Starting clomid this month

I was on 50 mg of clomid last month. This cycle I will be doing 100mg. I had horrible hot flashes on on 50 I can't imagine what my side effects are going to be on this cycle! I am going to be out of town on my day 21 so I called my doctor to ask if I could just have them drawn either when I get back or get an order to have them drawn where we are vacationing which would be fine as well. She said well you will be out of town we just won't monitor this cycle:-( So that means I get to wait to see if AF will show up. If I get pregnant then I know I finally ovulated!!!

Are you using OPKs? That's the only way I know I ovulate. My OB doesn't do any monitoring on me yet...

I do use OPK's. I didn't get a positive until about 7 days ago. My labs on day 23ish didn't show ovulation was even close to happening. My OB believes my OPK wasn't correct and I didn't actually ovulate at all because my labs were horrible. Start Clomid tomorrow. Last month I had terrible hot fashes with Clomid. Tonight our AC went out and it has been 110 every day here with extreme humidity only going down to the 90s over night so needless to say not looking forward to taking Clomid tomorrow for fear of hotflashes and no AC. Hopefully the AC will be fixed tomorrow or I may have to figure out how I can sit inside the freezer to cool off hahaha!
Oh man, I am sorry to hear that!!! Definitely keep me updated on what goes on, I keep my FX for you that your hot flashes won't be so bad and that you O this month!!!

AFM- I woke up today with cramps, not light ones, but not too bad either... I was SO sure that AF was getting me 5 days early, which would suck because my LP would only have been 10 days. However, she has not arrived, and my cramps only lasted about 30-40 minutes. Weird...
[QOUTE]Lady - I don't think you're out!! 26 is a fabulous progesterone level! Here in the states I believe they want to see over 20 on a Clomid cycle. The cycle I conceived, my progesterone was 25. What DPO are you?
I'm cd25 today, had bloods repeated on cd24 and they came back 11.7:cry: so think I'm totally out now, because I think if your progesterone levels start dropping it means AF is on it's way.
Tried to get advice from consultant, but receptionist was being a load, wanted to know weather I should increase the clomid to 100mg and/or change the days as I am currently on cd2 - cd6 ???

I'm cd25 today, had bloods repeated on cd24 and they came back 11.7:cry: so think I'm totally out now, because I think if your progesterone levels start dropping it means AF is on it's way.
Tried to get advice from consultant, but receptionist was being a load, wanted to know weather I should increase the clomid to 100mg and/or change the days as I am currently on cd2 - cd6 ???


I'm sorry :hugs: How many DPO are you?

Was the receptionist asking what you wanted to do next? As in, you prescribe the amount and timing of Clomid?? If so, that's pretty crazy that you can't consult the consultant.

Increasing the dose should give a stronger response. Taking Clomid earlier in the cycle results in more follicles, but can be less quality. Taking it later in the cycle yields less follicles, but greater quality.

On 100mg CD3-7 I only ever produced 1 mature follicle. Dr says he'll bump me to 150mg next cycle, same days, for hopefully a stronger response.
[QOUTE]Lady - I don't think you're out!! 26 is a fabulous progesterone level! Here in the states I believe they want to see over 20 on a Clomid cycle. The cycle I conceived, my progesterone was 25. What DPO are you?
I'm cd25 today, had bloods repeated on cd24 and they came back 11.7:cry: so think I'm totally out now, because I think if your progesterone levels start dropping it means AF is on it's way.
Tried to get advice from consultant, but receptionist was being a load, wanted to know weather I should increase the clomid to 100mg and/or change the days as I am currently on cd2 - cd6 ???


I'm sorry to hear that too! :hugs::hugs::hugs: No matter how much time passes TTC the disappointments of "not this cycle" never get easier, do they...
Thanks both, your right there, never gets any easier, in fact I'd go as far to say it's getting harder.

Recptionist was horrible, trying to advice me herself, sincce when do receptionist qualify as fertility specialists.....aaaarrrrrrrrr.
I'm cd25 today
Going to phone back tomorrow, as she just said so the same as last month, but test results say this month wasn't successful.
How are you all doing ?
Thanks both, your right there, never gets any easier, in fact I'd go as far to say it's getting harder.

