Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Hi Girls,
Bumski-I'm glad you got positive news and fingers crossed this will not cause her any problems and she won't need surgery. Sounds like the person you saw was nice, reasuring and caring which is just what you need.
Gmz3-Hope you get the news you want to hear today, thinking of you.
nimbec- Hope you manage to see all our well wishes before you have your son- Oh it's exciting!!!
Hoping all you ladies who are going through the TTC process follow us soon and get you BFP :)
hope- am only having 3 rounds i think i may even have less depends on how i feel if the 1st one fails ill probs just wanna focus on ivf but we will see xxx

bumski- so glad your baby girl is okay :) what a relif its not spinabifda or anything still upsetting but not life threating sso thats fab :) xxxxx
Hi all a very quick update from me I'm in hospital with contractions eeeek hoping they will stop as no scbu bed and I will be transferred to miles away :( they have slowed so hoping will go away and I can go as normal tomorrow for my pre section appt :) there is a chance that if still no beds then I will be delayed until next tue to have him which I would prefer as its 37 weeks but I fear he & consultant may have other ideas lol!

Bumski so pleased your Lo is ok!! My friends dad works and specialises with scoliosis in children and they really do cope perfectly. Even if she needs surgery she should be completely able to live normally (((hugs))) and fx for you!!

G3 thinking of you fx invthe news

Bettybee It's so hard to know what's best. In the end I went straight to IVF as doc said it had much better chances for me with my condition & I was so desperate for my bfp so I understand u not wanting to do many rounds :) incidentally I was pregnant at my first IVF appt and got my positive b4 I went for first proper consultation - consultant was amazed!! So that's 2 onus that have beaten the odds and baffled the consultants hehe

Hope everyone is ok, sorry I haven't replied to all of you I will read the thread again shortly reception isn't too good here it's at snails pace!

Thanks for all the well wishes I will keep you all informed x
Nimbec- He is adament he wants to make an early appearance isnt he!!!!
I hope they find you a bed. Will they do an emergancy section if he is adament of an early appearance or would they even consider allowing you to have a natural birth with your condition?
I hope everything works out for the best for you and your little boy- Thinking of you :)
Thanks hope :) no I have to have a c section 100% not allowd natural :( it's worse now there isn't any beds (special care for baby) that are less than 3 hrs away ....he needs to stay put!!!!!!
I thought you could def not have a natural birth. So if you have your scheduled CSection tomorrow is there no room for baby still???
Oh i hope you don't have to travel 3hrs, that is super crazy and does not sound safe if you are having contrations. Fingers crossed for you hun. xxx
Kazza I had a stupidly high AMH (85) so that's why I produced so many eggs, as I have pcos but I don't think there were too many good ones as only half of mine fertilised.
I was very bloated after ec but I also couldn't trigger with the normal stuff, not sure what it was now but luckily they gave me another drug to trigger with which wouldn't make me so ill, they told me if they didn't have this new drug they would have cancelled my treatment at that point!
When I went in for ec I had fluid in my abdomen so the decision to cancel transfer was made then but in all honesty I felt fine and was gutted I had to wait another 3 months.
They know what they are doing and I'm sure they will pick up on OHSS if you have it, so if they say nothing I would take that as all is well. Lots of luck for your transfer, are you having 1 or 2 put back?
Sounds like you have really been through the mill so far so keeping everything crossed for your bfp x
Oh wow nimbec I hope all is ok and your not worrying too much about the beds. Fx they get it sorted ASAP so you can both stay where you are. Hope those contractions aren't too painful yet and your comfortable while waiting. He is one very eager little boy :)
Lots and lots of luck for your birth Hun (just in case he is here soon) hope it's as painless as poss for you, will be thinking of you x

G3mz how did you get on today? I hope they have given you some positive news about your next go x

Hope, how are things going with OH now? I'm glad he is coming round so he can support you, how's baby treating you? X

Betty not long now until your scan! X

Pcct, how's pregnancy treating you? Any Ricky symptoms yet? X
Thanks bumski, our advice has really helped, I feel fine in myself just really bloated and achy! I hope they are happy to rocked with transfer! Very lucky you had that drug!

We had a call today to confirm all 7 looking good, doing five day transfer on Friday!

