Starting clomid!

My opk's yesterday and today have been identical but still pink, not purple. Since they have seemed to have hit a plateau, is this my positive opk? I am not temping.

I agree with lillrojo, post some pics. I usually keep my OPK's just to compare and it's helpful if you can't read or really determine to get another eye!

How do I post a pic? I have the pic I want to show on my desktop but can't get it on here... It wants a URL...
Go to go advanced post.. then use the paperclip :)

Result was the same 2 days in a row. Used 2 tests each time to be sure they were working correctly and if they all showed the same result, which they did... This particular one was yesterday afternoon taken at about 4pm. Also had what I thought to be ovulation pains (pressure, burning) the past 2 days consistantly and on and off today. Hubby and I have been BDing every other day starting on April 2nd (day 11) after Clomid 150mgs days 5-9 ( March 27th- 31).
looking at the one picture i can see, it doesn't look darker than the control line which is the top line nearest the thumb part. Sorry.
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Result was the same 2 days in a row. Used 2 tests each time to be sure they were working correctly and if they all showed the same result, which they did... This particular one was yesterday afternoon taken at about 4pm. Also had what I thought to be ovulation pains (pressure, burning) the past 2 days consistantly and on and off today. Hubby and I have been BDing every other day starting on April 2nd (day 11) after Clomid 150mgs days 5-9 ( March 27th- 31).

Hi Allicat, is the line o the right the test line? If so, I would say it's a negative as the test line should be as dark or darker than the control line :shrug: What cd are you? I would keep testing and keep bd'ing every other day that way your covered regardless :hugs:
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Result was the same 2 days in a row. Used 2 tests each time to be sure they were working correctly and if they all showed the same result, which they did... This particular one was yesterday afternoon taken at about 4pm. Also had what I thought to be ovulation pains (pressure, burning) the past 2 days consistantly and on and off today. Hubby and I have been BDing every other day starting on April 2nd (day 11) after Clomid 150mgs days 5-9 ( March 27th- 31).

Hi Allicat, is the line o the right the test line? If so, I would say it's a negative as the test line should be as dark or darker than the control line :shrug: What cd are you? I would keep testing and keep bd'ing every other day that way your covered regardless :hugs:

CD meaning cycle day...? If so 18.
Yes, CD meaning cycle day. I would say you probably haven't had your surge yet :shrug: Are you testing twice a day - some people have a sharp surge, while some have a more gradual....
Tundra I haven't seen the fert consultant since she put me on the clomid so haven't been able to discuss the 2 day periods. Have got an appt at the start of may. She said the next step would be ivf.
Hmm I would that is negative as well.. the test line has to be as dark or darker than the control line.. hugs Ali keep testing :)
Tundra I haven't seen the fert consultant since she put me on the clomid so haven't been able to discuss the 2 day periods. Have got an appt at the start of may. She said the next step would be ivf.

Well May is steadily approaching!! It will be here before you know it. Yea, I started googling all kinds of crap yesterday while I was sitting idle at my desk. I even checked what the average age for menopause is lol. That lead me to some articles that the older you get the shorter your periods are then that made me feel a little better. I have noticed the older I get the shorter mine are in the length that I am on AF but not the length of my entire cycle if that makes sense and thinking back to several years ago perhaps I was around 33-35 years old I was at my gyn and he told me that would happen so I won't be too alarmed. I am sure that the clomid does have the side affect of thining our lining but I know that doesn't happen to everyone because I did ask. Hopefully that is your case too! I'm not taking it anymore well at least not for a long while. I have given myself until August (my 40th) and then decide. blah blah

How are you feeling today?
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Result was the same 2 days in a row. Used 2 tests each time to be sure they were working correctly and if they all showed the same result, which they did... This particular one was yesterday afternoon taken at about 4pm. Also had what I thought to be ovulation pains (pressure, burning) the past 2 days consistantly and on and off today. Hubby and I have been BDing every other day starting on April 2nd (day 11) after Clomid 150mgs days 5-9 ( March 27th- 31).

Hi Allicat, is the line o the right the test line? If so, I would say it's a negative as the test line should be as dark or darker than the control line :shrug: What cd are you? I would keep testing and keep bd'ing every other day that way your covered regardless :hugs:

CD meaning cycle day...? If so 18.

allicat- how long are your cycles usually? Years ago when I was a little younger and ttc my cycles were longer around 33-34 days and I was bd'ing all the time thinking I was ovulating around cycle day 14-16 but it wasn't. In fact I was actually O'ing around CD21-22. I did conceive at that time. Hope that helps. Maybe next time you could try a digital OPK because it takes the guess work out of reading it. Just remember, that bottom line needs to be as dark or darker than the actual control line. I also googled what positive opk's look like with the brand I was using before I started using the digital ones. For example, I was using first response becuase that's what my doctor recommmended and I couldn't figure it out so I went online and did a of positive OPKs or something like that and you can see several examples. I also went on the OPK website itself and they had a ton of different examples. It just made it easier.

