Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Dreaminghopin - Sorry your having a rubbish time at the moment but glad youve booked up privately and not having to wait too long :)

MrsPTTC - Im finding it a little tough hearing friends and work colleagues pregnant at the moment a lady I sit next to has just announced and Im constantly looking at her everyday and feeling a tug of dissapointment. I'm happy for them but just wish I could see into the future and know that I will be able to get pregnant again.

Daydream - Good luck this month with your 'body revolution' I love Jillians stuff

Happyshopper - Glad your test came back normal, are they going to be testing you for anything else?

Chloe I got bored of bedding ages ago lol

AFM - My cycles have been closer the past couple of months and think I may have ovulated this month due to changes on CM. After being diagnosed with PCOS just trying to sort out my diet and hope this helps me. My spotting has stopped the past couple of cycles but cant understand why, just trying to make the most of it whilst it lasts

:dust::dust: to all
Hello ladies, I’ve spent all day reading this thread and decided to join you. You all seem very supportive of each other here and reading your posts gives me some comfort. I am also a spotter TTC and I hate it. I've had spotting for years now and I’ve found it annoying, but never worried much about it until starting TTC. Spotting is frustrating, because there’s blood in some shape of form present for literally half of my cycle. My cycle length can vary anywhere from 24 to 34 days, most of the time being close to 26 days. I usually have a 5-6 day period, then beautiful 7-10 clean days and then the dreaded spotting arrives. Starting as light brown mucous, then getting slightly heavier with small chunks of tissue coming out, most of the time brown with some red blood here and there. (Sorry for the detailed description, girls, but I know there’s no such thing as TMI on this site. We’re all trying to help each other.) This aggravating spotting can last anywhere from 7 to 10 days. It calms down for a day and then the Red Army (as my husband fittingly calls my period) arrives in its full glory knocking me down both physically and emotionally. The blood flow, color and texture changes, I have strong cramps the first day or two and feel a bit nauseous. If I don’t take the painkillers, I can’t function normally the first day. Then the cycle repeats itself again. Unfortunately, I wasn’t too concerned with things like cm, bbt, or spotting before TTC and my cycles are irregular, so I didn’t know when exactly I ovulate, how long my luteal phase was etc. Our strategy was to bd every day or every other day after the Red Army leaves the town and hope for the best. I tried cheaper OPK brands, used them for 7 days usually starting on CD10, but never had a positive. Last month I bought a Clearblue digital OPK, started using it on CD6 and, to my shock, I saw a smiley face on CD7. So confused… Also had EWCM at the same time, so figured it's gotta be right. Tested twice a day for several more days never saw a smiley face again. BDd like crazy all that time, dreaded spotting arrived again on CD14. You know how it always gives you that false sense of hope: Oh my, maybe THIS TIME it’s ib. Yeah, right! Spotting continued and Red Army caught up with it 10 days later. I used to be on bc, but stopped taking it about 8 years ago. I haven’t done much testing lately, we’ve been moving a lot so I haven’t seen the same OBGYN in a while. I’m going to see a new one in two days and I’m very curious what kind of doctor she’s gong to be and how much she’ll be interested in my spotting. I don't want to hear, 'Oh that's totally normal, darling. Just keep trying.' Bleeding that much for that long cannot be normal. I'm not buying it. I’ll have to be pushy with her to have her initiate some kind of testing soon. It could be endo, it could be lack of progesterone, it could be so many things and I would like to start eliminating possible causes. We’ve ONLY been TTC for 4 months, and I know it’s WAY TOO early to think I might have some fertility problems, but I’m concerned anyways. There’s nooo way that poor fertilized egg (if there’s one) would survive attached to the uterine lining that’s shedding itself for 2 weeks. I’m sending you lots of luck on your journey and look forward to numerous BFP announcements on this thread. We CAN do it!
Hi Katie, welcome! Sorry that you struggle with the spotting as well. When you talk to your new dr I would bring up the irregular cycles, it seems doctors pay more attention to that than the spotting. But GL maybe you'll get a good one :)
Hi Katie,
A belated welcome! I'm keen to hear how your appointment went; did the dr. listen to you? There's lots of spotters that have gotten their bfps, including some of those in this thread, so you are in good company :) AND definitely have that most important quality -- hope!
bump! Welcome Katie!

today is approx 11dpo for me tested bfn at 10dpo....
Jellycat thanks for your message and so glad that the stopping seems to have stopped.

