Sperm Meets Egg Plan Chatter thread!

Hi all - cd 13 for me today, have done opks day 10, 11 and 12 and had just control line day 10, then 2 v faint lines days 11 and 12. Not tested yet today but I really thought I'd be ovulating around now, as have regular 28 / 29 day cycle.

Only bought 10 opk's as that is what SMEP says - shoudl I order more in case I have to keep testing for ever, or shoudl I trust that the 7 I have left will be enough and I will get a + opk in that time?

Any advice from experienced (and inexperienced) smeppers welcome!
Sorry Cupcake, maybe just too early cos if got slight blood that mite be implantation and cannot be detected yet. I know that my sis was roughly 5-6 days late before she ended up getting a very light BFP GL at docs!

Hi Ness, hope you are keeping well any other symptons? Onto day 5 for me so OV the next week or so

haha missymoomoo we so have to get some more BFP stats going down but so many of you still to test!

Squirrelgirl it could be signs im really not sure though, I set myself up for a fall every month and then get my AF so dont want to say but I hope it is for you keep us posted!

Gingerwhinger sounds promising you are at least 2-3 days late, test test! let us know! Everytime I took IC was BFN so looking good so far my sis was BFP on IC

I feel the same tryforbaby2 I mean there is nothing else in our power that we can do and drove me mad last time too took a year even though that was normal so I guess the only thing else we can do now is not give up. There is no point in other people also telling us to relax as they are not in this situation. Sometimes I just want to forgot the whole thing and just accept I will not have any more children but then that wanting pulls you right back into it. Im just glad we all understand. I know it can take 12-18 months normally and I am nowhere near that yet but I guess it still hurts every month no matter how long we have been trying as we really want it and emotions are funny things that we just cannt control. I think what makes it so hard is that it is something outwith our control that we can do nothing about. I certainly get ahead of myself and think there is something wrong with me when I know really that im fine, I guess its the worry and peace of mind and your tests will put your mind at rest.
I hope your appointment goes well

Good to hear from you ttcstill, speak soon!

amym maybe buy some more just to be on the safe side always got spares than not enough
I'm due to ovulate like anytime now but don't seem to have much EWCM (and no +OPK yet either) so OH has been out to get me some grapefruit juice (yuk) but I'm willing to give it a try :D

How long does it take before it has an effect on your EWCM?

Glad everyone liked the banner toooooo :D

But arein83, I can see the line before I take them apart - it's just I take them apart to be able to see it better!! If they are evaps they were there before I took them apart... what I don't get though is if they are positives then surely now I am 16dpo they should be big and fat positives as appose to barely there and possibly evap positives!

Yep Ness that is my plan - Friday night I shall either be dissapointed and very drunk or thrilled and very sober :thumbup:

not necessarily hun it depends when you implanted! I never got a "dark" positive even at 14dpo - I don't think there is much dye in the cheap tests anyway, just retest tomorrow though if you are pregnant there should defo be a difference mine got stronger each day x
Hi Shona!

Not really except for extreme bloatedness, exhaustion, peeing for England and shed loads of watery CM so I feel like I have pee'd myself :haha: not that I'm complaining just fun to see what each day will bring me! No MS yet but bit too early for that to kick in I think!
Hi ladies :flower: I have not been on here for ages because I needed a little time out - I was getting a bit down about it all plus I've been feeling unwell and was convinced I had screwed up this cycle, still suppose I have.... so I did a superdrug early test on Saturday as the witch was due Sunday and I could feel her on her way with cramps and back ache, I did the test for no other reason than to confirm the bfn to me so I could go out Saturday night and get jolly - It was bfn so I did go out and drink a tad too much (I promise I was convinced it was game over I wouldn't have drank if I thought for a second I could have caught)!!

Anyway, af has still yet to show. I did another superdrug this morning and it looked like a bfn other than a shadow I put down to a scratch on the plastic bit. I have just gone (4 hours later) and taken it apart - there is a faint line but easily visible without tilting etc... I then went and dug out Saturdays from the bathroom bin (the things we do) and took that apart too - it also has a good second line.

