Grrr, just wrote a long reply and my computer died!
Hippie, well done! Your DH did what I did 1st time, but it got better from there. As far as stim meds are concerned, 1st time round it's an educated guess based on your estimated ovarian reserve, so it depends on you. I totally agree with you about the people on here, it's so good to have ppl to turn to who really understand.
Samba, your mascot is aces! My DH is called Derek, so maybe he can be mine..
Sophie, this has really been a roller coaster for you, hasn't it. Hang on in there hon. This three weeks of dr seems to be going so slowly for me, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you.
I'm surprised your consultant wasn't more supportive, you're not alone xx
sunny, welcome
Traskey and Wallie, hope things are ok with you
Not a lot to report from me. Still exhausted, beginning to think that's the drugs now, esp given the weird dreams I had last night. It all seems to be going so slowly, so I'm trying to stay busy, cleaning and generally sorting my s**t out. Staying sane is a constant battle, I seem to go from optimism to pessimism at the drop of a hat. Ruddy hormones! It will be worth it in the end (repeat ad infinitum..).
Enjoy your Sundays, try to do something nice