SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

Super duper crazy fertile CM right now btw! Just has to hang in there for the next 6 hrs or so!
Prepping, jump on your man when he gets home! I did read that every other day is a good idea when ttc.

Still feeling very tired so just trying to relax. Ds has gone to the park with his daddy :thumbup:

Hope your all having a good day x
Missh, I guess we inadvertently have a more 'relaxed' approach this cycle with our every second day pattern, so we'll test whether what you read ends up being right. Wouldn't that be awesome!
Lol prepping quick jump your man. Fx your new approach pays off hunni and have a fun time tonight xxx
Missh hope you got some relaxing time earlier when your OH took DS out. You need to rest up Mrs! :D
Clara hope your ok sweetie and resting up too :hugs:

Afm - I'm in the mother of all moods today. Crap day at work, manager pissed me off big time. Was stressing as everyone was asking me for help and to do a million things at once and I ended up messing somethin up so went to tell manager and was stressing and she just made a sarcastic comment and said just get on with it... I had to walk away before I snapped back at her. Grrr....
And now, I'm curled up with my dragons with a big bottle of archers.... and a straw :D having one for u missh and Clara :D

Butty plugging sticky webs! To the cervix and beyond you fertile ladies lol
Cookie, sorry you had such a rubbish day at work :hugs: hope you had a relaxing evening and enjoyed you bottle of archers. Nice touch with the straw :winkwink:

Prepping, did you have a good time at the party?

I'm still tired, getting up 2-3 times in the night for the toilet is driving me mad and my dreams are so weird at the moment :wacko:

Did some more clearing out this morning, OH was not happy about the amount of stuff I wanted to get rid of so we had to compromise, OH is such a hoarder! Next time I will do it when he is out :winkwink:

Hope your all having a lovely weekend xxx
Cookie I am appreciating the archers thank you! I had a tiny sip of OH's wine last night and it was gorgeous! probably about 3 millilitres! Hope you are feeling better honey. x (By the way have you seen the advert for 'Cookie the playful pup' on TV at the moment?! Makes me giggle!)

MissH, well hello Miss Avocado Carrier! I know exactly what you mean about the peeing more! I go and literally 5 minutes later I am BURSTING again! Also, the weird dreams. I started a thread in the 2nd Tri about it, mine have been crazy, I may sell some ideas to Steven Spielberg! Also the clearing out! I can't stop, OH is worried that he is going to come home one day and all his stuff will be in the charity shop :) (He needn't worry, I am only getting rid of most of it ;) )

Prepping, the CM is sounding good!! Get down on it girl :) I am feeling good things, I have a strong feeling that one of you lovely ladies is getting a BFP soon. If my hoping was enough, you'd all be up the duff right now!!

Here's my pumpkin! Hope you like xxx


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hey gals, hope everyone is having a good weekend. got some bding in yesterday and will prob try later tonight.. just being as laid-back as i can be this month.. leaving for florida on friday so im rather pre-occupied with that atm.

yesterday i went to the hairstylist to get my hair trimmed and the stupid man chopped off all my hair that i took 2 years to grow :cry: it was at my waist and is now under my shoulders! i told him to take off 2 inches for the most and give me long layers.. didn't happen. i know it's a small thing and my hair will grow back but i am so bloody pissed off :growlmad:

anyway, off to have some lunch with the hubs now.. til later.. xx

:dust: and :spermy:
Thanks girls I'm all good ta... only just got rid of my hangover though lol xx
Clara - I love your pumpkin! Wish I could do that but I'm not very artistic lol.
And no I havent seen that advert! I'm gonna be looking out for it now :p
You should treat yourself to a very weak spritzer, mostly lemonade but a hint of wine :)
Aww poor OH panicking about losing all his possessions. I'm sure he wouldnt notice half of the stuff gone anyway lol.
Missh, poor you having to get up all night to pee. I've been having some crazy dreams recently. Hope they are too worrying hun. And also with you OH, I'm sure he won't notice half the things are missing. Lol.