Nimbec good luck Hun, how you can holdout a bit longer!
Nimbec- How you doing any news?
kazza- Good luck with your transfer fri.
gmz3- how did your appointment go?
bumski-things are still good with me and oh but only time will tell (expecting at least a few more bumps!) How's you?
My 20wk scan today. Have woke up with a headache :( instead of looking forward to it i'm worried sick!!!
Well my girls have been laughing at me trying to show off my bump. I keep getting told it just looks like I have eaten a big meal and I just look podgie and to put it away!!! realised they must me right when I told a few people the last few days, they looked shocked. Hilarious how people's immediate response is to look straight at my belly, all in the same way too- a fast, quick peek!!! Well i have woke this morning to a mound on my belly, he has moved from my bottom right (always likes to cuddle in there) to right accross my belly button!!! Oh its weird and looks so big. Might be able to show him off now :)
My scan is at 340pm so will let you know how it goes. x
Just a quickie to wish you a wonderful day today hope! Sounds like your little man is getting ready to show off to you ;) x

Kazza that's fantastic news about your embies! Sounds like they are very strong! X

Nimbec I hope your well Hun, thinking of you x
Hey everyone good luck for today nimbec :hugs:
G3 how did u get on at ur follow up yesterday?
No pregnancy symtoms just still have the sore boobs little cramping.
Hi to everyone hope u r all doing good :)
A quick update girls.

the EC went on fine 20 eggs half of which go to my recipent.

The doc said , i had mild OHSS nd that if the symptoms increased, the ET will hav to pe i m hopeful...have been prescribed cabergoline for 8 dys.... but i feel alright, no severe pains or bloating, i m goona stick 2 drinking lots of water n milk n eating lots of fruits nd vegetables

waiting for that call from the embryologist 2day.
Fab number wan :) fxd et can still go ahead :)
hi gals, got d call frm d embryologist

out of 10 eggs only 3 hav fertilized...hav been called on friday for ET

m worried
hi ladies! hope you are all well!!

wann dont be worried it only takes 1! :thumbup: will you be having 1 or 2 put back?

iv only had a quick look through am i right in saying wann and kazza r both having et friday?? be nice for you ladies to be on the tww together! kazza are you having one or 2 put back?

bumski to glad to hear you had positive news from the specialist :)

nimbec any news on if they need to move you? oooooooooooooooo not long now :happydance:

hope goodluck for your scan, relax and enjoy every minute of it and so happy to hear you and oh are getting on and that hes making the effort! better late than never :winkwink: men ay!

pcct has it sunk in yet! bet your still on :cloud9:

betty not long until your scan :thumbup:

gosh this week is busy on here!

afm we had follow up yesterday and we have a 4AA frostie :cold: and will be doing natural FET with cyclogest support on my next cycle so around begining of next month!!:happydance:
i need to ring the clinic when af arrives they will book me a scan for day 10 send me home with ovulation tests let them know when its positive and they will tell me when to go in for transfer!
i felt so many emotions yesterday! happy,scared,excited,nervous,overwhelmed! :wacko:
its strange to think i will be on the tww again so soon after our bfn! it terrifies me how i will feel if we get another bfn so soon after the last (i know it sounds weird as thats all i had was bfn month after month for along time!! but its different with ivf if you get me?)
hope af shows up on time as that would make my tww the 2 weeks that the kids will be home for easter holidays! so we could all spend time as a family time should pass quicker! x
Yay g3 top grade embie :dance: so excited for u :yipee:
Sorry hope I forgot u have your scan today good luck Hun

Erm it's sort of sinking in bit by bit lol
G3 great news about your embie!

Keep that chin up wann quality over quantity!

Et is tomorrow for me!!! Well nervous!!
Dont you hate it when you write a post out and it deletes itself lol

wann, dont worry about the number of embies that havnt fertilised, like g3mz said, you only need one, concentrate on the good ones and try and keep yourself as stress free as poss, i ended up with 2 embies after all the eggs i had and one of those is this little baby im carrying now :) x

g3mz thats fantastic news, im so glad they are not making you wait again, FET may be just what you need as its so much less stress on your body, i was on a FET thread when going through it and not sure on exact numbers but i would say a good 80-90% was successful, the odds are a lot better than clinics tell you x

pcct iv had a look at your recent test its looking great! im so so pleased this is happening for you, enjoy every minute hun x

hope, i bet youve had an amazing day today, i hope your little boy was showing off for you today and you got some good pics of him x

betty, how are you feeling not long until your follie count now x

hope everyone else is well, its a busy week on here, from ETs to poss births, scans, bfps and apps! wow!
going to finally upload babys 4d pics as im on the laptop :)
kazza thats brill news!
looks like our next bfp is not far away now!!! ;

Heres our precious little girl :cloud9:


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