Starting IVF in Dec/Jan/Feb on NHS (UK)?

Sophie, that's great news about Saturday and yay for stimming buddies! :happydance:
PG, sorry to hear about the fluid, I'm sure it's just AF and that it will have cleared by next week :hugs::dust:
Samba and Traskey, fingers crossed for you both tomorrow, lots of eggy vibes :dust:
Wallie, :witch:-y yay!
:hugs: to all x
Sophie, yay for starting stimming on Saturday :) Stay positive!

Wallie, yay for the :witch: starting to show her ugly face for you :thumbup:

PG, I really hope that the fluid goes quickly for you. I'm glad that the lining is looking good and hopefully you won't have to wait too long to get going. I know it seems like more waiting but i'm hoping it's for the best.

Hippie, all the best to you for stimming Saturday :)

Samba, wishing you loads of :dust: for your scan tomorrow :happydance: I hope there's lots of nice fat juicy follies in there!

Thank you for all your good wishes. Early scan for us tomorrow and will post when I can :hugs:
Hi Ladies...

From my journo....

Sorry Ive not been on for so long. Appointment went OK... had silly nurse who insisted on having a go at taking my bloody herself. She had a go in the arm that I told her they couldnt get any out of then had a go in the other arm... after 4 goes she hit the jackpot but I wasnt so happy

So I have 13 follies.

On the right we have a 17, 9, 6, 3x 5 and 4. The nurse said that she thought that the 17 was probably a cyst as its so far ahead of the others. Im not worried about this though.

On the left we have a 14, 12, 11,8, 6, 6 and 5.

So DEFO no collection on Monday, I'll keep stimming over the weekend and then back to clinic at 10.50am. Hopefully we'll have some that have caught up with the others.

I was feeling disappointed at not collecting on Monday I had got my hopes up but I think that it was VERY naive of me to think that I would have been. It does pose a small problem with work but I am going to go to the appointment as I am off anyway.... then I should have a better idea when collection will be. I'll then call into work and tell them that my Gynea appointment has been cancelled and I'm waiting on a cancellation... or something like that. I'll cancel my holiday on Tuesday and re-book accordingly.

Fingers crossed it all goes to plan.

Had a lovely chat with Tansey and Trask who have put mind at ease. I was feeling pretty disappointed earlier but tbh until EC I dont really know what I will end up with.

Thanks for all your support ladies I really appreciate it xxxx

Trask - Thanks again for the chat was lovely to speak to you and REALLY hope we get our off our heads on sedation chat!! :haha:

Sophie and Hippie - Good luck for tomorrow and Sophie.... remember this is a different cycle..... Im sure this time it will be more successful! Esp when youve got a to-the-day cycle buddy xxx

PG - How are you feeling today?? Hope youre feeling more postive today xxx

Wallie - :hi: hope all is well.

Hope everyone has a fab weekend xxx
Samba, 13 follies is great :dance: So pleased for you. I'm hoping that we'll egg collect together and have a bizarre convo about marmite or something whilst out of it :rofl:

How is everyone else today? It's the weekend :wohoo:

AFM : It's all looking good. I have 18 follicles so far with some little ones possible. She could see them when she pressed hard but said she wasn't going to worry about trying to measure them as it would be sore.

Even better this time is that they are all much closer in size and more even. Last time I had some biggies, some medium and some stragglers. At the moment my biggest is 18 and I have a lot around the 10-13 mm size.

So, I won't egg collect on Monday, they'd like more of them 15mm now to be 18mm on the day (as they keep growing). So i'll likely be back in Monday morning for a scan and collecting Tue/Wed/Thur. I'm thinking Thursday.
It's good to keep stimming a bit longer, so you get mature eggs. First cycle my clinic triggered me too soon and I only got 6 eggs and 3 were immature. The 2nd cycle they stimmed me three days longer and I got 12 eggs! So even though you're disappointed now Samba, it's better now that after EC!

My AF has arrived and only 2 weeks today until baseline scan. Seems ages when write it down :dohh:

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. I've twisted OH's arm to take me out for tea but I had to walk the dogs first!
Yay Wallie, so pleased the :witch: has shown her face and you get to go out for dinner :happydance:
PG, hope you're feeling better. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you for next week. This might put your mind at ease a bit, i got AF about 9 days ago and am still getting intermittent spotting so I rang the clinic and spoke to a nurse about it, she said that on Buserelin (or Bruce Ellerin as the DH calls it, LOL) it's very very common and it's nothig to worry about. Now seen as I got AF before you, this makes it very very likely that your unidentified fluid is the end of AF! Fingers crossed that you get the go ahead on Wednesday! :thumbup:

Samba I agree with Wallie re: longer stims = probably more mature eggs! Fingers crossed for you!

