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Stacey Solomon Smoking whilst pregnant

For me, the 'her body, her baby, her choice' excuse doesn't really wash. Does that same principle apply to people who beat their children? Emotionally abuse them? Choose to take them rock-climbing in a poor carrying case with no protection?

I think this is different, because we know 100% what effect this actually causes on kids, however, smoking is still wish-washy. Yes, its not good. But what about the air we breath in? Some places some of us live, the air may be worse than smoking. We get chemicals in our body daily, stuff we dont even think about.

The other day i was drinking what out of my tape, 3 hours later I found out we have a boil water advisory, am i bad mom for that stuff that may have not gotten cleaned from the water no.
no one is saying she is a bad mother, but eating one egg or smoking 7 a day is quite different.
its just a topic of debate. I find it interesting to see what people will and wont try to do for other people (eg their kids), its sociology and human psychology.

And people's reactions, certainly on here, are even more interesting to analyse

Do you have medical science that prove that? Your one egg, could kill you (chances are slim but its there) and really there is not enough medical science to prove that smoking has caused bad effects. YES, they say it CAN, thats it, because there are a lot of healthy people who parents both smoked.

Both mine smoked, they smoked around us at all times, hell id say they are chain smokers. But, I have no breathing issues, no health issues they say people get from smoking. I dont smoke, never smoked a day in my life. I'm also very athletic, and made good choices for myself.
And there are unhealthy people whos mum smoked around them. I have breathing problems , inhalers asthma. I had that from when I was a child. I also had several lung problems growing up and had lung damage on my lungs as a teen. And yes I smoked, was always passive smoking around my mum and gran before i decided to try one of theirs. My mum didnt mine me smoking. I think its rude when people say theres no damage to people, you may have got off scott free but some of us didnt. I didnt want that for my kids I was always ill as a child.
I see she's been sacked as Celebrity Mother of the Year.

I have strong views on exposing other people to smoking. I usually keep those opinions to myself, but when a person presents herself as Celebrity Mother of the Year, she opens herself up to that public criticism.
Ive Just seen her on loose women,i think shes a lovely girl and obviously loves her children to pieces and for someone to presume otherwise is absolutly insulting.

Ive cut down from 20 - 2 and i am SO proud of myself.

Im getting a nicorette inhailer tommorow to kick the last 2 hopefuly by friday!

I quit cold turkey straight away when pregnant with oscar i thought women who smoked when pregnant were disgusting,and now i am in that situation in finding it extremelly hard, i feel terrible for presuming it was only chavs and selfish horrible people who smoked when pregnant.

Im trying my best and im proud of myself,and if someone implied to me i didnt love my children,well they can shove that comment up there arse quite frankly!

I have to say I agree with you that its ridiculous to suggest that someone doesnt love their child because they smoke whilst pregnant. Its not fair to even suggest that.

I cant say Id feel proud unless I had stopped completely because 2 a day is still harming your baby but at least you are trying. x
She was talking live on loose women and by the sounds of it she's really trying!!

Tbh it's probably doing more harm to her and her baby the stress of all this hearing people calling her a bad mum, the stick the press give her than the one cig a day she has!!

Jheez no ones perfect until you are then judge her!
For me, the 'her body, her baby, her choice' excuse doesn't really wash. Does that same principle apply to people who beat their children? Emotionally abuse them? Choose to take them rock-climbing in a poor carrying case with no protection?

I think this is different, because we know 100% what effect this actually causes on kids, however, smoking is still wish-washy. Yes, its not good. But what about the air we breath in? Some places some of us live, the air may be worse than smoking. We get chemicals in our body daily, stuff we dont even think about.

The other day i was drinking what out of my tape, 3 hours later I found out we have a boil water advisory, am i bad mom for that stuff that may have not gotten cleaned from the water no.

Sorry but there are facts out there in black and white about how smoking can cause all sorts of problems to the unborn baby and the children you smoke around. It is not as you put it "wishy-washy". As for unknown chemicals we could possibly be getting inside our bodies daily, erm if and this is a big if we do intake harmful chemicals into our bodies unknowningly, then this is done unknowingly/unintentionally not intentionally isn't it. Therefore we are not choosing to put these so-called harmful everyday chemicals into our bodies, that is the big difference!
Ive Just seen her on loose women,i think shes a lovely girl and obviously loves her children to pieces and for someone to presume otherwise is absolutly insulting.

Ive cut down from 20 - 2 and i am SO proud of myself.

Im getting a nicorette inhailer tommorow to kick the last 2 hopefuly by friday!

I quit cold turkey straight away when pregnant with oscar i thought women who smoked when pregnant were disgusting,and now i am in that situation in finding it extremelly hard, i feel terrible for presuming it was only chavs and selfish horrible people who smoked when pregnant.

Im trying my best and im proud of myself,and if someone implied to me i didnt love my children,well they can shove that comment up there arse quite frankly!

