SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

awww grey, love your pup! what a sweetie! :happydance: on getting your period!

thanks everyone for the encouragement! fyi valentine's day was a mini-disaster, there was alot of traffic and we ended up getting home really late, the food we bought was sort of blah and we were so tired there was no sexy time sadly! but we made up for it the next day (doggydancing! :winkwink:) but don't think anything stuck this round, feel totally normal.. i have a feeling i ovulate at a completely different time than i think. hopefully the opks will help me there.

anyhoo off to see if i can invigle dh into some naughtiness! hope you all are great.. unsperminated girlies i hope you are both doing well and preggo girlies, i hope you both are resting up and comfy!

love and BIG :hug: !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks you, I think he's adorable :D Period almost over, so first temping since July is happening tomorrow :D

Sorry no sexy time for valentines day! Rubbish! Glad you made up for it next day though ;) ;)
Hi everyone! How are you all?

Grey your pup is so gorgeous!! I love greyhounds, in fact I love all dogs really. My parents have a lurcher, greyhounds have such lovely natures and this really shows through in her character :)

Karine, sorry you didn't get 'sexy time' on Valentines. If it is any consolation, I didn't either! Although we had a lovely weekend away :)

Well, had my Birth Centre assessment today and I'm good to go. My BP behaved and was in the realms of normal, my iron levels, urine, bump size etc were also all normal too so that's good. All on track to use the birth pool in the Birth Centre, fingers crossed. Also, I have one week left at work! Woop! Mostly at home, I need to go in for one day to say bye, handover some stuff and pick up my bits and pieces. Can't believe I'll be a lady of leisure for a while then! Can't wait, will be nice to concentrate on littl'un's arrival. I have 2 baby showers and a bit of visiting to do so I won't be bored! Also we are having a new bathroom put in! The fun never stops round here!

What have you all been up to? Cookie, you still baking? Prepping, how are you? Grey, good luck with the temping, keeping my fingers crossed and blowing some baby dust over to you!

Hope you are all well, will pop in again soon.

Love xx
grey.. my period finished on sunday and i should be getting the opks soon.. have to start testing from friday i think.. bit anxious about that! how is the temping going hun?

clara.. glad everything is going well! you are so lucky to be on the home stretch and soon no work too, i'm jealous lol.. could do with a nice, long break from work right about now. hope you get to kick back and relax a bit before the baby comes :hugs: hey we're doing over the bath as well! i can't wait because we have white everywhere and we're changing to travertine, it's going to be so nice.

:dust: and :hug:
Hi Ladies, hope your all well :flower:

Clara, are you on mat leave now? Hope your feeling better since you started working from home. Glad to hear bump is behaving itself and your on track for the birth you want. Fx it stays that way!

Karine, :happydance: for using the opks! I used mine early evening and didn't wee for about 4 hours before testing, not easy for somebody with a weak bladder [me :dohh:]

GreyGirl, lovely picture! I like the positive attitude, good luck with sticking to your healthy diet :flower:

Cookie, hope your feeling better now. If the pill is the right choice then try not to feel too upset about taking it :hugs:

I finished work on Thursday :happydance: I'm on holiday until my mat leave starts in April :happydance: Feeling exhausted all the time so its a relief to be finished. I'm going to see the midwife tomorrow and I can't wait to find out how the baby is lying now!

:dust: x x x
Can't believe you're so close Clara and MissH! Bet you're both going to enjoy being home, don't go too mad nesting!

I've done my 1st 2 days of temping since July Karine, probably start testing a little after you. Kinda hopeful for this cycle, but we'll see! Still same weight but eating generally better, main thing is I can finally start exercising more after my op.
Hi ladies sorry I've been gone, heads all over the place.

Grey - your pup is adorable. Love your positive attitude to this cycle. I've got all my crossables crossed for you my dear. Hope the temping and opks help and you get plenty of doggy dancing in :hugs:

Clara & missh - I can't believe your starting your mat leave. Its gone so quick. Seems like only yesterday you were posting your bfps :happydance: enjoy resting up for a bit before your beautiful miracles arrive :hugs:

Karine - hope the opks arrive soon and they help you pin point o. Again, got all my crossables crossed for you :hugs:

Afm - where to begin lol. Started spotting last week, which is crazy as was only 2 weeks after last af. Confused the heck out of me so did a opk to see if it was o bleeding. Nope opk completely neg. So don't think i actually Oed this cycle. Had af cramps since the spotting but no af? Boobs huge and a bit sore but not as bad as they have been before. And sooooooo bloated. Been an emotional wreck but just trying to plod on :D

Miss you all, will catch up properly when I can get on my laptop.
GreyGirl, fx for this cycle :flower:

Cookie, I know you said you have done a opk but have you done a pregnancy test? Wish I could give you a big :hugs:

Saw the midwife yesterday and baby has changed to head down position. Having a c-section so it doesn't really matter but was just curious to know as I think I know exactly when they turned! Also she said the baby was measuring big, lovely! Other than that all is well.

