Spouses with low sperm count.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2011
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Hello Ladies,

I made this thread so we can talk about our hubbys, fiances, and long term companions male infertility and measures we can take to try and increase the little troops.

Introduce yourselves and you have your spouses SA report that would be cool. My name is Tiffany and I am 25 and my DH is 31. I have been married for 3 years. We have been TTC for 4 years now. I have a mild form of PCOS and annovulatory bleeding. The hubby has a very low sperm count.

Volume-3 mls
Concentration- 3 million per cc
motility- 16%
Total Motile- 1.44 million
Normal Forms- 1%
Round Cells- 1.2 million
Voscocity- 0
Agglutination- 0
Progression- 7%

If you do not have an SA still feel free to let it all out. I have read a few things about Fertility Blend and was wondering if any of you have used it on your partner. I am also thinking about doing the at home IUI kits since my doctor says we were not "qualified" to have an IUI done at the office since they want the sperm count to be 5 million per cc.

I can't wait to get to know you ladies..Baby Dust to all of you! and keep your heads up.
Hi Tiffany :)

We're still not sure what the deal is with husband's SA. He had two last month with very different results. His sperm count is actually great, but the sperm are not perfect. The first SA was very upsetting (73% non-motile!), and the second one made us do a double-take:

1st SA:
Volume: 2.1
PH: 8.0
Non-motile: 73%
Non-progressive motility: 14%
Progressive motility: 13%
Sperm count: 277.5 (mil/mL)
Normal sperm morphology: 52%
Viability: 20%

2nd SA:
Volume: 2.7
PH: 7.5
Non-motile: 32%
Non-progressive motility: 2%
Progressive motility: 66%
Sperm count: 143.5 (mil/mL)
Normal sperm morphology: 45%
Germ Cells: 1 (out of 100)

We're hoping the first one was a fluke or an infection and nothing too serious. The viscosity has us a little worried, but hopefully we can tackle that. We're still trying to figure out what the deal is with me. I have irregular cycles, but so far it looks like I am having no problem ovulating. I take a pre-natal multi-vitamin, and husband takes fish oil. He's not overweight at all, but he has high cholesterol (genetic). We lead a healthy lifestyle, so husband doesn't like the idea of taking a vitamin. He may still change his mind though. He also had a hernia operation when he was a boy, done in Eastern Europe. The scar is atrocious and at first I wondered if some damage may have been done...

I haven't heard too much about at-home IUI. I've read about people doing it, but doctors seem to imply that it can be dangerous (?)

Has your husband done any of the things usually recommended for low sperm count/motility? Cutting back on drinking, smoking, caffeine, etc? We were very saddened when we got husband's first SA back, because we knew we couldn't do much to fix it (he doesn't smoke, drink, he eats very well, etc).

Thanks for starting this thread!
Hi Tiffany :)

We're still not sure what the deal is with husband's SA. He had two last month with very different results. His sperm count is actually great, but the sperm are not perfect. The first SA was very upsetting (73% non-motile!), and the second one made us do a double-take:

1st SA:
Volume: 2.1
PH: 8.0
Non-motile: 73%
Non-progressive motility: 14%
Progressive motility: 13%
Sperm count: 277.5 (mil/mL)
Normal sperm morphology: 52%
Viability: 20%

2nd SA:
Volume: 2.7
PH: 7.5
Non-motile: 32%
Non-progressive motility: 2%
Progressive motility: 66%
Sperm count: 143.5 (mil/mL)
Normal sperm morphology: 45%
Germ Cells: 1 (out of 100)

We're hoping the first one was a fluke or an infection and nothing too serious. The viscosity has us a little worried, but hopefully we can tackle that. We're still trying to figure out what the deal is with me. I have irregular cycles, but so far it looks like I am having no problem ovulating. I take a pre-natal multi-vitamin, and husband takes fish oil. He's not overweight at all, but he has high cholesterol (genetic). We lead a healthy lifestyle, so husband doesn't like the idea of taking a vitamin. He may still change his mind though. He also had a hernia operation when he was a boy, done in Eastern Europe. The scar is atrocious and at first I wondered if some damage may have been done...

I haven't heard too much about at-home IUI. I've read about people doing it, but doctors seem to imply that it can be dangerous (?)

Has your husband done any of the things usually recommended for low sperm count/motility? Cutting back on drinking, smoking, caffeine, etc? We were very saddened when we got husband's first SA back, because we knew we couldn't do much to fix it (he doesn't smoke, drink, he eats very well, etc).

Thanks for starting this thread!

My husband quit drinking almost 3 months ago. He has never smoked and does not drink coffee but I am trying to get him to cut back on energy drinks since he drinks those almost everyday. He is healthy and his weight is great, 170lbs at 6ft. My DH is a red head which I read in 50 years they think there will no longer be any red heads being born since they are the most infertile in the caucasian race. I thought that information was interesting. How many natural red heads do you see? lol.

I wonder why they did non-motile etc. on him. The motlity seems to be low but the count is fabulous. My husbands SA did not have morphology on it which is weird. They have a hand written thing on the side which I do not understand though such as:
0 x 84=0
2x4= 8
with a total of 34 MI which I have no idea what they are talking about.

