Starting clomid this month


Mother of 1 & pregnant
Oct 31, 2010
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So I have been following this site for almost a year now, but I never post anything! I decided to post tonight because I need some clues on what to expect in the next month!

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a year. I got off bcp May of last year and we figured that we would just :sex: a lot and let things happen, but it's now April and no signs of a baby yet! My periods have been EXTREMELY irregular the whole time I've been off bcp. My cycles range anywhere from 20-60 days!

I started seeing a fertility specialist in January and it turns out that I have some thryroid issues that we have been working on with meds and I also have PCOS. I am currently taking Provera to start AF and I have to call my doc when I start and he will call in a prescription for clomid to induce ovulation!

I am really excited to finally have a real chance to get pregnant, but I'm not sure what to expect at all!
Any ladies on Clomid that want to share their side effects with me? Should I expect results the first month or will it take a while?
I also started clomid this month for the first time! Its kind of scary and exciting at the same time! we have been TTC for a year now so i'm hoping this works! Good luck to you! Only side effect i have had so far is a slight headache and have been kinda moody but i can control it.
awww. good luck ladies! i've taken 3 cycles of clomid and right now i'm waiting on AF to show up to take a 4th cycle. this time i'll be on 100mg...before it was only 50mg...

i know this isn't my first time taking clomid but i thought i'd chime in.

it really depends on your body. the first month on clomid i didn't O the second month i did O..3rd month i didn't...

some get pregnant the first time on clomid so i guess its your body. i felt twinges from the time i started clomid til the day AF showed up when i ovulated that month, thats how i knew it was working and i felt absolutely nothing the months i didn't O.

FX good luck to you and i hope it doesn't take you guys that long to O and get your bfp!
Aw yay! I have read a few posts from others on Clomid that have said that they didn't O on 50 mg. I'm hoping that my doctor will just start me on 100mg!
Do you use charts or anything to see if you have O'd that month? I have used cheap OPKs before but never have O'd while using them.. I'm thinking about getting the digital one?
I also started clomid this month for the first time! Its kind of scary and exciting at the same time! we have been TTC for a year now so i'm hoping this works! Good luck to you! Only side effect i have had so far is a slight headache and have been kinda moody but i can control it.

Sounds like we are about the same! We have been TTC for about a year also. Good luck to you!
My doc has started me out on 100 mg CD 3-7. I'm on day 3 now. I used an OPK for the month of feb and march and got a positive reading on CD 17. I started getting ovulation pains in march of last year which were brutal but then turned into dull burning ache at ovulation a few months later. Doc thinks i'm not ovulating or not producing enough of the hormones
needed to sustain a fertilized egg. Hoping it works out for us all!
Oh, at first i used first response OPK but it was too confusing and i ended up taking way to many tests after O "just to make sure"! lol! Then i switched to the one that gives you the smiley face and I liked it better! I tested the day after I got my smiley face and it was gone so i felt better about that test.
I did use opk and temp'd to confirm the O as opk only tells you when its about to happen. I use first response and I like them. I've have mix feedback about the digital ones. Everyone says to use internet cheapies but I'm also not a big fan from ordering off the internet unless I know the company is legit. (Ebay and Amazon has too many people that I can't trust). I'm happy w my first response they just can get a lil expensive!
Which is the one with the smiley face? The ones that I have used is just a stick that will have a control line and then a faint line or dark line or whatever kind of line to tell you if you are about to ovulate. It seems to confuse me! I guess I never gave it a fair shot though because I haven't really ovulated since using them!
Clear Blue easy is the one with the smiley. It took all the guess work out of it and saved me some tests. I have one left that I can use this month..each stick comes wrapped individually so you dont have to hurry and use it that month or it goes bad like the first response i tried. It was the one with 20 or so tests. I didn't like seeing a faint line and wondering "is this it?" But mine eventually got darker than the control. I'm definitely sticking with clearblue opk for peace of mind. Hope you find one you like!
Good luck on your first Clomid cycle! I'm also currently taking Provera to start AF and will be taking Clomid once she arrives. This will be my fourth round.