Welcome KatieTTC, so sorry that you are also having trouble with spotting. As expat states, many people on this thread have got their BFPs and I suppose that it is always reassuring that more often than not, when people have been lucky to have extra tests and scans, they often don’t find a reason for t spotting. I discussed my spotting recently with a gynaecologist who said my spotting a week before my period was a variation of normal. I also agree with Daydream that doctors probably pay more attention to irregular cycles and I would also mention the pain that you experience too. Also (and not wanting to cause you further distress) but for the last 3 months I have several days of smiley faces starting on day 9. Are you testing am or pm? As opk more likely to be negative am. The last few cycles I have had smiley face CD 9 pm, no smiley face CD 10 mid afternoon, smiley face CD10 pm, no smiley face CD 11 noon and smiley face at night CD 11. I don’t chart because I know I would find it too stressful so just try to have sex as much as we can for the week after I get first smiley. Also although my doc told me my progesterone was within normal limits, it was still low and I now take progesterone after ovulation. Although this may be masking problems it does stop the spotting and helps emotionally. I agree having spotting for most of your cycle is very depressing regardless of whether you’re TTC or now. Good luck and let us know how you’re getting on.

Almosthere – it is still really early fingers crossed for you.

AFM hubby’s sperm count has probably taken my mind of the spotting (every cloud eh). Now googling all things sperm related as opposed to all things spotting related.

Hello ladies, thank you all of the warm welcome! It is sad that we had to find each other on this thread because of our condition, but it’s somewhat comforting to know we’re not alone. Having so many other ladies dealing with the same problem somehow makes me feel ‘normal’. I like how expatttc put it: we're in good company and have that most important quality - hope. I hope our BFPs are just around the corner!

The doctor’s appointment went better than anticipated and she too gave me some boost of hope. I liked the doctor, because she was answering my questions before I even had a chance to ask and started working on detecting the problem right away. When she heard about irregular periods, she said that’s no good. When she heard about spotting, she said that’s no good either. What a relief it was. It's ironic how the words 'no good' actually can make you feel good. She acknowledges there's a problem and wants to fix it. I was ready to hear, “It’s all normal, honey, just keep trying.” In fact, she didn’t once ask for how long exactly we’ve been trying. She asked me loads of other questions though, carefully listened to me and then said, "Houston, we have a problem. Let's fix it."

I was lucky enough to have this appointment on CD3 and when she heard that, she immediately asked the nurse to draw my blood to check my FSH, LH, Estradiol, Prolactin and TSH levels. She was cautious though to take my words for granted. She asked, “How do you know that this is CD3 if you bleed for so long before that?” I’m sure you, girls, all can tell the difference: the cramps, the flow, the color, the texture – everything is different when AF arrives. That’s what I told her and she said she'd trust my judgement and we’d draw the blood anyways, but if everything failed we’d have to make it CD3 with the aid of meds and retest again. After drawing my blood, she told me to get ready for the physical exam and an ultrasound. Now, when I was living back in Europe, my Ob/Gyn wouldn’t even get close to me during my period. I don’t know if it had something to do with him being male, but whenever I’d call to schedule an appointment, the first question would be: “Are you bleeding? If yes, call when you’re done.” Well, that’s kind of hard to do when your bleeding is irregular and lasts for half a month… But I got used to it and assumed that was standard practice everywhere. That’s why I was very surprised when my new doctor told me to get ready for a physical, I didn’t expect that at all. I told her about my period and she said. “Honey, I’m not gonna see anything I haven’t seen before, so don’t worry, relax and let me find out what’s wrong with you.” I liked her even better now. The ultrasound didn’t show any abnormalities, except a small fibroid, which she said was “nothing to write home about.” It’s small, far from my ovaries and shouldn’t have any effect on my fertility, according to her. However, it did show something else more important - there were no signs of ovulation whatsoever on my ultrasound. My OPK must've picked up an LH surge on CD7, but ovulation never happened. Dreaminhoping, to answer you question, I tested twice a day, it was positive on CD7 at 12:30 pm and negative when I tested again at 7pm the same day. I kept testing twice a day for another 10 days and never saw a positive again. Well, now I know I didn't even ovulate at all. My system is definitely out of whack.
At the end, she told me she couldn’t tell right away what’s causing my spotting. She said it could be endometriosis, but she didn’t see any endo cysts. It could be hormonal, which would also explain irregular periods, but we’ll have to wait for the test results to come in. Meanwhile, she said, what we know is that last month I did not ovulate and we could try 50mg of Clomid to stimulate ovulation and I'd come back next week for another ultrasound to see if any follicles are even developing. She said we could wait for the test results to come in first before starting Clomid, but also assured me that there’re no risks with giving it a try. She also warned me there’s a very slight possibility it may cause more than one egg to mature and result in multiple pregnancies, but the possibility is low and I don't really care if I have multiples, just get me pregnant! After giving it some thought, I decided to give it a shot. To me it’s a luxury to be able to get a drug to stimulate the growth of follicles and then come back and see what exactly is happening with my ovaries. Maybe I simply do not ovulate and that’s my problem in the first place. So I started Clomid that same day, no side effects yet, and I will be going to see my doctor again next week to talk about my test results and getting another ultrasound. It feels good to actually start getting some answers. I'm full of hope.