High Cholesterol can damper it a bit. How old is he? and how long have you been trying?

I have not heard of it really being dangerous unless you don't keep it sterile which can cause infections.

Have you looked up Fertility Blend? It is supposed to help with the count and motility. My buddy used it on her husband and he was a 6 million per cc with 10% motility. In 3 months he went from that to 23 million per cc and 42% motility. Every SA is going to be different. It really depends on the day in ways like women. Some men have good days and bad. Definitely do not get discouraged. Have you been checked yet?
My husband quit drinking almost 3 months ago. He has never smoked and does not drink coffee but I am trying to get him to cut back on energy drinks since he drinks those almost everyday. He is healthy and his weight is great, 170lbs at 6ft. My DH is a red head which I read in 50 years they think there will no longer be any red heads being born since they are the most infertile in the caucasian race. I thought that information was interesting. How many natural red heads do you see? lol.

I wonder why they did non-motile etc. on him. The motlity seems to be low but the count is fabulous. My husbands SA did not have morphology on it which is weird. They have a hand written thing on the side which I do not understand though such as:
0 x 84=0
2x4= 8
with a total of 34 MI which I have no idea what they are talking about.

High Cholesterol can damper it a bit. How old is he? and how long have you been trying?

I have not heard of it really being dangerous unless you don't keep it sterile which can cause infections.

Have you looked up Fertility Blend? It is supposed to help with the count and motility. My buddy used it on her husband and he was a 6 million per cc with 10% motility. In 3 months he went from that to 23 million per cc and 42% motility. Every SA is going to be different. It really depends on the day in ways like women. Some men have good days and bad. Definitely do not get discouraged. Have you been checked yet?

I wish all of the results were done in a uniform way! I had to search and search to figure out what most of the info on the analysis really meant. Perhaps they didn't do the morphology because it looked great to begin with? On our second test they didn't bother with viability because his motility was supposedly fine. I understand that motility is actually extremely important. A man can impregnate a female with a low sperm count but above average motility, and a man with a high sperm count and low motility might have fertility problems.

I bet cutting the energy drinks should definitely help!

I am in the process of being checked. They really don't know what to make of me, and I have been referred to a new practice. My husband is 30 and is about 6'2 and weighs about 170 as well. The cholesterol issue stinks but our diet has helped even things out a little. I have heard of Fertile Blend. Some great things, some bad things. I think we're going to see what the doctor says about the last SA, perhaps get a third, and go from there before we start doing anything serious (are you going to try it?)

We've been trying for 13 months. I've had one miscarriage and one chemical pregnancy.

I think it would be amazing to have little red-headed babies ;)

You're brave to consider at home IUI! We've decided no IUI, no IVF for us.
Oh, and I am 25 as well!

PS: 13 months "actively trying," but it's actually longer. Stopped BC back in 2009...
Ha ha, you consider a lot of things when you have been TTC for 4 years. I ordered him Fertility Blend and he will have another SA in 2 1/2 months. I am also not going to do IVF, too many problems with the baby having higher chances of being stillborn having autism etc.

I would love to have a little red head but in his family it skips every other generation.

I am sorry about your losses but it does show you can get pregnant. Did they have a reason to why you lost them? I too had a miscarriage at 12 1/2 weeks in Sept. 2006. They said mine was due to PCOS. I had an HSG procedure done yesterday and they said my tubes were normal..thank goodness for that.

I really do hope they can find out if something is wrong with you. The anxiety of them not knowing what can be wrong must be hard.
Oh, and I am 25 as well!

PS: 13 months "actively trying," but it's actually longer. Stopped BC back in 2009...

Wow, so we are all around the same age, That is pretty cool.
I keep thinking the same thing "at least I can get pregnant," but miscarriages happens for a reason. Either there is a problem with me or there is a problem with him, or perhaps my eggs and his sperm prefer not to tango. I'm hoping this new practice will take some tests the other office did not do... at first they thought I was not ovulating, but now that we know that I am they are a little miffed. Personally, I am not surprised because I have numerous relatives with female-factor infertility issues.

Let us know how the Fertile Blend works! I'm tired of reading online reviews and wondering if perhaps they are fake.

And I am really sorry about your PCOS. And about your miscarriage. 12 1/2 weeks! That is so hard...

A question: What's harder- finding out the problem is with him, or with you? I personally prefer the problem to be with me. Even though husband doesn't care if the problem is with him (he firmly insists that it doesn't hurt his ego if his sperm are not winners).
I was hoping it was going to be all me because when I take Clomid and have my HCG Trigger shot I am fertile mertile. When I had my ultrasound done they found 37 follicles which the normal woman has 10. It definitely shows I do not ovulate every month and so did the blood work. When I do ovulate from the shots, I release atleast 3 eggs at a time. Which is scary because those 3 eggs can break up and make 6 babies, lol. I do not want to be Kate plus 8 that is for sure. She also has PCOS too and had to take Clomid.

