Starting my hypnobirthing course..

ohh it was alright i had a wonderful teacher and the others didn't even seem interested i dont know why they bothered lol! she went around and asked us stuff and they all said they wanted hospital births with pain relief, and they wern't going to bother breastfeeding etc. then when we were asked to practise things at home they said they didn't have time etc lol! one night she took me and OH aside and was like I cannot believe your 19 your so much more sensible than some of these 30 year olds haha!

i still keep in contact with her now, after my 12 week scan im going to email her and ask her some advice about asking for a hbac!

glad your enjoying it hun! keep it up :D xx
Really does make you wonder why they would bother. The one thing which really struck me from yesterday is that I need to entirely believe in the process, myself and my body, and if you are dubious or doubtful you will not be able to self-hypnotise anyway so it's counter-productive!

I know we can all do it, with practice. It's all how it is supposed to be :)
Wow so glad you're getting almost one-to-one attention babes!

I'm starting with Dany Griffiths on 22nd August and am beside myself with excitement :D We have 4 sessions of 3 hours each. keV was like THREE HOURS? :shock: WILL THERE BE TEA? :rofl:
I have done a hypnobirthing course and have been listening to cds & practising breathing and relaxation techniques since.

I'd be interested to hear anyones experiences!

I feel really good about my birth and really looking forward to it after having a crap birth back in 1999.

I feel very confident. Me & hubby were practising some anchors today and really hope we get the birth we hope for
Lol Tulip! El was the same when he saw it was 5 lessons at 2 and a half ish hours. He looked very concerned. :rofl: Last night, when we were practising the hypnobirthing he fell asleep almost instantly, well jealous of the male ability to just shut down! :rofl:

Finally finished CWF, so going to start reading Ina May today and try and get through that quick so I can use her techniques and start with my hypnobirthing book. It's like being at uni again! :rofl:
At my hypnobirthing course there were only three couples, and I didn't like either of them ;) I think in my case, the part of labour where hypnobirthing would have helped was very very short, I went straight from wandering around the house eating toast to mooing like a cow and demanding drugs. The relaxation and the positive visualisation and reinforcement were BRILLIANT though. I listened to the CD every day commuting into work, and even though I had an extremely stressful time personally during pregnancy (family issues) I have a totally chilled and cheerful baby. When I had to have an instrumental delivery, the hypnobirthing meant that I wasn't scared, I was accepting of what needed to be done to progress the birth of my baby. My instructor now does support for the first trimester too, so I'm going to email her next week.
E, I had no idea you'd done hypno and OMFG you're onto round 2 already! Congratulations! Dude, you are going to have your hands full :D Love to Mog for me x
Yup, I was a bit busy around that point with family issues, so not much posting I suspect about it. Looking forward to doing a refresher, although after the sprint to the operating theatre last time I've got no hope of persuading OH into a homebirth. Oh well. Mog is an easy baby, so let's hope the next one is too!

Floaty kisses to Ruby on her birthday :kiss:
We are planning to take the course however I am a bit reluntant because I was not able to get a midwife so I will have an obgyn handeling my care and fear that they will not be supportive of this. Has anyone done hypnobirthing and were supported in a hospital environment?
I am not sure how my midwife will react, she sort of lets me get on with things really. I will speak to her about it though. I know as part of my hospitals antenatal classes they focus on relaxation skills so I am hopeful they will be more receptive than some. I would love a home birth, and I intend to stay home as long as possible, but it's not right for us. I think most hospitals are happy for you to hypnobirth, and if you practice regulally you should be able to respond to their tests and checks and put yourself quickly back into relaxation :)
Hi Drazic,

I'm also doing the hypnobirthing classes I've got 4 sessions . First class this Thursday, but mine are more scattered rather than each week. I'm really looking forward to it as my sister and friend attended classes and said it really helped.
I'll do anything to avoid using drugs
I was always planning on a hospital birth, and they were very supportive (too supportive sometimes) of my plan to not use drugs or any intervention. They allowed us to keep the room darkened and just let me get on with it. The only downside was that when I did need intervention they were very reluctant to suggest it, so it took a long time for them to decide that Mog was not coming out on her own (she really wasn't, she had her head stuck) and to crack out the ventouse by which time madam was pretty distressed.

Doing it again in hospital my plan is to arrive earlier, so that I'm not in as much pain in the car journey and when I arrive so I can relax into the environment a bit better. And I wouldn't let them break my waters again, it didn't progress anything and it meant that Imogen got more distressed. I would probably put something in my birth plan asking them not to let crazy cheerleading midwives into the room, even if there's a flood in the ward ;) She really ruined the atmosphere :haha:
Thanks for the advice hun, it really helps to hear experience because my plan had been to stay at home as long as possible, but that makes a lot of sense.

Good luck Jellycat, let us know how it goes. :)
Hi Drazic,

I attended hypnobirthing classes and I loved them. My OH was a bit sceptical at first be he really enjoyed them too. We just did it with one other couple and we got on really well with them. I meet up with her once a week.

I don't know how I could have gotten through my labour without it, although I did have to use interventions in the end. I was so chilled when I went into labour (11 days overdue!!!) that I was 5cm when I arrived at the hospital and wasn't in any pain. I hopped into the birthing pool and stayed there for 8 hours.

The midwife was so respectful of my birthing plan and didn't mention any interventions until I did. I got to 9cm with just gas and air but Max got stuck and I needed to have an epidural and an emergency forceps delivery.

However, I felt in total control at every stage and although the labour didn't go the way I would have liked I still felt like it was a positive experience and it was just bad luck that Max got stuck and I couldn't progress!

My OH was amazing throughout with the 20/20 breathing and I couldn't have gotten through it without him beside me.

