Cookie and Karine, I have everything crossed for the both of you. Enjoy copious amounts of wine and doggy dances!!!
Hope everyone is doing well!! Sorry haven't been talking in last week. Busy busy! But been keeping up with my girls.
Going out tonight for a friend's bday tonight so am looking forward to that... Hope to get a bump pic finally! All is good otherwise. He's getting big and strong with his rolls and kicks! One thing is I'm frustrated with our medical system as always. Going the midwife route I was hoping to get away from the concept of pregnancy being treated more as an ailment... But no.

I'm perfectly healthy, baby is perfectly healthy, but my midwife insists on taking a normal pregnancy and trying to find something wrong with it. He's still measuring big as he always has so she's trying to find out the reason so it can be treated. Tested for gestational diabetes, nope that's not it. Now she wants to see me every 2 weeks to monitor his growth and is pushing for ultrasounds to rule out other problems.
..... Can't it just be accepted that he is measuring above average because I'm above average? Is using that logic completely unreasonable? I'm 5'11", DH is 6'1" -- have gained about 14 lbs so far which is very normal -- and would be very surprised to have a baby that is any less than 8.5 lbs. Sorry to go on about it.... It's just a blatant example of why people are made to be scared while pregnant and how there is no trust in the abilities of the female body.
I'll have to talk to my midwife on Thursday and lay it out that what I need is support to maintain my already healthy pregnancy. Because this frustration is just a huge stress! If they're not listening to me now, how on earth can I trust that they'll listen to me when I'm in labour?!
Okay, rant out.

Big huge doggy dancing butt plug love ladies