Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Ugh Betty I feel your pain its horrid stuff it made me seriously emotional as well as headaches from hell! Good luck and fx it works this time! How many clomid rounds have u done?

Hi wann and welcome!! Good luck for egg collection. Is this your first time egg sharing?
I have only done 1 round back in june !!! Lol its my 1st time on 100mg and getting a us on the 8th too see follie / s ....

I got preg with my daughter on 50mg clomid 1st round:D

But since then my hubby had an accident in afgan and he balls got crushed so now he has bad morph !! So we will see :)
Ugh the one round is enough its horrid stuff I really feel for you I did 5 or 6 rounds (can't remember) fx it works for you!! Sorry to hear about oh's accident :( they Gould select the best swimmers when they wash the sperm so fx for you!! Exciting to see the follies...hopefully there will be a few good ones!!
Yeah that's why we need it do they only insert the 'normal' sperm .. Urgh 6cycles blah! I just hope it bloody works now am such an impatient person which doesn't help !! X
Hi everyone, so much is happening on here a lot been happening over the last few days so it's been hard to get on, will explain in a min.

Pcct yay for being pupo! Your embie sounds great, I had a 4bb and a 4bc transferred so yours is even better, iv heard so many bfps come from a great grade like that, hope the tww is treating you well, do you think you will hold out until OTD? X

G3mz I really hope they let you do your FET this next cycle, you have waited so long for this, will be keeping an eye out for when you have had your follow up x

Tryandwish it's so nice to see you back Hun, glad all seems well, your getting close now ;) did you find out what your having? X

Schoolteacher I think iv missed your recent post but hope both you and Jackson are doing well, will re read through and see what you wrote x

Nimbec, wow! Not long now until you meet your baby, I'm sure he will be very ready to be born, don't feel like you have let him down in any way Hun he may be ready to be here and poss more cozy in his mummy's arms x

Hope, I hope your little boy is doing well and treating you well :) has your bump started now? X

Betty that's great news you have started your iui cycle! How exciting! What day is your scan to check your follies? Lots of luck for this cycle x

Hi wann, gl to you, you will have to keep us informed how you get on.

Hope iv not missed anyone

AFM I had my anomaly scan this week and me dh and dd went along all happy and excited as you would. I could not see the screen and she seemed to be scanning one area for approx 20 mins and then said baby is being awkward so can I go and walk around. When we were called back in my baby's spine was on the screen and she carried on with the scan in silence which is quite worrying!
She quickly took a rubbish pic and said there is no charge as she has found an abnormality on the spine!!! WTF????
Instantly I welled up but didn't want to cry as I didn't know what this meant, she said she has already made an app on mon to see a specialist, she said it's not an obvious spina bifida and to not worry over it! Yeah right! She quickly ushered us out before we got over the shock to ask questions.

So we came away head Fu***d! What's up with my baby? Is it bad? Will she walk? Will she be deformed? Will she be different to other kids? My head ran away with it but no matter what the outcome we will protect her and love her.
So after all the 'not stressing' we did mil said she will pay for a private detailed anomaly scan. We had it done today and after about 20 mins of scanning the spine the sonographer has found a misalignment of a vertabre (think I Spelt that right)
We don't know what this means until Monday but baby is extremely active and no major signs of curves or spina bifida so we are clinging onto it being something minor not major, I just wish it was me not my little girl.

She also flicked onto 4d and we saw the most perfect little face which melted my heart, I will upload a pic this weekend, she's so precious and I feel so protective of her now. Will update more when I know. Sorry for the essay lol xx
Ah bumski my thoughts are with you- fingers crossed it is something minor and she will be fine. I hope Monday comes quickly for you and you get the answers you need and deserve hun. x
I cannot believe the way that sonographer treat you- bless you must have been fuming when the shock wore off. She does not sound like a caring person and she should be in that line of work!! My best friend had her 20wk scan and was told her baby had a bad heart defect, she went for a more detailed/specialist scan which showed baby was fine (he was 1yr on new years eve and is perfect) She was not treat brilliantly either. I think when they give you news like that they should get you to go for a walk for 20/30mins so you can gather your thoughts then get a consultant to see you to answer any immediate questions. I don't think its right sending anyone home even for a few days without speaking to a more superior member of staff. My 20wk scan is on wed and they are already doing extra checks with my first having a cleft palate but i'm worried sick now :( Baby is very active and bump grew over night when i turned 19wks- It moved higher up literally over night!! Pregnancy still is not sinking in think i have accepted the fact it might not till he is here.
pcct- Hope your well and enjoying your time off.
Nimbec- Oh baby is nearly here :) are you nervous/excited?
gmz3-Hope your well and looking forward to the next part of your journey.
betty- so are you having 6rounds of iui then moving on to egg share if that is not successful???
schoolteacher-would be lovely if you could post a pic of Jackson would be great to meet him :)
Tryandwish- When are you expecting your new home?
wann- welcome to the group- lovely ladies on here who will support you well. Good luck with your cycle.
Aw bumski I hope everything is going to be ok :hugs: i totally agree with hope she shouldn't be in that line of work, and the exact,story u have just told hope my friend went for 17 week gender scan and was told her baby had an ectopic heart beat , showed no care or nothing!! Left crying and no answers. She had to,ring her own midwife and get checked out!
big hugs bumski :hugs: i know how much of a shock it can be......when they found fluid on katies brain at my 20wk scan so much went through my mind and i also felt extra protective of her! but i cant believe they are going to let you wait until monday to be seen! or on a more positive note maybe they are not too concerned over it and thats why? i hope you and your little princess are ok and i cant wait to see the pic!!