So, wtf?? Officially they are both bfn's because I don't believe the lines were visible in the time frame through the little plastic window - so are these evaps?? I have also had very faint lines that you have to tilt and squint to see on internet cheapies but I have had them before and af still show up. The witch should have been here sat night/sun morning. She isn't! I also have no symptoms at all for either pregnancy or af... other than an itchy scalp and acheing limbs which I went to the doctor about because it is really bugging me and had blood tests done yesterday.

Sorry for the essay! Blimey. If you have spent the last hour reading this novel then what do you think?? I spose I just need to wait it out. I'll do my last superdrug in the morning if the witch hasn't shown... might even go get another brand incase these are evil evaps...

:hugs: to everyone who has got af since I was last on :hugs:

Ginger I'm in the same boat as you - AF due on Sunday still not here and BFN's from Superdrug tests, altho I noticed one that I did yesterday early hours had a line when i went back to it hours after... Tested again this morning and BFN still - no line this time...

Have you ever been late for AF before?
oooh ginger, fingers crossed for you. i'd just keep testing and maybe make a doc appointment for in a week or something. i really hope you get your bfp!!

tryfor- i dont think you're missing anything sweetie. ive read about it taking healthy fertile people a year and for that to be completely normal. you should defo see the specialist just to check everythings ok though.
im on cycle 5 now after ntnp for a few months, im going to the doc at the end of this cycle i think, dh is 37 and we want a big family so really want to get on with it!!

ive been in the same threads as you and soph, and jaimie too, since i joined here, and i really want to see you guys get your bfps!!!

loads of babydust to everyone.xxxx

:hugs: Lets go to first tri together! We need our BFP's of course!
Hi cupcake :flower: - nice to find someone going through the same as me (although we are all going through the same thing kinda, you know what I mean)! No my af has never been late... maybe the next day at a push but never proper late like now. I also have nothing whatsoever to indicate she is on her way :shrug: I usually get lower back ache the couple of days before and I can be a little moody but I've no back ache and I am being nice as pie. I've had heart burn all afternoon :wacko: but I am trying hard not to get my hopes up because I can't be doing with the let down when the hag shows! I'm trying to keep myself busy thinking about other things - yeah right! I shall do my last superdrug in the morning with fmu as up to now I have not been testing till a little later on in the morning so maybe my urine is diluted etc... watch this space and fingers crossed for us all :flower:
Oh Ness I hope so, you're a star :flower: I love your pma!

Fingers crossed the hag stays away, the worrying thing about all this is how massively gutted I am going to be if she shows BUT I am a woman with a plan - Friday night I am going to a robbie williams tribute act in my local with the girls which by rights should be a very messy night indeed so if she shows up I don't have to worry about making up some daft excuse and can drink and be silly! Only a very small consolation but still it's something to cling onto if she shows :cry: if not then YIPEE!!

well now I have my bfp I have to encourage you girls and keep your PMA going :flower:

Yeah if she does show (by the sounds of it she won't!) go out and get shitfaced that always made me feel better when AF showed he he!

:haha: thats what I am doing this weekend!
I'm spotting again...WTF is up with my body!

Hey girl..... I completely understand how you are feeling because I started heavy friday night, extremely heavy Saturday and nothing since..... only 30 hr period that has got to be a record.
Soph, we have both been on pretty much the same threads from the beginning. How about this: "Let's hold hands and walk through the door or first tri together!"

I have tried so much since active TTC I am running out of ideas!

I came off the Depo Shot October 2005 and NTNP for 4 years. Told some immediate family and some close friends last summer we were TTC for a spring/summer baby (because we had this misguided conception that we would concieve instantly). So for the past 8 cycles we have been actively TTC and I have added to my bag of tricks each month. Finally now I am scheduling my Fertility Specialist appointment (I was referred in February), I just don't want to wait anymore.
Out of all my months NTNP in July 2008 I had a positive serum pregnancy test at work (really positive) about a few days to a week later, it was negative (assuming I must have had a chemical, especially when a blood HCG came back positive). Anywho after that the only real time I thought I was pregnant was this past November. I had extremely sore bbs from 4dpo on. I got my AF early and it was so heavy it was a mini waterfall with sharp pains behind my belly button for at least 20 hours. I cried in pain.

