Starting clomid in February... buddies?

AFM, temps are still relatively up. I am still not convinced I O'd. My boobs were kind of tingly today, but that could have been anything. I am still getting lots of clear EWCM, which also makes me feel like I may not have ovulated. I'm realllllyyyyyy hoping that the Vitex does the trick....sigh. Being patient isn't my strong suit! Also, one of my closest friends has been trying for a year and I think the only reason is because she and her husband's timing has been off. I introduced her to temping and she had great timing this month. Her chart is looking great. I'm completely excited for her but I can't help but feeling jealous that she has started out after me and will likely be pregnant before me. I have several friends like that. One started months after us and has already had her baby.
Thanks Brandi, FF is putting my crosshairs in the day after I know I ovulated. I felt O pain on Saturday and by Sunday, I had no pain. So I just did a manual override.

Your chart is looking promising but I've had cycles like that too. My chart often looks like I've ovulated but I wasn't convinced. Even cycles I got temp rises I had low progesterone on my blood tests. It's always hard when others get pregnant and you're still waiting. Sigh... hopefully it's our turn soon.
Both of your charts look good for o! Fx for you Sarah.

I'm really struggling with pregnancy announcements. I'm definitely feeling like it's never going to happen for us.
Brandi and Sarah I agree with Krissie your charts look good FX they continue to stay high xx

Krissie loving the new pic of your DS he is so cute xx

I understand were you are all coming from LTTTC is so so hard so many people I know have been pregnant and had there babies some even two children in the same time that Ive been trying and now rather than feeling upset I just feel numb with it all here's hoping we get our happy ever after soon xx

AFM sorry TMI but Ive started spotting already at only 9 DPO I think Im 10 DPO though I reckon I Od a day earlier than FF is saying AF is due Sunday if Im correct or Monday if FF is right and my temps are already falling aswell xx
Thanks Angela.

How weird you're already spotting. You've has consistent cycles up until these last two losses, haven't you?
Ltttc is such a lonely time and hard , I thought it would be easier second time because I'd my son, but Tbh it was just as upsetting because my thoughts were more like my son won't be a brother etc. It made me upset. Esp when I've two sister in laws who get pregnant with a drop of a hat! The feeling is a fear of what if it doesn't ever happen etc. And if only we could just see in to the future and see how far away it is. April this year I was ready to throw in the towel, I was told the Clomid didn't work and I'd wasted half a year using it and I had trouble controlling my weight and I just thought please just let it all stop, and of course I didn't realise how close I was , next month I got my bfp , and I guess you just never know how close you are so please ladies don't give up and know I am here of you need a talk or a hug I find the only thing that helps is talking to others who get it. I felt not even my husband got my hurt because of course we had my son so he was happy either way because he is a dad etc. But I think us ladies tend to analyse and think about the future a lot more then the men.
Big hugs ladies xx
Thanks red. That's exactly how I'm feeling. I want my ds to have a sibling. We had planned 2-3 year age gap and felt that was right for us. That gave us an entire year. But here we are already going to be over that gap and as it widens the more anxiety I get over it. I know whatever gap we have will work out but it's making me wonder upset.

My dh also wants another one so bad. So I feel horrible I can't give that to him either. He gets so excited every cycle and then af arrives.

I don't see myself giving up but I'm definately so discouraged by this journey. With ds I didn't feel the pressure I have now. It seems everyone expects a second kid by the time the first one is 2. :cry: And to be honest I really put so much faith in clomis because it was our magic pill the first time.
honestly hun i 100% get where your coming from.. i had people from when my son was 1 ask when baby 2 was coming.. once he hit 3 (and some people realised he was autistic) people stopped asking me but i felt so awful every birthday we celebrated with ds i felt he should have a brother or sister by now and tbh i wanted a 18 month gap!! and my sons going to be nearly 5! but i guess its worked out good for me because jamie has so many extra needs and he can be such hard work it is going to be good that i have a few hours with baby on my own and to sleep if baby naps etc. once i accepted i cant change him having a sibling when i wanted i kind of relaxed bit more. i know it sounds crazy but because of all the fertility issues ive had im already thinking about when to ttc for baby 3, as we want 3 ! i told dh i am not waiting and hes ok with it, im going to go back next december and hopefully be on the injections by jan 2018 so it means there will be 18 ish months between the younger two if i am as lucky with the injections. i wont let them talk me into clomid or anything else, ill just go private if they do! waste of time for me
anyone i talk to about it thinks im crazy since ive no even had this baby yet.. but alas they do not understand the stress of infertility and i do not want a nearly 5 year gap again i feel like im about to start all over again, my sons potty trained, out of all baby things etc and im starting it all again.. just find it odd and hard.

