Starting egg share buddy wanted.

Hey school teacher glad u have popped in ad u have little Jackson home :) he seams do to be really really well :hugs:
OMG I have missed so much! Just caught up on the last few pages so it was a big surprise to read your post schoolteacher. Congratulations :hugs: I will have to go back through the pages I've missed to catch up properly. Despite your little man arriving early at least he's home with you now.

pcct - Can't believe what your clinic have done. Hope the recipient is taking the clinic on with a legal case but for now your priority is your little embies :happydance: Good luck for your ET :flower:

g3mz - Sorry your cycle didn't give you your bfp. Hope your heavy AF is your body recovering from the IVF drugs and you'll have a success with your frostie :thumbup: and sound like the course you went on for your sons autism needs a new woman running it. Surely a support course shouldn't leave everyone frightened?

nimbec - I've got everything crossed for you that your little one stays put until at least the 36 weeks. Hope your little one is giving you an easy time as one of my mates had low fluid and ended up with bruises all over her bump. Hope the resting works for you and the docs will be happy on thurs :hugs:

bumski - wow ur half way there already :thumbup: hope everything is going well for you :flower:

Hope - Have I really missed 18 weeks or do I not remember your bfp? (very possible - I been forgetting everything!) Hope everything is going well for you and I will be going back to catch up on what I've missed. Feeling movement yet?

Bettybee - Hi :hi: I don't know your story but will be starting my catch up session when I have posted this.

AFM - My mum is now all better and back to herself so no more extra jobs for me to help her out. I only have 5 weeks left at work (20 shifts to go not that I'm counting :blush:). While its only 4 shifts a week it leaves me knackered as my days off are taken up with collecting firewood, sorting animals, the usual indoor chores and trying to get some time to relax with my feet up. Think I might be starting to feel a bit of SPD but its only uncomfortable at the moment and I'll see midwife and consultant on March 7th so I'll see what they say. I'm getting to the point now of feeling impatient. I want to meet Smidge already but I'm loving being pregnant and feeling the movement and I already know I'm going to miss being pregnant but I want to meet Smidge now. :dohh:

I've been really lucky and had a very easy pregnancy except for 3 times I have had painful trapped wind in my chest that ends in me vomiting all my dinner back up. I'm also struggling to gain weight. I was always around 57kgs. Went down to 55kgs through the IVF and early pregnancy and I'm now only 59kgs. My mum was the same when carrying me (she only gained 7lbs) and I was taken by C-section at 36 weeks due to her losing weight. I know it was 27 years ago and things have changed but hoping it doesn't go that way for me. So far the midwife keeps saying its fine (which happened to my mum until her consultant found out at 34 weeks and put her on hospital bedrest). I'm doing all I can to gain weight eating chocolate, biscuits and fry ups but my husband is watching my body lose weight while the bump keeps growing. Anyone got experience or heard of similar stories? Do the docs interfere? :shrug:

well what a lovely surprise it was to come on here and find out baby jackson is home with school teacher and a post from tryandwish! :)
good start to the day!!

school teacher bet your enjoying every min of being a mummy!! so chuffed for you my ds was in scbu for 6 weeks a very emotional time! sooo glad your now at home with him! :flower:

tryandwish welcome back! i lost alot of weight on dd in the first tri and was only a size 10 by the end of my pregnancy but as her measurements were ok on scan they were not concerned she was just a small baby born 41 weeks 6lb8oz, hope all goes well with your consultant!! not long left now you all ready?

nimbec is baby still staying comfy? :thumbup:

hope,bumski and bettybee how are you?

pcct have the clinic rang yet?? so excited for you :happydance:

hope i havnt missed anyone? x
Yeah just giving me time for tomorrow I don't wanna anything else I will find it all,out tomoz when oh is with me
thanks g3mz :hugs: Hoping they will be happy with Smidge then 'coz so far he/she is growing right along the centre of their growth chart. (had scan Fri @ 30+3 to check right renal pelvis {it was fine} and they told me Smidge already weighs 3lbs12 :happydance:) here's my bump so far though hard to see how skinny I've gone wearing my loose work trousers.

I've caught up on a Nov and Dec posts and I just missed hope4 announcing her amazing BFP just a few posts after my last post (can't believe my last post was back in Nov!!!!:cry: Gotta get my act together!) Also I've read a couple of posts mentioning a meet sometime. I bet there's more about a meet I haven't read yet but I'm in a little village not far from Cardigan in the far north tip of Pembrokeshire but I'm happy driving to anywhere :hugs:

Back to more catch up reading for me :wacko:



