I'm sorry to hear that it wasn't the best of scans for you Sophee. I've now come to the point where I'm open minded for the worst to happen, then that way it won't hurt as much.
I think I was on 400 mui of menopur last cycle, the highest I thought, and I stimmed for around 12 days. Before that I was on a lower dose and it was gonal-f and I only stimmed for 9 days. They may just have to stim you for longer than others to get a decent amount of eggs.
Good luck to everyone else (sorry there are so many of us I've lost track already!).
I've been feeling pretty down, a mixture of a shit 2011 and can't believe I'm about to embark on IVF3 starting next Wednesday! Ho hum...
Hi Wallie, I guessed you weren't feeling too great as you've been a bit quiet. I hope you are able to hold on to a bit of hope, there is no reason that this one won't work. The horrible thing about statistics is that we could all roll a 6 first time, or it might take a few goes. So stay strong, you're in it so you might just win it! That's how I see it anyway, I'm hopeful (wouldn't be subjecting myself to this if I wasn't), but won't allow myself to get too excited until I see that blue line, if I see it. As for 2011, it's all gone now and 2012 is another story.