I don't have stash pictures either, but I do have lists! We haven't got much for the baby as she is only 6 months old and we still have all our older girl's baby toys. She doesn't have a stocking yet either as she won't care at this point, but our 3 year old does! So ...
3.5 year old:
Pink zebra Teeny Ty
Tiny Sylvanian Families hot water bottle (she is obsessed with hot water bottles and Sylvanian Families, so she wanted one for them lol - discontinued, so cost me FIVE fucking quid?!)
Chocolate coins
Chocolate Santas
Sugar mice
Beanie Boo figurine (she is also obsessed with Beanie Boos)
Main gifts:
Extra fruit and veg cards for her Shopping List Game
Sylvanian Families Starry Point Lighthouse
Sylvanian Families Cedar Terrace house (secondhand on eBay and came with a load of extra furniture and a squirrel baby which she will love!)
Sylvanian Families Bathroom set (she has successfully potty trained this year)
Playmobil Fairies set
Sticker book (dinosaurs)
Beanie Boo x 2 (seahorse and unicorn)
Duplo Birthday Picnic set
Soft dinosaur toy
Duplo Baby Animals set
DVD (The Bear - Raymond Briggs)
6 month old:
Light n Learn Drum (I'm addicted to playing with this one myself lol)
Roll and Chase Bumblebee crawling ball
Wooden push along/ride on activity centre toy
Hide n Squeak Eggs
My First Bus Duplo set