SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

OMG grey.. YAY so glad for you hun!! FX it all goes well for you today :hugs:

clara.. loving your new piccie :) you look like quite a swanky mama there :) cannot believe you and missh are so close! cannot wait for the spa babies to get here :happydance:

missh.. sounds so exciting, all these new things about to happen for you :flower: hope the driving is going well! i've been playing the fool the past decade or so lol, had my licence since i was 17 but never used it so now i've forgotten how to drive :dohh: i'm also planning on buying my first car soon, as soon as i get pregnant will work on that as i don't want to be taking the bus with a baby in tow :)

well nothing new to report, about to be fertile again.. or at least i'm hoping it's not already gone.. my period ended thursday and on saturday i had serious ovary pains.. it's not possible to ovulate days after a period, right?

my doctor had suggested i use opks but i planned to try every other day for a bit first. i realized though that that's really just too hard with dh's work schedule etc so think i'm going to invest in some opks for this cycle.. wish me luck :)

XX karine
Thanks guys, really appreciate your thoughts I'm home and doing well. Got sexy blood clot socks and new scars. Didn't feel sick when I woke up - bonus Got to get metformin myself and can have clomid in 4 months if drilling doesn't kick in. Good news, they didn't need to remove any adhesion's and tube not blocked... so they're hopeful drilling and poss clomid will do the trick

Best of luck Karine with every other day :)
GREY! Omg Congrates on getting your op! :happydance: so so so pleased all went well and your now recovering... swanky socks and all :D sounds like these next few months will bring you some well deserved good news :D. Big :hugs:

Clara - love love love... the bump pic! Really can't believe how close your guys are. hope you've stayed safe in the snow hunni.

Missh... your a busy bee. Again can't believe how close you are. We will get to see our first spa babies soon :D

Karine - good luck with the every other day approach. If u lived here id post you my opks hun :)

Sorry I've been mia! Been a bit mad lately lol. Things with DF are finally getting much better and our relationship seems stronger than ever.... thank good. Had a weird period last month. Brown spotting for 3 days, bled for 3 days, stopped for a day, then bled 3 days again lol. Seriously gotta go get on the pill to sort my cycle out :( and Omg I'm craving sugar and sweets so much atm. my o symptoms have changed so much. Boobs hurting so much and just want to eat everything. If I didn't no I couldn't be prego I'd think I was lol.

I've missed you all loads. will check back what I've missed soon and reply to you all properly
Big :hugs: and butt plugs ,xxxxxx
Thanks guys :)
I'm able to TTC from next week or week after when I feel up to it basically. I will be trekking out to my dr next week to try and get some metformin, last time though that entailed getting an appointment at the hospital - going in circles me thinks. I can TTC and in 4 months they'll get me in if not pregnant and start me on clomid for 6 months. Feeling a bit better today, able to move around. More worried about a blood clot than anything. Got a week off work and next week is 1/2 term, so bonus!

Glad things are better with the DH cookie :hugs:
congrats grey! so glad you can jump back on the babywagon soon :hugs: fx things just get better and better for you..

cookie, great to hear from you.. :happydance: v. happy you and df have worked things out hunnie :) lol would've loved your opks, can't seem to find any smiley face ones here, will have to get them online.

hugs to everyone, will check back in later :hugs:
Hi lovely ladies :flower:

GreyGirl, really pleased it went well. Hope your feeling better and enjoy the next week off work. Fx you'll be posting some good news soon.

Karine, are you using the opks? Hope your having loads of early nights :winkwink:

Cookie, so happy to hear that things are better with DF. Hope your weird cycles settle down soon.

Clara, when are you starting Mat leave? I have brought mine forward with loads of holiday tagged on at the start so I am leaving in 2 weeks time! Hope your feeling well.

Well, after waiting since last June my OH and I have finally been told that we are getting made redundant :happydance: OH has been there for 17 years and is desperate to leave and with a nice pay off we will be able to move nearer to my family!

I wasn't planning on going back after mat leave anyway so we are very happy that we are getting a chance to make the move. My Mum has an empty house waiting for us to live in so fx OH can find a job there and we'll be off! He won't be finishing until the end of the summer so got plenty of time to try and find something. Fx it goes to plan.

