Starting clomid in February... buddies?

Oh no Red,that's terrible, I'm so sorry! :hugs:
Red thats awful my heart goes out to you and your family at this sad time xx
Thanks ladies. I guess I feel guilty because I was selfish in not wanting to share this time with sil but now it doesn't even matter. I'd give anything for sil to of come out of that appt and say there was a happy bouncing baby. We were really getting along and even going to a pregnancy expo Sunday . I feel guilty for my first feelings. And I hope she gets a rainbow in the not to distant future
I'm still awake at nearly 1am and finding it hard to nod off after today
Aww Red that's terrible. So sorry for you guys.

Krissie good luck with your test :) :) :)

My egg collection is scheduled for Friday. Please keep us in your thoughts. I have 6 mature, 4 on the cusp, and another 6 that may be mature by Friday.
Krissie we are going to do a fresh transfer as long as I don't get Ohss and I'm not at risk for it so I think it will be ok. My Dr likes to do 5 day transfer if the embryo will grow that far but will do a 3 day transfer if he thinks that's what's best.
I'm sorry Red :(

Dogmommy, I'm keeping everything crossed for you! Please let this be your time!

AFM, DH will probably be away for 4-5 months leaving in the next 3-4 weeks. Our doctor has given us to go ahead to freeze some sperm for IUI. My DH was a bit unsure but tonight has said he wants to go ahead with the frozen sperm and IUI plan. It's scary and exciting all at once. I just hope we get pregnant this cycle so we can avoid that!
Dog mommy I hope the ec goes ok and you get lots of big mature eggs! Looking forward to your update
Aphy how are you feeling, how is the pregnancy going xx

Red all you can do is be there for her dont feel guilty about how you initially felt as there is nothing you did wrong at all Im sure it wont be long till she gets her rainbow hun xx how are you feeling anyway cant believe you only have 68 days to go now xx

Dogmommy thats amazing news so happy for you my god 16 would be an amazing number but even if its only 6 thats still fantastic and should be able to freeze some for the future xx Ive got a good feeling about this Dogmommy and have absolutely everything tightly crossed for you xx

Sarah here's hoping it works this month but its great that DH is now on board with the frozen sperm idea just think you could have a lovely surprise for him upon his return a big bump and hopefully before his next deployment he'll be at the birth and spend some time with his son or daughter xx will you be doing stim injections with the IUI xx

AFM 10 days till AF due and I start the whole process feels like it is taking forever I just want to start now as all this waiting is just causing me to feel worry and I have all these what ifs running around my head I just hope it works as this journey is taking its toll on me hitting the 4th year of TTC is not good, Im glad we have now found the issue but also upset as Ive now come to the realisation that we may only ever have one child and the chances of conceiving naturally are slim to none so we would have to have IVF again if we wanted another child xx
AngelaALA, dont know if I have forgotten if you said earlier but why do you think you might only be able to have the one? After 4 years ttc I can imagine the emotional toll it has taken but like you said, they finally know what the problem was and now it can get fixed. I have everything crossed for you!

Dogmommy, wow, that's a fantastic number! I'm sure one of those is going to give you your bfp!

Sarah, GL with these few weeks before DH gets deployed...hopefully the freezing isn't even necessary

AFM, the morning sickness (all-day-sickness) has hit in hard this week. Had a migraine as well yesterday which didn't help at all. Feeling overall crappy and next week Tuesday (first scan date) cannot come quick enough

Sorry if I forgot anyone!
Sarah- ftx for your bfp before dh leaves! But that's great you have a backup plan.

Aphy- I hope you feel better quickly.

Dogmommy- sounds great. I hope it leads to your bfp soon!

Angela- I'm sorry you're finding the wait difficult. I understand the anxiety and what ifs too well.

Afm, 10 dpo and bfn on a frer. So I guess I will be discussing our options tonight at my appointment.
Angela sorry about the waiting but that time will speed by! Least you can now see the timeline a lot less stressful when you know it's all happening approximately. I got my fingers crossed for the ivf to start asap!

Krissie I hope it's just too early for a bfp but if bfn I hope tonight they come up with a new plan for you xx

I'm ok thanks for asking Angela. I actually feel really good this pregnancy no complaints apart from the occasional sleepless night. But I'm focusing on Xmas with my little.boy and it's keeping me busy and making time go faster.
I only have 8 weeks left since baby is coming at 38 weeks and I'm starting panic about being ready and since sil had her news yesterday I've gone so paranoid and I just want my baby boy here asap safely
I had my doctor's appointment today. I was expecting the news.. so basically the hospital I am at is all tapped out. I now have to be referred to a fertility specialist. Our closest one is 2 hours away! With work and everything I can really only manage to go during the summer when I'm off. So I'm aiming to get our first visit over spring break and pursue probably injects and iui in the summer.

In the mean time my doctor gave me 3 more rounds of femara to try.

I'm really just so over this. I'm thinking instead of femara taking my lydia pinkham and low carb diet to lose weight so that's not an issue at the fertility clinic.
I'm sorry you have to now wait it out for the summer before you can try the next step krissie :hugs: hopefully the femara works in this time and you get your bfp!
So sorry to hear that Krissie but getting healthy sounds like a good plan and hopefully you will get a nice surprise before summer xx

Red I completely understand why you would be so anxious and wanting your baby to come now and be healthy he will be here before you even know it hun xx

AFM found out a colleague of mine in work is expecting there third child his wife has just been for there first scan and all is well, everytime someone gets pregnant around me now it brakes my heart I feel like a complete failure as a woman and its getting harder and harder to fake a amile and happiness for them especially with IVF looming I feel I have no one in my life to actually talk to about my emotions I just so hope this works more than anything in the world as if it doesnt I just dont know how it will effect me it will brake me xx
Aphy that's so exciting your scan is next week! That stinks about the morning sickness tho.

Sarah I'm glad your DH is going to freeze some sperm. You can have a nice surprise when he gets back!

Red I'm glad you're feeling good. 8 weeks! I can't believe it, it seems like just yesterday.

Krissie I'm sorry you're getting BFN. A few months will definitely give you some time to change anything you want before starting more treatment! I hope it goes by quick for you!

Angela just a matter on a week or two for you! And once you start injectibles it Flys by. I've heard in a lot of cases that woman go on to conceive naturally after an ivf pregnancy. You also could end up with a few ice babies
Thanks ladies. We are freezing some sperm on the 19th December. Hopefully we can get 2 IUIs from one sample but we will have to wait and see how good the sample is.
Egg retrieval went well... 14 eggs retrieved! Today they called and said 8 fertilized. I will get another call on Monday. Thanks for all the support �� looking at a 5 day transfer on Wednesday!!
That's great news dogmommy! Fx for a successful transfer. Are they going to transfer one or more?
How exciting ! How many are they gonna put back? Any chance of twins

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