SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

Hi all!

So I'm in bed with a horrible cough And every bit of me aches (thankyou beloved OH for that one!) so I have oodles of time for a catch up.

Cookie, liking your Fresh New Year outlook. Keep smiling girly x

Grey, sorry your appointment is delayed but as the other girls have said, February won't be long now x

Karine, your underwear story was hilarious! Thanks for asking about my Auntie. She's fighting and hanging in there. Her left side appears not to be working currently and she has a feeding tube but she's made so much progress. She's communicating and even mouthed 'I love you' when my mum phoned. I still hate thinking of her like this but we're getting little snippets of more positive news so that's fab. They had told us she wouldn't make it before Christmas and then our Christmas miracle happened :)

Prepping, has the news sunk in yet?! I don't think mine will until bean arrives!!

MissH, how are you? Glad you had a good Christmas!

AFM the coughing seems to have sent Beanie into a frenzy, she's been moving loads. I guess the loud noise and my tummy contracting make her jump! Was lying on sofa last night and could see various body parts sticking up in different areas on my tummy!! Very weird! Am starting to feel quite huge now, getting up involves getting onto my side first and it's becoming harder to put shoes and socks on! Can't believe there's still just under 3 months to go! Am going to be enormous. First NCT class tonight, 19:30-22:00!!! Think OH may need a few strong coffees!

Anyway, hope you're all ok. Looking forward to hearing all your stories this year :)
Wrote a long reply last night and my internet died as I was trying to post it :growlmad:

Prepping, how was your scan? How many scans do you get? What is your due date? Glad to hear that your avoiding morning sickness, fx it stays away!

GreyGirl, sorry that it seems to be taking so long for things to happen for you. Feb isn't far away and it will all be worth it in the end :hugs:

Cookie, I like the new year, new start attitude. Have you decided if your ttc this year or are you taking a break?

Karine, prepping has proved that the relaxed approach works! Hope this works for you as well.

Clara, sorry you not feeling well. I had a cold the week before xmas and it was hard not being able to take anything for it. I drank loads of hot water with lemon and honey. Hope you feel better soon and enjoy your NCT class.

Well, I am shattered. Was at work today and the journey home is the part of the day I now dread. I can't sit still on the train as my back and sides ache. All i can think about is getting in a hot bath :cloud9: Told my manager today the date I'm leaving. Only 8 weeks to go! Decide to take some holiday before I start my mat leave. Can't believe how fast the time is going!

:flower: xxx
Wow Clara, sounds like baby is an acrobat!!!

Can't believe you've only got 8 weeks left...gone so fast!

Sorry I haven't been around much, sometimes I'm just too depressed about it all to post, but I do read pretty much every day. I just wish they'd get it done. This will be my last cycle before the op (I've thought this several times so might not be...) and I can't help thinking of dying on the table or not getting pregnant after it all and I'm just thinking about everything all the time :( Why can't I be a Mum already? It's my turn :( My angel baby would have been 1 last month, I thought I'd at least be pregnant by many of my friends are having babies in the next couple of months. I'm supposed to be going to a reunion of 5 of us girls...out of us 3 will be pregnant, but all but me will be Mothers - they'll all be talking about a life I don't have any may never :(
Sorry for negativity, just feeling sorry for my barren self right now :(
MissH I'm so with you on the journey side of things!! Just sitting makes me ache now. Baths have become my best friend :)

Greygirl I want to give you a huge hug ((((Greygirl)))) I wish I could cheer you up but I don't have a crystal ball to see into the future and tell you when your bubba will come. I'm sure things will happen for you though hunni. Hang in there, your time will come and I cannot wait until we're all congratulating you on your BFP :) Try to focus on the positive things, I know it's really really hard sometimes, especially when everyone seems to be pregnant. My friend has been trying a while and finds this too. Just concentrate on looking after you, mentally and physically. You're not barren, you got pregnant before and this is a good sign that you can again. You're a wonderful loving lady who deserves the gift of a lovely little bub and I'm sure it will happen. Take care and make sure you do some lovely pampering things to your precious self this week. Xx
cookie.. cheers to the new year of going with the flow! :thumbup:

clara.. :happydance: yay for your auntie! i hope she continues to make progress hun :hugs: and hope you feel better soon! i've got the flu myself, can't imagine having it AND being pregnant!