:baby: Baby is very active and is lying breech so I am getting loads of kicks in my sides which makes sleeping fun! My diet is awful as I am totally addicited to cakes, chocolate and sweets :dohh: OH took the last cup cake to work the other day and I was nearly in tears! I ate half a tub of ice cream for my lunch the other day :blush: Hope this sweet tooth disappears once the baby is born!

Saying that, I am going to bake some muffins this afternoon :dohh:

Hope your all having a good weekend :hugs:
Well just made chocolate marble muffins and eaten two already :blush: I fear for the safety of the remaining muffins :haha:
grey.. XXX

missh.. LOL! i think you should indulge yourself hun! it doesn't sound like you're overdoing it to me, i eat like that on a regular basis, heehee. did you finish off the muffins?

not using opks yet, couldn't get the smiley face clearblue ones here so i ordered them online and haven't got them as yet but hopefully they'll reach in time for the next cycle. in the meantime just trying to not think about getting pregnant and keeping busy with work etc but i have to admit it isn't working very well, i'm currently a bit sick with worry that it'll never happen :cry:

it doesn't help that in addition to family i now have ppl in the office pestering me about when i'll have a baby. and my cousin had her baby boy, luca.. he is just gorgeous :)

anyhoo tomorrow is valentine's day and strangely enough i'm very excited about it.. don't have much planned just a nice dinner at home followed by some sexy time hopefully :winkwink: need to get rid of this anxiety!

hope everyone is doing well! prepping how are you?!

Karine, big :hugs: Ttc is frustrating enough without people asking you when your going to have a baby! I nearly made some comments to a women at work along the lines of 'wait until you have children!' when we were chatting one day. Turns out she has been ttc for over 4 years and had recently had a miscarriage. So glad I had the sense to keep my mouth shut!

Really hope you have a good valentines day and hopefully a romantic night might be just what you need :winkwink: There is no reason why it won't happen soon so try to stay positive :hugs: I know its easy for me to say but I do understand your frustration. Hopefully your clear blue sticks will come soon. I used them for one cycle and got my BFP!

Well the muffins were too tempting and I ate 3 yesterday and 3 today :blush: Also had various other things today such as chocolate. I just can't get enough! Feel guilty for all the sugar but I crave it :baby:

:dust: xxx
grey.. XXX

missh.. LOL! i think you should indulge yourself hun! it doesn't sound like you're overdoing it to me, i eat like that on a regular basis, heehee. did you finish off the muffins?

not using opks yet, couldn't get the smiley face clearblue ones here so i ordered them online and haven't got them as yet but hopefully they'll reach in time for the next cycle. in the meantime just trying to not think about getting pregnant and keeping busy with work etc but i have to admit it isn't working very well, i'm currently a bit sick with worry that it'll never happen :cry:

it doesn't help that in addition to family i now have ppl in the office pestering me about when i'll have a baby. and my cousin had her baby boy, luca.. he is just gorgeous :)

anyhoo tomorrow is valentine's day and strangely enough i'm very excited about it.. don't have much planned just a nice dinner at home followed by some sexy time hopefully :winkwink: need to get rid of this anxiety!

hope everyone is doing well! prepping how are you?!


HUGE :hugs: Karine! I have people at work asking me too, thankfully not the ones who know about my angel...but from others. I manage to smile and say that one day I'll have a baby, when the time is right - tends to shut them up. I want to smack them in the face a little bit though.

Wish I could have some sexy time tonight! It was our 5 year anniversary yesterday from our first date and 3 year anniversary from getting engaged. I love him so much and he's being so patient about our ttc struggles - just wish he'd put out more ;)

I went to the DR today as I have waited a week since my op and she's given me a prescription for metformin! :happydance: I've been on it before and had limited success, but that's because I don't think I did my end enough, so this time I'm going to! I'm cutting out chocolate (again) except for desserts when eating out...and upping my exercise gently with my dog and stepping, etc...

I'm just happy I'll have the metformin and in 4 months if that hasn't worked alone, I'll get clomid again and I've just been reading a study saying those drugs together can help a lot! Finally feel like I have some hope again :cloud9:

How are you all doing?
Hi everyone! Hugs Karine, sometimes people just don't think, I'm sure I've been guilty of putting my foot in it in the past, hope I've not offended or pressurised anyone. Hang in there :)

Thanks all for the positivity about my photo! I'm feeling quite huge nowadays!