I think hypnobirthing should be available on the NHS. It makes sense and make the birthing experience very positive.
Thanks so much for sharing your story Lee lee, it's especially wonderful to hear someone having such a positive experience in hospital. I am sorry things didn't work out exactly as planned, but Max is gorgeous!
Hi Drazic,

I attended hypnobirthing classes and I loved them. My OH was a bit sceptical at first be he really enjoyed them too. We just did it with one other couple and we got on really well with them. I meet up with her once a week.

I don't know how I could have gotten through my labour without it, although I did have to use interventions in the end. I was so chilled when I went into labour (11 days overdue!!!) that I was 5cm when I arrived at the hospital and wasn't in any pain. I hopped into the birthing pool and stayed there for 8 hours.

The midwife was so respectful of my birthing plan and didn't mention any interventions until I did. I got to 9cm with just gas and air but Max got stuck and I needed to have an epidural and an emergency forceps delivery.

However, I felt in total control at every stage and although the labour didn't go the way I would have liked I still felt like it was a positive experience and it was just bad luck that Max got stuck and I couldn't progress!

My OH was amazing throughout with the 20/20 breathing and I couldn't have gotten through it without him beside me.

I think hypnobirthing should be available on the NHS. It makes sense and make the birthing experience very positive.

Would you reccomend arriving at the hospital sooner rather tha later then? my plan was to stay at home as long as possible but hearing your experience really makes me reconsider that.
I did a hypnobirthing course, and I am *so* glad that I did. I had 12 hours at home, utterly chilled out, doing my breathing exercises, listening to my Rainbow Relaxation, and generally just enjoying my labour.

I was 2-3cm dilated when I got to the hospital. We went in to get checked because my membranes released spontaneously, and they wanted to check them for meconium (which we did have, so I'm glad they did check!).

We had a slight bobble when Romilly shifted and went back-to-back, and I was put on max dose syntocinon (as they were very concerned about continously losing her heartbeat). I did need an epidural in the end, but my hypnobirthing tutor had warned me in advance that if for whatever reason I was given syntocinon, it would be very hard to continue with just hypnobirthing. Something about it not being your body controlling your surges anymore. Some women do manage it (not trying to scare anyone!) but it wasn't working for me.

Even throughout all that, I was able to stay (mostly) calm. We ended up with a ventouse delivery, and missed a c-section by the skin of our teeth. Little Miss had a partial cord prolapse, so we were told "One try with the ventouse, if she doesn't come out in 3 pushes, we're getting you to theatre." She was born in 2 surges :blush: I didn't push at all - I didn't know how! I just trusted my body, and breathed.

I do credit being able to stay calm for the majority of my labour (barring that one bobble) to hypnobirthing. My husband was chilled out as well, we were very much "Que sera, sera", which was lovely. That's the bit I'm very proud of, looking back :)

I hope you all enjoy your hypnobirthing classes as much as I did :)
Thanks so much for sharing your story Lee lee, it's especially wonderful to hear someone having such a positive experience in hospital. I am sorry things didn't work out exactly as planned, but Max is gorgeous!

Thanks Drazic :)

I would have loved to have had no interventions but I also accept that sometimes it doesn't work out like that. I think the main thing with hypnobirthing is that you feel in control during the whole birth.
Hope your classes go really well. I thoroughly recommend it. I had a hypno-water birth 3 months ago with my first baby. It was wonderful. They hypno birthing made such a difference, the midwife said she'd never seen such a relaxed birth and my husband really helped with the massage they teach you in the classes. I loved it, I don't think i would have managed with just gas and air without the hypno classes, so wouldn't have had my birth in the water without it. I picked my baby up out of the water and held him to me - it was amazing. Don't get me wrong, it was a long labour and at times I thought I wouldn't be able to carry on without more help but I managed. Good luck with your classes and your birth, hope all goes really well for you :flower:

Also, I agree with the other posts that hypno birthing isn't just valuable when your birth goes to plan. It also helps you be more relaxed in general so if things take a different turn than you'd expected that you can be calm in the process of making different decisions along the way. I think it also helped throughout the pregnancy with all the practise, people told me I seemed very calm throughout my pregnancy, I'm sure it was the hypno :)
Hi Drazic,

I attended hypnobirthing classes and I loved them. My OH was a bit sceptical at first be he really enjoyed them too. We just did it with one other couple and we got on really well with them. I meet up with her once a week.

I don't know how I could have gotten through my labour without it, although I did have to use interventions in the end. I was so chilled when I went into labour (11 days overdue!!!) that I was 5cm when I arrived at the hospital and wasn't in any pain. I hopped into the birthing pool and stayed there for 8 hours.

The midwife was so respectful of my birthing plan and didn't mention any interventions until I did. I got to 9cm with just gas and air but Max got stuck and I needed to have an epidural and an emergency forceps delivery.

However, I felt in total control at every stage and although the labour didn't go the way I would have liked I still felt like it was a positive experience and it was just bad luck that Max got stuck and I couldn't progress!

My OH was amazing throughout with the 20/20 breathing and I couldn't have gotten through it without him beside me.

I think hypnobirthing should be available on the NHS. It makes sense and make the birthing experience very positive.

Would you reccomend arriving at the hospital sooner rather tha later then? my plan was to stay at home as long as possible but hearing your experience really makes me reconsider that.

I went to the hospital because my contractions were coming every 3-5 mins and they were lasting 1 minute 40 secs and as it was my first I thought I should get there fairly quickly. I also really wanted to use the birthing pool so was eager to go along and get into that.

I think it all depends on how you are feeling and whether you want to use a pool in the hospital. I didn't want to go to the hospital at that time but my Mam and OH made me. As we had to get a taxi I was glad to go when I wasn't in any discomfort.

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