Starting clomid!

thanks lillrojo but DH didn't want to have any part of it. He knew he had to get up at 4 am and went straight to bed. He did make me so mad though. He had to stop by the grocery and get stuff to take to work today and he waited until after 8 pm to go so of course by the time we got home it was around 10 am and it was too late. Oh well, I will try again tonight.
So I am on day 15 of my cycle after taking Clomid 150mgs days 5-9. What does ovulation feel like? I had some weird pain/pressure/burning in both my left and right sides. I am using opk's but my line doesn't match the color of the control line. Unsure about what I am feeling and wether the opk's are working correctly for me...
its different for everyone. I was feeling and do feel the same thing like you even before I get my positive OPK but it's usually within 1-3 days after that I get my +OPK. I use the clear blue digital ones so it just shows the smiley faces but they are a bit more expensive than the regular kind. I just never could read those others right.
Alli I have that build up of pressure until the day after my second peak on the cbfm. I have felt the actual ov but the pressure is gone usually in the morning.
Hi ladies,

I've been stalking this thread for a few weeks. I took my first round of clomid 50mg days 2-6 and then had my tracking scan on Friday (day 10). I had one big follicle (22mm) on my left ovary and none on my right. Was told to get bding so we intend to every day over this week. I am using cbfm and I am cd12 today but no peak yet. Does anyone else use cbfm and find it accurate? The nurse said I should O over the weekend so to do bloods a week on Monday but I think it might need to be a week on Tuesday if not the Wednesday at this rate since it needs to be 7 days after O.

Definitely not feeling calm about the whole thing which doesn't help! Only got one pack of sticks left for cbfm so won't be using it again if we need to next month!

Any advice would be appreciated! :)
Jodspods I use cbfm and it seems to be accurate like I said above. Mine goes straight into highs on cd6 (it didn't before I was on clomid-I used to have a few lows) then the pressure builds and I have 2 peaks and its gone so I take the high after as 1dpo. Also clomid pushed my ov back from cd9 without to around day 12 with. So it may be that u ov a little later than usual. Good luck.x
Am so pleased I have taken my last lot of clomid before seeing the fert consultant. I hate taking pills and have got bad back ache this cycle. Has any one else experienced really short afs since taking clomid? Mine are now less than 2 days.x
Yea mine are worse in the way that they feel. I do have horrible painful Af's but since taking clomid they are more terrible and they are only lasting around 2-3 days which is very weird because it was nothing for me to go near a week or at least have the AF discharge after my regular AF. I am not sure if that is common but it sure has happen to me too. Maybe some of the other ladies will comment as well. I am sure as long as we are having regular AF's we are okay though.
I think you should talk to your dr about your afs.. I think that means your lining is too thin.. maybe you should ask about femara :)
My opk's yesterday and today have been identical but still pink, not purple. Since they have seemed to have hit a plateau, is this my positive opk? I am not temping.
Lilrojo thats what I'm worried about too. I had a couple of short afs after my mmc but the last couple before clomid were getting back to 3-4 days. I have started taking baby aspirin as I heard that helps with lining.
Finally got my cd21 prog test back for last month. It was 89.31 so up on the 57 from the prev month. However still no baby! At least its a good number and going up. The fert doc only said to do 2 cd21 tests so won't know this months levels.
i haven't heard the baby aspirin thing nessaw but will look into that today. thanks for posting. I hope our lining isn't too thin. too many other things to worry about than the lining but i'm not taking clomid anymore anyways. I have the prescriptions but just don't want to take for awhile.
I know what u mean. The only reason I took it this month was I agreed 3 cycles with the fert specialist before going back at the start of may. I have more clomid that I could take when/if af shows at end of apr but am not going to. Although it clearly gives me strong ov I don't like the effects and I've been relatively lucky compared to some I've read about.

The baby aspirin is meant to improve blood flow to the uterus and aid implantation. From what I've read some fert docs recommend and some don't. It seems to be recommended for ttc after mc. The way I see it is its such a low dose that it can't hurt. Not that I'm a doctor or telling anyone to take it.
I know what u mean. The only reason I took it this month was I agreed 3 cycles with the fert specialist before going back at the start of may. I have more clomid that I could take when/if af shows at end of apr but am not going to. Although it clearly gives me strong ov I don't like the effects and I've been relatively lucky compared to some I've read about.

The baby aspirin is meant to improve blood flow to the uterus and aid implantation. From what I've read some fert docs recommend and some don't. It seems to be recommended for ttc after mc. The way I see it is its such a low dose that it can't hurt. Not that I'm a doctor or telling anyone to take it.

Nessaw meant to say earlier that is great news on your progesterone. I still haven't had the 21 day bloods yet and no specialist for me because as I think I have mentioned before we are active duty and have to see the military docs on base. They really do not know what they are doing. I'll just go along with it though. So, I don't think I know why you are on clomid. Do you have PCOS, ovulation problems or what? I was put on it to hopefully make my O stronger. When I did start clomid they did some initial testing with my FSH, LH and something else and everything came back great but I haven't had any 21 day labs to see if I am ovulating or not. I was getting the +OPK and even this month when I didn't even take it. I am thinking my issue is because of the endometriosis and not ovulation problems. I still may try the baby aspirin thing next cycle. It is good for your heart too I've heard.
My opk's yesterday and today have been identical but still pink, not purple. Since they have seemed to have hit a plateau, is this my positive opk? I am not temping.

I agree with lillrojo, post some pics. I usually keep my OPK's just to compare and it's helpful if you can't read or really determine to get another eye!
I am on it to regulate my cycles. When I first wemt to the gp to start investigating after 6months ttc my cd21 tests came back below 20 (30 is the minimum for ov). Eventually worked out that I ov early around cd9 hence why the levels were low. My cycles were also different lengths each months-22,27,24 days etc. The clomid has pushed the ov back to cd12/13 and noth months have been 26 days long. Hopefully those effects will last after I stop taking it.
My cycles usually are within a 4 day range of each other used to be clock work at CD29 starting a new cycle. Now it is around 31, 32, 33 or sometimes 34 days. I have a luteal phase lately of 17 days and I have looked on line and this seems to be okay, just means I O later. I am finding by using my OPK's that I O around CD15-17. that time changes obviously by how long my cycles are. It's so crazy how our bodies work. Maybe the clomid is what you needed naturally to get your body into gear. Mine still seems to be working fine since I didn't take it. I guess I will know more when my AF comes again this month. See how my cycle is with round 2 of no clomid. that's early to ovulate but you have short cycles so that would be right. Did your GYN say anything about your periods being that length?

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