MissH, I was planning to finish at 35 weeks but that may come forward- had another faint spell on the tube this morning and ended up on the floor of the guards' office at Southwark! Embarrassing! Still, have had a nice relax at home :) and will be working from home tomorrow if I feel up to it. Blimmin blood pressure!

Hope everyone else is ok! Loving the sound of the muffins MissH, I've been eating lots too! My sweet tooth has kicked in big time!

Have had a busy weekend. OH and I went to Kent on a last minute weekend away for our anniversary. Was really romantic and snowy! :) What have you all been up to?

Will check in again soon x
:happydance: GreyGirl its sounding really positive! Hope you get the results your deserve soon :hugs:

Clara, if one more person tells me how massive I am, I will sit on them to prove how massive I am :haha: There is no way I could handle travelling on the tube when pregnant, I feel bad enough sitting down on the train! Maybe you could go to the doctor and see if you can get a sick note? I'm lucky I have loads of holiday so my maternity leave isn't starting until about a week before I'm due. Can't wait to finish now, only 3 more working days, my last day is next thursday :happydance:

Had a really long day, was up a few times in the night to use the toilet and from about 4 am I couldn't get back to sleep :growlmad: Baby was moving around like a disco dancer and I was really uncomfortable. Finally felt better at 5.30am but had to get up at 5.45am :growlmad: Was so tempted to phone in sick! I'm wondering if the baby was trying to turn because last time I saw the midwife it was in the breech position. Can't wait to see the midwife and find out!
Hello my beautiful ladies!!!

Grey!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: So pleased to hear your fantastic news!!!!! Fx its not going to be too long til you shouting your BFP from the roof tops hunni!!!!

Karine - sorry to hear your feeling a bit rotten atm :hugs: Hope your OH spoilt you rotten yesterday and you had a nice relaxing evening... with some added sexy time :D

Missh - Omg i want muffins now!! sounds scrummy!! Cant believe your so close to your mat leave!! Hope them few remaining days go nice and quick for you hunni and you can have some relaxing time before baby shows. And fx baby has moved and no longer breech. Whens you next appt?!

Clara - I do worry when you say your still getting on that tube. Surely your work can let you work from home! Much safer for you and if you feel a bit faint your in the comfort of your own home. I hope your resting up and all ok hunni :hugs:
Oh and as for yours and Misshs sweet tooth! Ive just made shortbread and my god its seriously sweet.... but soooooo goood! would send you some if i could ladies! lol

AFM - Af was due yesterday, and decided to show up on Saturday instead! Again not normal flow, but no spotting before this time :happydance: was sort of medium flow (sorry tmi) but she only decided to stick around for 2 days!! Completely gone but monday and not seen her since lol!! Nipples still extremely painful, DF brushed against me yesterday and i scared the life out of him with this massive yelp from the pain. I sat on the phone with my mum today just crying and told her about my messed up cycles etc... and she said i need to go to the dr to get some special pills or something?! She had to take them when she had a mc in the past and they basically stopped her periods for a few months and then they started up again normal !? So yea im feeling a bit pants atm but Ive got Adele blasting and im surrrounded by chocolate... and shortbread lol!

Hope everyones well!! Sending big :hugs: to you all
Cookie i'm sending you some big :hugs: Shortbread and chocolate sound like heaven :cloud9:

When are you going to see the doctor?

I think I am due to see the midwife next Wed but I need to check my notes because my memory is getting worse :wacko:

Only two more days left to work :happydance: Can't believe it! So happy because the travelling is horrible and I am so exhausted and uncomfortable I could cry on the train home :cry: Don't know how I managed to work full time when pregnant with ds and leave when I was nearly 36 weeks!

:flower: x x x
Omg only 2 days left. That's crazy how fast its gone hunni. And I bet travelling isn't too nice so look forward to relaxing for a bit before your precious baby arrives :hugs:

I went to the Dr today. Sat there crying for a bit (so embarrassed lol) and told her everything. She tried to get me on anti-depressants... erm no thanks doc :( but I got the pill. It's the combined pill? Not had that one before :( right now I just cry at the thought of taking it :( I think I will wait till next af to start taking it, I dont want to take it mid cycle xxxxxxx
Hi lovely ones!