Recptionist was horrible, trying to advice me herself, sincce when do receptionist qualify as fertility specialists.....aaaarrrrrrrrr.
I'm cd25 today
Going to phone back tomorrow, as she just said so the same as last month, but test results say this month wasn't successful.
How are you all doing ?

Hi Lady luck,

Just wanted to share few things
I was on clomid 50mg 2-6 days. I :sex: everyday from day 9 till day 20 or till you think u've ovulated. Honestly I dont rely on OPKs so I never used it. I just did it. I know its tough specially when both of us are working but thats what my dr. said. I insisted on every other day but my dr. said to increase the possibility it is good if you :sex: everyday and start from day 4 from the last dosage of clomid. I conceived the very first cycle of clomid. I dont know what really worked for me but I knew it wont reduce my chances.
Try this way this month. I also used conceive plus.
My friend also conceived the very first cycle on clomid and she also did the same.

All the best. Sending you a lot of baby dust
Hey Ladies! I resisted the urge to test this morning. AF is due tomorrow, and I will test then, maybe :dohh: I am a little nervous, and afraid of the feelings when I see the BFN. Plus, Clomid may make your LP a day or two longer so I might not get AF til Tuesday or Wednesday if she is coming... Geez, the end of the TWW is the WORST!
Hey Ladies! I resisted the urge to test this morning. AF is due tomorrow, and I will test then, maybe :dohh: I am a little nervous, and afraid of the feelings when I see the BFN. Plus, Clomid may make your LP a day or two longer so I might not get AF til Tuesday or Wednesday if she is coming... Geez, the end of the TWW is the WORST!

Good luck!! I'm 12dpiui and just about at the end of my TWW. So far the tests have been negative but you never know!
Thanks both, your right there, never gets any easier, in fact I'd go as far to say it's getting harder.

Recptionist was horrible, trying to advice me herself, sincce when do receptionist qualify as fertility specialists.....aaaarrrrrrrrr.
I'm cd25 today
Going to phone back tomorrow, as she just said so the same as last month, but test results say this month wasn't successful.
How are you all doing ?

If the receptionist was trying to give you medical advice is not a nurse, doctor, or the nurse practitioner then she could get in big trouble about giving you medical advice regarding your meds! I would say something about it to your doctor. The receptionist is not allowed to tell you or explain medications to you like that.
Thanks both, your right there, never gets any easier, in fact I'd go as far to say it's getting harder.

Recptionist was horrible, trying to advice me herself, sincce when do receptionist qualify as fertility specialists.....aaaarrrrrrrrr.
I'm cd25 today
Going to phone back tomorrow, as she just said so the same as last month, but test results say this month wasn't successful.
How are you all doing ?

Hi Lady luck,

Just wanted to share few things
I was on clomid 50mg 2-6 days. I :sex: everyday from day 9 till day 20 or till you think u've ovulated. Honestly I dont rely on OPKs so I never used it. I just did it. I know its tough specially when both of us are working but thats what my dr. said. I insisted on every other day but my dr. said to increase the possibility it is good if you :sex: everyday and start from day 4 from the last dosage of clomid. I conceived the very first cycle of clomid. I dont know what really worked for me but I knew it wont reduce my chances.
Try this way this month. I also used conceive plus.
My friend also conceived the very first cycle on clomid and she also did the same.

All the best. Sending you a lot of baby dust

Thanks for this lotofbabydust, nearly bought conceive plus for last cycle, have already got it from this cycle.
Hoping for this cycle to be 3rd time lucky, as it's our last cycle of clomid.
Being scanned this cycle and possibly having a trigger shot as well, so feeling hopeful for this month.
Thanks again :thumbup: xxxx
Good luck this cycle lady luck! AFM- I am getting way nervous about testing tomorrow morning. I may just not do it and see if the witch comes tomorrow or Tuesday... Then maybe Wednesday I will test if she hasn't come yet. LOL, is that silly? My scardyness?
I tested this morning, 14DPO and BFN. No sign of AF yet, she is supposed to start today or tomorrow and I am feeling a little crampy. I took the ClearBlue digi pregnancy test, my friend said that those ones are not as sensitive as the FRER's... IDK, just waiting to see if AF comes. If she doesn't show her face today I may test again tomorrow... I feel out already though, big let down after all the positive signs I had this cycle...
It could be too early with a digi! If you do test again today/tomorrow definitely get a FRER.

