MrsRose, that hpt story made me smile.
![Smile :-) :-)](
Glad you got your FRER in the end! I don't really need cheering up though, feeling ok about things really. I would have loved to be pregnant again now. But I have this big scary deadline end of March and knowing that I won't have to deal with morning sickness until then is a bit of a relief to be honest. I'm in an odd position now though. I've always wanted a spring baby. Maybe because I hate winters so much (they're very dark and dreary here) or maybe because my first loss would have been a March baby. Either way, I'm sort of wondering whether we should wait. I want to meet baby like yesterday really but maybe waiting a few more months now would be worth it for a spring birthday?? I don't know. Will definitely miss out Christmas but maybe we should prevent next cycle and the one after that too? Another factor is that my hormones are clearly still out of whack. They were bad last winter and I felt really rotten for months (very tired, overwhelmed and irritable and had sore joints and a permanent head cold). The symptoms eased in spring so I'm wondering if I might have a better chance at a healthy pregnancy then?? But then by next cycle it'll be mid-March I guess so maybe we'd be in a better window already. But will my hormones settle by then? Oh, decisions. Somehow I doubt I'd have the self-control when it comes to ovulation time but then we'd really only need to be determined for 4 or 5 days, right? Guess I'll talk to DH tonight and see how he feels.
Jemma, I remember getting that burp thing in pregnancy and HATING it. Couldn't tell you how early or late I was though.
TTC, how are you feeling? I take it the pain means you'll have to skip this cycle? I really hope you get relief ASAP.
I should have said, AF was arrived in a more traditional sense, so I'm sure now. Will test again in two weeks time though to hopefully get proper all-clears so I can better interpret tests next time, whenever next time turns out to be.