Sorry for a long post, girls, but I wanted to describe my experience in detail, because reading your detailed descriptions helped me. I will keep you updated on what else she finds out and whether she detects what's causing my spotting. I'm crossing my fingers for all of us, fellow spotters!
KatieTTC - So glad to hear that your appt went so well! You've got a good doctor there!

almosthere - Sorry about the BFN, I hope that changes the next time you test! 10dpo is still early.

dreaminghopin - Do you have DH on fertility vitamins? My DH takes fertility blend for men, we don't know yet how well it works, but figure it can't hurt! I also have him on a good daily multi for men.

AFM - IUI this morning went smooth; she said I looked very fertile (which I could tell because WOAH so much EWCM with the gonal). I've been feeling crampy in my ovaries, so it seems we timed it perfectly with ovulation. They said sperm looked excellent; I didn't get counts or anything. Just going to trust that we put our best shot in there and cross my fingers! one or two please, no more than that! When I was in last, she did say because I have three good follicles I have the risk of higher multiples, so now I'm more scared of that. Funny because usually I would just assume that it wouldn't work at all.
Welcome Katie! :flower: Thanks for sharing your story, your FS sounds excellent! I am curious to know though how they know you didn't ovulate? I thought only a progesterone test or follicle scans could tell this?? FXd the clomid works for you hun.

Daydream, yay, is this first cycle on gonal? I think that's what got curious her twinnies! Hope you get your BFP.

Dust :dust: to everyone else.

AFM Dr told DH today his 2nd SA came back fine & they're posting the results. Can't wait to compare them to last time, they should be better now cos of the vits, Maca & DH stopping smoking & they were pretty good last time :thumbup: x
MrsPTTC - My RE could tell what ovary I had ovulated out of when I had my first visit. Not sure how she could tell, maybe they can see the ruptured follicle?

Also yep, my first cycle on the gonal. It wasn't bad with the shots, and I really noticed that I didn't have the side effects (hot flashes, bitchniess) that I did with the clomid/femara. The only hard part was with more follicles, I've been more uncomfortable in the past couple of days. I hope it works! I really wouldn't mind getting twins, but am really nervous about ending up with more than that.

I'm glad the SA results were good!
Welcome Katie! :flower: Thanks for sharing your story, your FS sounds excellent! I am curious to know though how they know you didn't ovulate? I thought only a progesterone test or follicle scans could tell this?? FXd the clomid works for you hun.

Daydream, yay, is this first cycle on gonal? I think that's what got curious her twinnies! Hope you get your BFP.

Dust :dust: to everyone else.

AFM Dr told DH today his 2nd SA came back fine & they're posting the results. Can't wait to compare them to last time, they should be better now cos of the vits, Maca & DH stopping smoking & they were pretty good last time :thumbup: x

Hi MrsPTTC, thank you for the warm welcome. My doctor said she could tell I didn't ovulate because she couldn't see any corpus luteum - the remnants of the follicle after it expels from the ovum. It's amazing what modern technology can detect nowadays. Hope your DH's SA results are looking good. If we confirm ovulation this cycle, but still fail to conceive, I'm gonna kick my DH in the butt to go and get some testing done too. It takes two to tango :blush:
Ah tangos! It does take two :)
I got my +opk this morning -- a big smiley face, on cd17, which is 2-3 days later than usual for me! Since this is my first cycle of clomid, I'm chalking the delay up to that. And then 2dpo I should start my progesterone -- and I'm wondering how to gauge that, since I don't temp and this month (again because of clomid) there's really just minimal, minimal ewcm.
Just look for the cramps, and then start it 2 days after?
Ah tangos! It does take two :)
I got my +opk this morning -- a big smiley face, on cd17, which is 2-3 days later than usual for me! Since this is my first cycle of clomid, I'm chalking the delay up to that. And then 2dpo I should start my progesterone -- and I'm wondering how to gauge that, since I don't temp and this month (again because of clomid) there's really just minimal, minimal ewcm.
Just look for the cramps, and then start it 2 days after?