missh.. FX it works :) will try to not think about it and just enjoy bding.. may very well put that lingerie to good use, lol. a friend at work suggested i greet dh at the door wearing only a hat.. apparently this works well for her :haha: i once did that but i was in a thong.. and it was just my luck that dh chose that day to bring his cousin home.. i realized too late and unfortunately was unable to get away without the both of tham catching a glimpse of my fleeing bottom :shy: .. i swore never to do anything like that again. but who knows, maybe i'll give it a go one more time and just be more careful, haha.

grey.. :hugs: hun.. let's hope that this year brings good things for all of us. i know every case is different but just to give you a bit of hope, i have a friend in wales who had 2 ectopics and was told she wasn't likely to have any successful pregnancies ever again etc.. well she's now about 6 months along without any kind of medical intervention and everything is going great for her so far. as unlikely as it may seem, i'm positive that soon we'll be posting about our aches and pains like clara and missh :)

prepping hope you and beanie and oh are well :hugs:

hey i can't believe clara and missh are soon to be mummies! it seems like just yesterday we were all just trying to get pregnant, now clara's seeing body parts sticking up in her tummy.. how unbelievable and exciting :happydance:

love to all! :hug:
Hi ladies. Sorry I've been MIA.

Grey sending you huge :hugs: my dear. Try to stay strong. I'm so sure you will be posting us your BFP soon. I can't wait to :happydance: your BFP announcement girlie :hugs:

Missh & Clara I can't believe your so close now. Crazy how time has flown by for you both :happydance:
Would love to see some bump pics :D

Clara also so happy to hear aunty is doing well :happydance: fx she keeps fighting strong.

Prepping hope your doing well so happy for you. Hope your all ok hunni.

Karine fx the relaxed approach brings you a sweet BFP :D loved the underwear story. I'd of died if that happened to me lol.

Afm, like Clara I've been pretty ill with this flu bug for a few weeks, couldnt imagine being like it and pregnant lol. I believe I'm due af next week. Not been tracking ov but since mc my ov symptoms have changed. My (o)(o)s get a little sore straight away now. Not painful but a bit sensative to touch lol. Also had a bit of pale brown cm yesterday when I wiped. So dunno what's going on. We shall see.

Hope your all well xxxxxxxx
hope you feel better soon, cookie :flower:

so funny, my past cycle there was literally no bding, so i knew there was no chance for me, and just before af came i started experiencing all the symptoms that usually make me so hopeful. the :witch: didn't fool me this time, i'm on to her now, hahaha!

going with the flow is working out well for me too, i feel more relaxed.. FX something gives. and i was mortified after that underwear thing.. dh's cousin has never looked at me the same after.. poor guy :)

Karine your underwear stories are hilarious!!! 'my fleeing bottom' particularly made me lol! FX the undies and the relaxed approach equal BFP for you x

Cookie I have every sympathy for your flu situation. Hope you're better soon and that the nasty witch leaves you in peace x

Grey, sending hugs and positive vibes to you x

Prepping hope you're feeling well x

MissH it's such a nice feeling knowng you can leave work soon isn't it?! x

AFM now I know why my cough hasn't gone after 5 days, I have a chest infection!! Can't believe it, is so unfair! Never had this many colds/ viruses in my life. Have been signed off work for a week and got antibios to take so hopefully will be better soon. Been feeling very sorry for myself but OH has been so sweet so that's good :) He rubs my back when I have coughing fits throughout the night, I like to think this is a sign he'll be good in labour!

My first NCT antenatal class went well, the other preggy ladies and their partners seem lovely and the teacher is mad!! She wore a pair of oversized knickers with the pelvic bones painted on them and asked us to remind her to take them off at the end of the session!! She says things in a funny way too, like she just comes out with 'you will definitely poo yourself while giving birth' (mmm I look forward to that) no holding back or skirting round the important issues! It was a giggle and very informative :)

So now I have a week at home to enjoy coughing up my lungs, peeing myself and feeling the pain of my poor bruised ribs! In between all those exciting things, I'll probably be on here a lot and hopefully can make a decision on which travel system to order...why are there so many?! Oh and I'll be working on those pelvic floor muscles...;)

As for my Auntie, she's eating soft food and continuing to make progress. Her right side is still not responding but she's amazing everyone with her steely determination to get better. Love her to bits, she's so inspiring :)

Cookie, I'll try to upload a bump pic soon :)

Much love to you all, hope those suffering colds feel better soon and that the baby dust fairy drops her magic dust all over you too xxx
Oh karine you do make me laugh. But glad to hear the relaxed approach is going well hun. Can't believe the evil witch did that to you, but you know her evil game now lol. Fx for you hun.

