SPA -Stick Pee-ers Anonymous - 3 Babies, 3 BFPs and 2TTCers catching up!

Karine, cookie and Ach, I'm rooting for all of of you huge. Soon ladies! Vino always did me the trick from before. Mmmmm wine.

Grey, so glad to hear that you got to see little peanuts heartbeat! That's pretty amazing!

Clara, how has the last day been for you?? Is the induction date moved back due to the promising show? Any more-than-BH??

Missh, how's the first few days of babyhood? :cloud9:

I'm good here. Baby isn't nearly as wiggly as he was last week... Trying not to read into anything. Maybe he's having a growth spurt or something. Funny how it's only now that I have nerves about how he's doing.
Hey prepping. Hope your doing ok and beanie is just having a lazy few days. If your worried about it though hunni maybe call your mw, might be worth it just for your peace of mind hun. But I'm sure all is ok and beanie is just being a little lazy bum.

Clara can't wait for your update hunni. Hope your all ok sweetie :hugs:

A - how you doing sweetie, hope you are getting closer to that BFP hunni :hugs:

Hi all

Sorry to hear you're out Karine :hugs: Onwards to the next cycle my lovely!

Prepping I'm sure beanie is fine. Sounds awful but I give mine a little push/poke if she's quiet for too long, or have a bath-that sometimes wakes them! If you're really worried, call the MW for advice. They don't mind if it can put your mind at ease x

Hope everyone's ok, have been trying to limit my bnb use as have been turning myself inside out with anxiety about this baby coming before today. So a quick update: went into hospital at 7am this morning for the induction but talked to them about how I was really not wanting it. Was so upset this morning, cried on way there. OH had been wonderful, so supportive and calm, love him to bits. Anyway, we've put induction back to Friday to give madam a bit longer to hopefully come on her own. Had another sweep but things not much further along than last time. MW recommended bouncing on my ball, lots of sex and walking to get her head further engaged.

Will pop in again soon to update

Love to you all xxxx
Thanks Clara and cookie for the reassurance... Was just being silly. :p I think I just hadn't been feeling him because I was moving around lots for the last number of days. I focused on his movements a little more last night and this morning and found that he's wiggling like always. Actually is a little more powerful now so no worries.

Clara, i would have been the exact same in your shoes. And being so anxious and upset about induction would make the whole process all that much more worse. Go on with your long walks on the ball while DTD!
thanks girlies for your support :hugs: .. means alot to have ppl to talk to because i don't want to get dh stressed about it! but i feel alot better now, think i'm feeling down as i can't try this month, you know? normally i'd be out of this funk already.. but i'm getting there.

in less than a month i'll be having my weekend away and i'm so excited because my sisters will be coming from abroad to join us, haven't seen them since christmas :happydance:

achelois.. hope you're well hun :flower: any new symptoms? :) :dust:

cookie.. you're right, and i'm glad i have you and achelois for company! :hugs:

prepping.. sounds like you've got a lil footballer in there hun :)

clara.. oh she'll be along shortly.. i'm so excited to meet this little madam, can only imagine how you feel! sending you lots of labourdust!

missh.. hope you and george are well! i bet you've got your hands pretty full! :hugs:

xx and buttplugs
Oh Clara, she's deff a little stubborn one but I'm so pleased that they listened to you and pushed your induction back for you. Let's hope things start moving quickly for you. Just thought is share something I saw last night on tv. I watch teen mom, lol, and a girl was over due on there and she drank a tea spoon of caster oil one night and was in full labour by morning... Looked gross to drink but may be worth a try :hugs: hang in there sweetie, won't be much longer now xxxxx

Karine, so pleased to hear your starting to feel better, I get down in that funk too so know how you feel sweetie :hugs: just look forward to your little holiday, and enjoy bding without the pressure hunni :hugs: we are all here for you sweetie xxxx

Prepping, deff sounds like a little monster in the making lol bless him. Glad he's wriggling more now and your feeling better now :hugs:

