SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

I'm not feeling as sick anymore and I have started eating for two! :thumbup:

Hope there has been lots of doggy dancing this weekend :winkwink:

Hey ladies

Thanks for still thinking about me though girls - if its ok even though I am not doing much TTC these days - Id like to still hang out and see whats going on with you all?

Cookie - Sorry to hear about the witch showing up in the end. Please dont get upset - I am CERTAIN you will get your 2012 baby. Just keep at it and maybe try the preseed thing etc. xx

Grey - Sorry witch got you too! Lets hope it wont take too long until Dr can sort you out with everything. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Missh - glad to hear the sickness is settling down for you now - nearly at that special 12 week time now - not long!

Clara - cant believe what you have been through with the fainting and sickness etc. Lets hope like MissH it passes for you sooner rather than lately! It might be a good idea to remind yourself that feeling like this means your baby is doing ok. Makes it a little more positive although I am sure you dont feel that way! Hope GMa is ok too x

Prepping - How are you getting on? See DH isnt doing as he should be - give him a kick! Its been nearly 2 weeks now since I had any action and still bleeding so know how you feel! Having said that - the way things are going - not sure thats a bad thing.

Dont want to put a downer on everything girls - so not going to stay here whinging for long........ just wanted to let you know I am still alive - just not really into anything much at the moment.

Love and dust to you all (and sparkly butt pluggs!)

A xxxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone

A real quickie, buongiorno from Italia! I will catch up properly when home! Miss you!

A I'm so sorry to hear things aren't great. Keep smiling honey, they have a funny way of turning around even though it may not feel like it at the time. Big hugs x

Butt plugs and baci! X
Ach, I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through. I'm happy to have you stay in touch regardless. :hugs:

missh, glad to hear you're not as sicky!

Clara, lucky girl! I'd love to be in italy right now :D

Doing well enough here. Trying to not focus on what dpo I am and looking for telltale signs. Also trying to stay positive as I'm hesitant to think this is indeed our month -- I feel pretty normal at this point. Maybe a good thing?
Darn impatience :p
Achelois, big :hugs:. So sorry that things aren't too good at the moment. Have you been to the doctors about the bleeding? Do you think your OH is miserable about your mc or is it everything? Have you tried talking to him about it? Sorry for so many questions! Your always welcome to rant on here :hugs:

Clara, hope your having a fantastic, relaxing time. I'm jealous!

Prepping, your in the 2ww :happydance: I think its fine to feel normal 4dpo. I am keeping every crossed for you :baby:

I have a metallic taste and my gums feel sensitive. That's strange for me. Hmmm. ;)

(And so the casual observations begin...) :D
A hunni. I'm so sorry your going through this. I'm thinking of you and sending huge :hugs: and kisses. I'm always here for you and we should sort this meet out so I can give you a proper hug xxxx

Missh pleased your feeling better. Time to enjoy growing that baby xxxx
Clara. Hope you enjoying Italy hun. And chilling xxxx
Prepping. As always you made me giggle. Casual observations are allowed lol. Metallic taste is good. hope the 2ww flies by for you sweetie xxxx

Me. I'm ok. Had a naff day at work. Came home and cried on DF. His response was to pass me a can of cider and gone to cook dinner for me lol. I love that man of mine xxx and the practice BDing is all good lol.

Butty plugs to all xxxxxxxxxxx and special hugs to A xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girls

Thanks SO much for your lovely responses. You made me cry xx

Prepping - sounds promising about the metallic taste!! F's x'd for you babe.

MissH - thanks for "having me back"! Hope all is well with you.

Clara - thanks for the message hun - hope you are having fun in Italy - shame you cant sample all that amazing wine! ;)

Cookie - Definitely up for sorting the meet - could do with some girly chat! Glad OH is being amazing - youre a lucky girl!

Thanks girls! Love you all to bits and hoping you all get your BFPs and our two stars already there keep us posted with all the updates!

Love ya

A xxxxxxxx
Oh I'm so sorry to hear all that you have been through Ach. It does sound like you have had time to think and already know the direction to take. I've always been a supporter of the thought that sometimes change, no matter how hard it is, is for the best. All I can say is that you have a giant massive Canadian virtual hug sent your way.
cookie, awesome about the supportive hubby. "naff" made me smile. Gotta love you english people and your funny expressions. :D My Grandma was from England so I had an earfull from her when she was around. :cloud9:

As for moi, yesterday my casual observations included the metal mouth as mentioned, I had no energy for my workout, and had really uncomfortable bloat in the evening. All of which very well may mean absolutely nothing. :p
How am I going to go another 8 days without driving myself nutty with the observations?? Man am I in need of a distraction!