I have to say I agree with you that its ridiculous to suggest that someone doesnt love their child because they smoke whilst pregnant. Its not fair to even suggest that.

I cant say Id feel proud unless I had stopped completely because 2 a day is still harming your baby but at least you are trying. x

I think Lydiarose should be very proud of herself... Cutting down from that many to 2 a day is brilliant!!

It's an addiction!
Ive Just seen her on loose women,i think shes a lovely girl and obviously loves her children to pieces and for someone to presume otherwise is absolutly insulting.

Ive cut down from 20 - 2 and i am SO proud of myself.

Im getting a nicorette inhailer tommorow to kick the last 2 hopefuly by friday!

I quit cold turkey straight away when pregnant with oscar i thought women who smoked when pregnant were disgusting,and now i am in that situation in finding it extremelly hard, i feel terrible for presuming it was only chavs and selfish horrible people who smoked when pregnant.

Im trying my best and im proud of myself,and if someone implied to me i didnt love my children,well they can shove that comment up there arse quite frankly!

I have to say I agree with you that its ridiculous to suggest that someone doesnt love their child because they smoke whilst pregnant. Its not fair to even suggest that.

I cant say Id feel proud unless I had stopped completely because 2 a day is still harming your baby but at least you are trying. x

I think Lydiarose should be very proud of herself... Cutting down from that many to 2 a day is brilliant!!

It's an addiction!

I said I wouldnt not that she shouldnt. Im well aware its an addiction. I smoked 20 a day for 20 years until I found out I was pregnant.
Not going to read through this whole thread but JUST SAYING - the photo doesn't show her whole body. It shows her face and that she is smoking. This photo could have been taken at any time.
Not going to read through this whole thread but JUST SAYING - the photo doesn't show her whole body. It shows her face and that she is smoking. This photo could have been taken at any time.

She's already been on the phone to Loose Women today to confirm it was taken when she was 7 months pregnant.
After Loose Women i have no respect for her :nope: why would being "found out" suddenly make the health of your child more important. More like her career is so important :dohh: or maybe im too cynical. :shrug:
After Loose Women i have no respect for her :nope: why would being "found out" suddenly make the health of your child more important. More like her career is so important :dohh: or maybe im too cynical. :shrug:

I'm cynical too then because this is how it all seems to me aswel
I think this is different, because we know 100% what effect this actually causes on kids, however, smoking is still wish-washy. Yes, its not good. But what about the air we breath in? Some places some of us live, the air may be worse than smoking. We get chemicals in our body daily, stuff we dont even think about.

Seriously? :dohh:

I usually try to be as open-minded and non-judgmental as possible, but admittedly smoking is a subject which I get a little crazy about. I lost my dad and my grandma to smoking, so it hits very very close to home.

I will say, however, that I would never call someone I know nothing about a "bad mother" or anything even remotely close. My first instinct is to call this lady (I've never heard of her before and currently can't remember her name, haha) some less than kind names, but that's not fair. My grandma smoked through all of her pregnancies (she had seven kids) and used to smoke in the house while she babysat me. Poor choices? Definitely. She was still an amazing person and an amazing mom. That was also a loooong time ago though, and I'm not sure the risks were made as obvious back then. :shrug:

So, I'll spare this lady my judgement because I don't know her or her circumstances and she could be an absolutely lovely mother.

However, I would probably smack anyone who tried to smoke anywhere near me while I'm pregnant, or anywhere near my child once she's born. :)
After Loose Women i have no respect for her :nope: why would being "found out" suddenly make the health of your child more important. More like her career is so important :dohh: or maybe im too cynical. :shrug:

I'm cynical too then because this is how it all seems to me aswel

I have to agree. I would have never felt any better about the situation, I just think smoking whilst pregnant is wrong. However if she had come on and explained that she been trying so hard and that she is completely ashamed and gone into everything she has done to try and quit, I would have had a bit of sympathy for her. They offered her a bit of a lifeline bringing up the quote about the doctor but she denied it. Just seemed that only now that she has been found out she will try. :shrug: Will see what she has to say tomorrow on this morning xx
This is just more time on tv for her, which going from what I've seen of her I'm sure she's loving.
Ive just heard on the news aswel that ses been stripped of her mother of the year award?
Just one thing to add even if it's not an authentic photo:

When your baby is born, would you blow smoke in its face and inject 2ooo chemicals into its body? No. You wouldn't. You'd be shocked at even the suggestion but that's exactly what ha
Pens when you light up.

If a woman cannot sacrifice, just for 9 months, a fag for her child, I'd question her ability to mother. I'd be very concerned.

But that doesn't mean support shoud not be offered; these women have a severe addiction and need psychological help. And the more we viliffy her, the more stress on baby. It's just a shame we are more concerned for her unborn than she is.

I'm a former smoker so I totally know how hard it is. But when I found out I was pregnant, my instincts kicked in.

I hope for her sake it was a one off.

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