When it come to the problem mostly being with him it is saddening because I can be fixed a lot easier than he can be. It is hard to get the SA to go up that is why I have my fingers crossed with this blend. He has an appointment with the Urologist too so I am hoping they can find something wrong that can be fixed. All I have hope at this point. I was honestly praying his results were going to come back normal but I had a bad feeling in which I was right. Keep me updated on how everything goes with you as well.
I'll do that! Maybe we'll hear from some others with the same problems/concerns. I am kind of obsessed with SA's right now. I wish they did more in-depth studies on sperm and how vitamins and minerals can make a difference.

WOW! That would be a lot of babies... it boggles my mind how families care for them!

We are due for a urologist appointment as well, but now I don't know what's going to happen (after the 2nd SA). Hopefully someone out there can help!
Yeah that is why I decided to start this thread so that others will give me answers as well. Ha ha, I am obsessed over it too. I love reading what others are going through, it definitely helps knowing that we are not in this alone.

My husband and I have talked about a donor but I don't know if I would want to have a kid with someone other than him. I would love to see what we can create.

Yeah I can't see how people can take care of that many babies as well. Look at Octo mom, she has a litter and she is bat shit crazy. People like that make me mad, like really? she has no job but she can some how afford to get an IVF just to have 8 more kids.
Hi Ladies

Im looking for your feedback on my OH results we got on Thursday

19million - 38 million total
motility A grade 6% Bgrade 24% c grade 25%
morphology 7%
ph 8.3

we have the second one at the end of May

I have my OH on L arginine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Carnitine Maca, vitamin C, E and A
I'm also looking into Astragalus

When we got the result I did cry all day but now im trying to be hopeful :)
we have been actively TTC for 10 months and we were NTNP since Sept 2008
Oh I am so so so glad this thread is here!!! I've been devastated since we got the results of my fiancées SA. He has 4 mill count and low motility we were told. I haven't seen the actual report so I don't know what all the other numbers are. We were told though that we would need IVF with ICSI to get pregnant. My worry is that it is so expensive and guarantee it will work. :(. I've been searching and searching for what we can do to increase his sperm count.
your total is ok it is a little low. It needs to be 20 million per cc, motile needs to be 40%, normal forms 4%. His motility does not look great either. Is he going to see a Urologist?

I am so sorry he has Athenozoospermia. I definitely know how you feel. I found out on Monday about my DH SA when I was driving, I was devistated all day.

It does get a little better day by day. How old is he? Did they say if he looked bad or give you any type of answers on what you may be able to do? If you can get pregnant with him being like this?
Oh I am so so so glad this thread is here!!! I've been devastated since we got the results of my fiancées SA. He has 4 mill count and low motility we were told. I haven't seen the actual report so I don't know what all the other numbers are. We were told though that we would need IVF with ICSI to get pregnant. My worry is that it is so expensive and guarantee it will work. :(. I've been searching and searching for what we can do to increase his sperm count.

Definitely request a report. My saying is if you have to pay for it I want to know everything I paid for, lol. IVF is 8k where I am at and it is the only infertility treatment that my health insurance does not cover. IVF has a 70% rate of getting pregnant. So the odds are better good than bad.

My DH is 3 million per cc so we are in the same boat there. It is going to drive you crazy if you don't find out the motility and things. I had to call my Endocoronologist back and made her fax it to me.
Hi Ladies

Im looking for your feedback on my OH results we got on Thursday

19million - 38 million total
motility A grade 6% Bgrade 24% c grade 25%
morphology 7%
ph 8.3

we have the second one at the end of May

I have my OH on L arginine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Carnitine Maca, vitamin C, E and A
I'm also looking into Astragalus

When we got the result I did cry all day but now im trying to be hopeful :)
we have been actively TTC for 10 months and we were NTNP since Sept 2008

Maybe look for a multi vitamin with lycopene, vitamin c, ginseng, and zinc.
The Sperm analyst said they dont conclude until the second SA. he didnt offer any vitamin help really just wellman conception but I think we need a more aggressive approach.

I have panax ginseng and Zinc i'll add that to the mix too and look into lycopene

See I thought the count was low but the sperm guy was like its fine, he did say the Motility is worrying but its not impossible to get pregnant but IVF will be an option if it doesnt improve

Me and OH are both 30 been together 11 years
I wish all of you good luck with your ttc journey. I've had all my checks and i'm fine but DH sperm count is low. We have been told IVF/ICSI is our best chance if we want to conceive. We should get the results of the second SA this Thursday at the FS. DH is on Wellman Conception to try and boost his count.
Oh I am so so so glad this thread is here!!! I've been devastated since we got the results of my fiancées SA. He has 4 mill count and low motility we were told. I haven't seen the actual report so I don't know what all the other numbers are. We were told though that we would need IVF with ICSI to get pregnant. My worry is that it is so expensive and guarantee it will work. :(. I've been searching and searching for what we can do to increase his sperm count.

I've found this site a great help for supplement advise

Like I said in the beginning of the thread, I ordered Fertility Blend. Check that one out too. Did you talk to him about an IUI? They would probably want to try that before IVF.

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