Traskey excellent news about follies and Wallie woo-hoo about :witch:! 2 weeks will go SO quickly. I keep thinking that I probably won't have EC before about 2 weeks today but that's fine, one thing at the time.

Sophie good luck with stims tomorrow! I've never done the Gonal F but hear it's easy so hope I don't cock it up.

:dust: to all & enjoy the week-end xx
Sorry for all the negativity yesterday ladies, I was just so worried that the one thing I might be able to do to alter my chances of success I haven't been assertive enough about. Anyway, today's another day and I've decided my new mantra is that it's not over until the fat lady sings. Thank you for your kind words, they really helped. Spotting's still there, so I guess it's probably just AF and I'm overreacting (I blame the hormones..) :winkwink:

So pleased to hear such positive news from everyone :dust: to you all and a fabulous weekend xx
Morning everyone :flower:

Fantastic news on the follies Samba and Traskey - hoping that a few more days of stims gets them nice and fat for collection next week :dust:

Hooray for the :witch: Wallie! I hope the next two weeks fly by for you :hugs:

PG - glad you're feeling a little better, but don't worry about coming on here and venting your fears/frustrations etc. It's what we're all here for :hugs:

Hippie - good luck with the Gonal-F today! It's very easy indeed - just few extra things to remember:
- Don't forget to prime the pen before the first dose
- Always hold the needle in for at least 10 seconds after you've fully depressed the plunger
- Don't do what I did this morning and stab yourself in the finger when removing the needle from the pen :dohh:

My clinic didn't tell me about the second thing and so I didn't do this the first few jabs on my last go at this - am now wondering if I had accidentally been giving myself a slightly lower dose as a result and if this was any way related to my lack of response - I suppose it would only have been minuscule amounts, so probably not, but you never know... Anyway, live and learn!

So, I'm officially stimming again, which is good news. I did my first mammoth 450ui dose this morning and am taking your advice and treating it as a brand new cycle. I'll try not to get my hopes up for the scan, but I'm also going to try not to expect the worst as well.

:dust: to us all!!

Have a great weekend ladies! I've got a bit of a baking bug this weekend and have already made some blueberry muffins for breakfast and am now looking at making some chocolate flapjacks. So much for laying off the :cake: :dohh:
Sophie, all that baking is making me hungry! Hope your finger doesn't hurt too much - I have to swap needles on my buserelin before I inject it and I'm amazed I haven't done that yet (always do when I'm in the lab!). I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and be positive, although I might do what you said in the previous post and make it so I don't need to go in to work after my scan just in case, last Thursday was tough.

Hippie, I hope the stims went ok, I'm sure you won't cock it up, you surprised yourself with the Buserelin after all. There are plenty of vids on You Tube too if it helps. The Bruce Ellerin bit of your post made me laugh, one of my friends is a researcher in the field and managed to convince one of his lab-mates he'd met Bruce Ellerin once, they were mighty impressed! :dohh:

Next week's going to be another big one - Samba and Traskey your egg collection sounds like it might turn into quite an occasion! You might as well enjoy the drugs while you're there.:haha: It's a pain about rescheduling work isn't it? It's for a good cause though, I hope they're understanding.

Wallie, it's good to hear that everything is as it should be, I hope the next couple of weeks goes quickly for you :hugs:

Well, I'm off to get my hair cut and drool in cake shop windows, bye for now xx
I've had the baking bug today too. Made a banana cake or rather it's cooking now! Going to put chocolate all over it too.

Trying out my new slow cooker, so I'm making chilli. Takes 6 hours, so we'll be having teat at 8pm tonight :dohh:
Evening Ladies,

Had a bit of a drama this morning when I wasnt sure if I had done my morning sniffer. Sounds odd but I do it at 6am and 6pm, at the weekend I go back to sleep. This morning I couldnt remember if I had done it or not :shrug: Rang the clinic and they have said to do 2 sniffs instead of one. Other than that all ok.