nimbec are you all ready? you have done so well to hold on until now soon your pain will ease and you will have your baby boy in your arms! :cloud9:

pcct how you feeling??

iv had a bad few days with my boy autism can be a blessing and sometimes a curse!:wacko:
emotionally drained but excited for our follow up on tuesday :happydance: im on a diet as i weighed this week and im heavier now than i was on my pregnancys :blush: i blame all the ivf meds! so i want to loose a little before our next round but its killing me i gotta say i love eating lol

hope everyone is well x
hi there,

m going in for egg colection on tuesday, so i am taking the trigger shot on sunday night

praying all goes well and there are enough good quality eggs for me nd my recipient :)

good luck 2 each one of u here...
my heart goes out to each one of u
Hey wan welcome to the thread and lots of luck for ec :)
good luck wann for egg collection!! how many follies do you have? is this your first ivf cycle? x
Thanks you guys, it means a lot being able to come on here and talk all the way through all this as only close family knows about the scans this week, I just want to keep her business private until we know what's what.

G3mz, I blame Xmas a lot for weight gain, I too have piled on the pounds and trust me it's not baby weight, it's pure love for food lol. I'm scared to think what I will look like after iv had baby and I have no excuse lol. Hope your little boy is ok x

Wann that's great news about ec! I bet your getting excited now, I'm sure you will have plenty of good eggs to go around ;) x

Pcct how you feeling Hun? Are you still taking it in your stride or has it started consuming you yet? X

Hope, that's great your bump is here! I keep getting told I don't look pregnant :( but I wear a lot of layers for work as I'm always cold, think my arse has grown more than my belly lol hope your scan goes great Hun! Not long now until you see him again :) x

Hope everyone else is doing well x

Afm I'm just enjoying feeling baby kick and taking it as a great sign she is so active, what will be will be as long as she's happy x
Erm today it all crossed my mind about testing but I k ow its very early and I wouldn't want to test early anyway lol but got a feeling come tue I will be dying to test Eekkk I really want to leave it till the 10th tho :shrug:
Morning peeps :)
I tested last night and AM PREGNANT!!! :bfp: :bfp:
:wohoo: :wohoo:
I know otd isn't until the 12th but I will be testing every other day all next week too :)
Words just can't not explain how we r feeling!!!
I have my announcement and pics of my test on my journal if any of u fancy having a peek!
All so thanks so much for all ur support and kind words since I have been on this thread with u all - its such a tough journey to be on :hugs:
OMG pcct that's amazing!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! I'm so pleased for you :) :) :) :) :) how many days past transfer re you? Xxx

Hi everyone sorry I've been quiet I'm fighting a bloody awful cold grrrrr!! It best go before bubs arrives!

Bumski in so sorry I missed your post and so sorry you have to go through this :( fx all will be fine I can't believe how awful they where to you! How inconsiderate!! We are all here for you.
Thanks nimbec :)) am 4dp5dt I took the test at 11pm last night and transfer was very early morning so i guess I was almost 5dp!
Hope ur cold goes soon :hugs:
Congrats pcct !!!! Omg congrats !!!!!!

Bumski - very sorry about the scan hope everything goes ok lots of ((((hugs)))))

Afm - clomid is my worst nightmare am crying all the time wtf last tablets tonight !!!! X
Thanks bettybee :D
Sorry to hear ur being upset :hugs: :hugs: what happens now after ur last tablet?
Hi bumski hope everything is ok :hugs:
Aww Bettybee I remember that feeling well :( I did it for 5-6 months now u know why I said its a miracle my oh stayed with me lol the up side is that the more it affects you hopefully the more it is working!! Fx for you - I remember one day crying because the postman had put the letters through the door and one was marked fragile and it 'could' have broken well I went beserk!! So it's completely normal! ((Hugs))
good luck wann for egg collection!! how many follies do you have? is this your first ivf cycle? x

thanks honey :)
well i hav 2 over 18
3 over 16
4 over 14
nd many over 12

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