Clomid actually extended my luteal phase by 2 days and AF arrived on 17 DPO... it came with a vengeance. I cramped so bad yesterday morning that at 5am I had to sit in a warm bath (that still didn't help with the pain :()

FX'd AF stays away!!!!
Thanks biotechick! I think I will get some FRER's on the way home from work today. Yeah, my OB said my cycle could be a day or two longer on Clomid, which kinda sucks if the BFN sticks, I would rather just get on with the next try ASAP! I am sorry to hear about your bad cramps, and the witch showing her face :(.
Good Luck justfluffy!!!

I need a little advice...I am so glad I have a place to go after doctor's business hours for a bit of insight!

I just realized tonight that I accidentally started my 100mg (doubled for this cycle) on day 4 instead of day 5. So today is day 8 and I took my last dose tonight. The Dr's office had my script all jacked up. They called it in but failed to call me to tell me they had called it in until the day I had to start taking it and I had to call them to find out what the heck was going on! (in hindsight it was the day before I had to start taking it). Then they only called in 50 mg even though I was supposed to be upped to the 100mg. So then they had to call in a 2nd script for more so I could take 2 per night. UGH. Anyways - on top of that my dr has advised we BD every other day starting day 7-19 (or until ovulation occurs) Well bc of my mix up we started BD'ing on day 6. So now we are on day 8 and I have taken my last dose of clomid and have BD days 6 and 8. So do I BD tomorrow then get back on our every other day from there...or just keep it like it is? any suggestions? and anyone know if its a HUGE deal to be off one day on the clomid start/cycle?
Good Luck justfluffy!!!

I need a little advice...I am so glad I have a place to go after doctor's business hours for a bit of insight!

I just realized tonight that I accidentally started my 100mg (doubled for this cycle) on day 4 instead of day 5. So today is day 8 and I took my last dose tonight. The Dr's office had my script all jacked up. They called it in but failed to call me to tell me they had called it in until the day I had to start taking it and I had to call them to find out what the heck was going on! (in hindsight it was the day before I had to start taking it). Then they only called in 50 mg even though I was supposed to be upped to the 100mg. So then they had to call in a 2nd script for more so I could take 2 per night. UGH. Anyways - on top of that my dr has advised we BD every other day starting day 7-19 (or until ovulation occurs) Well bc of my mix up we started BD'ing on day 6. So now we are on day 8 and I have taken my last dose of clomid and have BD days 6 and 8. So do I BD tomorrow then get back on our every other day from there...or just keep it like it is? any suggestions? and anyone know if its a HUGE deal to be off one day on the clomid start/cycle?


I dont know about others but I conceived the very first cycle of clomid and I :sex: everyday. Thats what my doctor insisted. I took clomid 50mg day 2-6. I started doing the deed from CD9 till CD 20. I guess I ovulated around CD10 or 11. As they say on clomid you can ovulate anytime from day 4(last dose of clomid) -day 10.
Well many would say doing every other day is ok ...But personally I knew when you are on medicated cycles then you should not leave anything to a chance. As clomid in itself is a strong medicine and idea of taking it for more than few cycles is anyways not recommended. So I'd say do it everyday if possible. I also used conceive plus. and yes my friend also conceived the very first cycle of clomid and she did everyday.
Sending lot of :dust: ur way
Well, looks like I am out. AF showed this morning. I had a major breakdown last night, just cried and cried. My poor DH had no idea what to do... Today I woke up to cramps and a light flow but enough for a tampon. Blah! Looks like I am CD1 today.

I am TOTALLY BDing every day CD 9-20 this cycle! I am also taking Clomid CD 3-7 this time. I read on a medical website that if you take Clomid CD 3-7 you have a better change of producing 2 follicles with eggs rather than one. Double the chances? Yes please!!!
Well 8 days later I finally called and insisted on talking to someone to get my labs back, looks like I still haven't ovulated. So onto the next cycle, provera then up to 100 mg of clomid and metformin. My body has to give sooner or later!! I'm ready to send some hate
Mail to the bc company!!! I have NEVER had problems with my cycles until I went off of bc.

I definetly don't understand Gods timing, bit who am I to argue with God?? He is te one in control!!

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