I'm doing some more nesting today as ds is at nursery and I have a driving lesson later.

Hope your all having a good day :flower:
Oh missh glad mw appt went well :) and big baby too bless. I was 9:11 when u was born! My poor mother lol. And its surprising u didn't feel baby turn other crazy huh.
Enjoy nesting hunni and good luck on ur driving lesson.

Well I did a ic the day after spotting but did it in the afternoon. Thought I saw something when holding it up to the light but think it was just the indent lines. But I've ordered some more :D to be honest I don't think I'm preggy as don't feel it. Just so bloated and huge boobs.
h well. hope everyones ok xxxxx
Thanks, I don't think I'm a natural driver but I will keep doing it as with two kids it will make my life much easier :thumbup:

If I was you I would be tempted to do another test with fmu. Bloated and sore boobs are signs of pregnancy. Savers do some really cheap tests as well. Sounds like your body is being a bit of a bitch recently! :hugs:
I don't think ill be needing that test now hun, brown spotting which made it to my underwear so i think its af. 9 days early might I add. And to top my shit day off, I've just found out that someone at work has told everyone about the mc and they have all been talking about me :cry:

Aww stick at it hun, u will get there. I'd be lost without my car now. But I'm sire things will be easier with the kids when u can drive xxx
:hugs: Sorry to hear people have been talking about you. As hard as it is, don't let it get to you :hugs:

Are you sure its AF if its 9 days early? Can't believe how messed up your cycles are :growlmad: I think a few large glasses of wine are needed and lots of chocolate :winkwink: x x x
Hello all!

Cookie that's awful that people are talking about you. How dare they? Tell them that if they keep it up, a fat lady called Clara will come and sit on them! Try to ignore them Hun, some people love to pore over other people's troubles, they'll move onto something else soon. Concentrate on whatever you happen to be doing :) :hugs:

MissH good on you with your driving! I remember learning, it can be quite scary at times! Even now when I haven't driven for a while I can get butterflies ;) Good luck, you'll be fab. Enjoy your nesting too!

Karine the bathroom thing has been crazy so far and it's only been 3 days! So noisy and messy and we had no loo for much of today! Not good for 35 week preggy person.... Hope yours is going more smoothly, they've had to rip out our floor today too!

Greygirl how's the temping going now? Is your dog giving you lots of cuddles? I miss our dog, I'm off to my parents's for a few days soon so can catch up with her then. They're so lovely aren't they?! Well done you on your healthy eating too! Very inspiring :)

Well I did my last day of work today so am a free woman for a few weeks until chaos will reign I'm sure! Am sooooooo tired, glad I decided to finish now, definitely couldn't have managed another week. Want to start nesting but there's too much going on in our little flat. I want to clean everything within an inch of its life but it'll be just as dusty again next day :( I may actually have to move out for a few days as its quite stressful!

Apart from that I'm good. On countdown now waiting for little one. Anyway, going to go now as I'm so sleepy! OH is cooking me dinner bless his heart.

Will pop in soon

Hugs, baby dust and big old' butt plugs!!! :winkwink: xx
Thanks girls. I went on a giant rampage yesterday and asked a close friend to be honest with me and if anyone had said anything about me to her. She told me she had been told and told me who told her. I was so angry :cry: so I decided to confront her and she lied to my face saying she didn't tell anyone. If she had been honest and been sorry it would of been better but to lie to me just annoyed me even more. I told her I thought it was disgusting that something so personal is being spread round like a bit of dirty gossip :( she still denied it but spent the whole day sucking up to me... guilty conscience.... much!

I enjoyed a few large glasses of wine though last night :D and have a rare Saturday off with Adam so we are heading to the zoo :happydance:

Missh its deff af :( very very heavy and very very crampy. Was awake at 4 this morning as the cramps were so bad but it means I can start taking my pills. Let's hope this sorts it all out.

Ooo Clara, sounds like you have a lot going on at home. can imagine its stressful though while your trying to nest. Fx u manage to get away for a few days and relax. It will be worth it when its all finished hunni.

Missh, I remember one of my driving lessons. I was reversing round a corner and nearly run a old couple over with their dogs. I was so upset that I got out the car and stormed off up the street lol. Instructor had to get me back in the car. I'm sure you are doing fab tho hunni.

Right off to the zoo. Take care ladies and enjoy your weekend xxxxxxx
Congrats on being a free woman Clara! Hope this next phase goes well for you and you're holding your little one soon :D

Cookie that's so harsh that people were talking about you, I'm glad you have a friend who's honest with you, shame on the other woman for lying though :(

AFM: Been doing allright, lost 4lbs and feeling good :D Got an 'intimate' problem, but I'll hide it in a spoiler so if you don't want a 'tmi' post then you can skip delightfully ahead!