Missh - hope your new family is all settling down ok. Can't wait to hear an update from you sweetie xxxxx

Afm - I pushed back my plans to go home tonight just to get a extra day of bding in lol. So gotta leave early tomoro morning to get back to my mums then we are off to see STEPS :happydance: I'm so excited about it but I'm due to o tomorro or Friday so can BD tonight then not back till Friday night :( so not thinkin I shall be catching any eggy this month. Bded last night but who knows lol. Gonna do a opk shortly just to see what's going on xxxx

Butty plugs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies!
Cookie - enjoy steps you nutter & remember those little spermies can live for up to three days inside so it's a possibility!
Karine - keep smiling chick - you'll be ok. We will get there in the end. No symptoms for me now sore bbs gone and feeling fine. Possibly all on my he's ;( will know soon!
Prepping - glad your little one is being a little bit more wriggly.... Lazy little bean! Give him a good poke as Clara suggested so he knows who's boss from day one!
Grey - hope you're ok sweetie
Missh - still awaiting pics of our little george James

My gorgeous oh bought me flowers the other night and a card as was feeling a bit emotional about the whole baby thing. Hes such a sweetheart and it really made my day.
Other than that symptoms seem to all have vanished apart from odd cramps but ever ally feel normal so think I'm out this month. Will have to wait and see.

Love to all xxx
Hehe A, me and my mum know all the dances so shall be busting them out for sure lol. God I'm so sad lol.
Yea I'm clinging on to the fact that sperm can last 3 days so who knows lol.

How annoying all symptoms have vanished. but you never know chick-a-dee :hugs:
Your OH sounds cute, wish my DF brought me flowers more lol.
Are you planning on testing or just waiting to see if af shows up?

Hiya hunni
Hope you enjoy steps. Went to see titanic in 3d last night. Was good and effects of 3d make it amazing. Was very tearful watching it though - such a sad story.
Been testing using Internet cheapies despite swearing after what happened last time I wouldn't do that again! My mc baby would have been due this Monday. Makes me sad when I think about it and really hoping mother nature can give me something special to remember that date by instead of what I now think of.
Anyhow all the test have been bfn apart from one I did last Saturday which had a very faint line - evap?!
Last time I was due af on Sunday, had implantation bleed on Saturday and tested bfn Sunday morning and bfp Sunday afternoon so I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Hope you have a blast tonight.
Clara - any news sweetie?
Diamond studded Butt plugs and baby / labour dust to you all

A xxx
Aww A I was thinkin about that too :hugs: hope your ok sweetie :hugs:
Aww bloody evaps :( I hope them bfns turn in to a BFP for you hunni.
I really wanna see titanic in 3D, bet its amazing. My DF admitted to me the other day that he's never seen it..... I was like say whhhhaaaatttt! So we must see it :D

I'm so excited about steps lol. I feel like the little 10yr old all over again, crazy huh lol.

Did my opk yesterday too, not quite as dark as the cl but pretty close so I'm guessing todays would be positive. I bded last night so who knows :)

Also, I had a dream last night that my DF posted on here.... He's not even on bnb and would never join but he was spying on me on here lol. Weird huh.

Anyways, enough ramblings from me. Clara, hope your all ok and things are starting to move for you.
Ziggy zaggy, polka dotted butty pluggies :happydance:
Hi Ladies, sorry it has taken me so long to do a proper reply. Haven't been feeling so good since the birth but got some iron tablets in my system now along with loads of pain killers so feeling a bit better!

Achelois, welcome back! Its great to hear that things are so good between you and your OH. Will be keeping everything crossed that the witch stays away.

GreyGirl, so happy that you have heard a heartbeat! Try and relax a little now and enjoy your pregnancy.

Cookie, I think if you have dtd then your in with a chance so keep positive and enjoy Steps.

