MrsL - Don't be concerned if you don't get a proper period. I (and my sister) only had spotting and mine only lasted 3days. They told me its normal since I had a period before starting BCP's and there wasn't really a lining to shed.
Pinkie, Fxed to you! Did they change your protocol? Did you get immune testing done as I see you are taking steroids.
I changed my protocol after the first cycle to the 'Flare' but had a better response the first time so doing the long one again. I didn't get the immune testing (my hospital doesn't do it so I would have to go to another clinic) but my doctor said because I've had two failed cycles with good embryos to take the steroids and clexane injections anyway. Fingers crossed this is what is going to make it happen for us, providing we get a good grade embryo again.
Hi Ladies, quick update from me.
Had my first baseline scan today, everything is quiet and my lining is thin so started my stimming today. Another scan next Friday to hopefully see a nice number of follies.
I ended up having PGS done on 3 embryos. One was behind, two were top quality blastos. One of the two came back genetically normal!! I am happy considering the few eggs I got fertilized and my age (39). I had my ET on day 6 . The blasto had already hatched out completely. I hope this works, but the doctor reminded me that there is no guarantee. Only 40% chance. . My blood test is scheduled in a week, but I am pretty sure I am going to POAS before then.
Hello to everybody else !
If you don't mind me asking, what was your total number retrieved? Fxed you get that glimmering BFP from your one strong Embie.
Glad your lining is thin and ready to stim Pinkie.
AFM - I had awful cramps last night/early hrs of morning from the progesterone. I forget how awful the side effects can sometimes be. They will thaw our last two blastocysts tomorrow and call to say if they can be transferred. It's nervewracking. I don't know how I will feel if they don't survive the thaw.
Hope everyone else is okay x x
Hey, we transferred our last two blastocysts yesterday. Still in the process of expanding at transfer and ok grades - not brilliant, but we knew they were the least quality out of the 5 we had.
All we can do is hope one sticks x