Starting clomid in February... buddies?

Krissie I completely understand why you want to give it another shot I hope it does work I have everything ceossed for you and if not then its not long till your next appt xx

Brandi my DH was the same but I pushed forward and he js actually better about it all now he's been reading up on IVF and if Im honest I'm a little worried as he's convinced its going to work looking at a bigger family car with a good boot for me I keep on having to turn around to him and say lets carm down and see if it works first xx Maybe have a long heart to heart with him hun about it all are you insured for injections IUI or IVF or will you have to fund it yourself xx

AFM on day 5 of injections and yhey aren't too bad so far no pain or bruising just Ovary pain and stomach swollen up also feel a little nauseous aswell but it did say they can be side effects so Im taking them as a good sign that they're working. Start my morning injections alongside the evening one tomorrow then go for my scan on day 10 which is the 24th xx

Im guessing Im only stimming for 10 days as Ive only got enough stuff to last up until the 24th so if all goes well on 24th they will give me the time and date of when to take my HCG and the time and date of egg retrieval which should be between 25th and 27th xx
Angela I'm so super excited for you!!!! That is awesome!!! I am praying that it is successful!!!!!

Hubby just is coping with everything differently than I am. I think he will come around. It is hard to commit money to disappointment. IVF nor IUI will be covered by our insurance. Apparently, infertility just has crappy coverage in my state!

I did order some myo-inisotol. Just for something to try. It should be here Monday!
exciting times ahead angela!! how are you feeling?

brandi i hope he comes around soon and you can make a plan, i think at least having a plan helps

ive lost part of my plug today.. and feeling crampy so im wondering is it the start of something!
Do LH surges make anyone else really.. crazy? I've been doing OPKs (haven't started Clomid yet) and they get near positive then negative (typical for me, never actually O), and I've felt soooo angry and kind of... crazy! LOL I don't know if it's the high surge messing my body up!
TTC- I've had cycles like that. I'm worried about this cycle. I got a near positive yesterday at 1, then at 4 it was pretty faint. This mornings was quite faint. So I figure it was just a false alarm since I have no fertile cm.
Brandi I hope you two can have a heart to heart and maybe just go speak to a consultant together just to talk about options prices and answer questions you may have that may help DH with any doubts I hope you can both get through it and have some baby news in 2017 I have everything crossed for you xx

Red my god you could be in labour right now I hope your okay exciting times ahead goodluck hun keep us posted so excited to hear back from you xx

TTCBean LH surge never made me crazy but all these hormones and the stress of TTC can make you a little all over the place and your moods spiral out of control I hope your okay and O soon goodluck for a sticky bean xx

Krissie have you Od yet or anymore signs that it maybe coming goodluck hun xx

AFM sorry Ive been MIA but not had much to report and its been hectic the injections have been okay actually not as bad as I thought but my belly is feeling a little tender now after 10 days worth of injections 5 of them days twice a day its also swollen and get pain like period pains which is normal xx had my scan today and all is good my womb lining is perfect I have 19 follicles in total but 8 that are of good size so 8 will be taken which they said is a good number to have xx I take my HCG tonight at 22:00 hrs then go for egg retrieval on Thursday 26th at 10:00 am and if all goes well I should get pupped up on Monday so all going to plan so far.

It is scary though I know that its been a long time coming but its crazy to think that its actually happening now its mental xx
Angela- sounds like things are going great. Fx for a good retrieval and transfer.

Afm, still not positive opk. But my cm is definately fertile today. So looking like I'm on track to o between tomorrow and Friday.
Thanks Krissie still cant believe its happening to be honest this time tomorrow Ill be waking up to go the hospital xx

FTX that you O hun hope you got plenty of BD in xx
Angela good luck tomorrow girl! I have everything crossed you get some nice eggs.

Krissie I hope we both O soon!!
Dogmommy- what are you current plans right now? Looks like a possible FET sometime?

Still waiting to o over here. Hoping Friday at the latest.
dogmommy i hope your doing ok as best you can be. i hope there are plans for another round soon and you get a lovely rainbow!!

angela i cant believe how fast your injections have gone! before you know it your gonna be in the 2ww!

good luck krissie on this cycle! do get plenty of bd in!

im feeling ok overall just want it all to be over, and i dont mean that in an ungrateful way more in the ok im in the safe zone now, hes got healthy lungs... i just want him here safe in my arms now. i see my gp friday and my consultant on monday and going to talk to her about possibly changing my section to induction instead and see what she thinks
Thanks guys retrieval went well they collected 12 eggs in total which they said was a really good nimber I'm just in a bit of uncomfortable pain now which should go away over the course of the day just got to rest up today and take it easy.

They will call me tomorrow and let me know how fertilisation went and how many and give me the time of when I go back next Tuesday for implantation xx

How is everyone else doing xx

Dogmommy I hope you do O and get lucky what will be your next step if needed xx

Krissie got everything crossed for you that you O soon xx

Red not long now though to wait he will be here soon I reckon you will go a week early FX it all goes smoothly hun xx
Just had the call from the hospital 9 have fertilised which is a good number transfer is 1.30pm on Tuesday however that could change they could call me on Sunday before 11 and I go in Sunday afternoon but if no call then Tuesday is still going ahead also said if good quality then they will transfer 1 only but if medium quality then they'll transfer 2 keep fingers crossed for me xx
eeeeek its so close! i have everything crossed for you!

nothing here.. just waiting waiting...
Yay angela!! 9 is a great number.

Red I'm excited for you too! You're getting so close.

I actually have no idea when O will be. I don't know if my cycles will be totally messed up or not. I had some fertile cm the past two days. I haven't been doing Opk bc I need a break from it but we have bding hoping that O is this week.
Dogmommy I hope you fall naturally preggo I have everything crossed for you xx How are uou feeling Dogmommy xx

Ive started the progesterone suppositories not keen on them at all they feel wierd but this is the final step in relation to medication I need to take Im worried but excited at the same time Im not getting my hopes up and just taking each step as it comes. Family are doing my nut in though jumping ahead of themselves and I keep having to say to them nothing is certain let me get to transfer first then hope it sticks then hope theres a heartbeat then get through the first trimester if I reach that then you can get excited but till then just stop xx

The other day I found out that one of my friends friends is pregnant she has brittle PCSO and was told 4 years ago that she will never get pregnant without assistance she seperated from her partner 5 months ago and out of the blue she felt a kick from inside her so she got rushed off to A & E turns out she's 27 wks pregnant a baby boy never even knew. A work colleague also found out he's having a little boy he already has two girls so his family is now complete. It's just not fair I hate all this and know nobody at all apart from you guys on here that have gone through what I have had to it sucks and Im tired of hearing baby news from people who just surprisingly get pregnant or pop them out like no tomorrow I just want to have good news for once xx

I've already decided though that if we have a good number that reach 5 day mark we will be freezing them and if I do hopefully get preggo this cycle then atleast they're there for future use as I want more than one so if after 2 yrs of the first I dont get pregnant naturally then we will go back and use the frozen embryos we will have to pay for it then so hopefully doing it that way will keep the cost down xx
Transfer went well 5 developed one has been transferred and four have been frozen so its just a waiting game now xx
Omg Angela this is it! I got everything crossed for a sticky bfp! Are you gonna test out the trigger shot?

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