Starting IVF in Dec/Jan/Feb on NHS (UK)?

This is good (you've probably all seen it though)?!
Loving the You Tube links and now I have the music from monkey riding a pig in my head, just by association, thanks!! Interesting stats about laughter Traskey, nice to think of us all chuckling away in a week or two.

Good luck tomorrow Hippie, go team bnb :hugs:

For the love of Pete I hope :witch: makes an appearance for you soon Sophie. Is it time for us to dance around waving tampons about yet, in an attempt to get her to show her face? I'm game if you are :haha:
Hello, went for my scan this morning and something awkward happened which I thought I'd rant about/ share. There's a tiny waiting room in the IVF clinic and this woman came in WITH HER TWO CHILDREN! :growlmad:
One was a toddler of about 2 and a half, the other one a baby of 1 year-ish. I was quite furious & gave her a filthy look, she was not fussed in any way :nope:. The worst bit was that many who went to go into that waiting room after her froze in their tracks & did a U turn the second they saw that. The result was that by the time we left, most people waiting were sat or stood in the corridor. Even my DH who is very calm and unwilling to get wound up, acknowledged the incident, though he changed the subject very quickly to stop me going into a rage I suspect!
I have to admit that I did consider walking out of the waiting room but then I thought that'd be really immature, as would (probably) complaining to the nurses. After all, what can they do? I'm not sure it would be reasonable of the nurses to tell her not to bring the kids, but on the other hand am I being harsh thinking that she's being an insensitive b*#% by bringing them in the first place? After all, many women there could be having counselling or be facing a very likely scenario of a life without children, I'm not sure most people were ok with those children being there?
I don't always want to be the one who complains (and honestly, I usually am!), but am I right to be outraged by this woman's behaviour or am I being a fascist?
All I can think is WTF? Also I don't think I was the only one who felt like this seen the amount of people who preferred to wait in the corridor...?
What are your thoughts about this?

Anyway... Bloods results were ok but the clinic rang to say I can't start stimming till Saturday because they are too busy?! :nope:
Apparently they can't have everyone triggering & going for ER at the same time. Fair enough and I know it will come round soon enough, but yet another time where I have to sit around waiting for no reason in particular which is so frustrating. :growlmad:
The only 'good' news is I got a date for my 1st stimming blood test, which is Thursday 26th, and the 1st scan will be Sat 28th or Sun 29th. Fingers crossed that I'll be allowed to trigger soon after that. Looks like ER + ET will be early February.
Blood test on the 26th is at 7.30/8 am so I won't miss any work at all :yipee::shrug:
Anyway, the delay with stimming means I get an extra 4 days of jabbing Buserelin. Lucky me!! ](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)

Hope everyone else has had a better day. The network has been down all afternoon in work so it's been a boring day for me. Good luck for DR to PG and for follie scan to Samba!
Traskey, I've forgotten when yours is? Good luck with it too! :hugs:

Wallie, thanks for the baby panda video, seen it before but it's just superb :rofl:

Sophie, definite :witch: dance for you tonight!

:dust: to all xx
Hippy regarding the clinic, I was a bit put out too when I was at the IVF clinic and in the waiting room there have been peeps with kids or at least one. It's happened twice now. I wasn't ragging but I certainly didn't think it was appropriate one bit but I thought to myself it may be someone who has been in my position with it just not working and then it did and she's come back to see about her frosties being put back. She just didn't have a sitter :shrug:

But I can imagine with your discription others felt the same. Maybe with it being such a small waiting room it would have made the situation alot worse. :hugs:

Good news about dates but bummer you have to wait to stim. Never mind it will all come soon enough. :)
Woo hoo :happydance:
Great news hippie - so glad you get to start stimming at the weekend! Do you not have to continue with the buserelin at the same time as the Gonal-F? I have to do both once I start stimming - yay, two jabs every morning :huh:

And I don't think you were overreacting at all - it's a highly emotional environment, so not surprising. I think I'd have probably got a bit upset by the incident in the waiting room as well - it is certainly insensitive at least, and seems to me to show a total lack of awareness as to her surroundings. Having said that, Wallie makes a good point, but it's still pretty insenstitive.

