Starting clomid in February... buddies?

Sorry Ramibear it's beyond frustrating when we time everything perfectly and it still doesn't happen. I believe that progesterone does make more hungry but also very tired at the same time. All I want to do is sleep and eat pizza!

I believe I did ovulate I called the nurse back to make sure as I was worried it was much lower this time. She said the number doesn't matter as long as it's over 15. Sooooo now I sit back and wait and hope it works this cycle. My BETA test is scheduled for May 10th. So far away!! I'm 6 dpo and am having major symptoms but I've taken estrogen, progesterone and HCG so it really means nothing.

Angela what dpo are you on now hun?

Krissie I can't wait for you to start this cycle! It's going to be great to see your progress.

Brandi how are you doing?
May 10th! That does seem like a long ways out. Are you going to do any htps?
Krissie I'm going to start testing out the trigger starting tomorrow or Monday. By next weekend I should have my answer! Last time I knew my BETA was going to be negative but dr still made me do it.
good luck those in the tww this week! Fingers crossed!

Angela she's doing very well thanks starting to come out of her shell a bit :)
I'm gonna be starting the provera Tuesday I think, it should mean af comes 10 days later making it a 28cycle then start the injections Wednesday, I can't believe how quickly the plan change from Clomid to this. I'm a bit nervous about the daily injections but I just hope it works! Scan on CD 10 then
Thanks for the support ladies!

Krissie-My Dr. hasn't said what the next step is, but I am researching reproductive endocrinologists in my area. Someone I know and her partner recommended someone who got them pregnant after 11 tries with other physicians, but they are more than an hour away and I'm not sure how feasible this is if you are being monitored regularly, especially in a major metropolitan area. I have been going to my OB/GYN up till now since he deals with some infertility issues.

I am trying to wait until June to schedule an appointment because that is when my new insurance will start.

I really hope we all get our wish this year. We have been trying for a year and half now and I know several of you have been waiting even longer.
Dogmommy I'm DPO 4 at the mo and I'm not going to do any hpts I'm just going to wait till AF comes which it's due on 12th May if the witch is a few days late then I'll test I've not bought any hpts and refuse to till then as it was stressing me out too much and constantly on my mind so now I'm taking a different approach chilling out about it, the crazy thing with me is last three days I've been getting heartburn and indigestion I never get it it's weird but I'm not reading too much into it at all xx I hope the hpts are stark white by Monday so that if they turn you'll know for sure it's a BFP FX for you hun xx

Redrose that's lovely that's shes starting to settle in and great news that there is still hope FX for you that the injections work I really hope the do and you get your BFP xx

Ramibear I hope it does work out for you and you do get your BFP keep us updated on how you get on xx
Thanks Angela! I'm working the next few days so hopefully that will keep my mind off the wait. 7 dpo so I'm halfway through it! I didn't do a ic cheapie this morning so I'll start tomorrow.

Red rose it will be interesting to see how the injections work for you! Do you give them in your stomach? They usually do the trigger shot in my behind and there's very little discomfort.
Yeah I put them into my tummy same as trigger shot. I'm glad they are scanning me often, they will scan me CD 10 to make sure. It's working, if not they will up the dosage and bring me back CD 14 so I feel it's not like the Clomid where you take the meds and if it's wrong dose you have to wait, I'm glad it's more likely to work. There is a higher chance of multiples with the fsh injections but at this point we really don't care or mind! Lol I wish it was Tuesday already so I felt I was doing something
Red rose that's great they can fix your dosage right away! And the extra scans will be awesome. I wish it was Tuesday too! Mondays are crazy at work.
Sounds pretty promising for everyone so far! Looking forward to updates!

According to FF, I'm 12DPO. Still not convinced that I even ovulated. I went back in and adjusted one temp for CD 23 (just because I remember it was iffy) and it took away my O pattern. My trend has definitely increased overall. I remember I wasn't getting temps above 97.7. I've had several 97.8-98.1 since CD 20. But I get the occasional low one, so that throws me off.