After my op, it took 2 days to poo - I'm normally right on time, every day. Anyway, when I did it was hard and dry and hurt a little. I thought nothing of it and over the next few days all was well. Not long after starting to take metformin (I don't know if it's related) I started getting a little pain around the 'exit' and a little blood upon wiping. I've also had some sime little cuts around my perineum and even 1 on my inner labia (told you might be tmi!) and so I've been putting sudocrem on all areas, but it's been a few days now and I don't know if I should go the Dr or not. What do you think? Anyone had anything similar? It doesn't hurt all day any more (I was sore down there) but only a small stab when I poo and then it's gone. I'm obviously thinking the worse like cancer, but could it just be a haemorrhoid? Is there a better cream you'd recommend?
grey.. :hugs: hope you feel better sweetie.. never experienced that but i do think you should go to the doc for sure! was thinking could it be constipation tho? :yipee: on the weight loss! i've been trying to lose some myself so that when i go on my vacay in may i won't have to suck anything in but it's not been going too well.. it's so hard to stick to the healthy stuff, isn't it?? made lasagne yesterday so after i finish the last of it for lunch today i will try my hardest to stick to the things that are good for me. and do my jillian michaels workout every day :bodyb:

missh.. how long after using the opks did you get preggers? i know it happened for clara right away. don't think i'll be so lucky but using them makes me feel more confident. i started on saturday but no smiley yet.. rather excited tho.. i know what you mean about driving.. i'm terrified! but taking the bus with a baby is a definite no-no so we must be brave :) omg the four hour/no peeing thing is really hard! i have my tea really early so by 10 i get most of it out (tmi sorry). i've been testing at 2 pm and today we have a staff meeting from 1pm so i'm going to have to excuse myself to pee in my cup and dip, heehee :blush:

cookie, hunnie.. gosh af is so stupid. and such a beeyotch.. and ppl at your office too! don't know why women especially can't just mind their damned business! glad you let her have it tho.. sometimes you have to be a bitch just to let ppl know how they should behave around you in the future lol :gun: ppl can be so shitty.

clara.. so the countdown is on! SO exciting huh? soon you'll have your little bundle and your house will be shiny and new! gosh but the dust and messinesss is so annoying! our tiling guy cancelled on us so the bath is just bare concrete right now as dh demo-ed it himself because in trinidad every little bit of extra work for the workmen is alot more money from your pocket. hopefully this weekend it'll be done.. thankfully we have another bathroom to use in the mean time.

ok off to start working :sad2: hope everyone is doing great!

:hug: my lovelies
Just a quickie, will reply properly tomorrow, just wanted to offer some 'intimate problem' advice ;) Grey it sounds like piles/hemmarhoids to me. I've been getting the same. It's v uncomfy! Try Anusol suppositories and creams, try to eat more fibre and maybe get some gentle laxatives like Senacot. Try not to strain when going to the loo. A doctor gave me a good tip once: it sounds mad but take a book in with you when tou need to go. Concentrate on reading and let your body do what it needs to when its ready. Dont rush! Give it a try, it helps me :)

Good luck hunni, hope it's better soon.

Nite for now, will check in properly tomorrow xx
omg, just got my smiley!! so excited to get home now, lol!!
Hi, this is Achelois' OH........dont be alarmed lol

She knows I wanted to post on here, after telling me about the support you gave her last year, and thank you......just wanted to be part of this side of her life and share it as a couple, despite the graphic detail lol. (yes, doggy works for me)

We went through a lot emotions since and are working things out, she will be popping back on here soon we hope (ifykwim) but she felt like she left in a sad place, but all is good, she is currenly away on a long business trip in Asia (10 weeks of 5 star hotels and dinners, lucky cow) and is back Easter weekend.

Anyhoo, just to say she hasnt forgotten about you all and internet access out there is not always great and some sites are banned etc.

Take care ladies
Hi, this is Achelois' OH........dont be alarmed lol

She knows I wanted to post on here, after telling me about the support you gave her last year, and thank you......just wanted to be part of this side of her life and share it as a couple, despite the graphic detail lol. (yes, doggy works for me)

We went through a lot emotions since and are working things out, she will be popping back on here soon we hope (ifykwim) but she felt like she left in a sad place, but all is good, she is currenly away on a long business trip in Asia (10 weeks of 5 star hotels and dinners, lucky cow) and is back Easter weekend.

Anyhoo, just to say she hasnt forgotten about you all and internet access out there is not always great and some sites are banned etc.

Take care ladies
ps.....good luck to all those currently expecting or recently given birth

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