I asked DH if he was still sure that this was our month. His confidence has wavered a bit but he still *thinks* that we have a good chance. Guess I'll hold on to that!
A my dear. Thinking of you always. All we want is for you to be happy. If your not happy you have your answer. It's time to think of number 1. Please know that we r here for you sweetie. Huge huge :hugs:

Prepping. Pleased you liked naff. Lol. It really was naff though and so was today lol. Hope these 8days fly by hunni and you have that bfp to report at the end of it :)

Afm. I've been stressed these past few days. Wasn't gonna say anything or here but don't know who to turn to. So......
Was in bed with DF last week stroking his chest and came across a lump :( its right above his nipple and I just freaked out. Turns out DF of mine has noticed it a week or so before hand and just didn't want to say anything. I have been fighting with him for the last week to book a drs appt and today he finally did (after me me crying down the phone at him might I add) and now he has an appt in a few hours. He doesn't want to go alone so I said I will go with him (very unlike him) and even wants me in the room with gin (even more unlike him) girls I'm so scared. I'm sure its just a cyst or a fatty lump... but there's always a chance its something worse. I'm sat at home feeling so sick. I just don't know what to do. Trying to be supportive but bloody terrified :(

Sorry needed to get it off my chest :( fx its all ok xxxx
cookie, although the worst case scenario is always the first thing that jumps to mind, you cannot let yourself be consumed with that thought. It could be anything, and quite likely something very simple that may even go away on it's own. The two of you just have to go in with a level head and not assume anything or it will raise the stress levels through the roof. And above all, do not google.
I'm sure everything will be okay. :hugs:
I no prepping. I've Googled and realised my mistake so stopped lol. We are on our way now (dfs Dr the other side of county lol) and he is in good spirit. I'm just hoping the DF looks at us like we are mad and tells us we are being silly. It's just my mum had a breast cancer scare and so I'm more aware of it now and when begging DF to get an appt I asked him what he'd do if he found it on me and he said he'd drag me straight to the Dr. So yea I'm in the car feeling sick and trying not to let DF see my worry :(

Was hoping we wouldn't be seeing drs till we get our bfp :( oh well. Hopefully in an hour we will be laughing over our panic :)
It's a cyst :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
The Dr was amazing. Think she could see my worry so was lovely to me bless her. And DF quite liked the blonde haired lady Dr touching his chest so he said he isn't so scared of the drs anymore lol. Good job really cos he has an appt tomoro now to have a wart on his hand removed lol.
So sorry A that you're having such a hard time. You don't sound happy. I wouldn't know how to offer any advice, but do what you need to to be happy - life's too short to be miserable.

So relieved for you Cookie! I can understand how worrying that would have bee, but so glad it's nothing :hugs:
Thankyou grey. Just so relieved. Been so caught up in all this I completely forgot its BDing time lol. so shall be taking advantage of my DF and his beautiful cyst tonight lol.

How you doing grey xxxxxxzx
Thanks girls xxxx Dont know what I would do without you.

Cookie - glad all turned out ok - my heart jumped in my mouth when I read earlier posts - glad its just one of those sodding things! thinking of you lovely xxx

See you all soon xxxxxxxx
Thanks A. I feel stupid now for mentioning it on here as it was just a cyst but I think i just got to the point where I was going to burst and just break down. But we are all ok. He had to go back today to have some warts on his hand treated and so I collected him from work as was easier for me to park the car than his van and the guys are work were convinced we were going for a baby scan lol. Funny but sad at the same time.

I hope your doing ok A. Thinking of you always my dear. Butty plug hugs for you xxxxxxxxx
cookie, There you go. Nothing to worry about. That's wonderful. :)
And about scans, you'll be there soon enough!

6dpo for me and still nada. This week has been going by sooo slooooowwww.
hmph. I had a 30 second queeziness this morning. Not going to put all my hope in it though. LoL
Achelois, when I met my OH he was in a relationship. He had been with her for 7 years and was very unhappy. The year before we met me he tried to end it with her but she talked him in to trying again. We started to see each other and after a few months he broke up with her [with lots of pressure from me]. They owned a house together and had a dog so it was never just a case of walking away.

7 months after breaking up with her and sleeping in seperate rooms he still hadn't put their house up for sale. In the end he told me he couldn't go through with the split and that we should just be friends. I was seriously fed up and went on a night out with another man. The following day he put his house up for sale and moved out shortly afterwards. He decided that he wanted to be with me even thought it was going to be a difficult process to seperate their lives. It took nearly two years for their house to sell and she got the dog which he was heart broken about.

When we met he told me he didn't want to get married and he never wanted children. Well two years after that we got engaged, then shortly afterwards I was pregnant. As soon as we had ds he wanted another one and its been me who has had to be the practical one about waiting.

What I am trying to say is if he had stayed with her because it was so hard to leave he would never have had children and it would of been the biggest mistake of his life. It was a very hard time but he was in his early 30's and didn't want to waste anymore of his life. It was made worse by the fact that his ex is best friends with his sister but he took the hard steps and made a fresh start.

My OH and DS adore each other. DS first question every morning is 'where is my daddy?' followed by 'I want my daddy!' OH loves being a dad so all the difficult times have been made worth it by a little person!

If you decided to stay with your OH and you have a child do you think your relationship will cope with it? Having a baby puts so much stress and strain on a relationship.

Maybe ask yourself if you were a couple who both owned seperate properties would you still be together? If not, then you are probably still together now because you live together. Life is far to short to be miserable and you deserve to be happy. Maybe some time apart is what you need. Could he go and stay somewhere while you both have sometime to think?

I really hope that things work out for you, what ever you decide. Big :hugs:

Sorry for the long post!

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