Starting clomid!

Good luck to you ladies :)

thanks! How are you feeling these days? Any symptoms you care to share? When did you say you got your BFP? How many dpo were you and how long is your luteal phase? I am tormenting myself this cycle and I can't understand why!
Well I got my bfp at 8dpo.. confirmed by a digi at 9dpo.. 10 dpo bloods were done and started progesterone suppositories and 13dpo I started spotting.. have been spotting ever since.. my lp has only ever been 9 days..

symptoms come and go.. tired, hungry, peeing all the time, on and off nausea, boobs hurt..

The most constant are tired and peeing all the time..

I have my scan next Tuesday the 23rd and hoping to see the cause of my spotting.. (as long as I make it)
Good luck Lilrojo, sounds promising in terms of symptoms and getting a + digi so early :flower:
Well I got my bfp at 8dpo.. confirmed by a digi at 9dpo.. 10 dpo bloods were done and started progesterone suppositories and 13dpo I started spotting.. have been spotting ever since.. my lp has only ever been 9 days..

symptoms come and go.. tired, hungry, peeing all the time, on and off nausea, boobs hurt..

The most constant are tired and peeing all the time..

I have my scan next Tuesday the 23rd and hoping to see the cause of my spotting.. (as long as I make it)

Those symptoms sounds great! I'm sad thinking I am out. I mean you got your positive so early. I haven't tried a digi yet and I don't know who sensitive they are. I have been using the First Response Early ones. So why are you on the progesterone cream? is it because of your lp length? I know everything will be fine! I'm excited for you to see your little bean next week. :hugs:
Im im progesterone suppositories.. they are a waxy bullet shaped progesterone that I put in vaginally.. :p I am on it because of my 2 mc's.. dr never figured out what caused them and I was on it with my son and it helped with him.. so more a preventative measure..

Happy to have so much support.. because im certainly worried but hopeful.
lillrojo-- I will def keep you in my prayers. I couldn't imagine going through that. I can see now using it as a preventative. Was just curious why you had to use them. Too bad your doc did not want to push your ultrasound up sooner. I am so impatient sometimes. Do you have any cramping or did you? I mean you hear some ladies talk about implantation cramping etc or did you just decide to test because you knew you were ttc?
Just heard from my doctor. My April 12th (Day 21) Progestrone level was a 12.1! How is that possible if the opk's said I ovulated day 21/22? Was the opk wrong? When did I ovulate?
Thanks tundra.. means a lot..

I tested because we were ttc and I knew my lp was only ever 9 days.. so thought I may as well test.. and got a pos at 8dpo and a clear pos and digi pos at 9dpo.. the suppositories can irritate the cervix so hoping its just that and nothing else
Just heard from my doctor. My April 12th (Day 21) Progestrone level was a 12.1! How is that possible if the opk's said I ovulated day 21/22? Was the opk wrong? When did I ovulate?

prolly because you were gearing up to O? I mean you said you had the blood test on CD21 but you o'd on 21 or 22? Your body starts building up i think but I could also be 100% wrong on that one. What did your doc say? Did they say you o'd did they say you can come back? What?
Just heard from my doctor. My April 12th (Day 21) Progestrone level was a 12.1! How is that possible if the opk's said I ovulated day 21/22? Was the opk wrong? When did I ovulate?

prolly because you were gearing up to O? I mean you said you had the blood test on CD21 but you o'd on 21 or 22? Your body starts building up i think but I could also be 100% wrong on that one. What did your doc say? Did they say you o'd did they say you can come back? What?

I had contacted them asking for my results and when they got back to me they said I had ovulated and progesterone level was at 12.1 and said there was no need to come back in this cycle. They also didn't prescribe anymore Clomid unlike last time when my level was a 1.2 and didn't ovulate they prescribed it over the phone. Guess I just have to wait to test, but when?
Just heard from my doctor. My April 12th (Day 21) Progestrone level was a 12.1! How is that possible if the opk's said I ovulated day 21/22? Was the opk wrong? When did I ovulate?

prolly because you were gearing up to O? I mean you said you had the blood test on CD21 but you o'd on 21 or 22? Your body starts building up i think but I could also be 100% wrong on that one. What did your doc say? Did they say you o'd did they say you can come back? What?

I had contacted them asking for my results and when they got back to me they said I had ovulated and progesterone level was at 12.1 and said there was no need to come back in this cycle. They also didn't prescribe anymore Clomid unlike last time when my level was a 1.2 and didn't ovulate they prescribed it over the phone. Guess I just have to wait to test, but when?

I don't think I like your doctor lol. I mean if your level was 1.2 maybe they prescribed clomid to get your level up but usually when they prescribe and clomid works as it did with you obviously because you had an increase in progesterone that just means it worked and they keep you on that for a few months. That's just all odd to me. Maybe some of the other ladies can help. I am lost. :wacko::wacko:

I would def want to have sit down with my doc and say I took the OPK's and was positive on XXX day and you had me come in but my results are XXXX? What? This doesn't not make any sense.
Just heard from my doctor. My April 12th (Day 21) Progestrone level was a 12.1! How is that possible if the opk's said I ovulated day 21/22? Was the opk wrong? When did I ovulate?

prolly because you were gearing up to O? I mean you said you had the blood test on CD21 but you o'd on 21 or 22? Your body starts building up i think but I could also be 100% wrong on that one. What did your doc say? Did they say you o'd did they say you can come back? What?

