Starting clomid!

Agreed with the other ladies alliecat- i got lucky because i got my +opk on April 4 so prolly O'd around the 5th or 6th and I went yesterday for my progesterone so they should be able to tell with mine. Don't you think Nessaw?
That sounds like you shd be fine tundra. I did cd21 for first two cycles and I got my peaks cd13 ish so my bloods were ok. Fert consultant only said to do first two months to check ov. She was very certain that the clomid would regulate the cycle so that cd21 would be the right day and I was sceptical but she was right. Should be oving this weekend so hopefully back pain will be gone soon.
well get in your BD'ing Nessaw!! Thanks for the advice/response. I am hoping to hear my results from the blood test this time next week and also my ultra sound too. The one I am more nervous about is to see if I still have an egg reserve. I can't remember the name of that test but I think it is this one antimullerian hormone. I just googled it and it seems right. I am not sure how a blood test can tell you if you have eggs but we shall see.
Yup the amh level is egg reserve. I don't know how they work that one out either! Maybe a different hormone level?
well the dr said it would take about a week for that one to come back and maybe a few days for the progesterone so I will call end of next week and see if they both are back.
I had the AMH test as well - came back on the lower side of normal range. Good luck with your test results :hugs:
I had the AMH test as well - came back on the lower side of normal range. Good luck with your test results :hugs:

so in other words, what does your result mean? what did they recommend for you? Still gave you some hope?
Hello everyone and it has been a while! I, unfortunately, did not ovulate even though I got a positive opk but body said no :cry: (3rd cycle of clomid 5-9 100 mg) I am only on CD 2 and my doctor wants me to do another 5-9 at 100 least that cycle is over and can look forward to another, hopefully positive, cycle! :hugs: to everyone!

Oh faither--so sorry hun! :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you. I did notice you have been MIA for a bit. I'm glad you are back. Did you do bloods to confirm you didn't O? Did your dr say why you got the +opk but didn't O? Egg didn't release? Do you have PCOS, low progesterone or anything like that?

that was my 3rd cycle of clomid so didn't do any P4 tests...only did it the first 2 months...not sure what happened..thinking it was the DHEA that i took for 5 days...thats the only thing I have done different. I have a unique situation..let me explain..I had a tubal litigation after my last was born 18 years ago..August of 2012, my hubby and I traveled to Kentucky (from Montana) to get a reversal done!! We were pretty excited! The first of December, I had a chemical (I was only pregnant for about a week). Anyway, my doctor is in Kentucky and I do have an ob/gyn here but she isn't to keen on working 2nd hand with my primary dr in Kentucky so I am pretty much unmonitored but I trust him and if I want anything, I just call my dr here and she basically does what I want..I am giving clomid a few more months and then doing all the bloodwork again (since it has been a year)...whew..sorry so long! I do appreciate everyone on here, it has helped alot and I don't feel so alone! :hugs: to everyone!!!
I had the AMH test as well - came back on the lower side of normal range. Good luck with your test results :hugs:

so in other words, what does your result mean? what did they recommend for you? Still gave you some hope?

Absolutely still hope! Although low, the results were still within normal range. The OB said I was probably just not one of those women who was going to go on to have kids into my 40's (I am 35 now, so hopefully done by then in any case!). I also researched low AMH a fair bit on the net and even with a really low AMH outside of normal range many, many women conceive (so in other words low AMH is not by any means a deal breaker!). My main issue is not low AMH but some hormonal imbalances and a scar on my uterine cavity.
Well ladies from the pain I had on sat night I reckon I must have popped out at least 20 eggs!! (well def more than 1!) One of them must fertilise surely!
Well ladies from the pain I had on sat night I reckon I must have popped out at least 20 eggs!! (well def more than 1!) One of them must fertilise surely!

Bring it on! :happydance:

Btw, is that to be expected - to feel more discomfort/ pain around O time with clomid?
So... I am worried how they are going to handle my day 21 Progesterone blood work as opk's told me I ovulated on day 21/22. I told them this and they didn't respond. What should I expect my results to be and how should I handle it when they want to call in another Clomid round? I kind of just want to show up there a week from my O date for another blood draw with correct results.
Hello everyone and it has been a while! I, unfortunately, did not ovulate even though I got a positive opk but body said no :cry: (3rd cycle of clomid 5-9 100 mg) I am only on CD 2 and my doctor wants me to do another 5-9 at 100 least that cycle is over and can look forward to another, hopefully positive, cycle! :hugs: to everyone!

Oh faither--so sorry hun! :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you. I did notice you have been MIA for a bit. I'm glad you are back. Did you do bloods to confirm you didn't O? Did your dr say why you got the +opk but didn't O? Egg didn't release? Do you have PCOS, low progesterone or anything like that?

that was my 3rd cycle of clomid so didn't do any P4 tests...only did it the first 2 months...not sure what happened..thinking it was the DHEA that i took for 5 days...thats the only thing I have done different. I have a unique situation..let me explain..I had a tubal litigation after my last was born 18 years ago..August of 2012, my hubby and I traveled to Kentucky (from Montana) to get a reversal done!! We were pretty excited! The first of December, I had a chemical (I was only pregnant for about a week). Anyway, my doctor is in Kentucky and I do have an ob/gyn here but she isn't to keen on working 2nd hand with my primary dr in Kentucky so I am pretty much unmonitored but I trust him and if I want anything, I just call my dr here and she basically does what I want..I am giving clomid a few more months and then doing all the bloodwork again (since it has been a year)...whew..sorry so long! I do appreciate everyone on here, it has helped alot and I don't feel so alone! :hugs: to everyone!!!