My tests are still negative. I am having cramping though. Almost like what I would imagine AF cramps would be like (because I never really get real ones from ovulation). My CM is watery today. The day before yesterday it was EWCM, and this may be TMI, but it was really stringy. It's always stretchy, but this was extremely thin strands of it. It was weird. We will just see! Feel like if I was pregnant, I would have had a positive test by now. Although I'm using Walmart cheapies. Wish I could figure out how to attach my chart to see what you all think!
Brandi on FF website go to details at top of page I think it's share graphical info click on that then a thumbnail long load of letters and that will show up in a box copy the thumbnail then in your profile paste the thumbnail into your news feed data and then it should show up xx
Brandi found out how you do it now read below

Go to fertility and click on 'sharing' at the top of the page and then click 'get code'. When your on the sharing page look for the bbcode link (the thumbnail one) and copy it. Then go into your signature settings on here and paste the link into the signature and save it, it should be on your sig then
Brandi fingers crossed that you still get your Bfp!

I'm currently 8dpo I did an Ic this morning. I'm pretty sure it's the trigger still in my system. But I do have my hopes up...I just feel different this cycle. I have very little symptoms which is a change from last time!


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FX for you Dogmommy here's hoping they get darker rather than lighter and you get your BFP xx when I got my BFP last year I had no symptoms at all so you never know you might be the same xx
Thanks Angela! I'll have to go back and put it in my sig, but here it is. Thoughts?
My Ovulation Chart

Now, I lost my pre-o temps, but I remember I only had two that were at 97.7, so I tried to put them in as accurately as possible.

Dogmommy, looks great!!!!! I hope this is your month!
Oooh good luck dogmommy! I hope it gets darker!

I'm so excited to start the provera tomorrow and get the ball rolling! Just to feel I'm doing something! How is everyone? I'm good here but ds is sick so drs tomorrow along with pick up my meds etc.
Brandi your temps have risen so that confirms O they haven't risen a great deal but it still confirms O has occurred FX for you how long is your LP xx

Redrose that's great new Goodluck to you it won't be long to wait till you get the ball rolling again so that's great news xx

AFM DPO6 no real news if I'm honest had a tummy bug I think last few days which seems to have eased off now gave me really bad indigestion, heartburn and well sorry for TMI but the number twos aswell everyone was like ooohhh are you pregnant which I was like even if I was it's far too soon to be getting any of them types of symptoms since it wouldn't have even imbedded yet xx it does frustrate me slightly that because everyone knows I'm TTC every slight illness or ailment there ooohhh you could be pregnant winds me up a little but hey ho my own fault really for being so open and honest about it all to my family and friends xx. I guess the great thing about this month is that due to me telling them I'm having time off they have calmed down alot which is good as I also in turn feel more relaxed about it all I'm actually thinking about putting off Clomid till August as a March/April/May baby would be a nightmare in our family but we will still try and do temping OPKS and timed BD and see how we go xx I'm hoping over these next few months to loose 2 stone and keep up with my healthy lifestyle and exercise so hopefully that will help us out too xx AF is due 12th and I won't be taking any tests before hand I've told DH as he said last night how soon can you test so I told him I won't be if AF hasn't arrived by 13th and no AF when I wake up on 14th then I will take the test xx

How is everyone aswell xx
Thanks girls! I'm 9 dpo today and still no symptoms. I got called out to work in the middle of the night so I didn't do a test today. I will again tomorrow by then I think it should be darker if I'm going to get a bfp this month.

Red rose whoohooo for getting to start this cycle! Can't wait to see how you make out.

Brandi have you done anymore tests? Sorry I'm not good with charts! I think as long as you don't have a big drop you should be on track!

Angela most of my friends and family know we are ttc and get the questions every month. If I'm not eating something or if I pass on alcohol everyone thinks I'm pregnant! I've heard of a lot of couples get pregnant once they relax. So hopefully that will work for you!

Krissie what's new with you?
Nothing new here. My temps have been very high the last 3 days. I keep expecting a drop and af to show. I stopped progesterone on Thursday so I keep expecting af. I took 2 hpt and both were negative or hopefully she gets here soon.

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