SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

cookie, sounds promising! I really hope this is it for you hun.

Grey, I'm so sorry it sounds like ttc is a real stresser for you right now. Any chance of you and hubby having a little getaway to take some strain away from life? I find that works wonders for me. GL with your appointment.

Clara, That's wonderful that the ick feeling is starting to give you a break! Well deserved! And any sort of maybe-flutterings sound exciting!
And yes, Red Lobster is a seafood chain restaurant. It was tasty. :)

Not too much exciting about being CD8. Just relaxing with it being the first 2 weeks. All's good.

Butt dances and doggy dust :dust:
Thanks guys for your good thoughts for our appointment. I'd love to get away Prepping, but it's not an option right now.
The appointment went really well. Hubbie has above average volume of swimmers and over 80% moving! So he was pleased with that.
He's also put me on the waiting list for a laproscimy (sp?) and dye test to check the other tube and ovary are working well. It's going to be an operation and not catherter based because he's going to drill the ovary too so it works better and responds better to the 6 months of clomid he's promised me for finally have some hope! It's going to take longer to get our baby, but hopefully now this means we will. Something has scared me though - on the information sheet it says the death rate is 1 in that a bad statistic?
So all in all things are hopefully looking up. I'd say I'm out for this month as opk was days ago and no nookie :( At least only 1 of us has issues, I don't think I could cope if he did too....

How are you all?
hi everyone :)

thanks for the bday wishes, i had a great day, we saw contagion which was so good! then a nice, big, homemade italian dinner with the family. think i have put on a few pounds for sure.

just a bit on edge about the job but keeping my fingers crossed. cannot bear to think about doing interviews and applications again! anyway i've been with them 12 years now and i have a good record so hopefully they'll consider that.

cookie! it all sounds SO GOOD.. keeping everything crossed (well except the legs of course, hahaha) :haha:

achelois.. hope you are well :hugs:

clara.. glad to know you are somewhat out of the woods and will soon be able to enjoy the coming months :happydance:

greygirl.. hang in there, it'll all come together soon! and you aren't alone with the hubby issues.. i have the same problem.. we had a talk and it turned out DH was nervous about starting a family. maybe have a heart to heart with him?

prepping.. glad u had a great bday hun.. lucky u, i've been dying to go to red lobster! love love love seafood! actually DH and i are going to florida in october and we plan to hit there asap

am meeting some friends for lunch so off i go.. will let you all know what's going on when i find out :( god, my dad will kill me if i'm laid off.. he's always after me about taking too many days off and sneaking out early.. :dohh: can't bear to hear "told you so"

hugs, buttplugs and babydust to all :hugs:
Good moring lovely ladies! hope everyones well!

Grey - Thats fab news about yourr hubbys swimmers! Fx the dye test is all clear too and it will go fine hun! Just think, once its over with you will have maybe a few answers and then so ore clomid, BUT you might not need it by then hey ;)

Clara - glad all went well for you and your family :hugs: Fluttering feelings!! How EXCITING!!!!!!! :happydance: and pleased your feeling better!

Prepping - Enjoy relaxing for the first few weeks! and then doggy dance doggy dance doggy dance!!!! :p

Karine - Fx with the job situation! After 12yrs Id hope they would see sense! but i know what you mean about the dad situation! My dad still says all that to me! Sooooo annoying! lol

AFM - Witchy witch due today! Been having some good casual observations and been feeling quite positive but today ive woken up and just not feeling it! I cant describe it lol. Well i felt a little sicky when i woke but feel better now but i just feel like AF is on its way. IDK, will let you all know when she arrives lol!
But, on the up side, i have a good distraction today! its last day of holiday :( and me and DF are going pony trekking across the Dales! Im soooo excited lol! I can ride but DF has only just started lessons so we will just be walking but still, cant wait :D

Anyways, im offski now! hope everyones ok! enjoy the sun peeps!
Love and Butt Plugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
She got me :(
oh well off to finish enjoying my last day of holiday! bring on the vino :p
cookie.. :hugs: you have the best attitude chick! hope you have a great end to your holiday so you can go home refreshed to get on with :sex: lucky us that babymaking is so fun right?

big hugs!
oh i forgot.. didn't lose my job! so relieved.. and luckily nobody else did either.. it was all a misunderstanding and everything ended up being resolved..
Thanks karine. Pleased to hear you didn't lose your job. That's fab.