Hugs Cookie, you poor thing with the blimmin' witch playing you up like that! Bitchy witch, grrrr. Hopefully your pills will regulate things for you :) x

Karine, hope your Valentine's Day went with a bang :) Also hope you are feeling a bit happier x

Grey that's fab that they have given you the drugs again :) Glad some positive things are happening for you, go girl! x

Miss H, I am empathising with the travelling, bless you. I know the feeling that you want to cry on the train, I have actually done so before, the other commuters must have thought I was insane! Not long now honey, hang in there! Ha ha, forgetfulness, baby brain strikes again! I forgot to go to yoga tonight, doh! To be honest it probably wasn't a good idea anyway, I might have fainted mid-pose!

AFM good news about travelling to work...I don't have to! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Yay! As of tomorrow I'm working from home until I finish for Mat leave :) Am so relieved, this means I can get up a little later, not be squashed against sweaty hot people's armpits hoping to get a seat at the next stop on the tube, not trip over on any more escalators (yes I have done this, I am so clumsy nowadays!) not have to rush around to get to work and now I'll be home and finished work at 5:31pm!!

Feeling a bit better after a couple of days off. Had a nice lunch with OH today and just washed some baby clothes ready to pack in my hospital bag so that cheered me up. Now sat here chatting to you lot and watching Gok :) OH is out with the NCT boys, I'm going out with the girls next Tuesday. They're a really nice bunch, it's good to have some friends in the area now.

Anyway, night for now, hugs to you all xxx
Hi everyone! Hugs Karine, sometimes people just don't think, I'm sure I've been guilty of putting my foot in it in the past, hope I've not offended or pressurised anyone. Hang in there :)

Thanks all for the positivity about my photo! I'm feeling quite huge nowadays!

MissH, I was planning to finish at 35 weeks but that may come forward- had another faint spell on the tube this morning and ended up on the floor of the guards' office at Southwark! Embarrassing! Still, have had a nice relax at home :) and will be working from home tomorrow if I feel up to it. Blimmin blood pressure!

Hope everyone else is ok! Loving the sound of the muffins MissH, I've been eating lots too! My sweet tooth has kicked in big time!

Have had a busy weekend. OH and I went to Kent on a last minute weekend away for our anniversary. Was really romantic and snowy! :) What have you all been up to?

Will check in again soon x

We all say things accidentally sometimes, we're only human :) Sorry you had a faint spell in the office, sounds scary! Hope your blood pressure behaves asap! Glad you had a lovely anniversary :D

:happydance: GreyGirl its sounding really positive! Hope you get the results your deserve soon :hugs:

Clara, if one more person tells me how massive I am, I will sit on them to prove how massive I am :haha: There is no way I could handle travelling on the tube when pregnant, I feel bad enough sitting down on the train! Maybe you could go to the doctor and see if you can get a sick note? I'm lucky I have loads of holiday so my maternity leave isn't starting until about a week before I'm due. Can't wait to finish now, only 3 more working days, my last day is next thursday :happydance:

Had a really long day, was up a few times in the night to use the toilet and from about 4 am I couldn't get back to sleep :growlmad: Baby was moving around like a disco dancer and I was really uncomfortable. Finally felt better at 5.30am but had to get up at 5.45am :growlmad: Was so tempted to phone in sick! I'm wondering if the baby was trying to turn because last time I saw the midwife it was in the breech position. Can't wait to see the midwife and find out!

Thanks, I hope so too!
Can't believe you're finishing so soon! That's amazing! Glad you're getting holiday first so you can really make the most of it. Hope baby turns for you too and hope they stop keeping you up all night!

Hello my beautiful ladies!!!

Grey!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: So pleased to hear your fantastic news!!!!! Fx its not going to be too long til you shouting your BFP from the roof tops hunni!!!!

AFM - Af was due yesterday, and decided to show up on Saturday instead! Again not normal flow, but no spotting before this time :happydance: was sort of medium flow (sorry tmi) but she only decided to stick around for 2 days!! Completely gone but monday and not seen her since lol!! Nipples still extremely painful, DF brushed against me yesterday and i scared the life out of him with this massive yelp from the pain. I sat on the phone with my mum today just crying and told her about my messed up cycles etc... and she said i need to go to the dr to get some special pills or something?! She had to take them when she had a mc in the past and they basically stopped her periods for a few months and then they started up again normal !? So yea im feeling a bit pants atm but Ive got Adele blasting and im surrrounded by chocolate... and shortbread lol!