i was admitted into hospital friday! bad bad pains i actually thought i was in labour and we are 2 hours away from our maternity hospital, so we took a speedy drive up, they put me on a trace and scanned me, baby and i both are ok and they gave me painkillers but could not find the source of my pain, but they noticed baby is lying transverse (sideways) which i thought anyway because ive got a lump on either side of my bump and kicks are on my far right side. but they said it can make for a very uncomfortable pregnancy esp if he gets stuck... they said walking should help him turn but its hard as the ligaments are stretching and ive nerve pain down my leg! im very short only 4 ft 11 inches so they said too hes running out of space with me being so short and its abit crippling, but i have to say im taking it all in my stride and im just happy he wasnt trying to enter the world this early. i told him hes got to wait til least 37 weeks then its eviction time! i got a high risk appt on monday and i should find out if im having a c section or not
Redrose,that sounded scary but I am glad it wasn't ds coming early! I hope they figure out what caused the pain soon and that walking gets easier and less painful for you 😘 Take care of yourself!
I'm glad everything was okay red. That does sound painful and being so small doesn't help!

I don't think you're crazy. But I also understand. We started ntnp when ds was 4 months because we figured it would be another rough go. Thanks for your insight. You are so right we cannot change the age gap so learning to accept it and know it will work out will help.

With ds delayed speech I'm grateful for a bigger gap because I am able to focus on him and help that develop. He has a ton of words now but he's so difficult to understand.
my son has very few words too he just came home from intensive ot and slt and i was in tears with the progress hes made since even the summer, he repeated everything they wanted him to, because for ds he might just not want to do it, or he may not even understand so its hard. yesterday for the first time he told me he was hungry.. cant express how big a mile stone that is.. to be able to understand he needs to tell me , i try not to autoamtically make him food now til he says in some way he wants something and its really helped him.
so ladies how are we set for xmas :coffee: i personally love xmas but i am tired and finding anxious that i just want everything sorted early so i can literally sit back the month of december while other rush about haha because ive a few appts in the city andi cant imagine pushing through the busy shops while bigger! was bad enough last week at 26 weeks.

thanks ladies it was a scary day i even googled survival rate for 26 weeks because i thought he was on his way. thankfully he did not make his entrance. i also had my flu vaccine over a week ago, i felt it was a good idea while being preggo last thing i need is the flu too!
That is so great for your son!! He sounds like he is making a lot of progress.

As for Christmas... I am almost done with DS's gifts. I have my amazon cart with DH gifts so just waiting on the money to order them. I need to sort out my inlaws things but I did get them a personalized ornament from DS. I will make a load of candy for friends and family. I want my bookshelves finished and then will probably get a few books for Christmas.

I am hoping DH will have the shelves he is building done after Thanksgiving so I can put a tree up downstairs. If not we will probably only have a tiny tree upstairs.