  • bump 30wks.jpg
    bump 30wks.jpg
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Hi Girls- wow what a lovely surprise!!!
schoolteacher has jackson home i'm so pleased and enjoy your new bundle of fun!!!
Tryandwish- i'm so glad you have posted i was worried sick!!! Don't go away for that long again without telling us- PLEASE!!! I'm glad pregnancy is going well and your bump is gorgeous :) don't worry too much about the weight yet you never know you might start gaining more now you are in the 3rd tri. I gained weight more than i should have in the first tri due to the fact if i never ate constantly i was sick and it was also christmas but leveled off since then. I weighed myself at midwives today (asked as my scales have gone crazy and she said they won't weigh me agagin till 36wks) i would go on the weight when you got pregnant which by my calculation you have gained 8.8lb here is a link to a website i have been checking on You put in your height and weight before pregnant and gives you an estimation week by week. I have gained 3kg (6.6lb) and i'm 18+5. I'm guessing by saying he/she you have decided to stay team yellow? i had private gender scan at 16wk and i'm having a little Boy :) will be nice to be a mammy to a boy after 3girls (though i had no preference after LTTTC).
Nimbec- Hope baby is staying put and your fluid levels have not dropped more.
gmz3- When do you plan on doing your cycle with your frostie? Hope the af pain etc has died down. Fingers crossed you get your BFP with your frostie. I also hope your feeling ok and everything is sorted with oh and step daughter.
bumski- how you doing have you bought anything etc for your little princess yet?
betty-how's things going with you anymore news?
pcct- Oh so excited for tomorrow!!! Have they given you any info on how your embryos are doing? what time is transfer? Fingers crossed everything has goes smoothly hun. xxx

Well i saw midwife this afternoon and he is doing great- heard his heartbeating strong :) My midwife is a grumpy so and so. She is so unfriendly her face would crack if she smiled!!! Looking forward to my 20wk scan wk wed (6th march) lets hope he gets the healthy thumbs up :) Well babys dad and i are speaking but it is early days and rocky ground. We sure need counselling if we have any chance to get through this and it has also had a such a negative effect on my girls (my middle one is furious we are even talking).
Fab news ur appt went well :) 18 weeks eeek where has the time gone! Woo hoo not long till ur 20 week scan, ! Nice to hear u r on speaking terms with the hubby hoping ur girls come round :hugs:
They called today didn't wanna know lol I'll find out tomorrow as I have been relaxed all weekend and don't want to be stressing lol we have to be there for 8.15 am soo flipping exicted
ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk pcct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will get too see them put back in you then tmro you will be PUPO!!!:) !!!!

have you decided how many yet ??? :0 x
Hehehe am soooooooooo excited and u have got me even more excited with ur post :haha:
We have always agreed one but will see what our embryologist says tomorrow as we don't no how many or what the qualitys are :)
Thanks pcct. Probably a good idea waiting till tomorrow coz it's not something you can control. Oh my you will be PUPO tomorrow :) it's strange how you wait soooo long then its seems to go by really quick (does it feel like that for you?) Just hope the 2ww goes by quick it felt like forever with gmz3.
Oh i forgot to mention with last week being sooo crazy (kids off school, prom dress shopping-mon and sat, house hunting-tues, house valuations-thurs and fri, decking house-wed and thurs etc) - my best friend got me a Girls Aloud ticket for my birthday and our other friends birthday (day before mine) so the 3of us went to the opening night at newcastle arena on thursday. Was lovely but I have been paying for it since i have a bad back (car accident yrs ago) and even though we had seats everyone in the arena stood up so i had to stand in one spot for 2/3hrs :( That and decking my house for the valuation-Lifting furniture, putting things in loft and spring cleaning just topped it off and i'm still in agony :(
The house i went to see last tues i REALLY want it only has 3bedrooms but it has a garage at the side so i can save up to extend above garage and build another 2small bedrooms- baby will have to stay in my room for a year or so. It's a lovely 3bed detached with plenty parking space if kids learn to drive and get cars etc. Problem is my house is not up for sale yet and the ex owners have moved out- they part exchanged house for a big 4bedroom new build so the new owners (Bellway homes) want it sold quickly so might have no chance :(
My daughter finally picked her prom dress on sat she looks amazing in it i'm sooo Happy with her choice :)
pcct - I'll be on my way to work and thinking of you at 8.15 :thumbup: I had 2 embies put back and only one managed to stick but one embryo was always ahead of the other. On our updates we were told A was 6 cell and B was 3 cell. Next day A was 8 cell and B was 5 cell and when they were transferred to me A was 10 plus cells and B was 8 cells so while we gave B the best chance we did expect to end with a singleton pregnancy. I know if I get to ET again I will always choose to have 2 embies but I'd also be very happy with twins. Also want to say that your chances are so great you'll get your bfp as I had 7 eggs after sharing and 6 of them were good enough quality to try ICSI but only 3 successfully fertilised and one never started dividing so we had just the 2 embies left but you had all 6 of your eggs fertilise so that already gives you such great chances of having strong grade A embie(s) for transferring. Not sure you need any but :hugs: and lots of luck :flower:

Hope4 - I'm hoping I won't be gone for so long again as I only have 5 weeks of work left. (I only work 8hr shifts but with travelling time {I rely on my father for a lift as he works next door} I'm sometimes out of the house for 12 hours a day and I get so tired.:sleep:).

