Welcome to the board! :wave:
You may want to have your DH make a dental appointment if he doesn't already go twice a year. It is possible that any bacteria that is causing him problems (or may not be right now) with his teeth is getting into his bloodstream and affecting his sperm count. They call it Bactospermia. My DH had a bad tooth he didn't tell me about. Once it was pulled, three cavities filled, and his teeth cleaned, his count and motility improved greatly.
Dreaminghopin gave you some great advice. Definitely start your husband on vitamins and supplements. My hubby saw great improvement with the vitamins and supplements he's taking -
Vitamins Taking As Of March 2012
1. CountBoost For Men (Twice A Day – Once In The Morning/Once In The Evening)
2. MotilityBoost For Men (Twice A Day – Once In The Morning/Once In The Evening)
3. Fertility Blend For Men (Twice A Day – Once In The Morning/Once In The Evening)
4. GNC Pycnogenol 50mg Dietary Supplement (Once A Day – Once In The Morning)
5. GNC Horny Goat Weed Dietary Supplement 600mg Horny Goat Weed/250mg Mama Extract
(Twice A Day – Once In The Morning/Once In The Evening)
6. GNC Saw Palmetto Formula (Twice A Day – Once In The Morning/Once In The Evening)
7. Garden Greens Fiber Gummies (Twice A Day – Once In The Morning/Once In The Evening)
8. Spring Valley All Natural Regular Strength Fish Oil 1000mg
(Three A Day – Twice In The Morning/Once In The Evening)
9. GNC Mega Men Time Released Caplets Dietary Supplement
(Twice A Day – Once In The Morning/Once In The Evening).
Scerena has encouraged my DH to begin on a separate Vitamin C tablet at 1000mgs. We are going to get some for him soon.
I have been diagnosed with Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency and a "touch" of PCOS. (My older sister had the classic case of PCOS.) All I'm taking right now is a daily shot of growth hormone and GNC Women’s Ultra Mega Time Released Caplets Dietary Supplement (Twice A Day – Once In The Morning/Once In The Evening). I recently read about supplements to take to help counteract some of the problems associated with PCOS. I'm going to start taking Fish Oil, Cinnamon, Chromium Picolinate, Super B-Complex, and Fertility Blend For Women. Hubby is going to take Cinnamon with me because I read that it's an aphrodisiac for men. (His testosterone is on the lower end of normal.)
I have the facial hair growth, weight gain, and high testosterone which comes with PCOS. I've always had a regular period but don't know if I've really been ovulated each month. Last month I started using the ovulation strips from Baby Hopes. I did get what looked as if it might be a positive, but the second line was really as dark as the first line. This month I've gotten anything close.
I completely understand how you feel about seeing so many babies or baby related items all the sudden. Every time we go somewhere, I see so many precious babies. They are always the sweetest chubby cheeked cherubs, too. My heart feels fuller and my arms feel emptier each time.
We're here for you!