I'm slightly jealous that you get a waiting room though. Pokey and scruffy corridor for me :haha:

I still have a very shy :witch: so we'll see what they say at the scan tomorrow. I had quite heavy and (sorry for tmi) quite clotty spotting, but it never developed into the bright red flow, so not sure whether or not to count it. Of course, as I didn't respond to the stims last time, it is possible that there wasn't much to shed... I'll try not to get my hopes up though. I just hope I'm not too delayed by it all.

I may need to take you all up on the offer of a dance :haha:

Hope everyone is well! Good luck to PG - hope you get the go ahead! :hugs: Will check back in tomorrow and let you know what they say.
Hello everyone. Good to see you got the go ahead Hippie, frustrating about the wait, but don't forget it's good news :happydance: Well I didn't realise how lucky we are in Edinburgh with our facilities, I'm ashamed to say I took it all for granted. We have a separate entrance and waiting room etc and are very well looked after, although maternity is just next door and I have to restrain myself when I walk past chain smoking pregnant mothers. It's such an emotional time, we should be treated sensitively, I don't think that's too much to ask. I hope you're ok Hippie, :hugs: One thing that life has taught me over the last few years is to try not to be too judgemental, everyone has a story, so I'd probably try to give that Mum the benefit of the doubt. It would hurt though.

Sophie, good luck tomorrow. I hope the next part of your treatment goes well and you get the go ahead to start stims. The last few weeks must have been hard :hugs:

Samba and Traskey, hope your scans go well and you are sitting on a pile of eggs!

Hi to Wallie too :flower:

My DR scan is on Thurs am. I'm working late tomorrow and have a mad day on Thurs, so will catch up with you all later that day. Things really seem to be happening now!
Hi Ladies!

Here's todays funny that I posted in Trask's journo.

PG- BEST OF LUCK FOR THURS!!! Although the nurse said to me that if youre getting the hot flushes, headaches and night sweats its all very promising :thumbup: I can bet you have D-Regged ok.

Sophie - Fingers crossed for you tomorrow and hope that the TMI :witch: was enough for you.

Hippie - I bet it was a little unsettling having the children around. But I doubt that she would be there without her having problems iygwim. But I do understand why some you would find it upsetting :hugs: BUMMER on being told to hold back :grr: When you stimm you will also have to carry on with the D-regging drugs, its a reduced amount as they don't want your body to release the eggs on their own iygwim. Glad that stimming on the saturday is going to be better for you workwise though.

Trask & Wallie :wave: hope youre both ok!!

AFM.... Bloods and scan on friday same as Trask. Feeling OK ovaries arent hurting like yesterday. Jab stung a little more than usual today but I think it was because I was abit hesitant about it. Tomorrow Im going to be doing my first 'in public' jabbing as I am out for a meal with the girls.... going to have to be a public loo job :haha:

Here is a pic of my clinic..... We are extremely lucky as this is completely different to the hospital and is on a business park :thumbup:
Hello all :flower:

Well, the scan was inconclusive. Womb lining was thin enough (under 5mm) and one ovary was definitely quiet, but the other had a large dominant follicle, much larger than they would usually like to see at this stage (how flaming typical is that I ask you?) There was a lot of :shrug: and :huh: and a lot of waiting in the pokey corridor for me, but they eventually decided to do a blood test to check my oestrogen levels.

I'll get a call tomorrow with the results. If the levels are high then I'll carry on with the buserelin for another week and go back in for a scan next week. If it is low then I'll get the go ahead to start stimming again.

Keep those fingers crossed! Although I suppose it will only be another week to wait, and it is better to be properly ready.

Samba, you have a very snazzy clinic - I was inspired to take some pics of mine. I decided that I don't mind it being tucked away in an old building away from the main hospital - this way I'm not bumping in to maternity patients at any point, so that is definitely a bonus. Wish it was a little bit less gloomy though...


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Sophie - Bugger on not having a definitive answer today :grr: I must admit that a HUGE part of me wants you to get the :thumbup: tomorrow. Part of me is thinking that if you do another week it will make sure you're really ready iygwim. I know a week feels like a long time on this journey but I really want this to work for you. Hope ykwim :hugs:

Thanks for sharing the pics of your clinic its nice to see where you are xxxx

Hope everyone is OK xxx
Wow, it's been busy in here! Sounds all good though.

Sophie, i hope you get good news tomorrow.

Hippie, I'd have found the children in the clinic difficult too. I think most people would. Not that I am saying that secondary infertility is easy but it would have been better if she hadn't brought the children into the clinic.

PG, good luck for Thursday.