Clara - sorry to hear your so poorly. But a week at home relaxing should do you some good.
Glad to hear your NCT class was good fun. The woman in charge sounds awsome! Lol. Bless your OH for being so good with you while your poorly. Fx its a good sign for labour.

Today is a bit crappy of I'm honest. The friend I work with who's pregnant is already showing! This is her third so she shows a lot quicker. Everytime I look at her I want to cry. This is gonna be a hard few months :( I can hardly bring myself to talk to her as I just feel myself staring at her belly :(

Bump pics would be amazing hun :D hope you feel better soon xxx
Thanks hun. I'm home now with chocolate :D although all I want is a large glass of wine but my friend and I are giving up alcohol for a month! I really didnt think that one through lol

How you feeling now hun? Xxxx
Yay for chocolate :) I'm still coughing up my lungs! Hopefully this bloody thing will start going tomorrow, ugh! Going to bed in a bit, for all the good it will do :( Poor OH, I keep coughing at him in the night and keeping him awake.

Hope you feel bit better soon hun xx
GreyGirl, I can't even start to imagine how hard the ttc process is for you. At least your doing something positive about it and hopefully it will pay off for you soon. Big :hugs:

Cookie, I know its going to be hard for you having to deal with your pregnant friends growing bump but there is no reason why you won't get pregnant again soon [as long as your ttc!] Just have to say, are you mad giving up wine?!? Don't do it until you have to! Hope your feeling better :hugs:

Karine, you made me laugh! Hope the lingerie and relaxed approach work their magic soon :winkwink:

Clara, being poorly when your pregnant is the pits :growlmad: Hope your starting to feel better. As much as I love my job I can't wait to leave. I am starting to dread my days at work as I feel half dead by the time I get home!

Prepping, where are you?!? Hope everything is ok :flower:

DS has started pre-school so I now how 3 afternoons to myself until the baby arrives! Every room is being sorted and re-organised and the baby draw is starting to fill up :cloud9:

Hope your all having a good week :flower: x
Hi all! Sorry haven't been around - it really is a pain not being able to access this site at work. Lots to catch up on!

I'm doing pretty well... Tired mostly which makes me an emotional grump by around 4pm. I was very disconcerted to notice that my belly seems to be sticking out a bit... Wasn't expecting that for at least a month! And my weight hasn't gone up at all so the little bug in there must be the one packing on the weight. :p

My first ultrasound was last wednesday and it showed a peanut about 1cm long with 150 heartbeat. So it's definitely there! He measured 7w 4d but I'm sticking with my guesstimate of how far along I am based on LMP - which would be 8 weeks tomorrow.
The next doc appt is 10 weeks, then next ultrasound and blood test is at 12 weeks where they'll check for abnormalities, etc. I'm bracing myself for any weird things happening from now until then in terms of symptoms... But if the only symptoms I have for first trimester include being tired and constant thirst, I am not complaining!

The only other thing that is on the mind is that I still don't have a midwife. So who knows if I'll be able to get one. Guess worst case scenario is that I'll have an OBGYN the whole way, have whoever is on call be the one to deliver, and have a sign ready in advance to put on my hospital door "Do not offer drugs". :p

Still have a long ways to go though! Will do personals next time I am in front of a computer rather than on my blackberry.
Much love and hugs to you all!
Aw Prepping that's exciting! I had a bump for a few weeks early on then it went flat again and I didn't show hardly at all til about 17 weeks!! Very weird. I think they call it 'baby bloat'. Unattractive name for a cute thing :)

It's amazing you got to see little bug so early! Over here our first ultrasounds are 12weeks. Did they give you any pics? Just noticed you have a ticker too! :)

Hope everyone's ok. I'm still poorly but I'm using it as an exercise in coping with pain in prep for labour! Coughing is SO painful because I've bruised all the muscles in my chest and back. OH has been so lovely, he seems to know instinctively which bits of my back to rub that hurt. Managed to get through last night with no paracetamol :) Had warm bath this morning which eased the aches, water is amazing! :) Am getting very into clearing out drawers and cupboards, think its just a January clearout though cos surely it's too early for nesting!

Haha, yep I put a ticker together to show my little blob. I didn't get any pics from the 7 week ultrasound as they say they don't generally provide them until the 12 week one. It just looked like an oval smudge... But I got to see the little heart flicking away which is really neat! They say it's for dating... Healthcare is covered here so I didn't bother asking questions. Glad to hear that the bump bloat may be going away! I was hoping I'd easily be able to keep wearing my normal clothes for a good 4 months.

