Started xmas shopping!?!

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Jacobs Mummy
May 16, 2008
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I just bought my first present!! it was only a little £10 for my brother but its a start!!

there will be no stopping me now

:happydance: Yay, I love christmas shopping, so much so that i've got all Kyle's done and dusted, just the others now :)
wow you are organised!!

I never know what could happen in the next few weeks so I want to get it all out the way sooner rather than later!! Plus its handy spreading the cost with a new born on the scene soon!!

:blush: im completely finished ......and most are wrapped.....will do the rest when they arrive :rofl: thats what maternity leave does to you.....Only got to get baba main present as got all the stocking fillers and even his outfit for x-mas day XxxX
I started shopping in july and have only my family to do (mum, dad ect):lol:
Although since there is abit of time till x-mas its still tempting to buy , which i keep doing :dohh:
:blush: im completely finished ......and most are wrapped.....will do the rest when they arrive :rofl: thats what maternity leave does to you.....Only got to get baba main present as got all the stocking fillers and even his outfit for x-mas day XxxX

haha, i was the same n did mine months ago lol
thought it would be way easier, than tryin to get round the shops with a baby :)
I have mine to do still, have brought my mum and dads ad marks so far, so a few more to go!!!
i thought i was done in august, however i have picked up several more things for alexa since! its so hard to resist! today i finished getting all stocking stuffers today! just need to buy a stocking for alexa. i looked today but no stores have them in yet. i suppose its too early! i can not wait!
Started a few weeks ago now, got a couple for Sonny, quite a bit for Bethanie (just ordered her main pressie tonight as well) and then we've got his mum a few. Still a fair bit to buy, but we're going xmas shopping soon soo :):)!
lol i started a couple of days ago, iv bought christmas cards and also i have bought for 2 nieces and 1 nephew so far! iv only started so early because ill be 37 weeks pregnant at xmas so wana get some out the way now so its not to much hard work closer to the time lol!
Ha ha i've done lots too :) and for the ones i havent got i've written down my list of what i'm getting everyone!! :happydance: i looooooooooove christmas its sooo exiting!!
Got my dad, grandads, grandmas and my brother completley done.
Alex is half done, havent got his main present yet, and theres still about 15 little things (stocking fillers etc) i need for him plus his christmas day outfit.
OH has nothing yet bless him, neither does my mam and ive still got the little cousins and my cousins that are around my age's kids to buy for. And then it all needs wrapped.
Oh and my god daughter. I havent gother anything yet.

So much to do, and essentially so little time, I dont finish work until 4pm xmas eve :hissy::cry:
I love Christmas shopping but do all of mine on-line. Everything is always so insanely crowded, then you can't find what you want only to wait on a really long line for something you're just "settling" for because you can't find anything else. :dohh: I pay a little more b/c of shipping but well worth it, IMO.
I love christams but I just cannot chill until I am done!!
I am soooo behind this year also, normally I am good way through by now!!

I have bought a bike for DS4, a few hannah montana bits for OH DD, that bout it so far!!!

OMG I need to buy for the 6 kids and Oh and I have no idea how it is going to get done!!!!
I'm waaaaaay behind this year, as i'm starting a month late, but so far have bought:
xmas cards, wrapping paper, ribbon and gift tags
for m-i-l: a top
for f-i-l: cufflinks
for b-i-l 1: wallet

still lots to buy!! o and our anniversary is end of this month and hubby's bday is november..... aaaaargh! so much to do!!!
I've got my moms from me+ baby, a playgym for the baby, my sisters present from me...I still need to get a few things for baby, something for my sis from the baby and something for my dad from both of us.

Christmas is expensive! But not going all out this year for LO because she could possibly only be a few weeks old and will have no idea either way. I'm sure she's going to get TONS from my family anyway.
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