Sorry I've been MIA guys I needed a little time since my last AF, I'm not taking Clomid the next 2 months I need some time off going to focus on getting healthy and my finances in order not that there in a bad way but could be better plus nxt month Dh is away when I'm in my most fertile time so it would be a waisted cycle on clomid and we only have three months left on it when I take it before we have to go for ivf, I'm just waiting for the Dr to call me aswell see if there is a nxt step for us or other tests they can run xx
Dogmommy I hope the endo doesn't affect your chances Goodluck xx
Redrose so glad it wasn't a side effect to Clomid and you can stop worrying and carry on with the treatment FX for you xx
Brandi so sorry you are both upset I know that feeling this month me and Dh were the same, when did you start OPKS brandi as my first month on Clomid made me O as soon as AF went I didn't temp then and started OPKS around CD10 but by that time I had missed O, the bloods on CD21 showed I had Od that maybe what happened are you having any bloods done or scans xx do you temp at all as that will show you for certain if it does work or not. There's a woman on another thread who just found out that Clomid doesn't work for her but they started her on trigger shots and they work they just need to get the balance of them right so there is still hope and options hun keep strong and keep fighting it will happen eventually xx
Vankiwi and Krissie how are you both getting on xx