Hope everyones well!! Sending big :hugs: to you all

Any news? Nips still sore? Hope you feel more yourself soon and sending :hugs: of encouragement.

I think I am due to see the midwife next Wed but I need to check my notes because my memory is getting worse :wacko:

Only two more days left to work :happydance: Can't believe it! So happy because the travelling is horrible and I am so exhausted and uncomfortable I could cry on the train home :cry: Don't know how I managed to work full time when pregnant with ds and leave when I was nearly 36 weeks!

:flower: x x x

Enjoy the last bit of work! That's amazing! Can't believe how quick that's come! :D

I went to the Dr today. Sat there crying for a bit (so embarrassed lol) and told her everything. She tried to get me on anti-depressants... erm no thanks doc :( but I got the pill. It's the combined pill? Not had that one before :( right now I just cry at the thought of taking it :( I think I will wait till next af to start taking it, I dont want to take it mid cycle xxxxxxx

Why do you have to take the pill? :hugs: Hope you're feeling better asap.

Grey that's fab that they have given you the drugs again :) Glad some positive things are happening for you, go girl! x

AFM good news about travelling to work...I don't have to! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Yay! As of tomorrow I'm working from home until I finish for Mat leave :) Am so relieved, this means I can get up a little later, not be squashed against sweaty hot people's armpits hoping to get a seat at the next stop on the tube, not trip over on any more escalators (yes I have done this, I am so clumsy nowadays!) not have to rush around to get to work and now I'll be home and finished work at 5:31pm!!

Feeling a bit better after a couple of days off. Had a nice lunch with OH today and just washed some baby clothes ready to pack in my hospital bag so that cheered me up. Now sat here chatting to you lot and watching Gok :) OH is out with the NCT boys, I'm going out with the girls next Tuesday. They're a really nice bunch, it's good to have some friends in the area now.

Anyway, night for now, hugs to you all xxx

Thanks :D
Glad you're feeling better after some time off. Can't believe you're packing a baby hospital bag! What do you put it in?

AFM: I think my period FINALLY started today! I was on cycle day 60! That's 2 normal cycles squashed together - weird :S I also had to go to the emergency doctors in the middle of the night at around 3am this morning because my naval wound has red skin spreading outwards, is very tender and sore and there seems to be swelling under the skin. I'd phoned NHS direct and they got me to contact the emergency DR. They've got me some antibiotics and cream and so hopefully it'll start going down asap...I want to be fit and ready to start :sex: when I hopefully ovulate earlier this month! I haven't had any metformin side-affects yet, so that's good. Just need to get this sorted and keep up my no chocolate and more exercise (again)...gotta keep positive, I WILL be pregnant this year (hopefully)!

To bring a bit of cheer, thought I'd show a recent picture of my gorgeous boy. He's been SO good about the limited exercise I've been able to offer after my op and been my company while I've had 2 weeks of almost solitude. Life returns to normal tomorrow back at work, hope he doesn't miss me!
awww grey, love your pup! what a sweetie! :happydance: on getting your period!

missh and clara.. will say it again.. do not believe you both are so close to meeting the babas finally.. this is SO exciting!!!! another girl at work is pregnant now, don't know if it's something in the water, i must have some :winkwink: so anyways, she comes to my office and says to me "i have something to tell you, you must promise not to tell a soul" and tells me she's 6 weeks along and i got so excited i screamed out "congrats!!!!" thank god nobody was nearby to hear.. it is hard but at the same time i'm really, really happy for all you girls.. i know my time will come (i hope!)

cookie hunny :hugs:. hope the new pill smoothes things out for you and that you are feeling better! and adele is the best! that voice of hers is beyond great..

thanks everyone for the encouragement! fyi valentine's day was a mini-disaster, there was alot of traffic and we ended up getting home really late, the food we bought was sort of blah and we were so tired there was no sexy time sadly! but we made up for it the next day (doggydancing! :winkwink:) but don't think anything stuck this round, feel totally normal.. i have a feeling i ovulate at a completely different time than i think. hopefully the opks will help me there.

anyhoo off to see if i can invigle dh into some naughtiness! hope you all are great.. unsperminated girlies i hope you are both doing well and preggo girlies, i hope you both are resting up and comfy!

love and BIG :hug: !!!!!!!!!!

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