yes that's what I would do. Err on the side of later, because I don't think starting the progesterone 3dpo instead of 2dpo is going to hurt anything. Just want to make sure you don't take before ovulation and somehow interfere with that process.
That's what I was worried about; tx daydream.
I'm keen on seeing what ovulating on clomid is going to feel like...
cd 25 today, should not get af, til tomorrow at the super earliest. TMI ALERT =( Last night I spotted BIG TIME after dtd-like instead of the light pink it usually is, it was more dark dark pink, basically red. This makes me very sure I have af on the way soon-although checked my cm this am and no pink or red-just wet and kind of orangy tint. Guessing no baby in my arms for 2012 =(
Wow Katie TCC, that a very efficient doctor you have. I am so glad that you felt listened to and that some docs are willing to investigate bleeding occurring outwith the normal cycle. Please keep us informed.

Expatt good luck for this cycle. Let me know how you get on with the progesterone. I was a bit worried last cycle but it was fine. My boobs for a bit sorer than usual and my legs ached a little but not many complaints.

Almosthere really hope you get a surprise tomorrow and the witch doesn’t show. Awww didn’t even realise that if we have no luck this cycle then no baby 2012. That’s quite sad 

Im on CD 23 and will prob test tomorrow. No symptoms whatsoever apart from the breast tenderness that I always get at this time.
Hello ladies!
Welcome to Katie! There's such a lovely bunch of ladies on here, you've come to the right place I think!
Daydream - really hoping the IUI does the trick for you.
Waves to dreaminhopin, almosthere, Mrs P!
Well, I'm cd 12 today of my pill cycle, which I'm doing to down-reg before the stimming for my first IVF cycle starts. Interestingly, I think I've had, oh, about 1-2 days so far this cycle when I HAVEN'T spotted, it has been insane! The spotting has been exactly like my usual pre-AF spotting - dark brown, almost blackish sometimes, with stringy bits (sorry!). But all this immediately after my period and ongoing even now! It's weird. Oh well, this kind of spotting I don't mind if it means my IVF cycle is underway!
I go in for a scan on Monday - they need to check there is 'no activity' in my ovaries and that my lining is thin - if that's the case then they will stop my pill, I will have a withdrawal bleed, and then I will start self-injecting with gonal f and ceterolix (I think I've spelt that wrongly, I don't have it in front of me!). The latter injection is this crazy little kit where I have to mix a powder and a liquid and then inject that - it's like a science experiment!Anyway, if my ovaries are still 'active' and/or my lining is too thick they will keep me on the pill for a while longer. I'm going to be spending a fortune on pantyliners at this rate!

Hugs all round xx
Hello ladies!
Welcome to Katie! There's such a lovely bunch of ladies on here, you've come to the right place I think!
Daydream - really hoping the IUI does the trick for you.
Waves to dreaminhopin, almosthere, Mrs P!
Well, I'm cd 12 today of my pill cycle, which I'm doing to down-reg before the stimming for my first IVF cycle starts. Interestingly, I think I've had, oh, about 1-2 days so far this cycle when I HAVEN'T spotted, it has been insane! The spotting has been exactly like my usual pre-AF spotting - dark brown, almost blackish sometimes, with stringy bits (sorry!). But all this immediately after my period and ongoing even now! It's weird. Oh well, this kind of spotting I don't mind if it means my IVF cycle is underway!
I go in for a scan on Monday - they need to check there is 'no activity' in my ovaries and that my lining is thin - if that's the case then they will stop my pill, I will have a withdrawal bleed, and then I will start self-injecting with gonal f and ceterolix (I think I've spelt that wrongly, I don't have it in front of me!). The latter injection is this crazy little kit where I have to mix a powder and a liquid and then inject that - it's like a science experiment!Anyway, if my ovaries are still 'active' and/or my lining is too thick they will keep me on the pill for a while longer. I'm going to be spending a fortune on pantyliners at this rate!

Hugs all round xx
GL with your testing tomorrow dreaminghopin!

MrsHY-your science experiment made me laugh-hope it helps to create your bundle though! best of luck this cycle to you!

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