Karine, get BDing girlie. Hope you get used to your hair hun. I know how you feel. I'm so scared of the hair dressers cos my hair is my security blanket. Hope you get used to it hunni. And GL BDing.

hi cookie, it isn't awful, the cut is nice.. it's just i loved my long hair :( but i'll get used to it :thumbup:

dh and i are both beyond tired right now (gardening this morning) but definitely later! to the cervix and beyond :)

hope u have a better day tmrw hun.. i may have to copy your idea of the alco and straw, have a meeting tmrw about god knows what with my bitchy boss. not looking forward to that.

:hugs: and buttplugs!
Lol was good. Had 2 bottles, and my straw helped lol.
Yea I had a fringe cut in last time I had my hair cut and just cried after lol. i love it now but took a while.
Have fun doggy dancing tonight hun :hugs:
Karine, I don't like going to the hairdressers ever since an awful haircut when I was about 16. Think I must of cried for about a week :cry: Hope it doesn't take to long to grow back. Enjoy some doggy dancing today and hopefully your bitch of a boss just wants to tell you how fantastic you are!

Cookie, glad today is better even with the hangover :winkwink:

Clara, I don't remember my bladder being this weak when I was pregnant with ds. I know what you mean about going and then 5 minutes later feeling ready to go again! My 3 yr old has better bladder control than me :haha: I love having a good clear out but the OH hates getting rid of anything! Best to do it when he is out :winkwink:

Well I can't stop eating today! I have a very sweet tooth at the moment which is not so good [loving chocolate!!]. Happily I am also loving fruit and veg so I am getting my 5 a day!
Karine I hate it when hairdressers do that! I've had 'long layers' cut in before and the shorter ones were 2 inches long! That's not a long layer in my book! I was so upset. I completely understand. However, it will grow back and at least you like the style. (looked like a weird marriage of pineapple/mushroom)

Cookie glad you enjoyed your archers. I'm assuming you mean the little mixed bottles and not the 750ml bottle of undiluted stuff! Lol! ;)

MissH the peefest is continuing! It's so weird, I think Bean is trampolining on my bladder! The cleaning and tidying continue too! Also with you on the chocolate. I just demolished a big chunk :)

How's everyone doing? Prepping did you manage to do the doggy dance? ;)

Afm, saw the midwife today, all's well and we heard the heartbeat! 150 beats per minute. Was quite moving, I had tears in my eyes. Midwife asked if I'd felt any movement and I said yes. Then I said that if it helped, the movements always seemed to be on the right quite low down. So she said she'd try the Doppler there and we heard it straight away! Then I giggled and bean must've moved because we lost it for a while then found it again!

Hope you're all having a fun spooky day!

Wishing everyone sticky webs (very halloweeny!) xxx
Karine, sorry to hear that your hairdresser didn't listen to you. That would be very upsetting. You're lucky that you're able to grow hair to your waist! I can't manage to grow mine much below my shoulders. I bet it looks beautiful.

Missh, the sweet tooth is one thing I really really hope doesn't cause cravings when I'm pregsky! I'm super weary of gaining too much weight. I'm tall enough at 5'11" that gaining weight could shoot me right out of the sizing chart. :p

Clara, aww precious! I'm so happy for you preggo's and your happy little bumps.

I think saturday was my super fertile day with the ewcm I was seeing. We got in a quickie before leaving for the party and had a good session last night so hope I caught it! Funny enough, we didn't even really get to take advantage of the pre-seed at peak time. Sat just used a bit to help things along quick and sunday none. So if it helped at all, it would be for the boink sessions last week.

So I guess I'm heading into the 2ww now! I've got my web filled and hope something catches!
Prepping fingers crossed for your sticky Halloween web!

I'm quite tall too but you have 2 inches on me! I'm hoping not to gain too much as well but I seem to be really fancying hot chocolate all of a sudden... Oh and I just had smoked cheddar and jalepeños on (gluten free) toast! Yum! Like MissH I am enjoying fruit, particularly clementines, too so hopefully getting my 5 a day :) x
I'm thinking this is going to be a very lonnnng 2ww. I'm going to have to really find things to distract myself! I already put together my list of "symptoms" that I have had in the past so that I can avoid getting myself all excited when it's really that I'm just gassy or something. :blush: LoL