Now DH and I do the following each month for TTC:

We have changed our diet little by little over the past 4 months or so.
I take a prenatal vitamin, he takes a men's multi vit and zinc.
He has always worn loose (hand made by mommy, lmfao) boxers. I monitor my CM and CP and drink water.
We exercise, use opk's (which are confusing at times, like now), softcups and try every position in the book.
I gave up regular coffee about 4 months ago, switched to decaf for a month or two and finally for the past month and a half I have been coffee-less and consuming, in general, much less caffiene. I started drinking red raspberry leaf tea (as of yesterday) and doing yoga for the ast month or two to relax my nerves.

I may honestly ma be leaving out a thing or two, but seriously what else an I try? I also gave up smoking 1 1/2 years ago. Seriously?! What else can I do?

Hi there.

I feel for you-I'm in the exact same boat but been trying more than twice as long. I was on depo from about 1995-2004. From then on DH and I basically were NTNP as we only used wd method (which did seem to work amazingly well, now that I look back).
We started trying 17 cycles ago. I too, thought we would get a bfp everyday. I have tried everything you have & more (add accupuncture, massage, heavy working out/light working out/no working out, softcups, baking soda douche (in case ph was too acidic & hostile), robitusson,....I could go on & on).......

It's getting so hard. SOOOOOOOOO many people have gotten pg and HAD their babies since we started TTC-many accidentally or just straight away. I want our bfp sooooooo bad.

When we were NTNP I subconciously added two weeks to the start of my last period nearly every month. Thats when I planned the good sex! :rofl: still nothing. Plus I always get O cramps. I just feel like something may (or may not) be right. My Obgyn referred to to a specialist in february, I have been holding off because I am nervous. I had positive opks this cycle from CD16 until yesterday CD26 (gradually darker then lighter but all positive). I am hoping I don't have something wrong with a delayed egg releasal or pcos or something like that. We will see.

I hope you get your bfp very soon, after that many cycles you deserve a big fat bfp! Good Luck!!!
Have any of you ladies seen this website:-


Its has a list of the symptoms post ovulation (starting from 0 upwards) and the survey was carried out on confirmed pregnant women. It also has test results in percentages too and interestingly aboout 12% still get a negative at 15 dpo.

Its just an interesting website and I know how much me (and you lol) will like it!

Check it out, I know I (and you lol) love a good read
ttcstill- I called my OB, waiting to hear back. I think I'm about to have a high-speed come apart and it's going to be ugly. I'm feeling really irritable yesterday and today, like PMS-ish but ten-fold.
Has anyone not had a smiley face on their OPK one month??? Mine is very late this month (although the closer it gets to Thursday when I am back home with DH the better!!)

also - what's with the grapefruit juice? What dies it do?
grapefruit juice thins your cm.
I don't use those OPKs but I have thought I wasn't going to O, last month actually.
Have any of you ladies seen this website:-


Its has a list of the symptoms post ovulation (starting from 0 upwards) and the survey was carried out on confirmed pregnant women. It also has test results in percentages too and interestingly aboout 12% still get a negative at 15 dpo.

Its just an interesting website and I know how much me (and you lol) will like it!

Check it out, I know I (and you lol) love a good read

wow! i really had like 10+ of those last month, and still BFN. crazzzy. especially the dizziness, hot flashes, diarrhea, UTI, backaches...guess i do lots of things that cause those things otherwise.
Tryfor - I love how you hold "the good sex" for o time!:rofl:

Ginger - Hey, a faint line is positive!...These are not OPK's, you know. We probably get used to seeing the +OPKs more than the +HPTs, so maybe we need to see the line as dark or darker than the control in order to believe they're really positive. I hope your :bfp: keeps getting darker!!! :flower:

Squirrel - don't do it!!!!! I was also feeling wierd yesterday, nauseous, bloated, emotional - my boss was telling me how one of his students died last week and I had to hold my tears when he showed me her pic (I never get emotional over stranger's deaths!). Anyway, you HAVE to be strong and wait, weren't we going to be 2ww/testing buddies? C'mmon...I even chose my DPO to be in sync with yours! (hear the violins in the background?? :-({|=hahaha). Wait for meeeeeeee!!!!

I hope we all get what we want SOON!!!!!!


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