Loved my holiday but got home sat and my bearded dragons were acting weird and yesterday spent the day trying to kill eachother. So had a horrible day tryin to figure out what we are going to do. They need to be split up and DF started saying maybe we would have to get rid of one :( we don't really have room for another vivarium (its a 4ft viv) but after a lot of tears from me he admitted he couldn't get rid of one so we have to buy another viv. Sooooooo expensive but worth it. So we have to have one in a box atm. Huge plastic box full of sand so they r happy but I'm so sad they have to be split :( anyways my rant over.

Hope everyone's ok. Butty plugs to all xxxxxxxx
Grey, I dont know how much you should worry about the 1 in 4000 bit... I would say that any surgery would be a concern. The most common surgeries (like c-sections) have pretty unnerving stats. But there's only so much we can worry about.
I hope the most for you.

karine, excellent news that there was a big miscommunication and your job is secure.

cookie, that friggin nasty witch! And that's weird that your dragons suddenly have to be separated. Can imagine the logistics on that would be annoying (and $). On to a bright new month!

I'm starting to actually be able to read cm I think! Pretty sure that I have ewcm today. Therre was doggy dancing last night, and a bunch more to come. Pre-seed is taking it's time to get delivered so hope I get to use it at least a couple times!
*big sigh*.. well had ewcm last night and guess what? dh couldn't finish.. i just don't understand because i thought we fixed this problem.. am SO frustrated, angry and just fed-up :hissy:

don't know what to do. i'm thinking it's his cold feet again, the man takes forever to get the courage to do anything, took him 10 years to marry me.. hopefully it won't take another 10 for us to conceive :growlmad:

so yet again i'm out :cry: i love him, he's a good man, but i'm getting the feeling we aren't on the same page with :crib:

i'm so confused..

sorry for the rant, hope everyone is well :hugs:

cookie, sorry you have to separate your dragons hun :( but at least you get to keep them both :)

prepping, GL with the bding! fx this is your month!

:dust: to all :)
Aw hun, I'm so sorry that you're all upset. :hugs: It will happen in time, and maybe this does mean you are in need of a talk to get on the same page. Whatever that page may be.
My DH has his stamina man moments and it doesn't have anything to do with anything. All is good, feels good, just doesn't have the big bang ending. Is that possible for your DH?
Communication is key right now and I bet will make you feel a million times better. And remember you're still not out yet! If you had ewcm yesterday, then you'll still have the chance for tonight too.
I dragged myself out of sleep last night to make sure we had some BDing time. Something that is out of the question 3 of the 4 weeks each month. :haha:
Had some really good evidence of ewcm, so am quite positive!

How's everyone doing??
Hi ladies,

Sorry i haven't been around for a while, been on holiday and haven't had a chance to post.

Just going to start reading everything i've missed!

Hope everybody is ok :hugs:
Hi all! Same here MissH, been away at the weekend, work's been busy and I've been coming home to sleep!

Cookie, sorry the troll-faced witch arrived :( Also sorry to hear about the dragons taking a dislike to eachother. Very strange, I wonder why.

Karine, prepping is right, it may just be one of those things, it happens sometimes. Shame it happened right now but there's still more chances in the next few days. Good luck hon.

Prepping, EWCM sounds good! Fingers crossed the doggy dancing does the trick this month!

Afm, midwife appt tonight. Our chances of Down's Syndrome or similar are 1:3400 so pretty low, very pleased :) Still haven't heard heartbeat yet, not til 16 weeks apparently. We also changed our midwife. I didn't really warm to the last one, she didn't seem too friendly, wrote some details down wrong and couldn't get any blood out of my arm :( Today's one was so lovely and friendly! We had a giggle about me trying to pee in a pot while the loo light kept going out!! So pleased we've changed :)

Hope everyone's ok, sorry if I missed anything, so tired, off to bed in a mo

Love, doggy dancing, butt plugs and baby dust as always xx
I understand Karine, happened to me too a few times. He said it's cos of pressure, so maybe talk about that?

Glad you've changed Clara, it's so important to like your midwife!