I can't wait to finish work but we also have a new home coming (Iknow that sounds strange). I live on a small holding with my parents in the farm house and me and my husband are in a static caravan. The current van is too small for Smidge at only 10' x 30' and we have put a deposit down on a 12' x 38'. Its a palace compared to what we have now but our drive is long and twisty and the current van only just got down here so we have a lot of work to do on our drive with extending widths and cuttings trees and hedges to get the new van down here then we have set the new van up in position which again is going to take quite a while with us borrowing a neighbours tractor. Then we want to rip interior furniture out to put in our own, rip up carpets and paint walls before we move in. Still got so much to do before Smidge is here!
I'm already wanting to nest. Keep going to see Smidge's stuff which is piled in my old room in my parents house. Got ideas of stuff to make and do but need our new van and Smidge's room. Then on top of that we also need a new car by end of March as current one wont pass MOT 'coz someone rammed me up the ass while I was at traffic lights before xmas, damaged the car and gave me false details so now police can't trace the cow! Anyway enough of my stresses as this post has turned into an essay!

Oh tryand wish looks like we were posting about our homes at the same time!!! I hope things go smoothly for you and you are here to stay :) so have you stayed team yellow??? Have you got any names picked yet? x
Oh pcct- to back up what tryand wish has said i think you have great chances of a BFP- with what she said and also the fact your problem is tubal. If infertility is JUST due to tubal factor then those people are the best candidates for IVF and have best success rates :)
Thanks girls sorry I can't reply fully as am on my phone! I like how positive u all make me feel :D
Glad are all sorting your new homes out :) I hope if we get our bfp we can get a new house soon too as we only live in a 1 bedroom.
Tryandwish I can't believe someone has the brass neck to give I wrong details bloody karma needs to pay theses sort of people a visit
Yea we are team yellow though pretty certain its a boy just due to family history. My husband is one of 2 boys, my father in law is one of 2 boys, and my grandfather in law is one of 12 boys and one sister (one girl out of 13!?!) and my father in law's brother had 4 sons so it seems to just be all boys!
Names? We have 2 in mind for a boy. My husbands fave is Isadore though I hated it at first but it is now growing onnme and I haven't told him yet. (He has had dreams of having a son called Isadore since his 1989 bike accident made him almost infertile) and we are thinking of Caleb Corben (Caleb pronounced exactly as it is spelt and not Cayleb - if that makes sense.) I need to just choose a middle name for Isadore. Then for a girl we both like Seren Sapphire or my fave is Nyah though again we don't have a middle name for that one. (and I might change the spelling a bit to Nayah or Naiah to try and stop it being pronounced as Nia). Have you got any names picked out?
I know pcct. I was too concerned with my head ache form the smack off the headrest and concentrating on bump (I was only 21 weeks) trying to feel any movement or pain that when the woman gave me the scrap bit of card she had scribbled her details on I didn't even check her number plate matched. She was driving a silver peugeot 206 and police said the number plate she gave me matched a freelander in Scotland! The address was false (House no.126 but the street ended on No.83.) and the mobile no she gave me belonged to a bloke who lives bout 40 miles south of me (the accident was near Cardiff) and he had no idea who the woman or the car was and he had only driven through where the accident was about 8 months ago. I only thought afterwards I should have kept her there and called the police to breathalyse her as it was Fri 21st Dec and she didnt see the red light! Gonna stop talking bout it now 'coz it winds me up that she could give false details but also the fact I didn't even check her no plate myself or call the police. Got myself checked at hospital though and everything was fine but that put me in more of a bad mood 'coz of waiting hours to see a doctor.

Here I go with another long post! I'm catching up with what I've missed and I'm just on schoolteachers post when her waters broke. I'm getting there :thumbup:

Going from ur bump Hun I think ir having a boy too :cloud9:
Omg u have been doing a lot of reading Hun lol - I bet u don't go away this again .. Lol u were totally missed as u prob see reading back the thread lol
Thanks pcct. Probably a good idea waiting till tomorrow coz it's not something you can control. Oh my you will be PUPO tomorrow :) it's strange how you wait soooo long then its seems to go by really quick (does it feel like that for you?) Just hope the 2ww goes by quick it felt like forever with gmz3. )
Yes Hun that's exactly how I feel I just can't believe it's actually here :shock: it has gone on so quick! am hoping the 2ww doesn't drag either!
Yea pcct I have seen you all asking about me and schoolteacher quite regularly. Its very touching and kinda makes me feel bad that I was away for so long! :blush:

Aww no don't feel bad Hun :hugs: we all just got a bit worried, u had to have your time out and have plenty rest! Thes been days I just want to relax and not do anything after such busy and tiring days

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