that's okay I LOVE long stories lol. Don't give up. I am 40 years old and a friend that i went to HS had the same situation. She had kids very young so when she was old enough to tie her tubes she did it. But about 4-5 years ago she had a reversal and they started trying. She is not pregnant. Now her story is a little differnt because she had that AMH done and they told her she had little egg reserves to work with but it doesn't matter---she is expecting and is very healthy!! She's going on 42 years old this year in July. Keep the faith Faither!! :hugs::hugs:
So... I am worried how they are going to handle my day 21 Progesterone blood work as opk's told me I ovulated on day 21/22. I told them this and they didn't respond. What should I expect my results to be and how should I handle it when they want to call in another Clomid round? I kind of just want to show up there a week from my O date for another blood draw with correct results.

hey allicat! I am thinking from what my doc has told me in the past. If they want to adjust your ovulation they usually give you clomid to make O stronger and for those who have O issues it can jump start it. Maybe they are just checking it now to see what it is but then they will check again once you have another round of clomid to see where it is at your next CD21. I know that sounds crazy but I know for me and many other women clomid can change your O day. Maybe they are wanting you to O earlier. I am sure they will recheck your progesterone this cycle too. I would try to call them and ask could you come in and recheck it 7 days from the day you said you got your +OPK that should be very very soon for you. I mean you are paying for the test, not them. I would insist on it. I told my doc that I will not take clomid again unless I know for sure that I am responding to it. :hugs:
nessaw--take that as a good sign!! hope you BD'd over the weekend!
So... I am worried how they are going to handle my day 21 Progesterone blood work as opk's told me I ovulated on day 21/22. I told them this and they didn't respond. What should I expect my results to be and how should I handle it when they want to call in another Clomid round? I kind of just want to show up there a week from my O date for another blood draw with correct results.

hey allicat! I am thinking from what my doc has told me in the past. If they want to adjust your ovulation they usually give you clomid to make O stronger and for those who have O issues it can jump start it. Maybe they are just checking it now to see what it is but then they will check again once you have another round of clomid to see where it is at your next CD21. I know that sounds crazy but I know for me and many other women clomid can change your O day. Maybe they are wanting you to O earlier. I am sure they will recheck your progesterone this cycle too. I would try to call them and ask could you come in and recheck it 7 days from the day you said you got your +OPK that should be very very soon for you. I mean you are paying for the test, not them. I would insist on it. I told my doc that I will not take clomid again unless I know for sure that I am responding to it. :hugs:

I really want to go in again and get tested on the right day. I have been exhausted and went to sleep before my husband all weekend and fell asleep last night before he left for work which I never do, I was kinda nauseas last night after dinner, very gassy, and my nipples are very sensitive hubby like to play with them, and am constantly having to pee even if I haven't had anything to drink. It will be a week since O on the 18/19.
Alli I agree with tundra. Def go back in.

Peanut I have had a build up of pressure but nothing like what happened on sat. Pain up my back and huge pressure in the pelvic area. I was v close to calling a doc.

Tundra I couldn't even think about bding on sat night but the pain eased sun am and we dtd-gently!!! We also got some troops up there thurs and fri night so think we're covered. Doing it again tonight as the last few cycles we've missed post ov for one reason or another.
So... I am worried how they are going to handle my day 21 Progesterone blood work as opk's told me I ovulated on day 21/22. I told them this and they didn't respond. What should I expect my results to be and how should I handle it when they want to call in another Clomid round? I kind of just want to show up there a week from my O date for another blood draw with correct results.

hey allicat! I am thinking from what my doc has told me in the past. If they want to adjust your ovulation they usually give you clomid to make O stronger and for those who have O issues it can jump start it. Maybe they are just checking it now to see what it is but then they will check again once you have another round of clomid to see where it is at your next CD21. I know that sounds crazy but I know for me and many other women clomid can change your O day. Maybe they are wanting you to O earlier. I am sure they will recheck your progesterone this cycle too. I would try to call them and ask could you come in and recheck it 7 days from the day you said you got your +OPK that should be very very soon for you. I mean you are paying for the test, not them. I would insist on it. I told my doc that I will not take clomid again unless I know for sure that I am responding to it. :hugs:

I really want to go in again and get tested on the right day. I have been exhausted and went to sleep before my husband all weekend and fell asleep last night before he left for work which I never do, I was kinda nauseas last night after dinner, very gassy, and my nipples are very sensitive hubby like to play with them, and am constantly having to pee even if I haven't had anything to drink. It will be a week since O on the 18/19.

well darling, i would be calling that dr and tell them you want to be tested at the right time and you will not feel comfortable unless they can give you an explained good answer as to why the test results will be accurate when you had them! those symptoms sound really good that you had over the weekend. I felt nausea on Saturday and ended up throwing up once that evening. I felt weird yesterday but I tested BFN all weekend. I think I am 10 or 11DPO today. I can't wait to get my progesterone results back this week. It will at least tell me if I o'd. Hopefully your doc will let you come bakc this week! :hugs:
Allicat, I had a range of tests done (LH, progesterone, thyroid etc) on the wrong days because we were assuming my regular cycle of 33-34 days. Turns out the cycle I did all my tests lasted for a whopping 42 days (which I have never had before). This basically put all my results out and will need to be retested. Definitely push to have the tests done on the right days :thumbup:

Hopefully you won't need these results soon enough anyway :winkwink:

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