Sorry I've been MIA, been trying to keep away because my head has been swimming about the upcoming op. I'm also still gutted I didn't get a chance this month, hopefully next month I can get pregnant before the op...maybe if hubbie gets his probation cleared at work (in around a month from now) he'll be more willing...
Hey ladies. Grey I really hope you get that bfp before the op but if not on sure you will be fine sweetie and we will all be thinkin of you :hugs:

Clara - pleased you managed to change mw. It's great that your new one is much nicer :) and pleased to hear baby seems nice and healthy :) hope your resting and not feeling so sicky :)

Prepping - doggy dance doggy dance ewcm doggy dance doggy dance doggy dance :happydance:

Karine - sorry your having a tough time atm. Hope your oh doesn't get cold feet over the next few days. we have all been there hun. but you still have time so not out yet hunni xxxxx

Missh - hope you had a nice holiday. Midwife appt soon now isn't it. How exciting :)

Afm - bloody dragons lol. They are fighting cos they are both boys and getting territorial now thwy are maturing. So we have had to split them up and they cos me £300 yesterday on buying a new viv for one pf them to go in and I've also had to get rid of the table the original viv was on so I have space for the new tank. So I now have two 4ft tanks in my flat lol. Oh well, they are my babies so its ok :)

Hope all are well. Butty plugs dogs a dancing with fairy dust for everyone lol xxxx
missh, Glad to see you back! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

Clara, Looks like you've switched out feeling sick with just being plain tired. Guess that's not as bad. Good that you got a new midwife that you have more of a connection with! When it comes time for me here, I won't have the same kind of selection. In fact, I'll be lucky if I can get a midwife to begin with considering how few are out there. I'm very much not going with the flow and will be asking to be on the midwife list as soon as I get my BFP confirmed.

Grey, :hugs: Everything will be fine I'm sure.

cookie, 8 ft of tanks? wow. A whole wall of dragons. Hope I don't have the aggression come out between my two male boxers (1 yr old and 7 yr old). They wouldn't do well in tanks.

I got in some dancing this morning! We were wiped last night and I really didn't want to have 2 days without boinks. So we'll see how super fertile I may be right now considering I only layed around for 5-10 minutes afterwards before having to get up and get ready. I'm picturing a bunch of bugs getting thrown against a big spiderweb. Some of them stick, the rest get away (I know, I'm romantic). :D
hey there ladies :) thanks for all the advice, i was so down and out..

we had a talk and he told me that when he knows im ovulating he feels pressured (just like u said, grey) so hopefully that's the reason and it's nothing to worry about. will have a go again tonight, couldn't do anything yesterday as i was too sore from the sperm-less marathon the day before, hehe. so hopefully im still fertile. will be saying prayers in my head all evening that it's my time.

welcome back missh :flower:

clara, glad things are going well with you :)

cookie, i know about the maturing thing. when my squirrel started maturing she got really aggressive and attacked me one day.. i ended up with about 10 bites on my feet and hands. couldn't let her free tho because she's not accustomed to being in the wild and very tame (except when in heat) so she'd never survive out there.

luckily she never attacks dh so he handles her.. i feed her and clean out her cage etc but can't hold or cuddle her much anymore :( i used to be the only person she'd allow to pick her up etc. now that she's matured she only wants dh because he's a man.. the vet told me she can pick up on his testosterone.. so weird.. it makes me really sad but at least i have her with me and i know she's happy and safe. i feel like my baby is all grown up and doesn't want me anymore, lol.. she still sits on my shoulder tho so i know the love is still there, haha.. silly little madam! sorry about rambling, i can talk about her all day..

prepping, loads of babydust for you, hun! hope that spiderweb catches some bugs :)


greygirl! best of luck with the op.. fx everything goes well and works out for you hun!

big hugs!
karine, glad you were able to talk to your DH about it.
I was just thinking about the pressure side of things.... Well, when I feel pressure to *ahem* finish in a short period of time, it can certainly throw me way out so that it's practically impossible. I know the female orgasm can be elusive at times -- but if I have the thought in the back of my head that I don't have the time or I'm thinking of something else entirely, it's darned near impossible. This morning for example, it's a good thing it doesn't matter as much that *I* finish as I was already thinking about what I was going to wear today. LoL

If stamina man happens too often, then it's an issue that needs a talk so that the pressure can be lessened. But if it's now and again (even if it unfortunately happens at prime time), then I wouldn't stress myself out about it too much as the reason can be pretty logical and can be dealt with.
Just my 2 cents... or currency equal to 2 cents in everyone's respective countries. :D

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