I had contacted them asking for my results and when they got back to me they said I had ovulated and progesterone level was at 12.1 and said there was no need to come back in this cycle. They also didn't prescribe anymore Clomid unlike last time when my level was a 1.2 and didn't ovulate they prescribed it over the phone. Guess I just have to wait to test, but when?

I don't think I like your doctor lol. I mean if your level was 1.2 maybe they prescribed clomid to get your level up but usually when they prescribe and clomid works as it did with you obviously because you had an increase in progesterone that just means it worked and they keep you on that for a few months. That's just all odd to me. Maybe some of the other ladies can help. I am lost. :wacko::wacko:

I would def want to have sit down with my doc and say I took the OPK's and was positive on XXX day and you had me come in but my results are XXXX? What? This doesn't not make any sense.

They know about my positive opk. I am thinking that if it was 12.1 then that by next week it will be higher, but they don't need me to come back in. If my levels were still that low I would be more concerned but this is such a surprise so I will take it for now and keep in touch with my doctor.
Alli r u in the us? Just checking cos the minimum for ov levels is a different measurement in uk. That sounds like a mystery. Were you testing with opks before? From what date? would that make u cd24 now? I'd say take it as a 28 day cycle and test if af doesn't show. Good luck. X
Alli r u in the us? Just checking cos the minimum for ov levels is a different measurement in uk. That sounds like a mystery. Were you testing with opks before? From what date? would that make u cd24 now? I'd say take it as a 28 day cycle and test if af doesn't show. Good luck. X

Yes, I am in Illinois. This is my first cycle using opk's. I started feeling crampy/pressure/burning around day 16 and it lasted on and off for about 3 or 4 days. I also didn't opk consistantly more like every other day, so maybe my 1st positive caught the end of it... Yes, I am cd24 today. Thanks!
then you are prolly right on track. We were thinking you o'd on a different cd looking back at your comments from previous posts.

afm- I won't get my results back until Thurs or Friday and this is what they said I had done. Progesterone, AMH, Preg test, Prolactin and TSH. They did say the pregnancy test came back negative but of course it would because I was only 3-4 days past O at that time.

Nessaw- I have question for you. I got that positive OPK on 4/4 I only had that one and it was + and usually I test until negative. I have been getting +opk's for 2-3 days in a row previously BUT because I did not have anymore tests, I am not sure if it was like it has been. The question is this...if i got the +OPK on 4/4 and hypothetically if it had continued to be + until Sat when would you have thought I would have ovulated? That's why I am trying to figure out when I O'd. They say 12-36 hours after your + well I didn't get the one + until around 6 pm on 4/4
Tundra, I was/ am having a similar issue in that I was having +opk's for days in a row (for me I could have it up to 5 days). For me it was happening frequently which is one of the reasons (along with chronic mid-cycle bleeding) that I suspected something was out of whack with my system.

I think if you have multiple positives you would go by the last positive indicating O.

See below from

What if my OPK is positive for several days in a row? It is possible, in a normal ovulation, to have a positive OPK for several days in a row. This is because LH peaks (surges) about 12-36 hours before ovulation occurs, and then dissipates. So, you could theoretically detect this high level of LH with positive OPK's from the time it begins to the time it dissipates-- over 36 hours.
It is also possible that your body is "gearing up" to ovulate, and you have an LH surge-- and then, for some reason (such as stress, illness, travel, or random fluke), your body fails to release an egg . . . then tries, tries again ASAP with another, or overlapping, surge. If you see a positive OPK for longer than 3 consecutive days, your egg is probably just having a little trouble getting out of the starting gate. If this happens to you occasionally, it's no big deal. If it happens a lot, talk to your doctor.
Tundra I agree with peanut. Without wanting to sound like l'm plugging it but this is why I started with the cbfm. I could never get a strong positive (not helped by ov early so prob missed it) so the cbfm takes the guess work out of it. How many dpo r u now tundra?
I use clear blue digital ones and still get the mulitple smiley faces! :-/ How does the CBFM work differently? I have never used them or know anyone who has to ask.

I am about 11-12 dpo. Not really sure since I got the +OPK on 4/4 and don't know when exactly i ovulated but if i go by 36 hour period it would have been sat 4/6 if you go by 12-24 then around 4/5 lol damn this is so confusing hehe. I am thankful that I do get +'s though! I am waiting for my progesterone results to come back this week. My doc said they send that one out. I have never had that done and this will be what is was without me taking my clomid this cycle. I tested with First Response over the weekend but may have been to early but I got BFN's regardless. I don't think I will test until after the weekend only becasue I am having some mild cramps and it's hard to tell because I get cramps with AF. They aren't strong right now but my AF isn't due until Sat or Sun of this weekend.
I loved my cbfm.. I stopped using it though because it wasn't working as well for me .. I have it posted on ebay lol.. :)
yea but how do they work? what do you do to use it? does it have those injected test sticks like the digital ones I'm using from CB?

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