Wallie, how are things with you? I love the sneezing panda video.

Scan and bloods for me bright and early Friday morning :thumbup:
Hi everyone, not much happening with me really. Just been sniffing now for a week and expect AF any day now.

I'm keeping up to date with postings and where everyone is. It is getting busy and exciting in here now for everyone!

Just popping back to wish PGLady good luck for the DR scan tomorrow :dust: Hope it goes well and you'll be given the green light to start stims!

Nighty night all xx
Hello, just a quick one for me as I'm comatose and well past my bed time.
PG and Sophie fingers crossed for you both tomorrow! Also for Samba and Traskey on Friday, lots of :dust:
Wallie :flower: and :witch: dance for you too.
Looks like the end of this week will be big for us all.
AFM yes I'm still on Buserelin till Saturday and then from Saturday I get two jabs instead of one lucky me! :wacko:
I'm becoming quite immune to the pain though, I find that pinching and pulling the skin VERY hard when the needle goes in really helps.

Night night x
Hi Sophie, really rooting for you too. Hope it's good news from the blood test tomorrow, you deserve a break xx
Super quick one from me as I'm at work (naughty) and using the phone which always means typos! Got the call from the clinic and I'm good to go! Will be starting stims again on Saturday and my next scan is 30th Jan. Gosh I hope it works this time...

PG - hope today went well xx
Great news Sophie.

My AF has started even if ever so slightly (my normal). 2 Weeks tomorrow I have baseline scan!
Good news Sophie and Wallie :dust:

Good and bad from me, I'm afraid. My scan showed a thin lining (good) but still some fluid remaining (bad) :wacko: They said it could be remnants of AF because I'm still spotting, and that another week of DR won't hurt, not to worry it happens sometimes. Basically I have to go back next Wed for another scan to see if it's cleared up and I'm good to go. But I can't help worrying it's my damn hydros, the fluid in my tubes is draining into my uterus, it won't go and they'll cancel the cycle. :cry: I suppose if that happens at least they might actually discuss with me whether there is anything anyone can do about them, rather than dismissing it and saying there's nothing they can do (um I'd like to talk to a surgeon about that please). I have also been wondering if it's possible to separate EC and transfer by freezing any embies and putting them back when there's no fluid (all scans up to now have been fine). Ho hum. Plan of action is to have a good mope tonight and then spend the run up to next Wed distracting myself as there is nothing I can do. Hopefully it's a blip and everything else will be fine.

Anyway, enough about me, good luck tomorrow Traskey and Sambatiki - hope you can cheer me up with some good news! :flower:
Hi Ladies,

Sophie - Great news you get to start on Saturday! :yipee: :yipee:

Hippie - Good luck for Saturday's stimming! :dust: :yipee:

Wallie - :yipee: Glad shes coming!!!

PG - I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you for wednesday :dust: Sending lots of D-regging anti fluid :dust: your way.

Trask - Fingers crossed for you tomorrow xxxx

AFM.... none of my trousers fit... I have got sooooo fat and bloated. I've had to go out and buy a dress because non of my trousers fit anymore. Other than that... starting to feel a bit nervous about tomorrows scan and bloods. Hey-ho... appointment isnt until 12pm so will update as soon as I can xxxx
Hi again

PG - sorry to hear about the fluid :hugs:. If it helps, there was a woman on one of the other threads (the November IVF one) who had OHSS so had egg collection and then froze her embies. She had FET in November and it worked and she's now about 12 weeks pregnant, so it's definitely an option. She's in the US and I think they have more control over stuff (comes at a price of course), but I can't believe they wouldn't consider that here.

Here's hoping it doesn't come to that anyway and you get the all clear to start stimming next week!

Samba - the bloating must be a good sign! Best of luck and :dust: for tomorrow's scan!

Same to you Traskey! Hope it goes well and that you have lots of lovely eggs ready for collection! :dust:

Hippie, we'll be stimming buddies now as I'll be starting on Saturday too! :happydance:

Wallie - hooray for the :witch: - just two more weeks to go!

I'm feeling nervously excited about starting stims again. Just hoping that it works this time. Thinking about taking the day of the scan off as leave in case it is bad news again - not sure I'd be much use at work if it is :cry:

Enough of that Sophie!! Right, positive brain on for the next week or so. I've got my hot water bottle primed and will make sure to drink lots of milk this time. Come on eggies - grow!

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