excited for you.

I'm assuming that the rest of you are having lots and lots of fun doing whatever it is you're doing. Heart you all! :D

I'm in the 2WW! We've got another few more doggy dances that I'm going to work in to the next few days just in case... but we have that out of town wedding fun to distract us so it'll be good.

Feeling good about this month! I haven't had the CM that I normally do so I don't know whether that's good, bad, or otherwise. CD14 last month had a huge gob (TMI! :D), this month was nothing substantial. But hey, we've done all we can!

love dust and heart plugs :)
Sorry I've not been about ladies. Been a busy week with DFs bday and work. Been thinking about you all.

Missh & Clara I hope your doing ok. Grow those babies girls :D

Prepping your way with words nearly made me choke Haha. Crossing everything for you and hope the 2ww flies and you get that notorious bfp at the end. You def get an A* for effort lol.

Grey- pleased your starting to feel better hunni. I'm sure your DH is going to be up for it if works improved. If my DF is anything to go by. Since works calmed down he's turned in to a horny teenager lol. Lets hope he still feels that way when its time to doggy dance lol.

Afm - I'm good. My moods lifted Haha. Just felt sorry for myself but I'm up for the next month. I'm tryin not to think what month of ttc we are on cos its just so depressing. Haha.

Hope everyone's well.
A - where are you :( wherever you are my dear I hope your ok and doggy dancing away. Big :hugs:

Butty plug sandwiches to you all xxxx

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