Karine, big :hugs: try not to get too down about not being able to try as much as normal this month. Relax and enjoy some nice food and drink and dtd when you can and you never know what might happen :hugs:

Clara, I am keeping everything crossed that your little girl is on her way out now! With DS1 I went into be induced and was actually 4cm so I didn't need to be! Good luck, can't wait for an update!

Prepping, I was always giving my stomach little pokes to get my little man moving! Sometimes when I was busy I just wouldn't notice his movements as much then I would start to worry. Cold drinks and sugar were always good for getting him to move!

George is now a week old! Can't believe he is finally here! He is such a good baby, he hardly cries and is so chilled out. The only thing he does a lot is poo!
Last night he had a feed at 8.30pm, slept until 1.30am, had another feed then slept until 5.45am! He didn't even cry in the night!

The hardest part at the moment is the loads of washing [done 2 everyday!] and keeping our 3 year old happy. He has been lovely with his brother, giving him loads of kisses and cuddles but he also wants to carry him and feed him :wacko: I am a bit nervous of him jumping on my stomach as he is very active but I am so happy that he is happy to be a big brother.

I am sending you all some very sticky baby dust x x x

MISSH!!! So SO good to hear from you! He is absoloutely gorgeous. Not jealous... much! What a little sweetheart. and so please that his big brother is playing along nicely.

sounds like you have the perfect child.... apart from the poo!

So chuffed for you


A xxxxxxx
Thanks cookie - will be ok. Weird dreams are a pg symptom! F's x'd for you hunni! You could have got O wrong!

Have a great night tonight xxxxxxxx
OMG missh, what a beautiful baby boy! lucky you he's so chill and laid-back.. congrats again on a job well done :hugs: i'm doing better, thanks.. this month i'm out for sure because he won't be back until after i ov, but it's ok, i plan to spend this month getting in shape and just looking forward to may :)

achelois.. fx for you!! as everyone always says, you aren't out til af shows so.. i bet mother nature has a lovely plan for you hunnie :hugs: haven't seen titanic 3d, don't plan to because i watched titanic 7 times when it came out way back when and i don't know how i did that because it's just too sad for me now! great movie though. will be taking in all the eye candy in avengers instead, yum :haha: thor and captain america and mark ruffalo as hulk yummm

cookie.. fx for you tooo!! hope you had a blast at steps :) i'm feeling better and better everyday.. now just feeling sad because i'm missing dh rather than because i can't try so at least i'm not dwelling on getting preg. the main thing i'm anxious about is that i'll be 35 this year, need to get over that because alot of women have kids over 35 these days.

this sunday my cousin's baby luca and my other cousin's toddler giuliana are being christened and i've been asked to be luca's godmother so excited about that, he's a pudgy lil chunky monkey can't wait to see him :happydance:

clara, prepping and grey, hope you're all doing great :hugs:

xx, k.
Hi All!
Missh,beautiful baby George!! Awww... Too precious. And glad you're on the way to recuperation as well. And yes, I give a poke every now and then. If nothing else, I'll just roll on top of him and he has no problem letting me know he's there. Hehe

Cookie, steps must be an english thing. I don't have a clue what you ladies are talking about :p hope your last jaunt was a fun one! Enjoy yourself for your visit with mum.

Ach, careful with those pee sticks -- they're a mind game. I had let them sneak into practice for a couple months before I got my pos, and it just made me antsy. When I actually did get my +, it was 2-3 days after my period was due and I was absolutely comvinced it wouldn't be a positive as I was having intense period syptoms. Have to say, I was a lot more relaxed that month! I also happened to have chosen that month (Dec) asthe start of us not 'trying'. Funny how things work out.
But I'm sure none of this is new... Just throwing in my 2 cents as I went through several hpts for no reason. It still was kinda exciting regardless.

Karine, that must be nice to have a couple babies that you're so close to. And as you say, don't worry about the age factor. Heck, for a while I wasn't planning on even starting until 35. As it is, I'll have babe just before 30 and don't anticipate adding another for several years.