Hope that helps a little bit. Don't get discouraged.
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Result was the same 2 days in a row. Used 2 tests each time to be sure they were working correctly and if they all showed the same result, which they did... This particular one was yesterday afternoon taken at about 4pm. Also had what I thought to be ovulation pains (pressure, burning) the past 2 days consistantly and on and off today. Hubby and I have been BDing every other day starting on April 2nd (day 11) after Clomid 150mgs days 5-9 ( March 27th- 31).

Hi Allicat, is the line o the right the test line? If so, I would say it's a negative as the test line should be as dark or darker than the control line :shrug: What cd are you? I would keep testing and keep bd'ing every other day that way your covered regardless :hugs:

CD meaning cycle day...? If so 18.

allicat- how long are your cycles usually? Years ago when I was a little younger and ttc my cycles were longer around 33-34 days and I was bd'ing all the time thinking I was ovulating around cycle day 14-16 but it wasn't. In fact I was actually O'ing around CD21-22. I did conceive at that time. Hope that helps. Maybe next time you could try a digital OPK because it takes the guess work out of reading it. Just remember, that bottom line needs to be as dark or darker than the actual control line. I also googled what positive opk's look like with the brand I was using before I started using the digital ones. For example, I was using first response becuase that's what my doctor recommmended and I couldn't figure it out so I went online and did a of positive OPKs or something like that and you can see several examples. I also went on the OPK website itself and they had a ton of different examples. It just made it easier.

Hope that helps a little bit. Don't get discouraged.

After I stopped taking the pill AF came like clockwork every month on the 16th +/- a day or 2. My first round of Clomid was 100mgs 5-9 (Feb 20-24) and my period came on the 23 of March. This cycle I was on 150mgs Clomid days 5-9 (March 27-31). So I am not quite sure when AF will come this time... I have experienced a pressure/burning/stinging in both of my ovaries or what I think to be the ovary area the 5-6 which were days 14-16th of this cycle, but I don't know what to think...

I am getting extremely discouraged and so is hubby.
so today you are on cycle 18. Are you testing today? As someone mentioned earlier, I think you should test 2 or 3 times. I was testing way too early into the day and was getting what I thought was positives but learned that we always have an amount of LH in our system. That's the hormone that increases around ovulation then drops back down. Anyways, I started testing mid morning around 10 am again around 2 pm and then again at 6-7 pm. It ended up being better for me. Perhaps you should test again and take a photo of your tests today and post for us. We can all help you figure out. It has also been my experience and many of these other ladies too that our O day got pushed up or back depending on the length of our cycles. If this is your 2nd cycle maybe you are gearing up for what will be your normal O day on clomid. I would just keep testing and like I said, post those pics and we will help. We all understand the frustrations. I do have a ???? for you though. Why are you on clomid? Do you not have regular cycles or something or were you not ovulating? Just trying to understand see if we can help you with what we all have gone through.
Oh and do you still have the tests you took on the earlier days of your cycle for this month? Perhaps you can take a pic of them all and let us see. I always save mine until AF comes and then ditch them. It helps compare if I was confused.
so today you are on cycle 18. Are you testing today? As someone mentioned earlier, I think you should test 2 or 3 times. I was testing way too early into the day and was getting what I thought was positives but learned that we always have an amount of LH in our system. That's the hormone that increases around ovulation then drops back down. Anyways, I started testing mid morning around 10 am again around 2 pm and then again at 6-7 pm. It ended up being better for me. Perhaps you should test again and take a photo of your tests today and post for us. We can all help you figure out. It has also been my experience and many of these other ladies too that our O day got pushed up or back depending on the length of our cycles. If this is your 2nd cycle maybe you are gearing up for what will be your normal O day on clomid. I would just keep testing and like I said, post those pics and we will help. We all understand the frustrations. I do have a ???? for you though. Why are you on clomid? Do you not have regular cycles or something or were you not ovulating? Just trying to understand see if we can help you with what we all have gone through.

I am on CD 19. I am going to take another test now and I will post the pics as soon as I can. I was keeping them and then hubby threw them away not knowing I was keeping them. I have low progesterone and so do not ovulate every month. My first level was 1.1 so I went on my first round, after my first round at 100mgs I was only at 1.2. Go in for bloodwork on Friday. I appreciate the help.
okay, well we will be looking for your photo! I think from what my doctor told me that the clomid can help with your progesterone. Hoping good things for you!
Hello everyone and it has been a while! I, unfortunately, did not ovulate even though I got a positive opk but body said no :cry: (3rd cycle of clomid 5-9 100 mg) I am only on CD 2 and my doctor wants me to do another 5-9 at 100 least that cycle is over and can look forward to another, hopefully positive, cycle! :hugs: to everyone!
Sorry to hear faither... hope this cycle works for you :)

I have been spotting on and off since Saturday.. dr thinks its due to the progesterone suppositories.. have a us in 13 days.. fxed


Top test is from Monday, April 8th at about 3:30pm and test on the bottom is from today Wednesday, April 10. It is definitely darker but dark enough? Another photo of todays as well, better view. Won't be able to test 2morrow as I work 9-5 and apparently I need to test at around 2pm...


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They are def getting darker.. you cant sneak it in a work lol.. I often sneak in mine when I can.. even if im out.. I would always test 3 times a day..between 10am-6pm.. ish.. lol

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