Starting first IVF January 2015 - need an ivf cycle buddy!!!

Hey we are doing IVF and are starting on short protocol on 26th ish Jan depending on when period starts as we are not down regging

Excited but also hoping it goes to plan x
I started spotting so tomorrow will be CD1.

That means I'll start Lupron 20 days later, looks like January 5. FET should be about 3 weeks after that so I am looking sometime in the last week of January.
Oh nice! thats exciting. I have good hopes for all of us this IVF cycle!!
I started my BC and start sims on January 16th. Looking like retrieval will be the week of the 25th and implant will be 3-5 days after. Starting to set in!!
JeanJean I know you asked about any tips/advice, etc.

I've done two fresh IVFs and they were very, very different. The first one was your typical long protocol (with BCP) which ultimately resulted in retrieval of 11 eggs, 10 of which were mature. We wanted to be more aggressive to get more eggs so that we would be in a position to do PGS. My meds were increased by 50% which worked very well as I had 20 eggs retrieved and 18 were mature. Of course I also did end up with OHSS so the good comes with the bad.

My advice is to keep moving. I have a dog so I was forced to basically walk anywhere from 30-60 minutes every day, even the day of my retrieval, I walked him before we went in. I think this makes a huge difference in your fitness level and just how well you feel overall. I also didn't take any time off work except for the retrieval and transfer days in IVF #1 and then due to OHSS I was off for almost 2 weeks after IVF #2. I know a lot of girls will book off the whole time to concentrate on IVF but I can be pretty obsessive and I found that for me it was healthier to keep busy with other things so that I didn't spend my days Googling.

Finally, the most important thing IMO is not to compare your outcome to anyone else's. Somebody out there will ALWAYS have more follicles, more eggs, more embryos, better odds. The only thing that matters is keeping positive on your own outcome. :)
Hey :) we are finally starting out first ivf cycle in January! We had a consultation and came away feeling so positive and excited!! I have tubal damage so have a high chance of success but still very nerve racking!!
Hi ladies,

Can I join in?

Just one had one failed IVF last month (first one) and we've decided to go back again. We have our first consultation shortly after New Years day and this time we're paying (last one was funded). We had a long protocol last time with no frozen embies so we'll find out if we'll be going for the same thing this time.

Good luck to all of you who've got your dates set up.

@ 3 chords - thank you for the advice you shared. After the BFN from the last cycle, I thought I wouldn't find the strength to start again. To be honest, it's been reading posts amongst other things that have kept me somewhat sane. I live in what feels like "yummy-mummy valley" :blush: so you can imagine how tough it can be sometimes.

If you have suggestions on what questions to ask during the consultation, please share. What supplements are you taking to prepare for this?

I've cut out caffeine and trying to eat mostly organic...but I've got a sweet tooth so I'm trying to go easy on puddings :).

Anyhoo ..that's me ..I'm looking forward to walking this journey with you all :hugs:

Hi Ladies! This is my first IVF. I am waiting for my period to start so that I can go on BCP and then start the IVF process in Jan. My RE has put me on the long lupron protocol with follitism. I am so impatient and cant wait for AF to arrive. Good luck to everyone!
Hi Ladies

just wanted to drop in and give you and update. I created this group as I was starting IVF in January. To my supprise I found out last week that I am pregnant! total surprise as prior to that I had never ovulated on my own and was taking a break from all clomid etc.

I wanted to wish you all the best of luck with your IVF!!! its funny how we all pray and hope so much for the BFP but once you get it Im just so nervous everything will be ok.
That's awesome news JeanJean :happydance: Congratulations!!

Here's wishing you a healthy and happy 9 months ...and the best christmas with your family :xmas12:
Congratulations to you JeanJean! What a miracle!!

How are the rest of you ladies doing? I just realized I start sims in just 12 days and can't believe its so soon. We've been so busy that we haven't had much time to think about whats to come but its suddenly starting to sink in!

Hope you had a great holiday season and are ready for all the good things that 2015 will bring us! Wishing you all the best on this wild ride!
Hey Girls, can i join u?.. have my natural FET scheduled this month..
Today I have the CD15 scan seeing which my will tell whether I can go ahead with the FET. My lining was just 6.4mm on CD11 :wacko:

Hope something good to hear today!
Hey HisSweet,

Welcome to the thread :).

Good luck with your FET today. I'm sure they'll know what to do get your lining thicker if it needs it. I'm pretty sure it's daunting but try and stay relaxed. How many will you be transferring? Are you taking time off to rest?

Will be keeping my fingers crossed you :).

Evan - so exciting that you are starting stims soon!! transfer will be here before you know it! :)

HisSweet - Good Luck! Hope you get good news!!
Hi ladies! I would love to join your group. I'm 28, hubby 29 and will be starting our first IVF cycle this month. Monitoring starts 1/28. So happy to see others in the sane boat as I am very cautious about who I share details with.6
Well I had my retrieval on Wednesday and today is my 3 day transfer! I'm eager to see how our embryos are fairing today. We've decided, regardless of the grades they're given, we're going to implant two like we did with our first IVF. I just can't help but think we could have missed out on our daughter had we not. I would prefer to not have twins, but it's a risk we're willing to take. We also realize none may take either so we'll choose two to help increase our chances.

How are you ladies doing? What stage is everyone at?

I'll try to update more later today. It's about 5am here and I can't sleep thinking about how today will go! Deeeeeep breaths!
Congrats on your transfer! Very exciting!

My transfer date is set for Feb. 19! Currently on estrogen at the moment and next appointment is Monday!

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