That cold/chest infection you have sounds awful!! Sounds like what is going around everywhere over here too. In fact, my mum has had it for the last 2 weeks -- just as she thinks she's getting better, she's laid out the next day feeling dreadful with an even worse cough. I'm amazed that I haven't caught it. Not fun.
Your hubby is a keeper. Wtg with the massages. :D
Yay for the little oval smudge! One day you can tell your LO that you saw him/her when they were a litle smudge :) Amazing you can see the heart so early!!

Hope your mum gets better soon. This chest thing is a b*tch. Same here, I just think I'm feeling a little better then the pain is so bad I feel like I cracked a rib :( Ugh.

Had some fab news! My Auntie is moving fingers and toes on the side that wasn't working, she also spoke to my mum this morning, properly this time, not just a whisper. She's really making progress, am so pleased! :)

Anyway, off for another bath now. Hope you all have a good day xx
First off, Clara thats amazing news about your Aunty :happydance: Im soooooo happy for you all! FX she keeps improving and is home before you know it :hugs:
Ikwym about the pain, i feel sooooo much better now but its just the pain in the chest when you cough! But your OH sounds amazing looking after you so well. I try to get my DF to rub my back but he loses intrest pretty much straight away lol! Hope you start to feel better soon though hun :hugs:

Missh, sounds good about DS starting pre-school. Gives you a chance to rest up a bit before baby arrives :D still cant believe how close you both are to holding your little babies :happydance: And yes i am regretting giving up the wine atm :( but my mate would kick my butt if i gave up lol! But we have a work mean on the 28th and i said i wasnt going if i couldnt drink lol, so she said we can start drinking again then! lol

Prepping :happydance: Amazing you had your first scan and saw beanies fluttering heartbeat :happydance: How exciting! Hope your baby bloat goes down soon then bring on the BUMP!!!! And hopefully for now you just get the thirst and tiredness and no sickness :hugs:

Afm, day off today so just gonna chill out. Been waiting for the postie to get here as he should be bringing me a graze box and my crazy La Senza order! Lingerie is my weakness!!!!!! and i kinda went mad at the weekend and brought 4 sets online lol!!
Feeling alot better today and enjoying my chocolate lol!!

Hope your all well!!!! Love and butty plugs to you alll Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all, hope you're feeling good and the ttc process or pregnancy is treating you well :D

Phoned waiting list again and name's not even on the list yet for January and no news on February :( Also, I've been having a VERY dry spell 'in bed' and so my confidence has gone down as well as being upset in general about no positive opk yet and other stuff. FINALLY got some :sex: this morning and had some ewcm last night, so maybe we got there just in time, I don't know until opk later. So basically, yeah :S
How are all my ttc buddies and preggo friends doing? :hugs:
grey.. GL hun! let's hope everything lines up for you :thumbup: but keep on bding as much as possible! don't worry, i know how hard it is having a hubby who's not always ready and willing. we'll soon get lucky :hugs:

cookie.. gosh that fast sounds just awful hun.. no alco?? haha, but the month will be over before you know it :hugs:

clara.. yaaay for your auntie! so glad to hear that hun.. hopes she keeps it up :happydance: but so sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly. don't know what kind of flu this is.. well we've got a really bad one going around here as well, it takes forever to go and then leaves you with an awful cough!

missh.. gosh the pre-nesting sounds lovely, it must be so exciting to get everything all sorted. my mum told me once that when she was pregnant with me she'd lay out all my clothes on the bed and just look at them a few times a week, she was so excited. i'd like to think i'll get to feel that sometime.

prepping... so excited for you! FX everything goes smoothly for the coming months hunnie :hugs:

well i've had the pap smear and just waiting for results on that. also had a vag scan and was able to see all my little eggies, doc said everything looks great and there's no reason i should have a problem unless something's wrong with dh so he's given me 6 months and then if nothing we have to go in to see him. i hope it's just that we haven't been trying often enough and we just need to step it up.

so here i am, waiting patiently for dh to finish working on his laptop so i can jump him ;) doc also suggested i get some opks but i think i'll skip that for a bit and go with the plan. so far it's working, i'm planning some trips in a few months to this beach resort here and i'm so excited for that so it takes my mind off conceiving.

lots and lots of love to all, hope everyone is great :hugs:

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