My main side effects on Clomid are moodiness, headaches, and dizziness. Many women will swear by taking it at night so they will sleep through side effects, but I didn't really see a difference in between taking it in the morning vs. at night.

Some ladies do have success on their first month, but for others it takes a few cycles/higher dose. I have a friend who got pregnant on her first month of 50 mg; in my case, however, I didn't ov on either 50 or 100 mg and had to go up to 150 mg to see a response. Try not to get discouraged if it doesn't work right away, because you do still have hope!

I use opks to see when I'm about to ovulate, and then I have progesterone bloodwork done with my OB/GYN to confirm.

Again, GOOD LUCK! :hugs::dust:
good luck to you! I am not on clomid but stopped bc in april and am still TTC a year later with long cycles. I hope you get your BFP soon!!
Hi ladies

I am also starting Clomid this month I have been TTC for 4 years now and finally my obgyn decided to do tests and I am not ovulating.I had to lose 2stone in weight before my dr would prescribe me Clomid. I am visiting him again on Monday for Clomid and I will start this at my next AF which is due on 27th April. I'm thinking the same things what side effects if any will I get, will I OV quickly etc etc there is so many thoughts go through your mind.

Keep me updated with your journey x
Good luck on your first Clomid cycle! I'm also currently taking Provera to start AF and will be taking Clomid once she arrives. This will be my fourth round.

My main side effects on Clomid are moodiness, headaches, and dizziness. Many women will swear by taking it at night so they will sleep through side effects, but I didn't really see a difference in between taking it in the morning vs. at night.

Some ladies do have success on their first month, but for others it takes a few cycles/higher dose. I have a friend who got pregnant on her first month of 50 mg; in my case, however, I didn't ov on either 50 or 100 mg and had to go up to 150 mg to see a response. Try not to get discouraged if it doesn't work right away, because you do still have hope!

I use opks to see when I'm about to ovulate, and then I have progesterone bloodwork done with my OB/GYN to confirm.

Again, GOOD LUCK! :hugs::dust:

I think that I will have to try taking mine at night! I'm hoping that I will see some results this first round. Even just knowing that I have ovulated will be a huge success!
Now I just need stupid AF to start so I can begin my clomid journey! This is worse than 2ww because I already know that I'm not pregnant... it's just a waiting game for the ugly :witch: to show her face

I will keep everyone posted but make sure you keep me posted too! It's nice to be in this together!
So I have been following this site for almost a year now, but I never post anything! I decided to post tonight because I need some clues on what to expect in the next month!

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a year. I got off bcp May of last year and we figured that we would just :sex: a lot and let things happen, but it's now April and no signs of a baby yet! My periods have been EXTREMELY irregular the whole time I've been off bcp. My cycles range anywhere from 20-60 days!

I started seeing a fertility specialist in January and it turns out that I have some thryroid issues that we have been working on with meds and I also have PCOS. I am currently taking Provera to start AF and I have to call my doc when I start and he will call in a prescription for clomid to induce ovulation!

I am really excited to finally have a real chance to get pregnant, but I'm not sure what to expect at all!
Any ladies on Clomid that want to share their side effects with me? Should I expect results the first month or will it take a while?

I had none! Good luck!
Hi everyone!

Sarah, my story is very similar to yours! I went off BC in May of last year and my cycles started getting super irregular at the end of last year, ranging from 32 days to my current cycle of 61 days and counting!! Did a PCOS panel in Feb and came back with high testosterone but thyroid was okay...recommended ovulation induction in March.

I saw my infertility coordinator on Mon the 28th and she said from the ultrasound it looked like I may have actually ovulated, though I'm not really sure when because it's kinda hard to stay motivated on monitoring temp, CM, etc. when your cycle just drags on forever!

So anyway, she wouldn't give me Provera because she didn't want to rule out a pregnancy, so I'm supposed to call if AF starts and she'll call in my Clomid at 50mg. I have another appointment next Monday, on the 11th, so if I haven't started by then I'll get Provera to get things moving. (unless I'm pregnant, which I doubt, and I don't want to test because I don't want to be disappointed!)