Clara, she'll get moving. I'm sure of it. Stay positive and keep moving. And if nothing else, as much as it is completely against your plans, you have a few days to help wrap your mind around how to proceed with induction if needed and still keep as close as possible to your natural plans. Plan a day's worth of food to bring for both you and your hubby, maintain your ability to keep moving around even if you have a drip, bring a birthing ball. Make the place as cozy as you can considering the circumstances. It may be far more intense, but you're a strong woman with a strong healthy baby. You can do anything.
But I super hugely hope lil miss makes it easier for everyone and opts to evacuate earlier!
A fish will grow to the size of their fishbowl. And I have a big fishbowl. I don't see any issues. :p

... Okay, so I had a midwife appointment today and there's just a couple minor things that I consider to be annoyances. The whole point of going the midwife route here is to try to avoid all the unnecessary medical stuff that has become regular with pregnancy. She's advised that I get the gestational diabetes test done and further ultrasounds to monitor size as I have "2 risk factors". 1) I'm over 25. 2) babe is measuring about a week ahead.

Alright, about age... I'm 29. I wouldn't say that's the biggest issue. And for size, I'm 5'11", a good weight, and DH is 6'1". I know for a fact that I will not produce a small baby. If I had even an 8 pounder, it's either because he's a premie or he stopped growing. My bets are on that I will have an 8lb 10oz-er. I've measured a week ahead from the very start too so have been consistent. And really, my torso "is a mile long" as my midwife said this morning too. So there you go. I'm bigger than the average woman, therefore will have a bigger than average baby. Very logical. So I have said fine to taking the diabetes test just so it's on paper that I do not have it, however I am not going for another ultrasound. I compromised with her that if everything is consistent and normal, then I will relent with one ultrasound between 30 and 40 weeks. Having one after every midwife appointment would be ridiculous though.

Just had to get that out as it's annoying to have a perfectly healthy pregnancy and still have unnecessary procedures and tests pushed just because they have a square peg and you are a circle hole. It's purely just in case I need to be transferred to the care of an OB in case of emergency as they will solely be looking at my file and not me.

Sorry for my little rant. I'm a very logical person and am quite opinionated in regards to when things do not add up. :p. I'm good though. I'll do what needs to be done to avoid a doctor assuming that I have everything wrong with me and need to cut me open just in case of complications that would arise if, if, if. Gosh I hope I get my homebirth -- would make things so much easier.
Do you ladies in other countries have to fill in a whack load of consent forms way in advance as registration with the hospital? I don't even plan on going there, yet I am being asked to sign consent to perform epidural and c-section in advance. I have a problem with that on principle alone.
Prepping I'm so with you on the over medicalisation of pregnancy and birth. Hence why my hackles are firmly up over this bloody induction thing. And by the way, being over 25 a risk factor?!!! That means most women in the UK are at risk as the average age of first time mums has risen sharply! I'm 35 so god knows what they'd think of that!

Anyway, this is just a quickie as I'm off to bed soon. Sorry not to do personals but my head's all over the place and I think I need to get some sleep to prepare for tomorrow. Unless little Miss comes tonight (which isn't looking promising but you never know) I'm booked in for 10am.

Love to everyone, hopefully will update soon

Thanks for all your sweet support, you girls are lovely xxxx

Edit: OMG! Just seen your pics MissH! George is beautiful!!! He's so gorgeous, well done you! Glad you're feeling a bit better hun xx
Rest up plenty Clara. One way or another, you are going to have some fantabulous addition in no time. All the hearts and support are coming your way. :) it is exciting too!
Quick update:

Well she's coming on her own! Contracting twice each 10 mins and vernix softening and dilated to 2cm. Bishop's score of 5 with 'forewaters bulging'! (that bit made me laugh!)

So we're back home again after another vigorous sweep to wait it out...come on madam!!

Thanks for all your good luck wishes, they must've helped xx

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