Glad to hear that everyone is feeling more positive! There is plenty of time for sadness at the end.... BUT there wont be ANY sadness for any of us xxxx :hugs:
Hi all, just a quick one from me, did my first Gonal F jab about an hour and a half ago and I must say that pen is well confusing! I primed the needle OK after EVENTUALLY figuring out that there were about 263 caps that needed removing, but when I jabbed I thought that wasn't very much stuff going in? I also kept it in for a bit like you suggestes Sophie, but when I took it out I saw a mini drop still hanging on to the needle so I panicked and stabbed again but when I pushed down nothing was happening so that must have been it?! So basically today I went from 1 stab to 3. Oh well, better safe than sorry I guess. At least it wasn't my finger (ouch!).
I'm just a bit confused because the 'Bruce' (as I must call Buserelin from now on, lol) is LOADS compared to the Gonal F. I'm on a 225 dose, also I find it proper stinks of hospital!

Anyway, gonna go out to say hello to a friend who is having a birthay do tonight, will drive into town so I can use that as an excuse as to why I'm not drinking.

Lots of :dust: and :hugs: to all x
When you use the gonal-f you do sort of feel there's not much going in, so that's normal, don't worry.
Hi ladies, hope u dont mind me joining u, im currently doing my third ivf icsi cycle after 2 failed cycles in 2011 and 2010, hoping third time lucky !!?? i have no tubes due to ectopics x 3 and db has a low sperm count, i have 1 ds of 19 eek !! with first love, im 37 db 30 (toyboy lol) we have been together 5 years and ttc for 4 with him but have been ttc for a long time, this will be my final attempt unless i can get some frosties for fet i am nhs funded, i was on the long protocol with down regging day 21 with suprefact injections and am now on day 11 of stims i trigger tomorrow and have egg collection on tues, follie scan showed about 12 follies and lining of 7.6 on day 9 which is better then previous cycles on the same day the last was 5mm so im thining lining is maybe my issue as to why previous cycles failed ? i have had several mc,s over the years and 1 triploidy, i have been on menopur this time 225 and think maybe the lh which my level is pretty low 2.0 and f.s.h 6.4 has helped with the lining issue, last 2 cycles i was on gonal f, i will keep u all posted im hoping for a 5 day transfer of 2 embies if i can get enough decent eggs that fertilise? first cycle i got 7 6 fert 4 went to day 5 i tx bfn second 11 eggs used db frozen sperm and only 2 fert and tx day 2 again bfn we think the frozen sperm was why only 2 fert ? anyway good luck everyone heres hoping we all get our bfp,s !! :happydance:
Thanks Wallie, that's reassuring. After the gallons of Bruce, I couldn't help but think surely that can't be it?
Samba oh dear I know what you mean, sometimes I'm like that during the day, never mind when I'm half asleep! Again, better safe than sorry xx
When you use the gonal-f you do sort of feel there's not much going in, so that's normal, don't worry.

Hi wallie, i see you are on your third cycle also, just wanted to wish u luck i no how it feels to have 2 failed cycles very frustrating ! we can support each other lets hope were both third time lucky hun its my last go at it if i dont get any frosties which i havent had with previous cycles be nice to try a frozen cycle if this 1 is a bfn fingers x,d.
Hello Donnas2012 welcome! :flower:
Sorry to hear that your journey has been so tough and so sorry about the MC's :cry:
Good luck with the trigger, hope they get lots of eggies this time. Will they be doing ICSI? Makes more sense with your OH having a low count?
My OH has azoospermia and had to have TESE, the :spermy: has been frozen since May and because of that we're getting ICSI, fingers crossed for you that this will really be 3rd time lucky :dust: x
hi hippiehappy also !! i see u started stimming tonight hun i preffered the gonal f as with the menopur u have to mix it yourself whereas the goal u just click click click lol i held mine in for 5 seconds as told by the unit the same with menopur and several times there has been a blob of liquid come out as i release the needle so dont panic the first 1 is always nervewracking and i used to panic about everything !! i dont now i just get on with it, will be stalking u and im sure u will have lots of lovely follies when u go for your scan good luck
Hello Donnas2012 welcome! :flower:
Sorry to hear that your journey has been so tough and so sorry about the MC's :cry:
Good luck with the trigger, hope they get lots of eggies this time. Will they be doing ICSI? Makes more sense with your OH having a low count?
My OH has azoospermia and had to have TESE, the :spermy: has been frozen since May and because of that we're getting ICSI, fingers crossed for you that this will really be 3rd time lucky :dust: x

we posted at the same time lol ! thanks hun and yes will be doing icsi again rickys first count in 2010 was 2 million then months later 13 million at egg collection cant remember the motility etc will find out tuesday what sperm is at now hoping its alot better then last year anyway

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