So same as you, just waiting for AF to show! I'm super excited to start Clomid and have regular, short, ovulatory cycles. (I would also be THRILLED with twins!) Here's hoping we all have good experiences and BFPs very soon!
Sarah if you dont mind me asking what were your thyroid problems?

Gl with everything, im going to the 1st doc appointment on thursday
Hi everyone!

Sarah, my story is very similar to yours! I went off BC in May of last year and my cycles started getting super irregular at the end of last year, ranging from 32 days to my current cycle of 61 days and counting!! Did a PCOS panel in Feb and came back with high testosterone but thyroid was okay...recommended ovulation induction in March.

I saw my infertility coordinator on Mon the 28th and she said from the ultrasound it looked like I may have actually ovulated, though I'm not really sure when because it's kinda hard to stay motivated on monitoring temp, CM, etc. when your cycle just drags on forever!

So anyway, she wouldn't give me Provera because she didn't want to rule out a pregnancy, so I'm supposed to call if AF starts and she'll call in my Clomid at 50mg. I have another appointment next Monday, on the 11th, so if I haven't started by then I'll get Provera to get things moving. (unless I'm pregnant, which I doubt, and I don't want to test because I don't want to be disappointed!)

So same as you, just waiting for AF to show! I'm super excited to start Clomid and have regular, short, ovulatory cycles. (I would also be THRILLED with twins!) Here's hoping we all have good experiences and BFPs very soon!

Oh that's so exciting! We will be on this journey at the same time! The fact that the doctor was going to start me on clomid this month was a total shock. He did some bloodwork thinking that maybe I had some kind of glucose problem and maybe that was the reason for my irregular periods and such, and he said that if it was glucose and insulin resistance then he would just put me on a strict diet and moniter my cycles over the next three months... but when I went in for my appointment last week he said that my levels were pretty normal and we were going to start treatment right away!
I should be starting AF around the end of next week. Maybe our clomid cycles will be in sync!
Sarah if you dont mind me asking what were your thyroid problems?

Gl with everything, im going to the 1st doc appointment on thursday

Hi! No I don't mind..
Well I recently moved so I started seeing a new primary care physician in January. I told her about my periods being really irregular and how it's been making TTC very difficult for my husband and I. She felt my throat and told me that my thyroid was enlarged and that if my thryoid hormones were unbalanced that could explain my irregularity as well as my severe acne. (I had been experiencing really bad acne since stopping BCP last year.)
She sent me for testing and it turns out that I have hypothyroidism. Basically, my thyroid isn't producing enough of the hormone that it is supposed to. She prescribed me 50mcg of Synthroid and my face instantly cleared up. My skin hasn't been this beautiful since high school! I have only been taking it for a month and thus far is hasn't helped with the periods (haven't really given it enough time), but i guess it doesn't matter because my fertility doctor is getting things started with provera and clomid anyway.
Good luck on your first Clomid cycle! I'm also currently taking Provera to start AF and will be taking Clomid once she arrives. This will be my fourth round.

My main side effects on Clomid are moodiness, headaches, and dizziness. Many women will swear by taking it at night so they will sleep through side effects, but I didn't really see a difference in between taking it in the morning vs. at night.

Some ladies do have success on their first month, but for others it takes a few cycles/higher dose. I have a friend who got pregnant on her first month of 50 mg; in my case, however, I didn't ov on either 50 or 100 mg and had to go up to 150 mg to see a response. Try not to get discouraged if it doesn't work right away, because you do still have hope!

I use opks to see when I'm about to ovulate, and then I have progesterone bloodwork done with my OB/GYN to confirm.

Again, GOOD LUCK! :hugs::dust:

I think that I will have to try taking mine at night! I'm hoping that I will see some results this first round. Even just knowing that I have ovulated will be a huge success!
Now I just need stupid AF to start so I can begin my clomid journey! This is worse than 2ww because I already know that I'm not pregnant... it's just a waiting game for the ugly :witch: to show her face

I will keep everyone posted but make sure you keep me posted too! It's nice to be in this together!

I agree- I hate taking Provera and waiting for AF to show her face!! It seems to take forever!! How many days are you taking Provera?

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