To start with the distractions, I can't possibly let a halloween go by where we don't have a pumpkin, so I'll have to make a last second stop on the way home. And need to put up the spider webs outside for all the kiddos. (We already have decorated for the last couple weeks - but I've learned from past that webs should not be put up early unless we want to be attacked as we enter and exit our house.)
Then DH and I will spend the night with some scary movies! :)

Anyone else have plans tonight?
hi peeps :flower:

cookie.. the meeting was cancelled til tomorrow so i've got another night to think about it.. :growlmad: anyway, im focussing more on vacation and not even about getting pregnant (how weird). whatever happens tmrw i won't let it get me down. a bottle and a straw and i'll be good to go :)

missh, about my boss.. yeah right, hehe, she'd never say that even if she thought so. she seems to be one of those women who hates other women and loves all the men in the office. a complete attention-grabber. i just try to do my job the best i can so she can't say im a bad worker. gosh im not even pregnant and i can't see a chocolate and not eat it, lol.. i try really hard tho and limit myself to 2 blocks a day.

prepping, sounding good chick! fx the web catches something this time around :thumbup: funny thing about the hairstylist.. he asked me how come i hadn't had a cut in so long and i told him the main reason was that the last time i got a cut the guy chopped off all my hair and so i was reluctant.. and he said to me "oh you've just not found the right person to give u a super cut" and proceeded to chop it off just like the last one.

clara what you've described is me, haha. he gave me what i asked for except it's all 5 inches too short. so the hunt for the perfect stylist continues.. :happydance: you heard the little heartbeat! congrats on another milestone hun!

wow you all are SO TALL! i'm only 5'1". when i get pregnant i definitely will have to watch my weight.. i never had a problem with my weight until i hit my 30's.. now it yo-yos all the time. i'm at an ok weight now, been working out and trying to lose about 10 lbs.. so far think i've only lost about 2, lol. can still fit into my size 2 jeans, just have to do the jump and pull bit to get them on, haha.

ok off to work again, my library is quite busy today..

:hug: and buttplugs
Hello ladies :D

Clara lol! Yes the mixed bottles :D but the big mixed bottles :D I was drowning my sorrows lol.
That's so amazing you heard beans heartbeat. How amazing! I'm sooooo happy for you guys :hugs:

Missh - glad your enjoying the choccy :D I'm sure beans loving it too. but also getting your 5 a day. Hope the peeing slows down for you too lol.

Prepping - hello 2ww! I'm hoping this is your last 2ww for a while :hugs: fx for you sweetie, I'm looking forward to your "casual observations" :p fx for a sticky web hunni xxxx

Karine - how annoying about your meeting. Fx all goes well tomorrow xxx Ooo a vacation sounds good. Def something to look forward too hunni xxxx fx on a sticky web too hunni :D

Afm - its hard to get in the Halloween mood when you live in a flat :( missing out on all the trick or treaters which takes the fun out of it all :( I'm just looking forward to fireworks night on sat :D

Ooo I'm tall too ladies. I'm just over 5'11 and a half! My mum says I'm 6ft thou lol.

Hope you all have a lovely evening xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Clara, forgot to say I liked your pumpkin :thumbup: Its lovely to hear the heartbeat. Can't remember if I said that I went to see the midwife last week [baby brain :wacko:]? Anyway she found the heartbeat really quickly which was great. My next appointment isn't until Jan! I am guessing this is because I have to go and see the Consultant in Dec so will probably see a midwife then. Seems like a long time anyway!

Prepping, we didn't use pre-seed everytime so I would say that some is better than none! Very excited that you are in the 2ww again. You need to keep busy so I expect your house to be sparkling clean and ultra organised by the end of this 2ww! Just try to enjoy it, eat and drink some things you won't be allowed when you get your BFP.

Karine, focus on the holiday and forget about work! Hope it goes well tomorrow.

My only plans for tonight are an early night as I am so tired and I have to get up at 5.45am for work tomorrow:cry: By the time I get to work at 8am I am ready for my bed again! I made gingerbread men with my ds today, what an experience! He wanted to do eveything himself, a word of warning: a 3 yr old and treacle do not mix!

Trying very hard not to eat any of the chocolate that is just a few steps away in the kitchen. . .
Cookie, get into the spirit of halloween by eating some chocolate, might as well if there are no trick or treaters to eat it :winkwink:

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