We plan to take my inlaws to see the local Christmas light event after Thanksgiving while they are down. I am pretty excited as it is quite the display this place does every year.
Red so glad there was nothing wrong here's hoping he moves hun and doesnt get stuck xx

Krissie sounds like you have a lovely xmas sorted Im hoping the planning of xmas helps take your mond off TTC and you get a lovely surprise xx

AFM AF has arrived 5 days early Ive only had one loss Krissie but since coming off Clomid my body clock has been off normally I have a clockwork LP every 15 days after O but since coming off Clomid Ive had a 13 day LP a 15 day LP but my post O temps were all rocky which is strange and now a 10 day LP I will bring this up in my consultation on Fri. I started spotting yesterday and today woke up in the morning and I was heavy sorry for the TMI but my temps are still high so they should plummit come tomorrow but it's still really odd, I also took a hpt today just to make sure and it was stark white BFN so Im definitely not preggo just hope its not a sign of any underlying problem got me a little worried xx
How weird Angela. Definately worth mentioning. Fx it's nothing serious.

Afm, feeling better even after one counseling session. I'm still struggling but don't feel so lost. My doctor's appt is in 3 weeks so hoping that leads to continued peace in our next steps.

I'm super excited for Christmas. I'm going to be making some elf on the shelf doors with my mom soon. She loves crafty projects so I think it will be fun.
Congrats aphy! Another Bfp for our board :)

Angela that's weird. I wonder what could be messing with your LP. With Ivf you will be on progesterone after so I'm sure that will help if it's a progesterone problem.

Krissie that's great you are getting some counseling. It might be something I look in to as well. I hope you get some helpful info from the dr

Brandi How's the diet going dear? Definitely a struggle I have everyday.

Red must be such a nice feeling to see how far Ds has come. Also thanks for the insight I've often wondered if Ttc would be better if I had atleast one child but I see what you are saying about wanting a sibling badly.

AFM 5 dpo today..we did get some Bd in over the weekend. I know either way I'll be starting ivf so it's a calm two week wait for me. Ive decided to stop alcohol, gluten, and dairy. Some days I have slip ups wondering if it will even make a difference! Oh well in two weeks I'll probably be starting my ivf meds!

How's everyone else feeling?
I definitely found the struggle to conceive the second one hard in different ways. There's pressure to provide a sibling and you're conscious of the age gap. Both are tough!
That is weird about your LP, Angela! I'd definitely mention it.

I, too, am so excited about Christmas! I plan on putting my stuff up this weekend.

According to my chart I'm 8 DPO. Once again, not totally sure I trust it. Today, I woke up at 5 AM (about an hour earlier than my usual time and my temp was only 96.60). That is way below my coverline. However, it was FREEZING in my house (we forgot to turn the heat on) so my hubby turned the heat to a regular temperature. I didn't get up or anything. I fell back to sleep and woke up later to it being 97.2. I'm not really sure what to go with. I went with the higher one because it was my regular time and wasn't freezing, but I'm not sure if waking up the hour before messed it up.
Krissie I love elf on the shelf cant wait to try that myself and Im glad the counselling went well xx

Brandi Im hoping your temps do keep climbing hun xx

Dogmommy here's hoping you get a BFP but if not IVF is just around the corner for you now exciting times ahead xx

AFM had my consultation today and did mention about myearly cycle he said its more than likely caused by the clomid and no to worry as they will be regulating/manipulating my cycle with drugs and putting me on progesterone after the insertion of the egg but I think its still wierd since that one day of heavy bleeding all Ive had is slight spotting and thats it but Ill not stress too much as Dr seemed fine about it xx

Well my egg reserves are fantastic a score over 5.5 is considered good and I got 12.4 so Im happy with that, they have found an issue with DHS sperm though he has low mobility so that looks like our issue which is odd as his first test 3 yrs ago didnt pick up on that but these guys now are the specialists and due to that we have to have the more intrusive IVF called ICJS where they physically inject his sperm into the egg. Due to me already having AF we cant start till next cycle so theyre sending all the drugs out then I go back on q6th Dec to go through all the drugs and a test as due to me having an op 12 yrs ago to remove pre cancerous cells they need to make sure that there is no scar tissue causing a blockage. At the appt they will tell me when to start the drugs and hopefully if all goes well by beginning of Jan I should be all pupped up xx

Looks like we will be IVF buddies after all dogmommy xx

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